the potter's house prescott

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A place where Christ is working in the lives of the called out ones and calling ministers to the great commission to go into all the world and make disciples of every nation. SERVICE TIMES & LOCATION. All rights reserved. It contains all that is needed for guidance in godliness and practical Christian conduct.

• There is only one God, and that He is eternally existent in Three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Prescott Potter's House Services. Every believer born of the Spirit has a place in the church designated by God. Past Events. PAST EVENTS. • In the Bible containing the Old and New Testament is alone the only infallible, inspired Word of God, and that its authority is ultimate, final, and eternal.

He was together with the Father and the Holy Spirit from the beginning, and through Him all things were made. OUR STAFF . • That salvation is a free gift of God, based on the merits of the death of His Son, and is appropriated by faith. The Lord's Supper is a commemoration of the death of the Lord and is done in remembrance of Him until He comes again; it is a sign of our participation in Him. For Text Giving, simply text an amount to 928-212-2229 and your gift will be processed after a simple set-up process. © 2016 The Potter's House Christian Fellowship Church. Prescott Potter's House Prescott Potter's House Services. TESTIMONIES. The Bible is the source of all doctrine, instruction, correction, and reproof. Statement of Faith for The Potter's House • There is only one God, and that He is eternally existent in Three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. EVENTS.

While we are not able to meet personally, the Children's Church ministry of the Potter's House will be having an online version available for children to watch and participate. WHAT WE BELIEVE.

For those abiding in Christ until their deaths or His return, the promises of eternal blessing in the presence of God are assured. You may also give via the SecureGive Vision app available on the App Store and Google Play. The shortcomings of the individual are because of the still progressing sanctification of the saints. Its benefits of healing (body, soul, and spirit) are provided for in the atonement as well.


AUDIO SERMONS. Load More. PHOTO GALLERY. Create event . Statement of Faith for The Potter's House. • God the Father is the Creator of the universe. Baptism is the outward sign of what God has already done in the individual's life and is a public testimony that the person now belongs to Christ. QUICKLINK NAVIGATION. You don't have any events. UPCOMING EVENTS. 141 Posts. Prescott Potter's House. All rights reserved. Electronic giving is powered and secured by SecureGive, a leader in church payment processing. He empowers the saints for service and witness, cleanses man from the old nature, and conforms us to the image of Christ. It cannot be added to, subtracted from, or superseded in any regard. • In the bodily, personal, second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the saints, the millennium, and the final judgment. • In the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. You haven't added any posts yet.

GET NOTIFIED WATCH AGAIN Donate. OUR VISION . The Potter's House Prescott is a Christian Fellowship Church located in Prescott, Arizona at 5195 N. Highway 89 86305. |   5195 N. Highway 89 Prescott, AZ 86301. The final judgment will determine the eternal status of both the saints and the unbelievers, determined by their relationship to Jesus Christ. He created man in His own image for fellowship, and called man back … • God the Father is the Creator of the universe.

242 EVENTS; 1 FOLLOWING 5K FOLLOWERS All Events (242) All Events (242) Live & Upcoming (7) Archived (235) RESET FILTERS Live & Upcoming Events. • The Church is the Body of Christ, the habitation of God among the saints through the Spirit. Salvation is affected by person repentance, belief in the Lord Jesus (justification), and personal acceptance of Him into one's life as Lord and Savior (regeneration). Please reload. • The Christian life is to be one of consecration, devotion, and holiness. Off Air. Prescott Potter's House. FIND …

The Christian life is filled with trials, tests, and warfare against a spiritual enemy. • Christ's vicarious death on the cross paid the penalty for the sins of the whole world. It is identifying with the death and resurrection of Jesus and is done in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Text updates, photos, video uploads and saved broadcasts will appear here after you’ve added them. • The Holy Spirit is God, the Lord, and giver of life, who was active in the Old Testament, and given to the Church in fullness at Pentecost.

• The baptism in the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues, subsequent to conversion, releases the fullness of the Spirit, and is evidenced by the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit. • Jesus Christ is eternally God. | 5195 N. Highway 89 Prescott, AZ 86301 He created man in His own image for fellowship, and called man back to Himself through Christ after the rebellion and fall of man. He left Heaven and became incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary; henceforth, He is forever one Christ with two natures--God and man--in one Person.

© 2016 The Potter's House Christian Fellowship Church.

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