But I take comfort that Peniel was the place Jacob could say he saw the face of God. So must we turn to God all the more when we are tired, overwhelmed, and feeling lost. Secondly, Jesus leaves room for repentance. In what way is the cross a dismal failure in a worldly sense, but a victory for Jesus and us, his followers? In today’s Gospel, Jesus has dinner with his friends Lazarus, Martha, Mary, and the apostles. October 31, 2020 Saturday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time Readings for Today “When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet, do not recline … Read more>>> Inviting Jesus. It is both a personal and communal search. With courage and fidelity, we can wait for God, regardless of how long He asks us to hold off on taking action. You have been provided with material and resources to use at home. They are companions [cum panis] bread sharers. Or maybe having even been forced to give up some parts, like jobs or loved ones, for good? Was that not a betrayal too? This brings us to share in His mission which is to bring light into our lives and through us into the world. Jeannie, her husband, and their three daughters (plus one baby boy) live in northern Indiana. In my Father’s house there are many places to live in; otherwise I would have told you. On Mondays, I pray for my family that God would “guide our feet into the way of peace.” On Wednesdays, I return to the phrase “that we may not fall into sin nor run into any danger” and offer this intercession for each person in my family. See from his head, his hands, his feet,sorrow and love flow mingled down;did e’er such love and sorrow meet,or thorns compose so rich a crown? It directs me to pray that we would “walk in the way of the cross.” And there in the ordinary rhythm of prayer that I’ve grown to know and love so well, I stopped speaking. Reflection: On Monday of Holy Week, we remember Jesus’ teachings to his disciples, including the greatest command: to love God and our neighbors (Matthew 22:37-40). We may wonder if Jesus found comfort in the prophet’s words, “I will turn their mourning into joy.” He knew that suffering was meritless without the resurrection, yet His humanity did not want to undergo the unfathomable torment that was necessary for the joy, consolation, and celebration of the resurrection. Holy Week - Thursday 8/4/2020. He has persevered to the finish, swept in to overcome his weary flesh, and the reward is his victory. All rights reserved. Scripture: Matthew 26: 14 – 27: 66. It appears to be the norm. She is a frequent guest on Catholic radio and contributes to several online and print Catholic periodicals. Reflection, Scripture: Isaiah 42: 1-7. We, too, grapple with knowing truth.
This applies to us as well. Amen. What tangled webs we weave. Cultural Feasting: What’s the Difference? With all my triumphs and disasters, O Lamb of God I come. But though I may finally be facing the truth about the cross for my family, I feel like another ancient father—Jacob—wrestling with God in a dark place (see Gen. 32:22–32). The poor were being ripped off with over-priced animals and unfavourable exchange rates, in order to carry out their religious duty. We always think of Lent as being the most appropriate time to really meditate about Jesus’ Passion, but throughout the rest of the liturgical calendar, we seldom give it much thought. Bible; Holy Week; Comments. Always we are to accompany those who feel forsaken, used, and forgotten. With all my triumphs and disasters, O Lamb of God I come. Praying the cross over my family is a pivotal point, but I also know this is only the first test of many. He ordained our lives for a specific purpose. When we are depleted, exhausted, and at the end of our ropes in life, we can recall the journey to Calvary that demonstrated Jesus’ manifestation of human weakness. At the moment of His death, it seems that His Father has abandoned Him.
Previous YEAR C: HOMILY FOR PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD (10) Next YEAR A: HOMILY FOR TUESDAY OF HOLY WEEK (1) More … Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid. Spend at least 10 minutes tonight in silent prayer. Waiting is likely one of the most difficult aspects of the human condition. In addition to the Last Supper, tonight also commemorates the arrest of Jesus and his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. Amen. That is the sole reason the Father sent Him to earth. Banking Details: The Beaminster Area Team Ministry. Businesses are out to make a profit whatever the cost. Plan today how you (and your family) are going to observe the Sacred Triduum. We wonder why it is that Jesus didn’t clearly identify Judas as the traitor? I’d have crowned him King in truth when our eyes met for the last time I knew that I loved him, I who had brought him here to these indignities till the world ends my life will be his.”. To do this we must read the scriptures (the gospels in particular), go to Mass regularly and to confession frequently. The task of washing the feet of guests entering a house in the time of Jesus was given to the lowest slave. We wish you a fruitful and blessed Holy Week and Easter. Remember that through His death Jesus is the light shining in your life. There is, then, something that is both exemplary and lasting in Mary’s anointing of Jesus at Bethany. Jesus, lead me in Your way of service and love, and let me do it without thought of self. Ever since, I’ve sought to practice, learn, and grow in the way I pray over my family. MONDAY 6 APRIL.
Most loving Father, thank you that we never have to experience being abandoned by You. He is a native of Knoxville, TN and serves as rector of Apostles Anglican Church in his hometown. Not one of us has the right to feel superior to Judas. This option is always available to us as well. Nedbank Nicolway Branch
“Wait for the Lord with courage; be stouthearted, and wait for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14). Each pregnancy has given me space to ponder the beauty and grace of offering my body for another human life to begin its existence in this world.
Holy Week has nearly arrived. During Holy Week, I will post a simple reflection each day. It’s a harrowing thought to consider what the cross might mean in the lives of those we love. There will be a passage of scripture, music, a reflection, a prayer and a hymn. Today, as we enter into Holy Week, let us pay careful attention on how Jesus Christ emptied himself to demonstrate God’s love for us. I cannot deny that their faithfulness to Christ means carrying their own crosses. Holy Week - Tuesday 7/4/2020. Judas was one of us. Our loyalty and faithfulness to Jesus, which the apostles lacked at a crucial time, will be demonstrated in the way we choose to observe the Sacred Triduum at home. In point of fact, it served precisely that purpose: “The house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.” Throughout His life, He had prayed to His Father, called upon His Father in everything He did, remained One with His Father.
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