By his refusal his true nature betrayed him, leading to his downfall. Iblīs has long been a figure of speculation among Muslim scholars, who have been trying to explain the ambiguous identification of Iblīs in the Qurʾān as either angel or jinnī, a contradiction in terms, as angels are created of light (nūr) and are incapable of sin, while jinn are created of fire (nār) and can sin. [61] Some scholars objected that the term jinni does not necessarily exclude Iblis from the angels, since it has been suggested that in Pre-Islamic Arabia, the term denoted any type of invisible creature. If you read the Quran, you will find the tragic story of Iblis, the first Shaytan. Iblis replied that the command was actually a test. 201–214. Mother Abiona or Amtelai the daughter of Karnebo, Slayers of Saleh's she-camel (Qaddar ibn Salif and Musda' ibn Dahr). A Shaytan (plural Shayatin) is a demonic creature, set loose on humanity to spread evil and misery. He argued that since he himself was created from fire, he is superior to humans, made from Clay-mud, and that he should not prostrate himself before Adam. He approaches a peacock and tells him that all creatures will die and the peacock's beauty will perish. Iblis was one of Allah’s favorite creations, a glorious creature made of fire so pure that not even smoke could mar its beauty. [47] His final salvation develops from the idea of that Iblis is only an instrument of God's anger, not due to his meritorious personality. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. By weakening the evil in the Satanic figure, dualism is also degraded, that corresponds with the Sufi cosmology of unity of existence rejecting dualistic tendencies. As his first demonic act, Iblīs, referred to in this context as al-Shayṭān, entered the Garden of Eden and tempted Eve to eat of the tree of immortality, causing both Adam and Eve to forfeit paradise. Iblīs refused, claiming he was a nobler being since he was created of fire, whereas man came only of clay.
Multiple times in the Quran, Iblis admits that he is incapable of misleading followers who are true to Allah. [79] Iblis tries to enter the abode of Adam, but the angelic guardian keeps him away. (1983). In his own words, he vowed to, “come to them from before them and behind them, from their right and from their left, and You will not find most of them as dutiful ones.”. Abu Hanifa, founder of the Hanafi schools jurisprudence, is reported as distinguishing between obedient angels, disobedient angels such as Harut and Marut and unbelievers among the angels, like Iblis. As known, he succeeded in This argument had been essential for the advocates who reject the identification with Iblis with one of the angels. Iblis, the lord of all Shayatin, is described as a sweeping force and a whispering voice. [86], In Muhammad Iqbal's poetry, Iblis is critical about overstressed obedience, that caused his own downfall. But if he gets the fruit of eternity, every creature will last forever.
Iblīs, in Islam, the personal name of the Devil, possibly derived from the Greek diabolos. [75], In some interpretations, Iblis is associated with light that misleads people. Others credit Iblis with a more noble motive, believing that he was so faithful to Allah that he refused to bow to anything other than Allah. JSTOR, Iblis is a 2018 Indian Malayalam-language fantasy comedy film directed by Rohith V. S., with Asif Ali and Madonna Sebastian in the lead roles. Iblis considered himself superior because of his physical nature constituted of fire and not of clay.
Another central argument to determine Iblis essence discusses Iblis' ability to disobey. He can tempt and taunt, but he can never take control of a man’s mind. Further, Iblis is not described as created from fire, when the Quran identifies Iblis with the jinn.
Accordingly, Moses asks Iblis why he refused God's order. And God states he was of the jinn, so they said that it is not possible that he should be related to that which God does not relate him to; they said that Iblis had progeny and offspring, but the angels do not procreate or have children. Therefore, Iblis and his army drove the jinn to the edge of the world, Mount Qaf. [17] There is no sign of angelic revolt in the Quran and no mention of Iblis trying to take God's throne[18][19] and Iblis's sin could be forgiven at anytime by God. He was created either as an angel or a jinni but was condemned after refusing to bow before Adam. Here, he is usually seen beyond the outcrop, his face transformed from that of an angel created from fire with his wings burned, to the envious countenance of a devil.[54]. 2. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). [77] Quzat Hamadani relates his interpretation of Iblis' light to the shahada: Accordingly, people whose service for God is just superficial, are trapped within the circle of la ilah (the first part of shahada meaning "there is no God") just worshipping their nafs rather than God. Lucifer: The Devil in the Middle Ages. [4]:69 Due to his fall from God's grace, he is often compared to Satan in Christian traditions. Iblis promised that the fruit would make Adam immortal, equal with the angels. But these reasons only bespeak the weakness of these people's knowledge, for there is nothing objectionable in that God should have created the categories of His angels from all kinds of things that He had created: He created some of them from light, some of them from fire, and some of them from what He willed apart from that. Iblis is mentioned 11 times in the Quran by name, nine times related to his refusal against God's command to prostrate himself before Adam. Iblis’s main goal, and by extension the main goal of other Shayatin, is to divide mankind from the creator, Allah. The Qur’an describes Iblis-Satan as an important element in the cosmic fate of the human being since he asked to play the role of tempting and leading man astray in his difficult test in the world and God allowed for him. After they defeated it, they warped back to their own time. These djinn became corrupt, and all of them except Iblis were destroyed.
