Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. Words beginning with a vowel. It only takes a minute to sign up. What is fix geometry actually doing in QGIS? NOT in French! See also Using du, de la, de l', des to express some or any (partitive articles) Grammar jargon: Les is the plural definite article; Des is the plural indefinite article. This lesson is a detailed explanation of when to use the preposition de all by itself and when to use the indefinite article, partitive article, or de + definite article (which looks like the partitive – but isn’t. Thanks. ), Want to make sure your French sounds confident? In Tetris on Game Boy, does the speed increase depend on time or on the number of points? Yes I just wrote a sentence where both de and des fit, but actually doesn't have the same exact meaning.

- With the other hotels. But, this also works : Je n'ai pas de lapins. + noun + adjective. Thanks guys...........that was a great help............thanks a lot. Confusion about Lagrangian formulation of electromagnetics. If the epithet was placed after the noun, there would be no problem using des: Eg. Terms of Service. It can mean several different things but most commonly it means simply 'some'.

What happens to US representatives after a redistricting? Then it's just, J'ai beaucoup de lapins : des reduced to de is standard when used with collective nouns (beaucoup de, un groupe de, une quantité de, une grappe de, ...), You have to use "des" when there are many objects (lapin**S** here), and "de" when there is only one object (1 lapin here). For example, "les voitures" - "the cars".

When to use “Ils sont”, “ces sont” or “ce sont”? in English, you are actually saying ''I have some strawberries. How can a hive mind secretly monetize its special ability to make lots of money? Finally will you please give me a specific rule in using "des" or "les"? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader.

We’ll map your knowledge and give you free lessons to focus on your Should I use a singular or plural noun after the word “type”? I would recommand you this website that I found searching on google that explains clearly when to use de, des, du, etc. A simple explanation of "Using ''de / d' '' instead of 'des' in front of adjectives preceding nouns (partitive article)". Revise and improve your French with detailed content, examples, audio, personalised practice tests and learning tools What would be a better approach to write methods which returns several different string outputs? In the following sentence, is there a specific reason why "des" is used? Powered by, Badges  |  The article des is replaced by de, in formal French, when the name that it determines is an epithet adjective placed before a plural noun.

It's basically the plural …

De or Des + noun+adjective "des" or "d e" ? Share !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); There is a cat.

- No there are (some) cats. 'Des' on the other hand is a contraction of the preposition 'de' and the definite article 'les'. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. And this also : J'ai de très gros lapins. It has a lot of exceptions and cases to handle. gaps and mistakes. The preposition de can be very difficult for French students, even at advanced levels. It's not specified exactly which pencils she has. How to generically refer to things in the plural? Is it a good idea to shove your arm down a werewolf's throat if you only want to incapacitate them? What does it mean when you say C++ offers more control compared to languages like Python? (1) While this also works.. J'ai des très gros lapins. You're correct :), Un autre example de "L'Étranger": "Il est assez petit, avec de larges épaules et un nez de boxeur.". Does this use of the perfect actually express something about the future? J'ai des fraises. "Elle a des crayons." means "She has pencils."

But you can also say : J'ai beaucoup de lapins. Can I afford to take this job's high-deductible health care plan? In this context, I think that 'de' is only used in a negation and when you talk about quantity. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. In French you must always use "des". Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. French Vocab Games app for iPhone/iPad French-English dictionary French grammar French vocab/phrases. J'ai beaucoup de lapins. Given expectations and variances of random variables check if they can be independent?

Which one is correct, “les légumes” or “des légumes” ? I have a problem when I try to use des. Where is the hotel? See also Using du, de la, de l', des to express some or any (partitive articles), Grammar jargon: Les is the plural definite article; Des is the plural indefinite article. Thanks a lot, a veryt clear answer to my question.

In this case, des is used as the "article indéfini".

Microsoft OA | Longest Substring Without 3 Contiguous Occurrences of Letter. E.g.

Discuss and learn French: French vocabulary, French grammar, French culture etc. Note: A negation is not with 'de' when you use the verb 'être'.

J'ai des lapins. Why can't I use "les" instead of "des"? In French you must always use "des".E.g. Note that when you say ''I have strawberries.'' For example, which of these sentences are correct: I need to know when I have to use de in plural context and when I have to use des. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy.

J'ai des fraises. or "She has some pencils."
'', but in English, you can omit 'some'. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. For example, "des voitures" - "some cars". Leaving away the 目 suffix for ordinal numbers.
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des in french

