Zinger. And, to that aim, nothing is taboo. For those who cannot attend, the movie was picked up by Oscilloscope, who will be releasing the film in theaters this Fall. Dream like, earthy, funny. Love is higher and more unattainable than the soul. The similarity of kratts to artificial intelligences has resulted that in Estonia this character is used as a metaphor for AI and its complexities. Wide eyed with awe, Hans experiences culture for the first time: romance accessed through language. So glad I took the plunge. There isn't a real story, just some magical fables. Death comes with loves ultimate failure. deserves yo win prizes at festival. The element of the dead and their celebration also works well and also feels natural and believable. From the moment this film begins, the audience is assailed with images that are so exotically bleak, we wonder how they were created.

© 2020 Filmexplorer, Basel, Switzerland. Some of the cast are formed by non-professional actors, thus some of the acting might seem wooden, but it adds to whole charm of the movie. I'm glad things like this are still made. What I mean by anti fairy tale is the landscape is bleak, people are miserable, they deceive and steal without any idea what to to with all the treasures they grabbed but simply bury them or hide under floorboards. User Ratings Some scenes seem to have been filmed on Infrared film, adding to beauty of the look. One of the creatures reminded me of Picasso's "Bull's Head". We squint hard to view these inhospitable rooms and broken hearts, but find release in the over-exposure of a coming winter landscape, bleached beyond a certain blandness. Adaptation of an Estonian novel, it is a fine, subtle, inspired mix of fairy tale, magic and pagan community. That's all I need to know to watch November. Right up there with Hard to be a God and Turin's Horse, this is a true work of art. It is uncomfortable to watch someone in love do whatever to even attract the other persons attention.

Based on the popular Estonian novel by Andrus Kivirähk Rehepapp ehk november, the film plunges us into a folkloric, animistic and supernatural hell. An authority that is further diluted by Sarnet’s choice to keep the nobility comatosed, indifferent, or quiet. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 22 December 2019. While the beauty of each frame, the strong performances from an intensely invested cast, and the well-integrated electronic score from Polish composer Jacaszek could together be a stand-alone reason for why the experience of the film is cogent; it is Sarnet’s interpretation of the narrative deftly crafted in a balanced conversation with these aspects that allows us to enter this odd world with the comfort of a well-unfolded fabula. The dirty faced Liina, superbly played by Rea Lest, loves Hans (Jörgen Liik), the village hunk, who loves the Baroness (Jette Loona Hermanis) – an untouchable doll with a somnambulist death wish. The magic/folklore element works well as does the us n them (lord and master scenario) along with the farming community. Then watched it again sober (which helped, some). Select the department you want to search in. There is an interesting double alienation in play between the peasant and his labour.

As you can probably gather, I highly recommend this film from every angle that films work at, on a human scale. Rentals include 30 days to start watching this video and 48 hours to finish once started. The black and white cinematography of this film is, at times, breathtaking. Liberating to escape typical moral framework of 90% of movies we consume. The way the characters interact and how the director (Rainer Sarnet) places the camera to capture nuances in each character, the relationships all resonate as identifiable and real. They compromise their souls whether they perform the work or not. It demands certain maturity to enjoy and understand it, but for a mature audience this movie is a killer. This is a movie best watched stoned.

