cr. Jump- This affects all Toons in battle, regardless of how near or far they are from the VP. +18 laff points to four toons, +124 laff points to one toon Toontown - VP Autoer (simple) crazyhackz4u. himself. A beautiful TTR group tracker. From the great Toontown Corporate Clash to the mighty Toontown Rewritten. toontown VP < > Most recent.
this is proof that I can not do that. Quote. The first Cog battle places the toons up against normal Sellbot Cogs, while the second Cog battle pits the toons against higher leveled Skelecog Sellbot Cogs. Toons need to have impeccable timing to avoid this attack and must jump when the V.P lands from his jump. If the answer is yes, then by all means, fight the VP. Toontown Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. It would require absolutely no mistakes and barely any missed lures, but it seems to be viable. They are business-minded robots that consistently try to conquer Toontown and turn it into a dull, gray, corporate wasteland. So, as the V.P gets closer to the ledge, his attacks become stronger. You must be a member to see who’s a part of this organization. This group works as a cog-fighting team which work on strategy during battle and activities in Toontown games.
Each SOS toon has a different ability. There are VERY few instances where an SOS toon will make a huge difference, and you're really only a nuisance before that.
They are building-only cogs, unless there is an invasion. The VP is the supreme commander of the Apple Juice. For the above example, our value being 4 means we are in a tier 2 VP and will receive 2 SOS cards for the Shopkeeper Toons rescued, the VP will spawn up to level 12s and Toons will only receive 40 pies every time Toons touch the cage the Shopkeeper is held in. DirectGui import DirectButton. The best part of all? Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. As time grew by, he had a sudden craving for the new popular drink " Apple Juice ".
I don't care if you're an uber, or just a low level toon, but the idea of a VP, at least for me, isn't "focus heal this guy while everyone else kills him.". Note - Toons can grab more pies when you restock at the shopkeepers cage. The one-stop community for the now-closed Disney game, Toontown and all its private servers! Honestly, I see many low laff toons going in to the vp way too early. A Whole Cream Pie is used to defeat the Vice President. When it comes to gags, you just need to be able to hold your own. Press J to jump to the feed. This way you can watch the V.P jump and ensure correct timing. +15 laff points to three toons - The VP when he does not have apple juice in storage. The VP also does not like the taste of pie because it tastes " gooey ". Posted by 4 months ago. Seeing a yellow-colored "SPLAT" indicates to the player the pie successfully hit the VP. Learn more, We use analytics cookies to understand how you use our websites so we can make them better, e.g. so make sure to keep a distance! We use essential cookies to perform essential website functions, e.g. If two or more toons attempt to use the same SOS in the same round, the first toon to pick the SOS will use their SOS while all else will automatically pass. Link.
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I kept joking about Vera being like a more shy version of Kipo (from Kipo and the age of wonderbeasts) and look where that got me also I can’t draw cogs like the CJ or VP from a side view. There are VERY few instances where an SOS toon will make a huge difference, and you're really only a … 8. consists of three consecutive battle rounds: a battle round with Sellbots ranging from levels 1-12, another round with Skelecogs consisting of levels 8-12, and the final round where Toons will face the V.P.
Obviously the majority of toons can't one shot a lured level 12, but if you can't even take care of a level 4 cog in one hit, you're probably under-trained. Most popular Most recent.
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. There are twenty-nine SOS toons that can be obtained through the Vice President battle. A good way to gauge it is to ask yourself this: If there were 8 copies of my toon fighting the cogs/battling the vp, would I win with the gags that I have?
896 . Python 3.00 KB .
They don't do invites. Higher tiers will spawn higher leveled cogs, decrease the number of pies that are available to hold during the final round, and give more SOS card rewards at the end of the V.P. A toon will have unlimited Whole Cream Pies after you get them from the shopkeeper.
+68 laff points to two toons Actually, if they all had 55 laff and lvl 6 throw/squirt, lvl 4 toonup and lure, they should be fine. The first Cog battle places the toons up against normal Sellbot Cogs, while the second Cog battle pits the toons against higher leveled Skeleco… #Blue Button made by crazyhackz4u. Above 50 laff and level 5 gags, at least level 4 lure and a lipstick is the minimum I think a toon can enter, and even then, he should get carried by high laffers. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
What levels of Laff AND Gags should your average Toon be at? 2. like. Jump when the V.P. There is a total of thirty-two different cogs, with eight in each of the four corporate ladders, as well as a boss of each ladder. During the final round, as the Toons push the V.P lower down the ramp, the damage the V.P.
Toontown-VP-After-Death After the VP battle is over, the VP falls down into the SBHQ lobby for all Toons to see. Cogs are the main antagonists of Disney's Toontown Online. This was a weird idea I had of what the VP would look like separated from his tank. Vice President Mr. Hollywood is the highest leveled cog on the corporate ladder of Sellbots. Grid View List View. It's not worth it to do the VP until you're at around 50+ laff anyways. Life of the CJ. I NEED APPLE JUICE!!!!!! off the side of the tower with pies from the captured shopkeeper.
