Uncle Grandpa tells him he has a job as Uncle Grandpa and Mr. Gus tells him a job that pays and this intrigues Uncle Grandpa as he never heard of jobs paying money, he tells Mr. Gus he's a genius and that he'll start charging kids for his services starting now, he slams on the breaks and flies out the windshield. But he has to cope with the fact that both animals are destroying the RV. Uncle Grandpa's Odd-yssey • The Package • Body Trouble • Kev wins the chance to draw a new episode of Uncle Grandpa.

Even More Shorts • Uncle Grandpa believes that the trees don't give up a fight, he goes back to the rich boy and he presents him his finished work, the rich boy is devastated to see his sculpture garden and tells Uncle Grandpa that he destroyed everything. Uncle Grandpa must fix his mistake after he helps a grounded teen go to a party.

In the Clouds •

Except for Cooper • Season 4 Uncle Grandpa and the gang travel to Japan to help a kid make his own giant monster movie. Uncle Grandpa goes on vacation only to discover that being Uncle Grandpa is a full time job.

The Little Mer-Tiger • Late Night Good Morning with Uncle Grandpa, https://uncle-grandpa.fandom.com/wiki/Uncle_Greedpa?oldid=101958. A collection of shorts where Uncle Grandpa and the gang host a news program that goes awry, two turtles decide whether things are cool or dumb, and Uncle Grandpa goes on an accidental rampage trying to bust open a piñata. Three cartoon shorts. Uncle Grandpa gives her a proposition as he'll provide her with all the juice she desires and in return 6 dollars and not one dollar less, they make the deal and Uncle Grandpa calls in Farmer Grandpa, Farmer Grandpa asks his Belly Pouch if they should start juicin' and Belly Pouch pulls out the seeds and Farmer Grandpa tells him to plant them. In this prehistoric-themed episode, Uncle Grandpa must save his new friend, Mr.Gus, from a hoard of hungry cavemen.

Grounded • What's the Big Idea? Christmas Special •

King Gus • Uncle Grandpa has to go to city court to pay for all of his parking violations, but when he crashes the RV into a basketball court, he is challenged by basketball players who want it. The girl thanks Farmer Grandpa as she believes that she's going to make so much money and Uncle Grandpa reminds her to give him his cut of the deal, she then plucks out six doll hairs from her doll and gives them to Uncle Grandpa, Uncle Grandpa tells her if she thinks this is some kind of joke and she tells him take it or leave it, Farmer Grandpa tells him that next time to procure payment before rendering services, Uncle Grandpa thanks him and begins to leave in anger with a fist full of doll hairs. Back to the Library • Space Emperor: Uncle Grandpa accidentally unleashes a floating Funny Face that's so funny you laugh yourself to insanity. Prison Break • When Pizza Steve and Mr. Gus engage in a prank war, Mr. Gus ends up pulling the biggest prank, only realizing too late that it will get Pizza Steve eaten.

The Land of the Lost Shadows • Uncle Grandpa must fix his mistake after he helps a grounded teen go to a party. Season finale. Ballin' • Uncle Grandpa gives a hip hop style tour of the RV, Uncle Grandpa buys the latest issue of "Weird Man" and Pizza Steve fights a spaghetti and meatball monster in an Italian Karate arena showdown. RV Olympics: Pizza Steve and Mr. Gus compete in the RV Olympics. 26.

Uncle Grandpa Babies •. The Bike Ride • Uncle Grandpa Retires •

Relaxation Land • Fear of Flying • Mr. Gus and Pizza Steve have plans to go out for the night, but Uncle Grandpa can't be left alone in the RV, so they need a babysitter. Uncle Grandpa helps a kid become perfect by turning him into a robot. Mr. Gus accidentally selects Pizza Steve's secret diary as his bath time reading material. Santa and Uncle Grandpa must work through their personal differences in order to save Christmas. Uncle Grandpa and Pizza Steve travel back in time to retrieve a pair of pants. Not Funny • The gang must stop a nefarious impostor from rendering Uncle Grandpa obsolete. Uncle Grandpa calls on Pizza Steve, the self-proclaimed master of video games, to help a kid beat a game. Uncle Grandpa doesn't trust him and uses Belly Bag to punch him away, Uncle Grandpa figures that he's going to need wealthier clients if he wants to buy a fancy dog. But he has to cope with the fact that both animals are destroying the RV. When Uncle Grandpa gets his head stuck in a peanut butter jar, Mr. Gus and Pizza Steve have to pretend to be Uncle Grandpa and help a kid.

