Mrs. Chuckie •
Later, they discovered that money could bring them out of their poverty and decided to make money selling hamburger patties. After the town threatened to sacrifice SpongeBob since Sandy believed it could be a gift to the "burger gods", SpongeBob then tells everyone that he smelled a familiar scent coming from far away, and when they finally smelled it also, SpongeBob gets Patrick, Squidward, Sandy, and Mr. Krabs right up the where the scent is coming from. In "Plankton's Regular", the Krusty Krab adds chum to its menu in an attempt to steal Plankton's single regular customer (who was in reality being paid by Karen to eat at the Chum Bucket and pretend to like the food there). Lolita 7 • Plankton has spent a long period of time trying to destroy the Krusty Krab. Tucker Foley •
Nora Wakeman • Plankton actually should be half the size of Spongebob, as Spongebob is four inches tall. 56 Sheldon J. Plankton was born 56 years ago on the same day as Mr. Krabs. Aisha • Lynn Jr. • Skippy Spankerton | Plankton is college educated, which has become a running gag throughout the series, as he would usually shout, "I went to college!" His plans always involve technological devices and weapons, all for the sake of the formula. Zach • Plankton tries to destroy Yokohama, but the Pretty Cures are going to fight him.
Nigel •
PlanktonDr. Bene and Beck Crimson | Sid Chang • Elise | Evil (formerly), mischievous, mean, desperate, selfish (formerly), cruel, arrogant, intelligent, backstabbing (formerly), delusional, nerdy, two-faced (situationally), vengeful, determined, obsessive, insecure, cowardly
After Mr. Krabs and numerous citizens of Bikini Bottom were accusing and berating at Plankton for being the culprit, SpongeBob convincing to them that he's innocent rescues him with a giant traveling bubble as they escape the hostile people who suddenly formed a group of apocalyptic sufferers.
In Plankton's Pet, when Plankton lost his pet named Spot, he teamed up with SpongeBob to find him and prevent him from being lost again. Do note that plankton are known to come from a different Kingdom than Copepods. Mr. Ping, Korra • In episode 4 in the Nether when Kaito asked Plankton if Count Dooku had been killed Mileena, but Plankton answers he is. Spot (pet)Mr. Krabs (sometimes)Pearl Krabs (sometimes)SpongeBob SquarePants (sometimes)Patrick Star (sometimes)Mrs. SpongeBob and Plankton escape and try to go to the past where they see Bikini Bottom a few days in the future in a desert like state where a bearded future Patrick told them that everyone given up on finding the Krabby Patty secret formula. Sheldon J. Plankton Sheldon Lee • ami jelen esetben a Wired Integrated Female Electroencephalograph rövidítése). Goddard • Squidward, the lazy, grumpy, pessimistic worker at the restaurant, complains to Plankton that he doesn't want to work with SpongeBob. Gary • Deema • Oona • Nonny • Zooli, Ryder • Ranger Margaret, Ren Höek • Tier: Varies from 10-C usually to 9-B at his peak. Squidward • Pig • Other names Please log in to get the full benefit of SpongePedia. Home Base, Tak • Nicktoons Racing Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Frostbite • Age
Sandy • Kaito transformed into Lord Baron, Daiki transform into Kamen Rider Diend, while Plankton grows bigger. In several relatively recent episodes, the inside of his mouth was purple. Tenzin, SwaySway • Background information
Chase •
Rocky •
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Dani Phantom • He also has a rack with identicle green suits. Standard Equipment: Varies based on the episode. Plankton is married to Karen, a waterproof supercomputer. Trixie | Herb |
His primary goal in the series is to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula and put Mr. Krabs out of business.
Plankton built Karen himself out of a calculator and a mass of wires. ", "Karen, baby, I haven't felt this giddy since the day you agreed to be my wife!".
