[137] While alone for so many years, Batman and Wonder Woman almost gave in to a romantic attraction, but refrained out of love for their partners.

While the Crime Syndicate imprisons the Justice Leagues inside the Firestorm Matrix, Batman, Catwoman and a critically injured Cyborg escape in a sewer system and go to S.T.A.R. Loggins meanwhile recounts the lore of the perils they are soon to face: The Whistling Demon, The Breath of The Bat, The Bridge of Bones and The River of Night. Real name: Batman later talks with Catwoman about the relationship they shared while they were in Gothtopia. Batman and Robin were soon challenged by a growing contingent of odd antagonists: the Scarecrow, Penguin, and Riddler were just some of the rogues who repeatedly took on the “Dynamic Duo.”.

In recent events, he is once again the only Batman. As the decades wore on, differing takes on the character emerged. Bruce returns to the JLA Watchtower as a twisted cybernetic Batman.

Having admitted one of his most darkest secrets to her, Selina accepted the proposal. Witnessing the murder of his parents as a child leads him to train himself to physical and intellectual perfection and don a bat-themed costume in order to fight crime. Taking Claire under his wing, Batman, with the help of the rest of the Bat Family, stopped an attack orchestrated by Strange, similar to one of their earliest encounters. While searching in Baghdad, Tim finds a wall painting of the Bat emblem that was painted by Bruce upon the passing of Anthro. Elsewhere, Bruce emerges from a large body of water, loudly yelling Annie's name.

En route back to the station, Bruce witnessed Jim accepting a trenchcoat as a bribe from a tailor — though neither realized it was a bribe at the time — but Bruce would remember it as an indicator of Jim's character.

To that end, he approached the leader of the Robin street gang, Duke Thomas, and offered to train him into another hero, as opposed to another Robin. In addition to their comics appearances, they segued into movie theatres in two serials, Batman (1943) and The New Adventures of Batman and Robin (1949), and guest-starred on several episodes of the radio program The Adventures of Superman in the mid-1940s. Poison Ivy wreaked havoc across the city, saying that there was something wrong with the city, but Batman and Catbird stop her. There, Batman discovered that the Joker has renovated and rearranged the building into a kind of castle, of which Batman was King, and he was Jester. The premise … Batman works solo until the decade's close, when Tim Drake becomes the new Robin. Blackbeard takes aim, but somehow misses, and the two men begin their duel in earnest. [44], Sometime after that, Batman caught orphan Jason Todd trying to steal prescription drugs from Dr. Leslie Thompkins. At the remains of the fallen Watchtower, Batman informs Superman and Wonder Woman that a new superhuman has entered Kahndaq. Whilst returning home one night, his parents were killed by a small-time criminal named Joe Chill. [81], Only Batman and Catwoman evaded the Syndicate's imprisonment and, after bringing a critically injured Cyborg to S.T.A.R. With her birth, Bruce decided to follow one major life change with another and retired from his adventures as Batman to become Gotham's new Police Commissioner, thus ensuring that Helena would not suffer his childhood's fate.

March is aware of Batman's dual life and reveals himself to be Thomas Jr., Bruce Wayne's brother. With Batman momentarily distracted, the Joker kicks him off the bridge and into the Gotham River. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Batman Family members" category.

[40], Around this time, Bruce took in young Dick Grayson after his parents were murdered by Tony Zucco. His physical prowess and technical ingenuity make him an incredibly dangerous opponent. At the end of the issue, the archivist is revealed to be an older version of Batman himself, who steals Rip Hunter's time bubble and leaves the heroes to experience the death of the universe, Superman pleading with him to stop. Psychologically traumatized by the death of his parents, Batman has sworn to rid Gotham from the criminal elements that took his parents away from him. In the meantime, Gotham had become a war zone between the inmates of Arkham Asylum and the inmates of Blackgate Penitentiary the latter of whom were led by Bane. Wonder Woman enters the cell and tells Batman about what happened with Pandora and her box.

Year Two and the War of Jokes and Riddles.

Batman falls into an empty chemical vat, while the stranger reveals herself as Harley Quinn. Bruce's favorite meal is Mulligatawny soup. On the show, the Dark Knight's absence is the major reason Batwoman/Kate Kate (Ruby Rose) begins fighting crime in Gotham City. Approximately a year after Zero Year, the Riddler broke out of prison and spurred a war between himself and the Joker, who had lost the ability to laugh, in what would be called "the War of Jokes and Riddles". DC eliminated Batman’s use of firearms and extreme force: never again would Batman take a life. The clown had attempted to poison the Gotham Reservoir, only to be stopped by the Bat.

