Take a look at his spreadsheet which covers the flaws pretty well. More posts from the Repsneakers community, Reddit's Largest Replica Sneaker Discussion Board - A community for posting of reviews of replica sneakers, Press J to jump to the feed.
REVIEW. Kickwho H12 Batch, the price was $148 USD shipped, H12 batch is currently the best on the market from what I heard for these so yes, What size is your gf asking cause I want to buy my gf some, Hi she ordered us5.5 for this one, fits snug. A White midsole and Pink translucent outsole round out the main features of the shoe. For everyone wondering what exactly the toebox flaw is, here are pics of my retail pair's toebox and a fake pair's toebox: Since there are no perfect fakes right now, LCing these shoes is fairly easy. If you have the shoes in hand, in natural light, they should really stand out. Thanks for putting this together. StrangeLove Skateboard and Nike Skateboarding are connecting for an upcoming SB Dunk Low collaboration that will debut for Valentine’s Day. Make sure the tongue is very thick. On your average day out, how many people do you think you’ll run across that can QC strange loves? Giving it even more of a collaborative feel is the StrangeLove branding on the tongue and graphic printed insoles. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Would be nice if you can get KW’s batch so you can do a side-by-side. Check for swoosh shape. Kickwho is definitely the best rn, had someone get defensive when I said that the other day, but those other batches have toeboxes built like the off white dunks. Lol I didn’t know that was part of Asian thing, I am but this cloth is from the previous Italian owner though, Lol, I dunno mate, they are from the previous house owner, These look great on feet’s enjoy your purchase, Yeah kind of, just tiny bit tight at toe, so maybe half size up would be good too, lookin’ good! Also, since most of the small details are unnoticeable on foot, focus on the following: Even though no batch is perfect, the best one is Kickwho, so definitely go with that batch. This collaborative version of the model starts off with a Pink suede upper complemented by the velvet on the panels as well as the contrasting Red accents on the Swooshes, lining, and laces. On-Feet: StrangeLove x Nike SB Dunk Low Slated to make its debut next month, here is an on-feet look at the StrangeLove x Nike SB Dunk Low.
As most of us know, up until very recently, there were no good fakes for SB dunks. My girl having the Strangelove Dunk on feet that is from Kickwho, delivery took around 10 days. I try to get home and my neighbour bitch ass Lawrence got close to my feet, snapped a picture and sent that shit to the biggest fake busting page, lowkey run by yeezy busta and travis scott themselves!!! Stay tuned for a confirmed release date. Make sure that the suede's color is correct (should be more of a peachy pink). By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Are you satisfied with the batch? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Slated to make its debut next month, here is an on-feet look at the StrangeLove x Nike SB Dunk Low. No release date has been announced but the StrangeLove x Nike SB Dunk Low is slated to drop sometime around Valentine’s Day. Also from what I’ve seen including my own pair, the swoosh material is more shiny cause it’s a different material than what they use on retails. That being said, the best of these are still probably sitting at .8/10, with the swooshes, red velvet colour, skulls, sole colour and the text flaws on the sole. i got the same size from KW, waiting for them to be shipped out ☺️, Yeah they actually shipped out before they gave me the tracking, and the tracking Number was wrong too, So i kind of received this as surprise. I'm making this guide to help all of you with the following: ****This was made on a laptop, so for those of you on mobile swipe to the left to see the rest of the table below****.
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