Run Krabs out of business by stealing his formula and using it for his own Chum Bucket business. Jelly, Ansi Molina •
Plankton and his former friend Krabs in their youth. Plankton's restaurant, the Chum Bucket, has always been extremely unsuccessful, not only because of competition from the Krusty Krab and Plankton's rude and cruel treatment of the people in Bikini Bottom, but also due to the extremely poor quality of the food and Plankton's constant failure to clean the place up. Plankton later named his restaurant the Chum Bucket, after the secret ingredient of the original unsuccessful patty recipe.
Mr. Krabs gets to eat real food.
In "Dunces and Dragons," it was implied that the fight between Plankton and Krabs began centuries ago when Plankton's evil overlord ancestor Planktonamor was vanquished by a Krabby Patty.
It should be noted that in real life, chum is made of grounded up fish parts that are inedible to humans, such as heads and guts, and is used as bait for sharks and similar creatures. Tigress • Haru, Tucker X • Marianne, GIR • Debbie • Mama Cosma, Jimmy Neutron • ToyBob: A second SpongeBob look-alike robot, which is turned on by a wind-up key on its back. In episode 1, he was seen planning to steal the Krabby Patty Secret Formula at Nether along with Hipporito, Kaito, and Daiki. Liam • that Plankton was once best friends with Mr. Krabs, but they became enemies after a scuffle involving the first Krabby Patty recipe. Their rivalry is shown to have been caused by a series of events, including Plankton being stepped on by Mr. Krabs, which didn't annoy him at all, being closed inside Mr. Krabs' book, which aggravated him a little, and Mr. Krabs going out with his date and Plankton's date, which marked the official start to their rivalry.
Katara • Plankton defeating the Pretty Cures, but Ryan, Asuka, and SpongeBob stop him.
A.J. Sheldon J. Plankton is the main antagonist from "SpongeBob SquarePants". Mr.Krabs is the extension for Plankton. Along with Karen, Plankton is always scheming to rule the restaurant business and the world. Sheldon J. Plankton was born on the same day as his rival Eugene H. Krabs. Puff | Pearl | Gary | Plankton | Karen, Movie Heroes His arms and legs are short and stubby. Jelly | Chas •
Do-Gooder SpongeBob • Family After trying to find the secret formula in SpongeBob's brain that's literally full of kindness and sweetness, Plankton and SpongeBob decide to time travel to get back the secret formula. Though he's the main antagonist of the series, Plankton is actually put in the situation to add comedic tensions. Mr. Krabs (archenemy)Pearl KrabsSpongebob SquarePants (archenemy)Patrick StarMrs. Can still remain conscious after being stepped on, in which he is usually reduced to goo; can regenerate from his injuries within a short timeframe), Underwater Breathing (Type 1), Flight via jet packs, Energy Projection via laser guns, Magic, Color Manipulation (with Color Nullifier), Durability Negation and Power Nullification with Goo Goo Gas and Senior Citizen Spray (Can turn anybody into a dumb, helpless baby and a frail elderly person respectively), Explosion Manipulation, Genius Intelligence, Stealth Mastery (Can crawl into opponents, sneak into the Krusty Krab with ease, and use his tiny size to go around places), Information Analysis (with Karen), Preparation (Usually invents machines, gadgets, and devices), Heat Vision with Imitation Krabs, Mind Manipulation (with Chum Bucket Helmets, Mind Control Remote, Professor Plankton's Mind Control Shampoo, etc), Dimensional Travel with the switch-lives-just-to-know-what-it's-like-o-microfier, Empathic Manipulation via Jerktonium (Causes people to become bitter and miserable), Toon Force, 4th Wall Awareness, Matter Manipulation (Atomic level, split apart two atoms with his own hands), Weapon Mastery (Created and used all of his advanced tech), Social Influencing (Has tricked SpongeBob many times into doing what he wants), Magnetism Manipulation (With Magnets), Resistance to Acid Manipulation and Electricity Manipulation | All previous, plus Superhuman Physical Characteristics and Large Size (Type 0), Attack Potency: Varies from Below Average level usually to Wall level at his peak (Survived the destruction of Bikini Bottom and can harm others who have as well).
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