Many of the major Batman storylines since the 1990s have been inter-title crossovers that run for a number of issues. Batman obtains the box, but Superman attacks him. The propulsion blast allows Batman to escape, but the corrosion heavily damages his suit. Doctor Light had created a personal universe composed of light and is suspended in a globe-like "womb". In Final Crisis #6, Batman confronts Darkseid in the villain's bunker.

She and Bruce survived, but the accident forced Martha into premature labor, and the baby was lost. Wayne subconsciously begins remembering every aspect of his life, including Drake, acknowledging him as 'Robin'. Batman has been Gotham City's protector for decades, CEO of Wayne Enterprises, Patriarch of the Bat Family and veteran member of the Justice League. While the cellphone was untraceable, the camera across the street from the store it was bought at identifies a man named Dylan McDyre. Managing to get to Damian's body, Batman thrust the charged Chaos Crystal shard into Damian's chest and restored him. Related: New Batman Rumor Indicates Joker and Robin Will Be Introduced for Death in the Family Adaptation. Created by: Chemicals. The KGBeast lives! https://www.britannica.com/topic/Batman-fictional-character, Batman - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). General Information [75] He began going through the five stages of grief, beginning with denial. Detective Comics #27(May, 1939) The Phantom Stranger arrives and warns of Wonder Woman recruiting the Justice League Dark to help her locate Pandora, warning if they succeed, it will be the death of all. The character made his first appearance in Detective Comics #27 (May, 1939). Having already retrieved samples to create a cure to the toxin, Batman fought his arch nemesis for what seemed to be the last time, during which he and Joker sustained several grave injuries. [13] At the age of 18, he used his relationship with Erin McKillen[14] - a daughter of the Irish mob, and with whom he attended Roxbury Academy[15] - to locate Joe Chill, and learned that he had simply needed the money, and there was no deeper meaning to his parents' deaths.

[133], Following his father's advice and motivated by a conversation with Gotham Girl, Bruce decided to seek happiness in his life and proposed to Catwoman using the diamond she had stolen when they first met,[134] and she accepted. There are a plethora of superheroes without superpowers but of them all the Batman character relies on "his own scientific knowledge, detective skills, and athletic prowess. After the incident under the caves, Batman decided to investigate Nth metal, believing there to be some connection between it, Dionesium and the Court of Owls. Despite his confusion and weakness, Wayne fights off the Black Glove before Carter Nichols's time machine teleports him to the end of time, leaving the Glove without a sacrifice. Although Bruce believes he does not have a brother, Thomas says that an accident had caused him to be born early, and Thomas and Martha Wayne had hid him away at Willowwood to heal.

Later, a group of Talons attack Wayne Manor, but Bruce defeats some of them because of their outdated fighting style.

[82] While searching for more resources in a Wayne Enterprises storage facility, Bruce and Selina encountered Lex Luthor and his followers, who were also prepared to combat the Syndicate. By the next day, Batman believes that the Court's death is some kind of setup, as all the Court's money was transferred to another account. He creates a desired Christmas Eve setting he had as a young boy, imagining what it would be like with his dead parents.

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what happened to batman

Resolute, Batman decides to burn down the Court of Owls's house. She curses him and all his line until the end of time, and is then dropped to her death. And on the other side of the bridge, he appears - the Black Pirate. In his public identity he is Bruce Wayne, billionaire industrialist and notorious playboy. [111] However, the two rookies soon found themselves victims of the mind-altering villain Psycho-Pirate, who was working under the instruction of Hugo Strange. First Appearance

One day, he was asked by a professor to answer a problem involving a projectile being fired at a target. Unlike most superheroes, he does not possess any superpowers; he makes use (to the best that he can) of intellect, detective skills, science and technology, wealth, physical prowess, and intimidation in his war on crime. [113] Psycho-Pirate drove Gotham into a rage, causing him to kill criminals in an attempt to prevent crime, while simultaneously rendering Gotham Girl a nervous wreck. Additionally, Batman is no longer a founding member of the Justice League of America, although he becomes leader for a short time of a new incarnation of the team launched in 1987. Batman reformed the Bat-Family with Batwoman and began training Duke to become another vigilante for Gotham. Soon, Batman's allies rallied around him, and it was Spoiler who beat March down - though he escaped into the sewers, only to be caught by the Court of Owls. When Thomas and Martha died, Willowwood lost its funding and the place began treating its children cruelly. Batman later creates the Brother I satellite surveillance system to watch over the other heroes. It seems a younger Booster Gold has gone back in time to kidnap an even younger version of himself, and to rescue his own past, Booster must pursue both of his previous incarnations through Batman’s history to find out what is going on. With the common goal of justice, the pair began fighting crime as Batman and Robin.[41]. Batman claims that he knows Joker's true identity, but to prevent him from saying it, Joker purposefully knocks himself over the edge and falls out of sight.