The mythological creature kratt in an Estonian film “November”, Homeless Bob Production 2016. Month? I would love to see this someday in a theater with many others. Whether computer-enhanced, or purely some exquisite cinematography doesn't really matter; what emerges is an immediate assault on the senses that bathes the viewer in atmosphere. The music is sublime as is the setting. Without some dedicated attendance to the narrativity of the film, the very clear logic of these practices and beliefs in relation to a political claim could be lost, and the film dismissed as far too bizarre. Roughly crafted assemblages of branches, animal skeleton heads and metal tools (kratts) are given souls negotiated in Faustian style pacts made with a blood licking Devil in the forest at night. 0 stars for story. The opening images of Rainer Sarnet’s November bathe us in an artificial purity that later, stunningly pierces through the shadows and darkness in the monochromatic play of Mart Taniel’s extraordinary cinematography. | They follow old beliefs and base their lives on myths and legends. Very realistic (except I think I saw a support line at one point), and actually scarier than any CGI creature I've seen. With it's award winning cinematography and enchanting story line, I was captivated throughout. Cow-skull helicopters kidnapping cattle, does that give you an idea? To all those who have difficulties understanding November: this is not Tarkovsky, Bergman, or Bunuel! Because, even while addled, I was so captivated by its beauty that I could not stop watching. A tsunami of crazy surreal imagery and dark humor, it makes Eraserhead look like Mary Poppins. It seems far more beguiling to him than the pretty face of the Duchess.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 12 April 2020. All who feel it seem unable to grasp it in any authentic sense, seeking an ugly revenge on those who are obstacles. A MUST to anyone who understands and is able to appreciate the lost art of quality cinema.

But I do know that he is the current flavor of the month for horror fans with his current movie Midsommar, which I will be watching sometime in the hopefully near future (no release in Germany yet as far as I know, also a longer cut has been confirmed for disc release). A new favorite. And on top of all this is a healthy dose of black humour that doesn't ruin the ambience. In a poor Estonian village, a group of peasants use magic and folk remedies to survive the winter, and a young woman tries to get a young man to love her. I was lucky to attend a screening of the film at something called baltic film days. This is at heart a love story, a one sided love story. ", Unlike Anything (in the best possible way). ', which I also loathed. I put this on while half-drunk and only managed to comprehend moments of it at a time. Short, just an Estonian gem. Approved third parties also use these tools in connection with our display of ads. low budget but fantastic long shots and films knowledge. My last words are for the artistry found in Taniel’s use of light. This visual purity takes on more meaning as we meet the peasants of the forest, who clamber about in the muck and the filth, somehow existing between life, death and the afterlife.
Many (me included) have deemed the book to be nearly impossible to adapt onto the big screen and it shows in the film.

The villagers' main problem is how to survive the cold, dark winter. Estonia needs more attractive people. November is also a love story. Think of a hand-woven tapestry constantly unfurling before your eyes. Liina the young virgin drowns herself when Han pays his debt to the Devil for his now melted kratt. Estonia is known for its ’firsts’. I will definitely buy this on DVD to impress my folks!
White on white. A not very coherent mishmash of Estonian unrequited love; witches; supernatural; folklore/myth; the devil; werewolves all very loosely connected to each other. The cinematography was incredible, and I enjoyed the interplay of the pagan and Christian beliefs. It's a film that immerses you in a remote culture in the 19th century but feels a world away. The Kratt's are real puppets, the sets looking like real homes, the costumes look well worn and the cinematography being all black and white makes November feel real. Estonia needs dentists. This is a masterpiece to be surrendered to. They compromise their souls whether they perform the work or not. You can't be distracted with inappropriate lighting, cgi or make-up when you can't see it. Does that give you more of an idea? Taniel equally retards light to blacken the mood. If you like surrealism and dark fairy-tales, and you haven't seen November yet, watch it before reading my review, because I wouldn't want to influence your expectations. No, the best part were these brought to life assemblages of branches or farm implements to form a somewhat living thingy (a Kratt).

"November" is a beautiful, poetic, darkly comedic, fantastical, tragic love story that will absolutely dazzle arthouse audiences (and probably no one else).
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november film kratt

Sarnet amplifies this aspect with a great focus on these peoples ongoing exchanges with non-terrestrial beings manifesting in all modes of being. For instance, algorithmic-liability law is also called the Kratt law. Metacritic Reviews. That said, you are so thrown off balance by the strangeness of what you're actually viewing....you find yourself constantly trying to get your bearings. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but I would watch this again. Sorry, there was a problem saving your cookie preferences. […] These moody “kratts” perform the work that no one wants to do, and steal food from the Baron’s mansion. Bleak black n white . Quickly browse titles in our catalog based on the ones you have picked. In the next few scenes we watch the snowman poeticise Hans’ feelings for a woman. Travelling or based outside United Kingdom? It all just felt so foreign, the folklore, the music, even the language and the era it was set in. Try again. Impressive cinematography, it is not surprising but real well crafted. "November" plays July 23, 2017 at the Fantasia International Film Festival, and is one of the more highly-anticipated films of the 3-week schedule.

