Spock: V'Ger must evolve.

The plasma energy weapon which the vessel used to defend itself not only had extreme destructive force, but also functioned as an unusual data-gathering system; as V'ger destroyed a vessel, it gathered an enormous amount of information, and created what appeared to be a holographic record of it, later referred to by the Ilia probe as a "data pattern". Find all lines from this movie. I know this is expanded on in novels, but it does stand to reason even without them that the Machines, as Spock calls them, are like the Geth from Mass Effect or the Replicators from Stargate or the Machines from The Matrix, in that they're what remained after their biological makers were either destroyed or moved on. Please create an account or login to add your own quotes, favorite quotes, and more!. In doing so, V'Ger destroyed anything it encountered by digitizing it for its memory chamber. Captain James T. Kirk: Oh! I hear Chapel's an M.D. What was I meant to be?". Enterprise. Not one damn bit. James T. Kirk: Two-and-a-half years as chief of Starfleet Operations may have made me a little stale, but I wouldn't exactly consider myself ... untried. With the cloud just fifty-four hours away from Earth, Starfleet dispatched the only starship within interception range, the newly refitted USS Enterprise, to determine both what the intruder was and how to stop it, if possible. What it requires of it's god, doctor, is the answer to it's question, "is there nothing more"? Surrounded by layer upon layer of cloud formations, the vessel aspect of V'ger was enormous, with even the largest starship seeming microscopic in comparison.

Either your media player was set incorrectly, or perhaps you were watching a version that someone had "remuxed" incorrectly, such as a torrent download. James T. Kirk: (getting angry) Stop...competing with me, Decker. He's been with this ship every minute of her refitting. The latter estimate, however, would make V'ger impossibly smaller than the roughly seventy kilometer-long Whale Probe featured in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, given that the latter was passed by a Federation starship within minutes, rather than the near-hour it took to traverse even half of V'ger at a faster pace, much of which was carried out at only a half-kilometer distance from the "intruder's" hull. 2 Nov. 2020. Could it be he inherited this understanding from the Machines? Weitere Ideen zu Sprüche zitate, Sprüche, Coole sprüche. Quotes.net. Weil 100% zu wenig sind, | Motivations Poster | T-Shirts | Kostenloser Versand ab 39€ | 3 Tage Lieferzeit. They can't expect us not to look them over now. Perhaps there's some element of his human side which allows him to sense the specific kind of brainwaves V'Ger has. [2] The alternative spelling "V'Ger", with a capital "G", was used in most other reference sources, including such works as Star Trek Encyclopedia (3rd ed., p. 539) and Star Trek Star Charts (p. 39) and at StarTrek.com. During its journey, the probe had come to think of itself as V'ger after the only remaining legible letters from its original name (the "O", "Y", "A", and "6" on the nameplate having been obscured from encounters with previous spatial hazards), and amassed knowledge to such a degree as to become self-aware. Is that possible?

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v'ger quotes

If the mirror universe humans are so aggressive, would they have built Voyager 6? Why is V'Ger itself so advanced and huge?

Its initial appearance – that of a vast, luminous cloud, capable of emitting enormous amounts of energy – was described as a \"twelfth-power energy field\", a scale beyond the energy-generation capacity of even \"thousands of starships\".During a battle with a fleet of three Klingon K't'inga-class battl… Comments & Sharing More Images.

Spock: V'Ger must evolve.

The plasma energy weapon which the vessel used to defend itself not only had extreme destructive force, but also functioned as an unusual data-gathering system; as V'ger destroyed a vessel, it gathered an enormous amount of information, and created what appeared to be a holographic record of it, later referred to by the Ilia probe as a "data pattern". Find all lines from this movie. I know this is expanded on in novels, but it does stand to reason even without them that the Machines, as Spock calls them, are like the Geth from Mass Effect or the Replicators from Stargate or the Machines from The Matrix, in that they're what remained after their biological makers were either destroyed or moved on. Please create an account or login to add your own quotes, favorite quotes, and more!. In doing so, V'Ger destroyed anything it encountered by digitizing it for its memory chamber. Captain James T. Kirk: Oh! I hear Chapel's an M.D. What was I meant to be?". Enterprise. Not one damn bit. James T. Kirk: Two-and-a-half years as chief of Starfleet Operations may have made me a little stale, but I wouldn't exactly consider myself ... untried. With the cloud just fifty-four hours away from Earth, Starfleet dispatched the only starship within interception range, the newly refitted USS Enterprise, to determine both what the intruder was and how to stop it, if possible. What it requires of it's god, doctor, is the answer to it's question, "is there nothing more"? Surrounded by layer upon layer of cloud formations, the vessel aspect of V'ger was enormous, with even the largest starship seeming microscopic in comparison.

Either your media player was set incorrectly, or perhaps you were watching a version that someone had "remuxed" incorrectly, such as a torrent download. James T. Kirk: (getting angry) Stop...competing with me, Decker. He's been with this ship every minute of her refitting. The latter estimate, however, would make V'ger impossibly smaller than the roughly seventy kilometer-long Whale Probe featured in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, given that the latter was passed by a Federation starship within minutes, rather than the near-hour it took to traverse even half of V'ger at a faster pace, much of which was carried out at only a half-kilometer distance from the "intruder's" hull. 2 Nov. 2020. Could it be he inherited this understanding from the Machines? Weitere Ideen zu Sprüche zitate, Sprüche, Coole sprüche. Quotes.net. Weil 100% zu wenig sind, | Motivations Poster | T-Shirts | Kostenloser Versand ab 39€ | 3 Tage Lieferzeit. They can't expect us not to look them over now. Perhaps there's some element of his human side which allows him to sense the specific kind of brainwaves V'Ger has. [2] The alternative spelling "V'Ger", with a capital "G", was used in most other reference sources, including such works as Star Trek Encyclopedia (3rd ed., p. 539) and Star Trek Star Charts (p. 39) and at StarTrek.com. During its journey, the probe had come to think of itself as V'ger after the only remaining legible letters from its original name (the "O", "Y", "A", and "6" on the nameplate having been obscured from encounters with previous spatial hazards), and amassed knowledge to such a degree as to become self-aware. Is that possible?

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