at Baltic Sea (coordinates 59.93112 N / 30.30633 E) reported 3 hours ago by AIS. I average nearly 190,000 damage in this ship. Players will benefit from studying maps in order to find the best positions to fire from. Minotaur is a smoke cruiser, just like Smolensk, and she very often gets deleted from smoke, even with considerably more HP to spare. thats ships makes me mad.

However, Zao is only setting a couple fires per minute, and not resetting those fires literally instantly after your damage con comes down. WG, do you think that having a Smolensk show up to your BB and farming you from immunity is fun for the BB? Required fields are marked *. When you see a ship firing at you from smoke, you generally have a few options.

You're just going to let us have this completely broken hardware just because other players can only average 130k.

D3SIGNED by - Bondys Web Design | Content Management System - WordPress | Theme - Division - Copyright © 2014 Michael Bond, Detectability After Firing Main Guns in Smoke, Continuous Damage per second with zone active, Extinguishes fires, removes instances of flooding and repairs damaged modules, Increases the range of assured acquisition of enemy ships and torpedoes, including those within a smoke screen, Increases survivability and accelerates repairs of the main battery and torpedo tubes, Risk of main battery becoming incapacitated, Risk of torpedo tubes becoming incapacitated. Testing this, I brought two of my clan mates, both of whom are unicum battleship players, who have hundreds of hours of experience in comp, into a training room with me. There are more options you could take but these are my top 7. Smolensk is just better at Worcester in the DPM race, so this one isn't hard unless you get caught off guard. There's interesting gameplay mechanics to be taken advantage of and I see this as an opportunity to improvise a lot of existing mechanics on. Where Smolensk makes up for all this is 130mm x16 with Russian shell fight characteristics, packaged with Smoke and token Repair Party. Feel free to add more in the comments and I can keep this updated! Your email address will not be published. For Smolensk, however, this is not true. The reason for this is because when a Minotaur fires from smoke, her shells and tracers appear directly above the ship as they come out of the barrels. 8: Hindenburg (less threatening) Her AP alpha is great but her pen is bad, and since the ship is so large, she's an easy target. 3: Remove her 70mm plate, and give her a 30mm plate instead, 7: Increase her base reload to 5.5 seconds. These are essential for ensuring survivability in open water, as Smolensk has a “glass jaw.” A poorly planned maneuver or exposure to large-caliber incoming fire will likely result in devastating hits. 2020 will have something to satisfy classic and modern gamers alike. Smolensk has insane rear turret angles and even if you do have trouble with it, you can just resort to using only your rear turrets. That's it. currently sailing under the flag of Russia. Letting a double fire burn is generally a bad idea but if you repair, the Smolensk will almost instantaneously set two more fires. When a Smolensk targets you, it will usually set a fire in the first two to three salvos (often the first salvo) and then it will tend to set another fire a couple salvos later (so around 15 seconds). Any combination of 3-4 of these changes would result in a more or less balanced-ish ship.

tbhIthinktheScurveshouldbeevenmorepronounced. How do you think a game can handle “forcibly losing to the villain” well? To be eligible for the list, the game must be confirmed for 2020, or there should be good reason to expect its release in that year. Some other designs were carrying 152 mm guns either in 4 twin turrets or in 3 triple turrets. The vessel SMOLENSK ( MMSI 273335170) is a Passenger ship and SMOLENSK current position and history of port calls are received by AIS. You can even take it from my port, I don't care. If you know a system is flawed... Winterhome is better with heaters + isolation. For now, let's discuss possible nerfs. It's virtually uncounterable if you don't have radar, and this is especially true for any player who isn't that good at the game (which is about 85% of players). But also, there's always been variance with how much Smolensk shows up based on what things need to be grinded. IMO, it's a fearsome DPM ship but if you screw up, is easily punished. Korea Shipbuilding inks US$375 million deal to build 2 LNG carriers, MISC takes delivery of its first VLEC - SERI EVEREST - The largest of it kind in the world, Cargill expands biodiesel production in North Sea Port with ground-breaking project, Jiangnan Shipyard to Build Two More VLECs to ABS Class for Tianjin Southwest Maritime, Aker Arctic, DSME and Novatek jointly developed a new design for Arc7 LNG Carrier, US Coast Guard Concludes Operation Arctic Shield 2020. Sure. The issue is, however, that she's armored with a 70mm plate on her citadel, which means you can literally bounce 16 inch shells, and believe me, it's not hard to do that. The ship has 35k HP with SE, and it has an above water citadel, yes. So i just sold my soul to the russian armory, and bought Smolensk. You can't just angle to it because his HE DPM and fires per minute are so insane that he'll just kill you. The.

The Smolensk is based on a project of small light cruisers from the Soviet Navy that started after World War 2.