Uncle Grandpa figures that money solves all problem except his, a taxi pulls up and a giant weird mouth creature is asking for him, the creature opens it's mouth to reveal Mr. Jubby Jubs and he's the CEO of fancy dogs and like all giant corporations they scout the world for good deeds using their high sophisticated surveillance team.

Uncle Grandpa breaks the forth wall when he states the cat stuck in the tree is a classic cartoon problem. In the final moments of helping a kid, Uncle Grandpa just needs his trusty Giant Realistic Flying Tiger, but when he finds out she's gone, it sends UG on a journey to find the tiger and figure out why she left. A Gift for Gus • Uncle Grandpa's Uncle Grandpa • Birdman •

More Uncle Grandpa Shorts • Uncle Dummy: Uncle Grandpa and Pizza Steve try to convince Mr. Gus that his ventriloquist dummy is alive.

Sheep Deprivation •

Uncle Grandpa then asks for 6 dollars and the rich boy figures if it's that much it will take to get rid of him, he hands him a check and tells him to get lost.

The series concluded on June 30, 2017 after the series finale "Uncle Grandpa: The High School Years" with 5 seasons and a total of 153 episodes. Greed causes Pizza Steve's latest business venture to backfire.

A collection of shorts where Uncle Grandpa and the gang host a news program that goes awry, two turtles decide whether things are cool or dumb, and Uncle Grandpa goes on an accidental rampage trying to bust open a piñata. Uncle Grandpa tries to make a girl named Jacqueline laugh at his jokes, but she doesn't think they're funny. Uncle Grandpa, the uncle and grandfather of everyone in the world, stops by children's houses every day to see how they are doing. Mustache Tree • High Dive • / Face Fix: Uncle Grandpa and Pizza Steve help Mr. Gus try to get his face back to normal before an important photo shoot. Older • When Uncle Grandpa shows up and mistakenly eats a kid's Egyptian diorama for school, he helps the kid bring an actual pyramid to class, but accidentally unleashes an evil mummy on the world.

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uncle grandpa final episode

Uncle Melvins • Special When Uncle Grandpa and Mr. Gus argue over what show to watch on TV, Pizza Steve has the perfect way to solve their dilemma: Leg wrestling battle. Brain Game • Uncle Grandpa: The High School Years • Big Trouble for Tiny Miracle •

Cake Mistake • Three cartoon shorts.

March 5, 2015. Locked Out • When a girl has trouble passing her driving test, Uncle Grandpa shows up to help her.

Tiny Miracle's Tiny Miracle • More Director Shorts • Guest Directed Shorts •

Secret Mountain Fort Awesome Precursor Space Emperor • Perfect Kid •

A look back on The Nuttiest Match Ever, a historic wrestling event revolving around legends Chicken Man, The Best, and Mysterious Gus.

Secret Santa • 1992 Called • Season 5 A kid on a bike arrives and asks Uncle Grandpa to help him get a turtle out from the wheel of his bike, Uncle Grandpa tells him that he'll help and wants to be paid upfront, the boy tells him that he doesn't get paid until he finishes his route and figures that he can help him now and he'll pay him later. Watermelon Gag • Wicked Shades •

But when they accidentally set a Crazy Baby loose in the city, it's up to Uncle Grandpa to stop it... by teaching the girl how to drive! Nickname •

Uncle Grandpa trying to get money out of kids. Uncle Grandpa sees that it's way bigger than the one he's got and figures that he should go buy a fancy dog and Uncle Grandpa sees that they're only $6.00 and all he's got if $0.40, he gets mad and destroys the hot dog tree, Mr. Gus walks in and asks if everything is okay, Uncle Grandpa tells him his problem and Mr. Gus thinks it's weird and he figures Uncle Grandpa is having money issues and suggests that he get a job. Uncle Greedpa is the 21st episode of Uncle Grandpa Season 5, and the 151st episode overall of the series. When Uncle Grandpa helps a little girl who is afraid of the dark, he convinces her there's nothing to be afraid of but their imaginations.

