), (Before Nine drank the glass of water backwards, he hiccuped again, which caused him to spill the water. Seven tries to get rid of the hiccups by saying "Lucky" seven times before shouting "BOO! Lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky boo! Air date
Nine sneezes again when another picture of him gets taken, so One decides to become trapezium-shaped, and struggles to fuse with Eight.
), (One reshapes herself into her frustum form and dives into Eight’s center hole. While One is trapezium-shaped and jumps into Eights hole, in the second shot, she is square-shaped again. The Ones shout "BOO!"
This is the first time there are more than ten Ones. "''', (Nine sneezes, shooting out a One that hits the camera. Every time the Numberblocks hiccup, the numberlings of the split numbers are missing. This is the second time in the whole Learningblocks world that standing on your head doesn't cure hiccups. Oh, I’ve got to get rid of these… Hic! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. ), (Nine sneezes again, shooting a One that resulted in hitting Ten.
You stand on your head. What comes next? Nine sneez…
Hiccups No more sneezing. That feels so much better. Director
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Don’t worry! Unknown ), (They all laugh happily and the episode ends.) Children's animation. Six appears with six hiccup cures from a dice. What's the Difference?
Writer One wonders if anyone could be bigger than One Hundred. Oh! She rolls a six, and says: "Cure number six it is! ", but it also gives Eight the hiccups. Episode guide
", but it also gives Ten the hiccups. One has found a way to keep adding Ones all the way to Ninety-nine. Breaking the camera is the only way.
Possibly the reason 6-7 tried scaring them again is that they have never actually experienced being scared by a "boo", and mostly because scaring is one of the ways to cure hiccups. Previous One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, Cheese! I know how to cure hiccups. JavaScript seems to be disabled.
One of Eight's tentacles are disembodied while he's moving if you pause correctly.
When Six and Seven reverted from their split forms, Six was 4+1 before reverting, and 7 was 2 blocks wide before reverting. https://numberblocks.fandom.com/wiki/Hiccups?oldid=115375. Hang on, I know another one. Duration. One is ready to take a picture of the other Numberblocks, but first, she takes a picture of herself to show them how it's done. (The camera prints the picture of One, and she shows the picture to her friends), The camera prints the photo of Two, and One is showing the photo.
I’m cured. Fix-ups by MrQwerty12309, Sorry! They both apologize and turn back into Nine.
The second is Twelve and the Third is Block Star. Peekaboo! Numberblocks Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Every time Numberblock Nine hiccups, he falls to pieces- until the others find an unexpected cure.
Nine is the center character in this episode. Ten tells Nine to stand on his head, but it doesn't work and he splits into three Twos and three Ones, so she gets him to drink a glass of water backwards, but it doesn't work either. Why do I always… Ah…. Nine thinks his hiccups stopped, but when he hiccups again, he splits into three Threes twice, then Five and four Ones. The other Numberblocks, 2-8, get a turn with the picture, but when it's Nine's turn, he sneezes out his middle block and becomes Eight while getting his picture taken. One's camera has taken too many pictures, and then it malfunctions and breaks into pieces after taking a picture of Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, and Ten.
Learn about splitting numbers into smaller numbers. Nine's hiccups ), (Nine hiccups repeatedly, becoming 8 and 1, 7 and 2, 6 and 3, 5 and 4, and then back to Nine. Season The other Numberblocks, 2-8, get a turn with the picture, but when it's Nine's turn, he sneezes out his middle block and becomes Eight while getting his picture taken. When it’s your turn, just say cheese and the camera will take a picture.
Before the camera breaks, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, and Ten all say:), (The camera breaks but still took the picture. One, Another One, Two, Three, One, Two, Three!, Four, Five, Three Little Pigs, Off We Go, How to Count, Stampolines, The Whole of Me, The Terrible Twos, Holes, Hide and Seek, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Just Add One, Blast Off, Counting Sheep, Double Trouble, The Three Threes, Odds and Evens, Fluffies, The Two Tree, Numberblock Castle, Ten Green Bottles, Once Upon A Time, Blockzilla, The Numberblocks Express, Fruit Salad, Zero, Now We Are Six To Ten, Numberblobs, Building Blocks, Peekaboo!, Hiccups, What's the Difference?, Numberblock Rally, Five and Friends, Octoblock to the Rescue!, Ten Again, Flatland, Pattern Palace, The Legend of Big Tum, Mirror, Mirror, The Wrong Number, Eleven, Twelve, The Way of the Rectangle, Ride the Rays, Block Star, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Tween Scenes, Step Squads, Fifteen's Minute of Fame, On Your Head, Ten's Place, Balancing Bridge, Sixteen, Square Club, Seventeen, Eighteen, Loop the Loop, Nineteen, Twenty, Tall Stories, Flights of Fancy, I Can Count to Twenty, Heist, Sign of the Times, Fun Times Fair, The Lair of Shares, Terrible Twosday, Divide and Drive, Twenty-One and On, We're Going on a Square Hunt, Thirty's Big Top, Land of the Giants, Fifty, Sixty's High Score, The Big One, One Hundred, One Thousand and One, More To Explore. They both apologize and turn back into Nine. Drink a glass of water backwards. This is the second time Numberblocks split into Ones when they get scared. Read about our approach to external linking.
Eight tries to get rid of the hiccups by shouting "Octoblock, BOO!
Please enable JavaScript to take full advantage of iPlayer. Next (rapping) Out of my way!
Hiccups! ), (Six scares Seven through Ten, which causes them to scare Six, causing her to have hiccups), (Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten were hiccuping multiple times, which caused the camera to overload and rocket into the air. One is ready to take a picture of the other Numberblocks, but first, she takes a picture of herself to show them how it's done. Transcript by Rubik20 One Hundred shows us what she's made of in a big song about. Eight's mouth is really big when he says cheese. Let’s roll! 10
(Six scares Seven through Ten, which causes them to scare Six, causing her to have hiccups) Seven through Ten (34 Ones) ), (Three is juggling two slices of bread and a slice of cheese.
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