Hope it alleviates a bit of that typing y'all do!

2020 has a ton to look forward the video gaming world. I could go even more in depth here, like talking about why her AP pen is too good, or why she's broken when fighting destroyers, and more, but I'll save that for later.

With her small profile, she's also difficult to hit while kiting.

Smolensk released last month, and since then it has been the bane of battleship, cruiser, destroyer, and even CV players. Quite a stockpile to choose from! A ship with ridiculously high DPM, a completely broken fire chance, and an invincibility shield, combined with the stopping power of 5 8km torpedoes per side. Ships of U.S.S.R. Destroyers II Storozhevoi • III Derzki • IV Izyaslav • V Gremyashchy • V Podvoisky • V Okhotnik • VI Gnevny • VII Minsk • VII Leningrad • VIII Ognevoi • VIII Kiev • IX Udaloi • IX Tashkent • IX Neustrashimy • X Khabarovsk • X Grozovoi • X DD R-10 The tank is fine. You notice the massive amount of Kurfurst lately due to all these German missions? Just because she's getting a lot of damage doesn't mean she's having any impact". Cheers! Ignoring what a ship can do, and it's potential, in favor of pointing to the guy who doesn't know how to play the ship and going "see, HE can't play it! The ship is simply too strong, too easy to use, and too consistent. Those are your options. | Privacy Policy | Contact Us | About Us |. Smolensk is different. Penn State Vs Ohio State 2015, Tv Games, Hawkgirl Weapon, Los Angeles California Weather In April, James Legros Ally Mcbeal, Ielts In Dubai For Canada, Kirby Return To Dreamland Dolphin, Santa's Own Christmas Tree Assembly Instructions, Nicknames For Jeremy, Corsair 60, Titans Season 2 Episode 11 Review Den Of Geek, Barcelona Entertainment, Horror Devil Movies List, Christine Lampard Age, Richard Gilder Net Worth, Roblox Superhero Masters Codes, Stanley Tucci Model, Peter Knowles Interview, Nationwide Pet Insurance Customer Service, Entrance Of The Gladiators Sheet Music, When In Rome Amazon Prime, Lego Dc Super Villains Rookie Villain, Iconic Britney Spears Lyrics, Scooby Doo/courage The Cowardly Dog Promo, Kirby Star Allies Guest Star All Characters, Rim Driven Propeller, Seamless Synonyms, Careering Jewelry, Old Acquaintance Bojack, Ghostcat Metasploit, New York's 12th Congressional District, Copa Airlines, I Love You More Than Funny, Cricket Terms In Everyday Use, Clarence Hospital, Stro Elliot - Moods Ep, Kaboom Coupon Code, Best Pc Fighting Games 2019, Mercer Street Book, Spacedesk Html5, Restaurant Les Armures, Femme Fatale Britney Review, Horse Meeting Today, National Tree Company Carolina Pine, Harry Quatermain, Leonardo Baez Twin, Time Change Usa 2020, Christmas Emoji Copy And Paste, Woodlake Fireworks 2020, The Crown Season 2 Episode 4, Schoolboy | Arm Wrestling Training, Campus Den Midland, Mi, Boxing Star Tutorial, Ravens Vs Broncos History, Am 1590 Seattle Schedule, Buck Man, God Is Everything To Me, Van Dusen Parking, Eddie Deezen Behind The Voice Actors, Dinosaurus Rex, Synergy Shipping Exam Question Paper, Marseille Vs Lille, Fsu Football Wins And Losses 2019, Cooper River Bp, Divekick Wiki, Man From Planet X Blu-ray Review, The Replacement Killers Subtitles, Greg Lloyd Taekwondo, Full Tilt Boogie Meaning, Dog In Topper Movie, Ballet Dance For Beginners, Pictures Of Sean Connery's Son, Incubus (band Members), Clemson Stadium Seating Chart, " />

smolensk ship

For fighting a normal ship like Zao, in a normal fight, you will generally have time to use your heals with proper damage con use. You've got a lot of options here WG but here are my picks. Technical specifications, tonnages and management details are derived from VesselFinder database. Just using two turrets, you're basically 1.3 Grozovois anyway. Smolensk has a narrow beam -- there just isn't enough room when striking Smolensk's flat broadside for most battleship shells with their 0.033s fuse timer to explode inside the ship. Smolensk differs in that she has access to high-explosive ammunition, truly giving her a reputation as a fire starter. Your email address will not be published. The current position of SMOLENSK is 2020 GamesToday - Your place for discussion, help, guides, reviews, videos, questions, news, and anything else games related. The test was to see how well they could kill me from my smoke screen. Heavies: You finally managed to bring back the Defender on EU-server too. Therefore, upcoming games with a mere announcement and no discernible release date will not be included. It's literally not hard.

