The origin of water is the most important aspect of the marketing of water, a concept masterfully used by bottled water companies. In light of climate change and a growing population, water authorities around the world are looking at the treatment of recycled water to achieve water security and sustainability. In the meantime, Californians can feel confident that they won’t be “drinking their own pee” anytime soon, at least in any significant amounts. The Power Distance level for Singapore is almost double that in the other countries. 2302 words | We will release our 2020 third quarter results on November 4, 2020 after market close. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.
Reportedly, the first apartment complex in India to completely reuse its waste water including for drinking purposes was in T-Zed Apartments in Sarjapur, Bengaluru, in 2017. Supercars signs on to revive Adelaide 500 if Labor wins next SA election, Queensland's Mitch Swepson claims 10-wicket haul but NSW wins Sheffield Shield match, Contact tracing technology flagged for WA pubs, cafes and restaurants, Professor Brendan Murphy, who led Australia's COVID-19 response, named ACT Australian of the Year. So how can economics inform our approach to water reuse going forward? Queensland's Western Corridor Recycled Water Scheme near Brisbane can filter wastewater and add it to its main water supply at Wivenhoe Dam, but it has never been completely turned on. ", The mayor Peter Petty was not surprised by the irate community meeting and said the idea of using recycled water for drinking was 'a hard sell.'. The barrier is often people’s perceptions – collectively, we need to overcome the ‘yuck’ factor that makes us uncomfortable with the idea. Menegaki, A. N., Mellon, R. C., Vrentzou, A., Koumakis, G., & Tsagarakis, K. P. (2009). Psychologists have tried to understand why our thought processes can lead some people to think of recycled water as unclean. I am a researcher interested in sustainable water infrastructure. Chief executive of the WSAA Adam Lovell acknowledged there were some emotional hurdles to overcome.
The different ways treated sewage is reused can be understood through a pyramid structure. Consumer Policy Review, 10(4), 122â125; Espejel, Fandos & Flavián (2009). Regardless of technology, the natural water cycle ensures that all sewage will eventually become fresh water and most likely will find its way to somebody's tap. Stay up to date with our projects, news, events and more.
How can we negate the Yuck Factor and make using recycled water as potable water acceptable? There are large individual differences in the strength and type of different people’s disgust responses.
This refers to the stigma and apprehensions associated with wastewater treatment and disgust towards recycled water despite knowing that it is safe for reuse.
Psychologists have researched these issues in detail. Getting over yuck: moving from psychological to cultural and sociotechnical analyses of responses to water recycling. Culture is dynamic. However, we need to go further: separating this water, recognising its value and reusing it. In Western countries, the high level of individualism complicates social marketing due to a large number of segments that need to be targeted to obtain coverage over a whole population. Climate change Society. Sewage treatment plants were renamed ‘water reclamation plants’ and sewage or wastewater became ‘used water’, to draw parallels with the natural water cycle. Our acceptance of any particular new technology is based on norms that are current at a particular time. Is this America's answer to the democracy sausage? Much has been made of the “yuck factor” associated with drinking recycled wastewater, but Daniel Harmon, a University of California Riverside psychology graduate researcher, recently conducted an experiment to determine whether the yuck is only in our heads. Kelly Cunningham suggested tourists would be turned off and property prices would slump. Individualism: the degree of interdependence a society maintains among its members. Practical framework for water utilities to become more focussed on their customers following Service-Dominant Logic. Yet if the industry can help move us all a little further down the path towards embracing recycled water, it may just be the first step towards overcoming the ‘yuck’ factor. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. The higher the level of Power Distance, the more likely a proposal is accepted.
One Water: Uniting around a new water language. This state is already moving towards greater re-use of wastewater. Resources - innovative ideas and engaging stories in environmental economics, Published since 1959 by Resources for the Future.
This experiment can be repeated using different water scenarios: straight from a spring, from a treatment plant, sourced from sewerage, downstream of a sewerage treatment plant and so on. Given the intense disgust related to sewerage, telling people that they should drink and shower in recycled water will immediately activate the Pavlovian disgust reflex. Overcoming the ‘yuck’ factor. However, the “yuck” factor is a major roadblock. 11 minutes. ThePrint has the finest young reporters, columnists and editors working for it. The study, carried out with US researchers, suggests that the ''yuck factor'' associated with recycled sewage can be overcome once people learn they already drink it. India needs free, fair, non-hyphenated and questioning journalism even more as it faces multiple crises.
In the past, our aversion to recycled water has been explained by the “yuck factor”. There is no rational reason to oppose using sewage to create tap water. A future in which water is widely reused and recycled is not as fanciful as it might sound. In the past, our aversion to recycled water has been explained by the “yuck factor”. One interesting characteristic of recycled water is that it generates different levels of socioeconomic benefits depending on its end use, and these different end uses are associated with different required levels of treatment (and thus different costs of provision). They asked people to rate how much they desire a certain item of food. Weasel words are often used by demagogues, politicians and marketers to disguise what they are saying. On World Water Day, take a look at India’s efforts towards treating wastewater and sewage, the different ways it is repurposed and whether Indians are ready to shed the stigma when it comes to potability. Russell, S., & Lux, C. (2009). Every catchment needs an overall plan as is practiced in most countries but other factors get in the way. Faeces are a universal disgust substance that is deeply seated within our psychological make-up. The data shows that the cultural profile of Australia and the USA are very similar. Key points: As water recycling is a fairly new concept and most people have no direct experience with it, they revert to inferring from the categories that they do know about. (2008). UC Riverside researchers use a taste test for recycled wastewater. We are committed to delivering sustainable value to our shareholders and exceptional professional services to our clients.
One of the rules of social marketing is, however, that rational appeals to change attitudes are not very useful. Copyright © 2020 Printline Media Pvt. In a recent article in Water21, the magazine for the International Water Association, John Baten proposed to take 'evolve' the language used by water professionals to even deeper levels of befuddlement, as evidenced by the table below.6. But before referring to potable reused water as “pee drinking,” it is important to distinguish between two types of potable reclamation and to consider some of the processes involved in potable water reuse.
If these communities can accept recycled water, perhaps our aversion is simply a passing phase, which will disappear when people get used to it? As Australia's population grows and climate change bites, urban water experts say cities will have to start using treated sewage for drinking water. Go back, Recycled water: overcoming the ‘yuck’ factor.
WSP Author: 18-32,” said S. Vishwanath. Research has shown that educating people on the benefits of recycled water and rebranding it to remove associations with things people find disgusting – such as sewers – can help overcome the ‘yuck’ factor. Direct potable reuse (DPR) introduces reclaimed water directly into a potable water distribution system, while indirect potable reuse (IPR) releases reclaimed water post-treatment into natural surface water or groundwater sources as a means of augmenting freshwater supply. Cohen (2000). Secondly, it shows that we cannot use an example used in one location and transpose that approach to another location. It’s not rocket science.
Recent authors on The Conversation have raised the possibility of expanding the use of water recycling in Australia, noting the potential benefits for domestic, agricultural and industrial water supply.
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