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52.1% of students in 98662 public schools receive or are eligible to participate in free or reduced lunch programs. The majority ethnicity residing in 98662 is while the majority ethnicity attending 98662 public schools is White. Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining 990 0.82 Please make sure you have panned and zoomed to the area that you
Vancouver, WA ZIP Codes. When mailing your package or letter, always include the preferred or acceptable cities.
Users can easily view the boundaries of each Zip Code and the state as a whole. ZIP Codes 98660-98666, 98668, 98682-98687 Area code(s) 360 FIPS code 53-74060 GNIS feature ID 1531916 Website CityofVancouver.US Vancouver is a city on the north bank of the Columbia River in the U.S. state of . Vancouver is a city on the north bank of the Columbia River in the U.S. state of Washington.It is the largest suburb of Portland, Oregon. The percentage of children under 18 living in the 98682 ZIP code is large compared to other areas of the country. A slightly higher than average number of commuters in 98682 can expect to fall in that range. County, City form collaborative policy group to address homelessness. Select a particular Vancouver ZIP Code to view a more detailed map and the number of Business, Residential, and PO Box addresses for that ZIP Code.The Residential addresses are segmented by both Single and Multi-family addessses. Only online source to include ZIP Code info, provider company listings, and landline/wireless differentiation. Zip Code 98663, Vancouver, WA Overview 2010 Census 2000 Census 2000/2010 Census Comparison Tax Stats Search Load ZIP Code Map U.S. ZIP Code Database Get all this data for every U.S. ZIP … It is also compared to nearby ZIP codes. The preferred city may not be the city in which the ZIP is located. TOS |
Vancouver, WA Stats and Demographics for the 98682 ZIP Code ZIP code 98682 is located in southwest Washington and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. Account Home |
There are 13 different elementary schools and high schools with mailing addresses in ZIP code 98682. Vancouver is the actual or alternate city name associated with 14 ZIP Codes by the US Postal Service.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'hometownlocator_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',155,'0','0'])); Select a particular Vancouver ZIP Code to view a more detailed map and the number of Business, Residential, and PO Box addresses for that ZIP Code. City of Vancouver: COVID-19 Response Updates, Find out if you Live or Work within the City Limits. This page shows a map with an overlay of Zip Codes for Vancouver, Clark County, Washington.
Read More. It is the. to print your map. In the most recent US census the population of Vancouver was 161791. ZIP code 98682 has a small percentage of vacancies.
98682 could be an area to look for cheap housing compared to surrounding areas. The number of people in their late 20s to early 40s is extremely large while the number of middle aged adults is large. The majority of household are owned or have a mortgage. Map of All Washington Congressional Districts, Glenwood Heights Primary School Elementary School, Map of Wealthiest Zip Codes in Washington, Map of US Congressional Districts in Washington, Map of the Wealthiest Zipcodes in Metro Portland, Map of Unemployment Rates in Metro Portland. Privacy Policy |
Homes in ZIP code 98682 were primarily built in the 1990s. Copyright © 2005-2020 There are a slightly smaller percentage of employees that have to travel over 45 minutes to reach their place of employment. Zip code 98662 is primarily located in Clark County. Rentals in 98682 are most commonly 3+ bedrooms. Instantly download NPANXX data covering the entire US for immediate use (Canada and American Territories included for reference only.). Service Requests – Potholes, Lights, Drainage, etc. The people living in ZIP code 98682 are primarily white. Zip Code: 98664 Population: 21,771 Area Code: 360 Households per Zip Code: 8,964 City: VANCOUVER Average House Value: $261,800 State: WA Avg. City of Vancouver, WA - CLARK County Washington ZIP Codes. mi. Includes all counties and cities in …
View All News Data sources include the United States Postal Service, U.S. Census Bureau, Yahoo, Google, FedEx, and UPS. Using any city in the list of unacceptable cities may result in delays. would like to have printed using the map on the page. Vancouver is the actual or alternate city name associated with 14 ZIP Codes by the US Postal Service.. According the 2010 US Census, the population of 98662 increased to 31644 from 23772 over the past 10 years. Area Code Database |
It also has a slightly higher than average population density. Area Code FAQ |
VANCOUVER Zip Code (WA) Vancouver is a city of Clark, Washington in the Northwest region of the USA.
Prices for rental property include ZIP code 98682 apartments, townhouses, and homes that are primary residences. While money isn't everything, residents in ZIP code 98682 earn less than in other parts of town. List of all Zip Codes for the state of Washington, WA.
Zip code 98660 statistics: (Find on map) Estimated zip code population in 2016: 12,536 Zip code population in 2010: 11,858 Zip code population in 2000: 10,019 Mar. List of Zipcodes in Vancouver, Washington; ZIP Code: ZIP Code Name: Population Users can easily view the boundaries of each Zip Code and the state as a whole. the number of Business, Residential, and PO Box addresses for that ZIP Code, Demographic Data including Population, Housing, Income, Households, and Growth Rates, Get Current Demographic Data for Cities, Towns, and ZIP Codes, View Boundary Maps, for Cities, Towns, and ZIP Codes, Locate Physical, Cultural, and Historical Features, Vancouver, WA - PO Box ZIP Codes (NO DEMOGRAPHIC DATA).
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