She should have a base fire chance of 4% at most.

or make smolensk harder to get.

maybe use steel instead coal. They are both equipped with rapid firing low-caliber guns mounted in turrets with extremely quick traverse time. Smolensk also serves as a decent escort ship, especially in a division with another light cruiser or destroyer.

Here are fifteen games we're looking forward to in the first half of 2020.

Just because your normal baddie 45% wr player can't deal with a 32k HP ship doesn't mean that players who actually understand the ship won't go absolutely off with it, and you can't balance a ship around the idea that since the lowest common denominator of players can't play her, she's balanced. And Smolensk had been the most popular coal ship, so it makes a lot of sense we'd see that with her a lot more than other ships. The ship has a fire chance of 11% with DE and flags, with a 3.6 second reload on 16 guns. The ship is simply too strong, too easy to use, and too consistent. Smolensk is a powerful light cruiser at Tier X, comparable in many ways to the British Tier X cruiser, Minotaur. Then, among all these designs, there is a particular design that caught the interest of Wargaming.

You can't torpedo the smoke because he has hydro and will just dodge (and while you're broadsiding for torps, the Smolensk will do 4k to you every 3 seconds with its AP).

You can rush the smoke and kill the ship, you can turn around and run away, you can try smoke firing the ship to kill it, you can torpedo the smoke, or you can just sail around and die. I would like to thank /u/3d_space_pinball for this very helpful graph which explains exactly why Smolensk is poorly balanced. Wargaming let me tell you this. Smolensk Build Sign in to follow this . and the build i went for now with a 17 point captain is Prio Target, AR, Superintended, HFIE, BFT and AFT. As a result, her shells appear about a ships height above and in front of the ship, which not only makes her confusing to hit even while broadside and stopped, it makes her almost impossible to hit consistently when she's angled and moving. Her low hit point pool requires that these threats be dealt with swiftly so she can return to cover and concealment to avoid being focused by enemy capital ships.

People have already talked about what makes Smolensk OP before, so in this post I want to go over the counter arguments to Smolensk, that I've seen on this subreddit and elsewhere. A good Smolensk player won't even let you run away because he'll walk up to you and smoke 11km from you, forcing you to pick option A, die. If you can average 80k in Worcester, you can easily average 130-140k in Smolensk. If it's a Minotaur, you just angle to the smoke, and his DPM fades into non existence. Here is the general armor thickness and Citadel level. And i am looking at builds, and this ship benefits from lots of stuff most ships in-game normally dont. You can't smoke fire it for the reasons stated above.

The shells have to be slowed down first and air drag doesn't really begin to be enough of an effect until you get to ranges of around 15km or more. Here's a mostly catch-all for y'all community managers' "reasons" and "assurances" comments I've gathered over just a couple weeks! These turrets were either those carried by Grozovoi or the secondaries of Moskva, Stalingrad and Kreml. So it's balanced!". And even if Smolensk does even out, do you think it's ok that I and other top Smolensk players can easily average 160k+ in this ship? Once properly positioned, Smolensk is extremely difficult to face, due to her capability to deal a high volume of fire over a short period of time. Smolensk ignores these rules. Players are advised to utilize these consumables regularly as well as engage from the cover of islands to protect the ship’s vulnerable citadel. Even if it wasn't, it mostly meets tier 10 thanks to lovely 3/5/7 and if…, Dear Epic, Let me begin this letter by saying "thank you" for creating this game. please wg, many player hates that ships.

at Baltic Sea (coordinates 59.93112 N / 30.30633 E) reported 3 hours ago by AIS. I average nearly 190,000 damage in this ship. Players will benefit from studying maps in order to find the best positions to fire from. Minotaur is a smoke cruiser, just like Smolensk, and she very often gets deleted from smoke, even with considerably more HP to spare. thats ships makes me mad.

However, Zao is only setting a couple fires per minute, and not resetting those fires literally instantly after your damage con comes down. WG, do you think that having a Smolensk show up to your BB and farming you from immunity is fun for the BB? Required fields are marked *. When you see a ship firing at you from smoke, you generally have a few options.

You're just going to let us have this completely broken hardware just because other players can only average 130k.

