See our Privacy Policy and Third Party Partners to learn more about the use of data and your rights. PUERTA DEL SOL werd eind 1998 opgericht uit passie voor wijn en uit liefde voor Spanje. The first event was called under the motto "we are not goods in the hands of politicians and bankers" and was focused on opposition to what the demonstrators called "antisocial means in the hands of bankers. [131], Around 3,000 protesters marched in the center of Madrid in what was called the "Cabalgata de los Indignados" (Outraged Cavalcade).
[64] The Washington Post again reported on the protests in Puerta del Sol, giving them the name of a "revolution," estimating that 10,000 people attended Wednesday afternoon's protest, and comparing the protests with those in Cairo's Tahrir Square, which had recently ousted Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak.
[84] Approximately 30 people gained unobstructed entry to the Tarragona office of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and shouted slogans against the political and economic systems, before moving to several financial sites in the city centre to do the same. [115] The camp in front of the Congress continued. The recently passed Citizens Security Law (dubbed the “gag law”), viewed by protestors as a restriction of civil liberties comparable to the dictatorship of Francisco Franco, was designed to quell this opposition. [87][89] The majority of those injured suffered bruises and open wounds caused by police officers' truncheons; one protester left with a broken arm. [29], In January 2011, users on Spanish social media networks and forums created the digital platform ¡Democracia Real YA! [32], Before the demonstrations, ¡Democracia Real YA! During the evacuation of the Plaza del Carmen in Granada, three people were arrested. Some deputies, such as former Minister of Labour Celestino Corbacho, were jostled, heckled and sprayed on their way in, while others used police helicopters to get to the parliament, including the president of Catalonia, Artur Mas. Acampadas en cadena hasta el próximo 22-M, "Miles de personas toman las calles y pasan la noche en la Puerta del Sol", La Policía Nacional retira a los 'indignados' acampados en la Plaza del Carmen de Granada, Tres 'indignados' detenidos tras el desalojo en la Plaza del Carmen de Granada, "La #spanishrevolution se blinda legalmente a gracias Google Docs", La Favb crida a recolzar l'acampada de plaça Catalunya, Les jeunes Espagnols dans la rue pour clamer leur ras-le-bol, "Job-Misere treibt Spaniens Jugend auf die Straße", Manifestação proibida no centro de Madrid, "Spanish 'revolution': Thousands gather in Madrid's Puerta del Sol Square", Acuerdo de la Junta Electoral Provincial de Madrid, "La Policía tiene la orden de no desalojar Sol – 3080803 –", "Spain bans young protesters ahead of elections", "El Supremo estudia el recurso de IU contra la prohibición de las concentraciones", El Supremo delibera sobre el recurso de IU, al que se opone la Fiscalía, "La Fiscalía respalda la decisión de la JEC de prohibir las movilizaciones el sábado y el domingo", "Documento oficial de la desestimación del recurso presentado por Izquierda Unida", "La Policía no desalojará la Puerta del Sol mientras no haya incidentes", "Sala Segunda del Constitucional estudia desde las 19.30 hora peninsular si admite a trámite el recurso de amparo interpuesto por un abogado de Murcia contra la decisión de la JEC.". Seems to be some sort of live music event going on. [159] Jaime Mayor Oreja, Member of the European Parliament representing the Partido Popular, was critical of the alleged intention of activists to not cast ballots in the coming election. Een man wacht bij een bushalte op het Puerta del Sol-plein. [151] The law also extends to even more restrictive and vague measures, such as “playing games or sports in public spaces that are not designed for such activity” (€1,000),[152] “projecting ‘luminous devices’ (e.g.
[133][134] In Spain, at least 100,000 were estimated to have marched against the austerity measures. Een demonstrant probeert te slapen op het Puerta del Sol-plein in Madrid. The protesters were advised not to drink alcohol or to organize into groups of more than 20 people, as these acts could provoke a legal police crackdown. [95], Representatives from 53 assemblies around Spain gathered in a mass assembly in Puerta del Sol.
I'm getting a bit browned off with the earwax ad! [119] An organic garden surrounding one of the fountains in Sol was also left behind in the square. [95], In Madrid, hundreds of people gathered in front of the Congreso de los Diputados, with a police barrier preventing them from entering the building.
Protesters demanded spiritual philanthropy. [89] The protesters who had been vacated returned to the square by early afternoon. ), con il supporto di altre 200 piccole associazioni.
Imagine by the Beatles. The decision was then made by the protesters to occupy Plaza Mayor, where an emergency participatory assembly was held in order to decide what to do. [124] Ultimately, protesters set up a temporary information booth in Plaza Mayor, and some stayed to camp through the night. staged several symbolic events, such as the occupation of a bank in Murcia on 13 May.[33]. Please enable cookies on your web browser in order to continue. Het Puerta del Sol-plein is omgedoopt tot "Oplossingsplein". Some 10,000 protesters gathered in Madrid’s Puerta del Sol square to demand jobs, economic equality, and “real democracy.”