In the 1980s, Dick Grayson becomes Nightwing. Blaming Bruce for their parents' deaths, Thomas puts on an owl suit of armor and frees Batman so that the brothers can have a final fight. “So I thought it was time to let someone else take a shot at it. Bruce began alienating his family but, after spending time with each of them however, Bruce began to accept that he had lost a son, and that he was not completely responsible, which allowed him to see that Alfred, too, had blamed himself and been going through pain.

[21] Bruce spent time with a nomadic people in the Nigerian desert enduring grueling training. The cybernetic Batman is a hybrid of Bruce Wayne and the 'architects' infused with Omega Sanction radiation. Using a mixture of physical and psychological attacks, the Black Glove tests Batman's resolve, forcing him to temporarily adopt the crazed persona of the "Batman of Zur-En-Arrh." Later, Bruce finds one of Ivy's thorns embedded on the back of his head. Despite everyone being alive and well, Bruce's insistence on keeping secrets the Joker's taunts drove a wedge between he and his family. Using his Justice Buster armor, he was able to defeat the group, though was almost killed by Superman. [85] He had, in fact, given Dick a pill that would stop his heart temporarily, requiring a shot of adrenaline before brain death.

[137] While alone for so many years, Batman and Wonder Woman almost gave in to a romantic attraction, but refrained out of love for their partners.

While the Crime Syndicate imprisons the Justice Leagues inside the Firestorm Matrix, Batman, Catwoman and a critically injured Cyborg escape in a sewer system and go to S.T.A.R. Loggins meanwhile recounts the lore of the perils they are soon to face: The Whistling Demon, The Breath of The Bat, The Bridge of Bones and The River of Night. Real name: Batman later talks with Catwoman about the relationship they shared while they were in Gothtopia. Batman and Robin were soon challenged by a growing contingent of odd antagonists: the Scarecrow, Penguin, and Riddler were just some of the rogues who repeatedly took on the “Dynamic Duo.”.

In recent events, he is once again the only Batman. As the decades wore on, differing takes on the character emerged. Bruce returns to the JLA Watchtower as a twisted cybernetic Batman.

Having admitted one of his most darkest secrets to her, Selina accepted the proposal. Witnessing the murder of his parents as a child leads him to train himself to physical and intellectual perfection and don a bat-themed costume in order to fight crime. Taking Claire under his wing, Batman, with the help of the rest of the Bat Family, stopped an attack orchestrated by Strange, similar to one of their earliest encounters. While searching in Baghdad, Tim finds a wall painting of the Bat emblem that was painted by Bruce upon the passing of Anthro. Elsewhere, Bruce emerges from a large body of water, loudly yelling Annie's name.

En route back to the station, Bruce witnessed Jim accepting a trenchcoat as a bribe from a tailor — though neither realized it was a bribe at the time — but Bruce would remember it as an indicator of Jim's character.

To that end, he approached the leader of the Robin street gang, Duke Thomas, and offered to train him into another hero, as opposed to another Robin. In addition to their comics appearances, they segued into movie theatres in two serials, Batman (1943) and The New Adventures of Batman and Robin (1949), and guest-starred on several episodes of the radio program The Adventures of Superman in the mid-1940s. Poison Ivy wreaked havoc across the city, saying that there was something wrong with the city, but Batman and Catbird stop her. There, Batman discovered that the Joker has renovated and rearranged the building into a kind of castle, of which Batman was King, and he was Jester. The premise … Batman works solo until the decade's close, when Tim Drake becomes the new Robin. Blackbeard takes aim, but somehow misses, and the two men begin their duel in earnest. [44], Sometime after that, Batman caught orphan Jason Todd trying to steal prescription drugs from Dr. Leslie Thompkins. At the remains of the fallen Watchtower, Batman informs Superman and Wonder Woman that a new superhuman has entered Kahndaq. Whilst returning home one night, his parents were killed by a small-time criminal named Joe Chill. [81], Only Batman and Catwoman evaded the Syndicate's imprisonment and, after bringing a critically injured Cyborg to S.T.A.R. With her birth, Bruce decided to follow one major life change with another and retired from his adventures as Batman to become Gotham's new Police Commissioner, thus ensuring that Helena would not suffer his childhood's fate.