In order to do so, a Toon must land a pie inside the of the V.P when he opens the shaft, if this is executed correctly, the V.P will make a horn-like noise and stars will appear over his head, indicating he is 'stunned'. When the VP’s day is done, he likes to get into his comfy pants, which unfortunately isn’t easy. 3. Its like as soon as he became un … NOTE: DAMAGE VALUES VARY DEPENDING ON HOW CLOSE THE V.P IS TO BEING DEFEATED. Just like gags, SOS toons can miss at times. 3.
Log in sign up. 4. In this case, 3.5 rounds up to 4.
drink-your-bepsicola . +31 laff points to four toons. When an SOS toon is called into battle, they will perform their ability.
Toon Gag track Gag Rarity Ability Madam Chuckle Toon-Up Juggling Balls ★★★ Heals all toons, including the user +45 laff points to one toon +23 laff points to two toons +15 laff points to three toons +11 laff points to four toons Daffy Don Toon-Up Juggling Balls ★★★★ Heals all toons, including the user +70 laff points to one toon +45 laff points to two toons +23 laff points to three toons +18 laff points to four toons Flippy Toon-Up Jug… The V.P cannot attack Toons when it is stunned. All "Toons Hit" and "Cog Miss" SOS toons have a 4-star rarity. SOS toons are toons caged in Sellbot Towers in the Vice President battle. ? An open-sourced, modern Magic Word Manager for Toontown, An adaptation of Geri Winter's Panda3D "Sample Basic File Browser".
Ask. I was just in a VP and he was stunned the whole time. Your rule is pretty good, but there are some exceptions. Never . Because that laff requires you to have started MML without fishing. Audio. The closer to the ledge the V.P is, the more damage is inflicted on the Toon(s). Our final value to find our tier is 28 divided by 8 which is 3.5.
Similar to the tier system for the C.J.
Toontown-Magic-Word-Manager An open-sourced, modern Magic Word Manager for Toontown Python MIT 0 2 0 0 Updated Jun 22, 2020. While trying to stun the V.P, it can do various attacks to Toons including: 1. All toontown players and cog fighters united from every Toontown gaming platform. JKDFJKGKJDFKGJJKJKLDFGJKJKDJKgJKL ? I don't care if you're an uber, or just a low level toon, but the idea of a VP, at least for me, isn't "focus heal this guy while everyone else kills him." everyone in this au dresses up like in Atlantis or Treasure Planet or Bioshock, cogs dress up in more victorian suits as opposed to their canon 50s style suits, bloodsuckers look like actual victorian vampires lmao, i had no reference dont jusdge me for forgetting tje whole bottom half od their design LOL, I didn't have many options that looked good enough to use, i mean he has his sellbots but they always leave to make that sell, vp runs on pond have been a wild experience, [[ its 3 am and i really. Before putting together a group, I make sure everyone can survive at least two paradigm shifts. For example, if a group of 4 Telemarketers, 2 Name Droppers a Two-Face and a Mr. Hollywood went into the elevator, add up the total sum of the group to be 28. Press J to jump to the feed. It's not worth it to do the VP until you're at around 50+ laff anyways.
Apr 9th, 2013. I didn't start until 100+ because I'd never done it before. Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! Vp stunned whole battle. The VP acts like he is the awesome new apple juice, but he was the first boss created by the Chairman. Well, the thing with ubers and "Survive the Minglers" is that when you have an uber in your group, you always use lure to prevent damage.
No matter what your laugh is you can go. Close. I don't want to come off as rude to people who think that they can handle it with their lower level toons, but it's not fun for myself and people I used to play with to baby you. 48 laff. raw download clone embed report print. +45 laff points to one toon For example, I've done VPs where Mr. Hollywoods were PITIFUL at stunning/hitting the VP. Each cog has its own set of attacks and a five-level range; the higher they are in the corporate ladder, …
Ouch. +45 laff points to two toons The reward for defeating the V.P is SOS Cards.
When restocking pies, always walk backwards.
Instead of buying these from Goofy's Gag Shop, a toon can get them for free from the captive shopkeeper. If not, I don't invite them.
IntervalGlobal import * def Door (): base.
A toon can obtain pies from the caged shopkeeper.
5. You signed in with another tab or window. gui. from direct. There are VERY few instances where an SOS toon will make a huge difference, and you're really only a nuisance before that.
?? I usually have a little game I play called "Survive the Minglers", Before putting together a group, I make sure everyone can survive at least two paradigm shifts.
IIRC, there is no tack requiring yo to fight the VP, at what point in your progression do you recommend fighting the VP? I know that some people go in as ubers, but i don't have one. For more uses of "SOS toon", see, Deals -50 health points to all non-lured cogs, Deals -70 health points to all non-lured cogs, Deals -180 health points to all non-lured cogs, Provides perfect accuracy to all toons' gags for the current round. User account menu.
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