[31] That same day, small demonstrations in support of the Spanish ones were organised in Dublin, Lisbon, Amsterdam, Istanbul, Bologna, London and Paris. Auf der Puerta del Sol befindet sich unter anderem der Null-Kilometerstein der sechs Hauptnationalstraßen Spaniens, die sich sternförmig von Madrid aus über das gesamte spanische Festland erstrecken. [46], In the early hours of 17 May, police cleared the Puerta del Sol square and removed the 150 people who had camped out. [48], Protests and nighttime camp-outs took place in 30 cities around Spain, including Barcelona and Valencia. Share your opinion! [87] According to police figures, more than 12,000 people gathered in Barcelona through the course of the day, angry about the earlier actions of the police and painting their hands white and carrying flowers as symbols of protest. At the same time, the government continued to announce social program cutbacks. [137] On 15 June, clashes were reported by the Ministry of the Interior to have resulted in seven injuries, two of them serious, comprising four police officers and three journalists. These gatherings have been fundamental in shaping the narrative of Spanish politics both in the media and in policy over the last few years. [59] Protesters agreed to hold meetings between their organizing committees each day at 1 p.m. and assemblies at 8 p.m.[60], The Washington Post covered the protests on 15 May; on 18 May, more media outlets began to publish news reports. [116] As a response, 500 demonstrators rallied towards the Congress. [102], On Sunday, 12 June, four weeks after the protests had begun, protesters in the Puerta del Sol in Madrid began to leave, dismantling the camp site; packing up tents, libraries, and shops; and removing protest signs from surrounding sites. [36] The National Police placed the number at 20,000. The protesters created The Book of the People to collect these experiences and redacted it into an official document to be deposited in the Congress of Deputies' register. Terms & conditions | Privacy & Cookies | Drink in moderation | RSS | Drinks&Co © 2020, We use cookies, both own and third parties, to provide our services. By clicking “I agree” below, you consent to the use by us and our third-party partners of cookies and data gathered from your use of our platforms. [4][3] First starting on 15 May 2011, many of the subsequent demonstrations spread through various social networks such as Real Democracy NOW (Spanish: Democracia Real YA) and Youth Without a Future (Spanish: Juventud Sin Futuro). We have more than 59.000 products for sale becoming this way the biggest online shop to sell wine, beer, and spirits in Europe thanks to more than 38.000 customers who trust us. [106], The protest was criticized by politicians across the country. [110], The March was organized in eight columns, consisting of dozens of activists from 16 cities:[111], Dozens of people protested outside Barcelona's town hall during the swearing-in ceremony of Spanish Convergence and Union's candidate Xavier Trias.[112]. Important" Written and directed by: Stéphane M. Grueso, Documental, CC BY-SA, Documentary "SPANISH TEEN RALLY (Estudiar en primavera)", Spanish Indignados and the evolution of the 15M movement on Twitter: towards networked para-institutions, Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union,, Anti-austerity protests in the European Union, Articles with Spanish-language sources (es), Articles containing Spanish-language text, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from May 2012, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The main political parties issued statements on 16 May 2011, following debate.
The eight columns reunited at 9 p.m. in Puerta del Sol under a banner saying "WELCOME DIGNITY," received with cheers and applause.
Variados colores, motivos y tamaños.
Op het Puerta del Sol-plein hebben demonstranten een touw gespannen waaraan zij briefjes hebben gehangen met eisen aan de regering. If you continue to browse, we'll consider you're accepting our. Protesters demanded spir… During the economics assembly, 2001 Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz appeared to show his support to the movement. In Spanje demonstreren tienduizenden jongeren al de hele week tegen de hoge werkloosheid en bezuinigingsmaatregelen van de overheid. [28] The anti-austerity movement in Portugal also inspired the demonstrations undertaken in Spain. [25] The law allowed an administrative commission to shut down any website that showed links or allowed irregular downloading of copyrighted content without judicial supervision. In addition, protesters organized a food stand, which provided food donated by local businesses, and set up a webcam to provide news from Puerta del Sol through the website [76], At around 11:00 p.m., some 16,000 (according to the police) to 19,000 (according to RTVE) people were gathered at and around Puerta del Sol. Notes of white fruits such as apples. The march culminated in a wrap up and after-action review assembly, at which participants shared the social, political and economic problems of the towns visited along the way, as well as the proposals made by the townspeople. [108] On Twitter and other social networks, many users suggested the possibility that secret police, infiltrated to cause the violence, started most of the clashes.[109]. Great to see Madrid return to near normal. [50][52][53] Dozens of people also gathered in front of the courthouse in Madrid, where the people arrested during the 15 May demonstration were being held. 2nd. All detainees were released. [104], Clashes between protesters and Mossos d'Esquadra occurred in the early hours of the morning when hundreds of protesters gathered in front of the police cordon, while officers fired plastic bullets in order to disperse a group of protesters who had set up barricades using rubbish containers. Besos y abrazos desde Grecia. The new European data protection law requires us to inform you of the following before you use our website: We use cookies and other technologies to customize your experience, perform analytics and deliver personalized advertising on our sites, apps and newsletters and across the Internet based on your interests. Plenty of people tonight.
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