Zinger. And, to that aim, nothing is taboo. For those who cannot attend, the movie was picked up by Oscilloscope, who will be releasing the film in theaters this Fall. Dream like, earthy, funny. Love is higher and more unattainable than the soul. The similarity of kratts to artificial intelligences has resulted that in Estonia this character is used as a metaphor for AI and its complexities. Wide eyed with awe, Hans experiences culture for the first time: romance accessed through language. So glad I took the plunge. There isn't a real story, just some magical fables. Death comes with loves ultimate failure. deserves yo win prizes at festival. The element of the dead and their celebration also works well and also feels natural and believable. From the moment this film begins, the audience is assailed with images that are so exotically bleak, we wonder how they were created.

© 2020 Filmexplorer, Basel, Switzerland. Some of the cast are formed by non-professional actors, thus some of the acting might seem wooden, but it adds to whole charm of the movie. I'm glad things like this are still made. What I mean by anti fairy tale is the landscape is bleak, people are miserable, they deceive and steal without any idea what to to with all the treasures they grabbed but simply bury them or hide under floorboards. User Ratings Some scenes seem to have been filmed on Infrared film, adding to beauty of the look. One of the creatures reminded me of Picasso's "Bull's Head". We squint hard to view these inhospitable rooms and broken hearts, but find release in the over-exposure of a coming winter landscape, bleached beyond a certain blandness. Adaptation of an Estonian novel, it is a fine, subtle, inspired mix of fairy tale, magic and pagan community. That's all I need to know to watch November. Right up there with Hard to be a God and Turin's Horse, this is a true work of art. It is uncomfortable to watch someone in love do whatever to even attract the other persons attention.

Based on the popular Estonian novel by Andrus Kivirähk Rehepapp ehk november, the film plunges us into a folkloric, animistic and supernatural hell. An authority that is further diluted by Sarnet’s choice to keep the nobility comatosed, indifferent, or quiet. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 22 December 2019. While the beauty of each frame, the strong performances from an intensely invested cast, and the well-integrated electronic score from Polish composer Jacaszek could together be a stand-alone reason for why the experience of the film is cogent; it is Sarnet’s interpretation of the narrative deftly crafted in a balanced conversation with these aspects that allows us to enter this odd world with the comfort of a well-unfolded fabula. The dirty faced Liina, superbly played by Rea Lest, loves Hans (Jörgen Liik), the village hunk, who loves the Baroness (Jette Loona Hermanis) – an untouchable doll with a somnambulist death wish. The magic/folklore element works well as does the us n them (lord and master scenario) along with the farming community. Then watched it again sober (which helped, some). Select the department you want to search in. There is an interesting double alienation in play between the peasant and his labour.

As you can probably gather, I highly recommend this film from every angle that films work at, on a human scale. Rentals include 30 days to start watching this video and 48 hours to finish once started. The black and white cinematography of this film is, at times, breathtaking. Liberating to escape typical moral framework of 90% of movies we consume. The way the characters interact and how the director (Rainer Sarnet) places the camera to capture nuances in each character, the relationships all resonate as identifiable and real. They compromise their souls whether they perform the work or not. It demands certain maturity to enjoy and understand it, but for a mature audience this movie is a killer. This is a movie best watched stoned.

