© 2020 Bdaily Ltd. All rights reserved. Thanks to the support of Mo Bros, Mo Sistas and donors we’ve funded more than 1,000 projects to improve men’s health.
We work year-round with our global men’s health partners and academic and clinical institutions to ensure our programmes accelerate improvements to some of the biggest health issues faced by men. Awareness Days Ltd | Company Number 11118824, National Novel Writing Month 2020 (NaNoWriMo). Join us and make your mark.
Testicular cancer, however, is most often detected through self-examination. Voucher points for use against future events, 10% of your entry fee goes directly to supporting Movember, Discount of 10% for groups of 4 or more registering the same distance ( code for booking, MoRunning online profile where you upload your run time along with regular updates, You can view your distance stats, total distance run and our dedicated location leaderboard, Use Strava to upload your run times and run routes within your profile page, Go in our weekly prize draw and have chances of winning little goodies from us just for being a MoRunner, We will share motivational videos in your profile page along with training info and more. November 2020. Written by Rashida Simpson, Digital Campaigns Officer at UK SAYS NO MORE The impact of sexual violence is far reaching, Male Rape, Sexual Violence and Sexual Abuse, In light of sexual violence week and the recent conviction of Britan's most prolific rapist. • 2292 New cases of testicular cancer, 2015-2017, UK
Sunderland International Men’s Day Event (Hope Street XChange)
November 1 - November 30. These are available for both adults and the Mini MoRunners! That’s why we’re taking action.
Towergate Health & Protection These are available for both adults and the Mini MoRunners! Brett Hill, distribution director at Towergate Health & Protection says, ‘We are only now beginning to see how Covid-19 has impacted people in terms of not getting early diagnosis and treatment for symptoms of other illnesses such as cancer. .
Whether you choose to Grow, Move or Host, Movember is all about havin’ fun doin’ good. Statistics on some of the key areas affecting men’s health: Prostate cancer Your donation will help us to continue what we’ve started and fund world class programmes that are saving and improving the lives of men. Thank you – together we are changing the face of men's health.” Movember. Published by • 64 Deaths from testicular cancer, 2015-2017, UK
We may not be able to physically come together but we can still run for each other, we can still run as one as MoRunners throughout the month of November, we can still dress up and grow a Mo (or paint one on!) Sign up here to go on our holding list and be the first to know when earlybird entries are open. As of Friday 9th Oct this event has been changed to a virtual challenge due to increased restrictions from the government and your MoRun venue.
Resources and Tips.
Testicular cancer Poor Mental Health On average, 13 men each day take their life by suicide in the UK. Help us stop men dying too young. • Preventable cases of testicular cancer are not known as it is not clearly linked to any preventable risk factors
We’re committed to keeping things fresh, keeping the community informed, and always being transparent and accountable in our practices.
You can now order our limited addition 2020 MoRunning Tees.
You can donate or … In 13 years we’ve funded more than 1,200 men’s health projects around the world. On average, 13 men each day take their life by suicide in the UK. International Men’s Day 2020 – Get Involved!
Since 2003, Movember has funded more than 1,250 men’s health projects around the world, motivating men to take action for their health, and employers have an important role to play. Testicular Cancer Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men aged 25-49.
Implementing a regular health screening programme, and communicating any health and wellbeing benefits available, make it harder for someone to fall between the gaps.
Brand new exclusive MoRunning Medal to add to your collection! Brett Hill continues, ‘Particularly this year, communicating health and wellbeing benefits for a workforce is more challenging, but Movember provides the perfect opportunity to encourage men to look after themselves and remind them of any benefits that are available to support them.’.
• 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime Throw your support behind a team ; Movember Challenges Compete in your workplace, club or community ; Support. In particular, we focus on: Prostate Cancer We know what works for men, and how to find and fund the most innovative research to have both a global and local impact.
Our fathers, partners, brothers and friends face a health crisis that isn’t being talked about.
This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section
MoRunning proudly supports Movember - the only charity tackling men’s health on a global scale, year round. Below, going into honest details, she takes us through the various, The Successes and the Failures of the Domestic Abuse Bill, The Domestic Abuse Bill, in its draft form at the time of writing, has seen many ups and downs since, “I Finally Feel Free”: A Glance Of The Past, Lilly-Ann Jones is a videographer and has created a film depicting her mum Jenny and her aunt Billie reflecting on, 5 Ways to Help a Victim of Sexual Violence.
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