secret of evermore map

All games mentioned in this site are copyrighted by their respective producers and publishers. Secret of Evermore:RAM map. In the second major leg of Secret of Evermore - exploring a rough, tough territory called Antiqua - players are sure to encounter a famous market-place in the bustling city of Nobilia.This huge bazaar is one of the most talked-about sidequests in the game, and can be intimidating to those who don't know their way around its many shops and stalls. From Data Crystal. 306000 = Bit 0: Control Prefs screen - Sound: 0 = Mono, 1 = Stereo, global across all save slots ===== 7E0000 to ..... = Script interpreter? Introduction Edit. For Secret of Evermore on the Super Nintendo, Nobilia Market Map by AstroBlue. It is located far north of the Western Bank, and is the hiding place for one of the Diamond Eyes. For Secret of Evermore on the Super Nintendo, Dark Forest Map by card shark. Jump to: navigation, search. Grizzly did an amazing, thorough job. All materials are copyrighted by their respective authors. No infringement on any existing copyright is intended. The best collection of maps can be found at, or, more specifically, at the Secret of Evermore section. Maps. The Hall is full of pitfalls; some require the player to hit switches with the Bronze Spear to extend a bridge, other pits have invisible platforms that can be revealed with Revealer. The following article is a RAM map for Secret of Evermore. (c)2006

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