March is aware of Batman's dual life and reveals himself to be Thomas Jr., Bruce Wayne's brother. With Batman momentarily distracted, the Joker kicks him off the bridge and into the Gotham River. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Batman Family members" category.

[40], Around this time, Bruce took in young Dick Grayson after his parents were murdered by Tony Zucco. His physical prowess and technical ingenuity make him an incredibly dangerous opponent. At the end of the issue, the archivist is revealed to be an older version of Batman himself, who steals Rip Hunter's time bubble and leaves the heroes to experience the death of the universe, Superman pleading with him to stop. Psychologically traumatized by the death of his parents, Batman has sworn to rid Gotham from the criminal elements that took his parents away from him. In the meantime, Gotham had become a war zone between the inmates of Arkham Asylum and the inmates of Blackgate Penitentiary the latter of whom were led by Bane. Wonder Woman enters the cell and tells Batman about what happened with Pandora and her box.

Year Two and the War of Jokes and Riddles.

Batman falls into an empty chemical vat, while the stranger reveals herself as Harley Quinn. Bruce's favorite meal is Mulligatawny soup. On the show, the Dark Knight's absence is the major reason Batwoman/Kate Kate (Ruby Rose) begins fighting crime in Gotham City. Approximately a year after Zero Year, the Riddler broke out of prison and spurred a war between himself and the Joker, who had lost the ability to laugh, in what would be called "the War of Jokes and Riddles". DC eliminated Batman’s use of firearms and extreme force: never again would Batman take a life. The clown had attempted to poison the Gotham Reservoir, only to be stopped by the Bat.

Many of the major Batman storylines since the 1990s have been inter-title crossovers that run for a number of issues. Batman obtains the box, but Superman attacks him. The propulsion blast allows Batman to escape, but the corrosion heavily damages his suit. Doctor Light had created a personal universe composed of light and is suspended in a globe-like "womb". In Final Crisis #6, Batman confronts Darkseid in the villain's bunker.

She and Bruce survived, but the accident forced Martha into premature labor, and the baby was lost. Wayne subconsciously begins remembering every aspect of his life, including Drake, acknowledging him as 'Robin'. Batman has been Gotham City's protector for decades, CEO of Wayne Enterprises, Patriarch of the Bat Family and veteran member of the Justice League. While the cellphone was untraceable, the camera across the street from the store it was bought at identifies a man named Dylan McDyre. Managing to get to Damian's body, Batman thrust the charged Chaos Crystal shard into Damian's chest and restored him. Related: New Batman Rumor Indicates Joker and Robin Will Be Introduced for Death in the Family Adaptation. Created by: Chemicals. The KGBeast lives! https://www.britannica.com/topic/Batman-fictional-character, Batman - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). General Information [75] He began going through the five stages of grief, beginning with denial. Detective Comics #27(May, 1939) The Phantom Stranger arrives and warns of Wonder Woman recruiting the Justice League Dark to help her locate Pandora, warning if they succeed, it will be the death of all. The character made his first appearance in Detective Comics #27 (May, 1939). Having already retrieved samples to create a cure to the toxin, Batman fought his arch nemesis for what seemed to be the last time, during which he and Joker sustained several grave injuries. [13] At the age of 18, he used his relationship with Erin McKillen[14] - a daughter of the Irish mob, and with whom he attended Roxbury Academy[15] - to locate Joe Chill, and learned that he had simply needed the money, and there was no deeper meaning to his parents' deaths.

[133], Following his father's advice and motivated by a conversation with Gotham Girl, Bruce decided to seek happiness in his life and proposed to Catwoman using the diamond she had stolen when they first met,[134] and she accepted. There are a plethora of superheroes without superpowers but of them all the Batman character relies on "his own scientific knowledge, detective skills, and athletic prowess. After the incident under the caves, Batman decided to investigate Nth metal, believing there to be some connection between it, Dionesium and the Court of Owls. Despite his confusion and weakness, Wayne fights off the Black Glove before Carter Nichols's time machine teleports him to the end of time, leaving the Glove without a sacrifice. Although Bruce believes he does not have a brother, Thomas says that an accident had caused him to be born early, and Thomas and Martha Wayne had hid him away at Willowwood to heal.

Later, a group of Talons attack Wayne Manor, but Bruce defeats some of them because of their outdated fighting style.

[82] While searching for more resources in a Wayne Enterprises storage facility, Bruce and Selina encountered Lex Luthor and his followers, who were also prepared to combat the Syndicate. By the next day, Batman believes that the Court's death is some kind of setup, as all the Court's money was transferred to another account. He creates a desired Christmas Eve setting he had as a young boy, imagining what it would be like with his dead parents.

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