Uncle Grandpa and Pizza Steve get stuck on a shopping mall escalator. Date with Gus • / Uncle Melvins: Legendary rock band, the Melvins, team up with Uncle Grandpa to help a young girl who wants to win her school's talent show. Uncle Grandpa goes to extreme measures to surpass Pizza Steve as Pizza Steve's best friend. When a father refuses his daughter's request for a dog, Uncle Grandpa vows to teach the girl responsibility - by becoming a dog. When Uncle Grandpa has a bad morning, everybody has a bad morning. Farmer Grandpa begins to cultivate the seeds, he pulls out a little rain cloud and the cloud waters the seeds, he then grabs the sun to use it to grow the crops, Farmer Grandpa tells Belly Pouch to open wide as he falls down on the crops and he tells him to juice the fruit and Belly Pouch regurgitates it all in two pitchers.

Uncle Grandpa gives a hip hop style tour of the RV, Uncle Grandpa buys the latest issue of "Weird Man" and Pizza Steve fights a spaghetti and meatball monster in an Italian Karate arena showdown.

Uncle Grandpa tells him he has a job as Uncle Grandpa and Mr. Gus tells him a job that pays and this intrigues Uncle Grandpa as he never heard of jobs paying money, he tells Mr. Gus he's a genius and that he'll start charging kids for his services starting now, he slams on the breaks and flies out the windshield. But he has to cope with the fact that both animals are destroying the RV. Uncle Grandpa's Odd-yssey • The Package • Body Trouble • Kev wins the chance to draw a new episode of Uncle Grandpa.

Even More Shorts • Uncle Grandpa believes that the trees don't give up a fight, he goes back to the rich boy and he presents him his finished work, the rich boy is devastated to see his sculpture garden and tells Uncle Grandpa that he destroyed everything. Uncle Grandpa must fix his mistake after he helps a grounded teen go to a party.

In the Clouds •

Except for Cooper • Season 4 Uncle Grandpa and the gang travel to Japan to help a kid make his own giant monster movie. Uncle Grandpa goes on vacation only to discover that being Uncle Grandpa is a full time job.

The Little Mer-Tiger • Late Night Good Morning with Uncle Grandpa, https://uncle-grandpa.fandom.com/wiki/Uncle_Greedpa?oldid=101958. A collection of shorts where Uncle Grandpa and the gang host a news program that goes awry, two turtles decide whether things are cool or dumb, and Uncle Grandpa goes on an accidental rampage trying to bust open a piñata. Three cartoon shorts. Uncle Grandpa gives her a proposition as he'll provide her with all the juice she desires and in return 6 dollars and not one dollar less, they make the deal and Uncle Grandpa calls in Farmer Grandpa, Farmer Grandpa asks his Belly Pouch if they should start juicin' and Belly Pouch pulls out the seeds and Farmer Grandpa tells him to plant them. In this prehistoric-themed episode, Uncle Grandpa must save his new friend, Mr.Gus, from a hoard of hungry cavemen.

Grounded • What's the Big Idea? Christmas Special •

King Gus • Uncle Grandpa has to go to city court to pay for all of his parking violations, but when he crashes the RV into a basketball court, he is challenged by basketball players who want it. The girl thanks Farmer Grandpa as she believes that she's going to make so much money and Uncle Grandpa reminds her to give him his cut of the deal, she then plucks out six doll hairs from her doll and gives them to Uncle Grandpa, Uncle Grandpa tells her if she thinks this is some kind of joke and she tells him take it or leave it, Farmer Grandpa tells him that next time to procure payment before rendering services, Uncle Grandpa thanks him and begins to leave in anger with a fist full of doll hairs. Back to the Library • Space Emperor: Uncle Grandpa accidentally unleashes a floating Funny Face that's so funny you laugh yourself to insanity. Prison Break • When Pizza Steve and Mr. Gus engage in a prank war, Mr. Gus ends up pulling the biggest prank, only realizing too late that it will get Pizza Steve eaten.