The mythological creature kratt in an Estonian film “November”, Homeless Bob Production 2016. Month? I would love to see this someday in a theater with many others. Whether computer-enhanced, or purely some exquisite cinematography doesn't really matter; what emerges is an immediate assault on the senses that bathes the viewer in atmosphere. The music is sublime as is the setting. Without some dedicated attendance to the narrativity of the film, the very clear logic of these practices and beliefs in relation to a political claim could be lost, and the film dismissed as far too bizarre. Roughly crafted assemblages of branches, animal skeleton heads and metal tools (kratts) are given souls negotiated in Faustian style pacts made with a blood licking Devil in the forest at night. 0 stars for story. The opening images of Rainer Sarnet’s November bathe us in an artificial purity that later, stunningly pierces through the shadows and darkness in the monochromatic play of Mart Taniel’s extraordinary cinematography. | They follow old beliefs and base their lives on myths and legends. Very realistic (except I think I saw a support line at one point), and actually scarier than any CGI creature I've seen. With it's award winning cinematography and enchanting story line, I was captivated throughout. Cow-skull helicopters kidnapping cattle, does that give you an idea? To all those who have difficulties understanding November: this is not Tarkovsky, Bergman, or Bunuel! Because, even while addled, I was so captivated by its beauty that I could not stop watching. A tsunami of crazy surreal imagery and dark humor, it makes Eraserhead look like Mary Poppins. It seems far more beguiling to him than the pretty face of the Duchess.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 12 April 2020. All who feel it seem unable to grasp it in any authentic sense, seeking an ugly revenge on those who are obstacles. A MUST to anyone who understands and is able to appreciate the lost art of quality cinema.

But I do know that he is the current flavor of the month for horror fans with his current movie Midsommar, which I will be watching sometime in the hopefully near future (no release in Germany yet as far as I know, also a longer cut has been confirmed for disc release). A new favorite. And on top of all this is a healthy dose of black humour that doesn't ruin the ambience. In a poor Estonian village, a group of peasants use magic and folk remedies to survive the winter, and a young woman tries to get a young man to love her. I was lucky to attend a screening of the film at something called baltic film days. This is at heart a love story, a one sided love story. ", Unlike Anything (in the best possible way). ', which I also loathed. I put this on while half-drunk and only managed to comprehend moments of it at a time. Short, just an Estonian gem. Approved third parties also use these tools in connection with our display of ads. low budget but fantastic long shots and films knowledge. My last words are for the artistry found in Taniel’s use of light. This visual purity takes on more meaning as we meet the peasants of the forest, who clamber about in the muck and the filth, somehow existing between life, death and the afterlife.
Many (me included) have deemed the book to be nearly impossible to adapt onto the big screen and it shows in the film.

The villagers' main problem is how to survive the cold, dark winter. Estonia needs more attractive people. November is also a love story. Think of a hand-woven tapestry constantly unfurling before your eyes. Liina the young virgin drowns herself when Han pays his debt to the Devil for his now melted kratt. Estonia is known for its ’firsts’. I will definitely buy this on DVD to impress my folks!
White on white. A not very coherent mishmash of Estonian unrequited love; witches; supernatural; folklore/myth; the devil; werewolves all very loosely connected to each other. The cinematography was incredible, and I enjoyed the interplay of the pagan and Christian beliefs. It's a film that immerses you in a remote culture in the 19th century but feels a world away. The Kratt's are real puppets, the sets looking like real homes, the costumes look well worn and the cinematography being all black and white makes November feel real. Estonia needs dentists. This is a masterpiece to be surrendered to. They compromise their souls whether they perform the work or not. You can't be distracted with inappropriate lighting, cgi or make-up when you can't see it. Does that give you more of an idea? Taniel equally retards light to blacken the mood. If you like surrealism and dark fairy-tales, and you haven't seen November yet, watch it before reading my review, because I wouldn't want to influence your expectations. No, the best part were these brought to life assemblages of branches or farm implements to form a somewhat living thingy (a Kratt).

"November" is a beautiful, poetic, darkly comedic, fantastical, tragic love story that will absolutely dazzle arthouse audiences (and probably no one else).

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