However, in readings I have noticed many cases where de is … (a lot of rabbits), De is used instead of des if you are using an adjective placed before the "des oiseaux blancs" but "De grands oiseaux blancs". I'd like to be a bit clearer in deciding to use whether "des" or "les". It would be actually quite hard to explain the exact reason why de or why des on a lot of cases (as a French Canadian) since often we use the one that just "Sounds better". Ce club nous donne de sérieuses bases en anglais. Tuning the lowest bass string a hair flat. Start your Braimap today ». There are a lot of specific and different cases. For the latest updates, follow @FrenchUpdates on Twitter! Multicolor inside borders for polygons in QGIS 3. Thanks for contributing an answer to French Language Stack Exchange! If the word is plural (whether masculine or feminine), then the French for some is des: des garçons some boys des filles some girls des chocolats some chocolates Suggest a change / proposez une modification. See accepted answer and comments, Best questions and answers from 3rd quarter of 2020. Report an Issue  |  Your answer is just the very general case, but there are plenty of exceptions. What we have learned in basic French is that des is a contraction of de + les and is thus used to refer to plural nouns. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. (2) Yes I just wrote a sentence where both de and des fit, but actually doesn't have the same exact

Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. Words beginning with a vowel. It only takes a minute to sign up. What is fix geometry actually doing in QGIS? NOT in French! See also Using du, de la, de l', des to express some or any (partitive articles) Grammar jargon: Les is the plural definite article; Des is the plural indefinite article. This lesson is a detailed explanation of when to use the preposition de all by itself and when to use the indefinite article, partitive article, or de + definite article (which looks like the partitive – but isn’t. Thanks. ), Want to make sure your French sounds confident? In Tetris on Game Boy, does the speed increase depend on time or on the number of points? Yes I just wrote a sentence where both de and des fit, but actually doesn't have the same exact meaning.

- With the other hotels. But, this also works : Je n'ai pas de lapins. + noun + adjective. Thanks guys...........that was a great help............thanks a lot. Confusion about Lagrangian formulation of electromagnetics. If the epithet was placed after the noun, there would be no problem using des: Eg. Terms of Service. It can mean several different things but most commonly it means simply 'some'.

What happens to US representatives after a redistricting? Then it's just, J'ai beaucoup de lapins : des reduced to de is standard when used with collective nouns (beaucoup de, un groupe de, une quantité de, une grappe de, ...), You have to use "des" when there are many objects (lapin**S** here), and "de" when there is only one object (1 lapin here). For example, "les voitures" - "the cars".

When to use “Ils sont”, “ces sont” or “ce sont”? in English, you are actually saying ''I have some strawberries. How can a hive mind secretly monetize its special ability to make lots of money? Finally will you please give me a specific rule in using "des" or "les"? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader.

We’ll map your knowledge and give you free lessons to focus on your Should I use a singular or plural noun after the word “type”? I would recommand you this website that I found searching on google that explains clearly when to use de, des, du, etc. A simple explanation of "Using ''de / d' '' instead of 'des' in front of adjectives preceding nouns (partitive article)". Revise and improve your French with detailed content, examples, audio, personalised practice tests and learning tools What would be a better approach to write methods which returns several different string outputs? In the following sentence, is there a specific reason why "des" is used? Powered by, Badges  |  The article des is replaced by de, in formal French, when the name that it determines is an epithet adjective placed before a plural noun.

It's basically the plural …

De or Des + noun+adjective "des" or "d e" ? Share !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); There is a cat.

- No there are (some) cats. 'Des' on the other hand is a contraction of the preposition 'de' and the definite article 'les'. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. And this also : J'ai de très gros lapins. It has a lot of exceptions and cases to handle. gaps and mistakes. The preposition de can be very difficult for French students, even at advanced levels. It's not specified exactly which pencils she has. How to generically refer to things in the plural? Is it a good idea to shove your arm down a werewolf's throat if you only want to incapacitate them? What does it mean when you say C++ offers more control compared to languages like Python? (1) While this also works.. J'ai des très gros lapins. You're correct :), Un autre example de "L'Étranger": "Il est assez petit, avec de larges épaules et un nez de boxeur.". Does this use of the perfect actually express something about the future? J'ai des fraises. "Elle a des crayons." means "She has pencils."

But you can also say : J'ai beaucoup de lapins. Can I afford to take this job's high-deductible health care plan? In this context, I think that 'de' is only used in a negation and when you talk about quantity. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. In French you must always use "des". Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. French Vocab Games app for iPhone/iPad French-English dictionary French grammar French vocab/phrases. J'ai beaucoup de lapins. Given expectations and variances of random variables check if they can be independent?

Which one is correct, “les légumes” or “des légumes” ? I have a problem when I try to use des. Where is the hotel? See also Using du, de la, de l', des to express some or any (partitive articles), Grammar jargon: Les is the plural definite article; Des is the plural indefinite article. Thanks a lot, a veryt clear answer to my question.

In this case, des is used as the "article indéfini".

Microsoft OA | Longest Substring Without 3 Contiguous Occurrences of Letter. E.g.

Discuss and learn French: French vocabulary, French grammar, French culture etc. Note: A negation is not with 'de' when you use the verb 'être'.

J'ai des lapins. Why can't I use "les" instead of "des"? In French you must always use "des".E.g. Note that when you say ''I have strawberries.'' For example, which of these sentences are correct: I need to know when I have to use de in plural context and when I have to use des. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy.

J'ai des fraises. or "She has some pencils."
'', but in English, you can omit 'some'. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. For example, "des voitures" - "some cars". Leaving away the 目 suffix for ordinal numbers.

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