The Land of the Lost Shadows • Uncle Grandpa must fix his mistake after he helps a grounded teen go to a party. Season finale. Ballin' • Uncle Grandpa gives a hip hop style tour of the RV, Uncle Grandpa buys the latest issue of "Weird Man" and Pizza Steve fights a spaghetti and meatball monster in an Italian Karate arena showdown. RV Olympics: Pizza Steve and Mr. Gus compete in the RV Olympics. 26.

Uncle Grandpa Babies •. The Bike Ride • Uncle Grandpa Retires •

Relaxation Land • Fear of Flying • Mr. Gus and Pizza Steve have plans to go out for the night, but Uncle Grandpa can't be left alone in the RV, so they need a babysitter. Uncle Grandpa helps a kid become perfect by turning him into a robot. Mr. Gus accidentally selects Pizza Steve's secret diary as his bath time reading material. Santa and Uncle Grandpa must work through their personal differences in order to save Christmas. Uncle Grandpa and Pizza Steve travel back in time to retrieve a pair of pants. Not Funny • The gang must stop a nefarious impostor from rendering Uncle Grandpa obsolete. Uncle Grandpa calls on Pizza Steve, the self-proclaimed master of video games, to help a kid beat a game. Uncle Grandpa doesn't trust him and uses Belly Bag to punch him away, Uncle Grandpa figures that he's going to need wealthier clients if he wants to buy a fancy dog. But he has to cope with the fact that both animals are destroying the RV. When Uncle Grandpa gets his head stuck in a peanut butter jar, Mr. Gus and Pizza Steve have to pretend to be Uncle Grandpa and help a kid.

Uncle Grandpa figures that money solves all problem except his, a taxi pulls up and a giant weird mouth creature is asking for him, the creature opens it's mouth to reveal Mr. Jubby Jubs and he's the CEO of fancy dogs and like all giant corporations they scout the world for good deeds using their high sophisticated surveillance team.

Uncle Grandpa breaks the forth wall when he states the cat stuck in the tree is a classic cartoon problem. In the final moments of helping a kid, Uncle Grandpa just needs his trusty Giant Realistic Flying Tiger, but when he finds out she's gone, it sends UG on a journey to find the tiger and figure out why she left. A Gift for Gus • Uncle Grandpa's Uncle Grandpa • Birdman •

More Uncle Grandpa Shorts • Uncle Dummy: Uncle Grandpa and Pizza Steve try to convince Mr. Gus that his ventriloquist dummy is alive.

Sheep Deprivation •

Uncle Grandpa then asks for 6 dollars and the rich boy figures if it's that much it will take to get rid of him, he hands him a check and tells him to get lost.

The series concluded on June 30, 2017 after the series finale "Uncle Grandpa: The High School Years" with 5 seasons and a total of 153 episodes. Greed causes Pizza Steve's latest business venture to backfire.

A collection of shorts where Uncle Grandpa and the gang host a news program that goes awry, two turtles decide whether things are cool or dumb, and Uncle Grandpa goes on an accidental rampage trying to bust open a piñata. Uncle Grandpa tries to make a girl named Jacqueline laugh at his jokes, but she doesn't think they're funny. Uncle Grandpa, the uncle and grandfather of everyone in the world, stops by children's houses every day to see how they are doing. Mustache Tree • High Dive • / Face Fix: Uncle Grandpa and Pizza Steve help Mr. Gus try to get his face back to normal before an important photo shoot. Older • When Uncle Grandpa shows up and mistakenly eats a kid's Egyptian diorama for school, he helps the kid bring an actual pyramid to class, but accidentally unleashes an evil mummy on the world.

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