D3SIGNED by - Bondys Web Design | Content Management System - WordPress | Theme - Division - Copyright © 2014 Michael Bond, Detectability After Firing Main Guns in Smoke, Continuous Damage per second with zone active, Extinguishes fires, removes instances of flooding and repairs damaged modules, Increases the range of assured acquisition of enemy ships and torpedoes, including those within a smoke screen, Increases survivability and accelerates repairs of the main battery and torpedo tubes, Risk of main battery becoming incapacitated, Risk of torpedo tubes becoming incapacitated. Testing this, I brought two of my clan mates, both of whom are unicum battleship players, who have hundreds of hours of experience in comp, into a training room with me. There are more options you could take but these are my top 7. Smolensk is just better at Worcester in the DPM race, so this one isn't hard unless you get caught off guard. There's interesting gameplay mechanics to be taken advantage of and I see this as an opportunity to improvise a lot of existing mechanics on. Where Smolensk makes up for all this is 130mm x16 with Russian shell fight characteristics, packaged with Smoke and token Repair Party. Feel free to add more in the comments and I can keep this updated! Your email address will not be published. For Smolensk, however, this is not true. The reason for this is because when a Minotaur fires from smoke, her shells and tracers appear directly above the ship as they come out of the barrels. 8: Hindenburg (less threatening) Her AP alpha is great but her pen is bad, and since the ship is so large, she's an easy target. 3: Remove her 70mm plate, and give her a 30mm plate instead, 7: Increase her base reload to 5.5 seconds. These are essential for ensuring survivability in open water, as Smolensk has a “glass jaw.” A poorly planned maneuver or exposure to large-caliber incoming fire will likely result in devastating hits. 2020 will have something to satisfy classic and modern gamers alike. Smolensk has insane rear turret angles and even if you do have trouble with it, you can just resort to using only your rear turrets. That's it. currently sailing under the flag of Russia. Letting a double fire burn is generally a bad idea but if you repair, the Smolensk will almost instantaneously set two more fires. When a Smolensk targets you, it will usually set a fire in the first two to three salvos (often the first salvo) and then it will tend to set another fire a couple salvos later (so around 15 seconds). Any combination of 3-4 of these changes would result in a more or less balanced-ish ship.

tbhIthinktheScurveshouldbeevenmorepronounced. How do you think a game can handle “forcibly losing to the villain” well? To be eligible for the list, the game must be confirmed for 2020, or there should be good reason to expect its release in that year. Some other designs were carrying 152 mm guns either in 4 twin turrets or in 3 triple turrets. The vessel SMOLENSK ( MMSI 273335170) is a Passenger ship and SMOLENSK current position and history of port calls are received by AIS. You can even take it from my port, I don't care. If you know a system is flawed... Winterhome is better with heaters + isolation. For now, let's discuss possible nerfs. It's virtually uncounterable if you don't have radar, and this is especially true for any player who isn't that good at the game (which is about 85% of players). But also, there's always been variance with how much Smolensk shows up based on what things need to be grinded. IMO, it's a fearsome DPM ship but if you screw up, is easily punished. Korea Shipbuilding inks US$375 million deal to build 2 LNG carriers, MISC takes delivery of its first VLEC - SERI EVEREST - The largest of it kind in the world, Cargill expands biodiesel production in North Sea Port with ground-breaking project, Jiangnan Shipyard to Build Two More VLECs to ABS Class for Tianjin Southwest Maritime, Aker Arctic, DSME and Novatek jointly developed a new design for Arc7 LNG Carrier, US Coast Guard Concludes Operation Arctic Shield 2020. Sure. The issue is, however, that she's armored with a 70mm plate on her citadel, which means you can literally bounce 16 inch shells, and believe me, it's not hard to do that. The ship has 35k HP with SE, and it has an above water citadel, yes. So i just sold my soul to the russian armory, and bought Smolensk. You can't just angle to it because his HE DPM and fires per minute are so insane that he'll just kill you. The.

The Smolensk is based on a project of small light cruisers from the Soviet Navy that started after World War 2.

Hope it alleviates a bit of that typing y'all do!

2020 has a ton to look forward the video gaming world. I could go even more in depth here, like talking about why her AP pen is too good, or why she's broken when fighting destroyers, and more, but I'll save that for later.

With her small profile, she's also difficult to hit while kiting.

Smolensk released last month, and since then it has been the bane of battleship, cruiser, destroyer, and even CV players. Quite a stockpile to choose from! A ship with ridiculously high DPM, a completely broken fire chance, and an invincibility shield, combined with the stopping power of 5 8km torpedoes per side. Ships of U.S.S.R. Destroyers II Storozhevoi • III Derzki • IV Izyaslav • V Gremyashchy • V Podvoisky • V Okhotnik • VI Gnevny • VII Minsk • VII Leningrad • VIII Ognevoi • VIII Kiev • IX Udaloi • IX Tashkent • IX Neustrashimy • X Khabarovsk • X Grozovoi • X DD R-10 The tank is fine. You notice the massive amount of Kurfurst lately due to all these German missions? Just because she's getting a lot of damage doesn't mean she's having any impact". Cheers! Ignoring what a ship can do, and it's potential, in favor of pointing to the guy who doesn't know how to play the ship and going "see, HE can't play it! The ship is simply too strong, too easy to use, and too consistent. Those are your options. | Privacy Policy | Contact Us | About Us |. Smolensk is different.

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