1/2, 1995, pp. [89], Devil-like figure in Quran and Islamic tradition, Painting of the expulsion from "The Garden" by Al-Hakim Nishapuri. Iblis, as the father of the jinn, was cast out of heaven due to his own sin, just as Adam was banished after his corresponding transgression of God's order not to eat from the Forbidden Tree. It is both a warning and a reminder that the special gifts given by God can also be taken away by Him. Hasan of Basra was quoted as saying: "If Iblis were to reveal his light to mankind, they would worship him as god. [74][72] Angels might be distinguished by their degree of obedience. All the angels and the jinn obeyed the Almighty except one rebellious jinn. Since he, unlike the other jinn, was pious, the angels were impressed by his nobility and Iblis was allowed to join the company of angels and elevated to their rank. Many Muslims claim that Iblis was too arrogant to acknowledge Adam as an equal, because the djinn was made out of a type of pure, beautiful fire, while Adam was made out of mud. The term Shaitan is more prevalent, although Iblis is sometimes referred to as Shaitan; the terms are not interchangeable. [64] On another place in the Quran, the progeny of Iblis are said to be created, therefore they can not be literal progeny. Russell, Jeffrey Burton (1986). [67] On the other hand, scholars arguing that the term refers to jinn, and not a category of angels, tried to explain his stay among the angels. He says, since he was one of the first cherubim, he will one day return to God's grace, and promises to show gratitude if the serpent does him a favor. The prophet Muhammad was, himself, hideously wounded in this battle. [49] God sentenced Iblis to hell forever, but granted him a favor for his former worship, that is to take revenge on humans by attempting to mislead them until the Day of Judgment. He states: "(Cunning) intelligence is from Iblis, and love from Adam. However, although he got the outer appearance of an angel, he was still a jinn in essence, thus he was able to choose when the angels and Iblis were commanded to prostrate themselves before Adam. When Iblis refused to bow to Adam, a mere man made of clay, Allah banished him from heaven. Although Iblis is often compared to the devil in Christian theology, Islam rejects the idea that Satan is an opponent of God and the implied struggle between God and the devil. His name was: Iblis (The Satan). He plummeted to earth in despair, but he swore to take revenge on Adam and all clay-men like him—and so far, he has done an excellent job of taking his revenge. Accordingly, Muhammad would have demonized the jinn in later Surahs, making Iblis a jinni, whereas he had been an angel before. [28][29] while for Ahmad Ghazali Iblis was the paragon of lovers in self sacrifice for refusing to bow down to Adam out of pure devotion to God [30] Ahmad Ghazali's student Sheikh Adi ibn Musafir was among the Sunni Muslim mystics who defended Iblis, asserted that evil was also God's creation, Sheikh Adi argued that if evil existed without the will of God then God would be powerless and a powerless can't be God [31], However, not all Sufis are in agreement with a positive depiction of Iblis. [80] In both narratives, in the Garden, Iblis speaks through the serpent to Adam and Eve, and tricks them into eating from the forbidden tree. He supports Zahhak to usurp the throne and kissed his shoulders, whereupon serpents grew from the spot Iblis kissed, a narrative rooted in the ancient Avesta. Iblis is also considered as the leader of those angels who battled the earthly jinn. [27], A famous narration about an encounter between Moses and Iblis on the slopes of Sinai, told by Mansur al-Hallaj, Ruzbihan Baqli[26] and Abū Ḥāmid Ghazzali, emphasizes the nobility of Iblis. He lived there for thousands of years, until his non-angelic origin was forgotten and only God remembered Iblis' true identity. As for God's statement that he was
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