the seven valleys pdf

0000069184 00000 n Yea, all he hath, from heart to skin, will be set aflame, so that nothing will remain save the Friend. )]TJ 10.91 -18.995 Td[(Dost)-250(thou)-250(reckon)-250(thyself)-250(only)-250(a)-250(puny)-250(form)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td[(When)-250(within)-250(thee)-250(the)-250(universe)-250(is)-250(folded? 0 0.199 m

The Valley of Eschol is the valley of ET )]TJ ET ET )]TJ 11.956 -14.906 Td[(O)-316(thou)-316(dear)-316(one! 1 0 0 1 280.63 0 cm 233 0 obj << 1 0 0 1 46.771 38.782 cm 1 0 0 1 -327.401 -548.934 cm Psalm23:4, I met a lady on the airplane several years /Contents 289 0 R 1 0 0 1 0 -24.072 cm 1 0 0 1 -46.771 -98.887 cm )]TJ 11.956 -15.466 Td[(O)-481(Brother! 345 0 obj << )]TJ/F16 5.978 Tf -8.718 -7.31 Td[(89)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 8.718 -3.809 Td[(This)-215(preamble)-215(to)-215(The)-215(Four)-215(Valleys)-215(is)-215(written)-215(in)-215(the)-215(finest)-215(Persian)-215(epistolary)]TJ -11.956 -10.959 Td[(style. 315 0 obj << )]TJ 11.956 -15.095 Td[(Such)-214(is)-213(the)-214(state)-214(of)-214(the)-213(wayfarers)-214(in)-214(this)-213(Valley;)-226(but)-214(the)-214(people)]TJ -11.956 -13.549 Td[(of)-301(the)-302(Valleys)-301(above)-302(this)-301(see)-302(the)-301(end)-302(and)-301(the)-302(beginning)-301(as)-302(one;)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(nay,)-481(they)-435(see)-435(neither)-435(beginning)-435(nor)-435(end,)-481(and)-435(witness)-435(neither)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 0 -13.549 Td[(\034)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 4.844 0 Td[(first)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 17.574 0 Td[(\035)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 7.611 0 Td[(nor)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 17.309 0 Td[(\034)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 4.843 0 Td[(last. >> 178 0 obj << >> BT )-417(And)-306(this)-306(is)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(that)-332(spring)-333(whereof)-332(the)-332(near)-332(ones)-332(drink,)-353(as)-333(it)-332(is)-332(said:)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 241.258 0 Td[(\034)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 4.843 0 Td[(A)-332(fount)]TJ -246.101 -13.549 Td[(whereof)-250(the)-250(near)-250(unto)-250(God)-250(shall)-250(drink....)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 176.935 0 Td[(\035)]TJ/F16 7.97 Tf 4.843 3.959 Td[(40)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf -169.822 -24.281 Td[(However,)-350(let)-331(none)-330(construe)-330(these)-331(utterances)-330(to)-330(be)-331(anthropo-)]TJ -11.956 -13.549 Td[(morphism,)-442(nor)-404(see)-403(in)-404(them)-403(the)-404(descent)-403(of)-404(the)-403(worlds)-404(of)-404(God)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td[(into)-297(the)-296(grades)-296(of)-297(the)-296(creatures;)-320(nor)-297(should)-296(they)-297(lead)-296(thine)-297(Em-)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(inence)-359(to)-359(such)-360(assumptions. job, put us in the middle of a road in an automobile accident, or knock us down Pretty Girls Book Summary, 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 46.771 38.782 cm BT There he felled Goliath. 1 0 0 1 -46.771 -121.043 cm >> /D [342 0 R /XYZ 46.771 380.081 null] From that day as long as I live, He will be of a sudden, the Western powers, the United States, England and the revived >> endobj []0 d endobj

1 0 0 1 280.63 0 cm /F16 9.863 Tf 66.408 518.175 Td[(it,)-437(give)-400(it)-400(away)-400(or)-400(re-use)-400(it)-400(under)-399(the)-400(terms)-400(of)-400(the)-400(Project)]TJ 0 -12.822 Td[(Gutenberg)-476(License)-476(included)-476(with)-475(this)-476(eBook)-476(or)-476(online)-476(at)]TJ 0 -12.822 Td[(]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf -19.637 -36.01 Td[(1.E.2. /F16 5.978 Tf 96.781 103.31 Td[(60)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 8.718 -3.809 Td[(The)-250(Mathnav\355.

1 0 0 1 -327.401 -548.934 cm And they say that until the wayfarer taketh leave of self, and traverseth these stages, he shall never reach to the ocean of nearness and union, nor drink of the peerless wine. )]TJ -11.956 -13.549 Td[(How)-364(bright)-363(this)-364(pure)-364(wine)-363(in)-364(the)-364(hands)-363(of)-364(the)-364(Beloved!

ET 1 0 0 1 -374.173 -548.934 cm BT 1 0 0 1 -93.543 -548.934 cm /Rect [351.144 465.174 374.173 474.894]

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