We are delighted to launch MSC Dance Crew, Spy Mission and The Drone Academy onboard MSC Grandiosa later this year, and announce that filming is underway for ‘Cabin 12006’ – our new teens web series coming online early next year.”, NEW KIDS ENTERTAINMENT ACTIVITIES LAUNCHING ON MSC GRANDIOSA. Congregating in bars, restaurants, night clubs and dance parties on crowed cruise ships is a good way to become infected and spread the virus back to the residents of the home-ports of the cruise ships and home communities of the infected guests. Image credits: MSC Grandiosa – By kees torn – Vertrek, CC BY-SA 2.0 commons / wikimedia; screen grab – Cruise Passion, Ask Jim a Question about Cruise Law For more media information about MSC Cruises please visit www.mscpressarea.com, © 2020 MSC Cruises S.A. All rights reserved. • The LEGO Experience on-board - a whole day on every cruise itinerary that is dedicated to fun LEGO® activities, which culminates in the children receiving a Jr. LEGO® Master Builder diploma
Catch MSC Cruises' @KenMuskat and @Cruisitude's Vicky Garcia on @thepointsguy's next #TPGTalks this Thursday to hear more about returning to sea.
However, the Maltese maritime authorities denied the vessel permission to port and disembark guests for an shore excursion due to a suspected case of coronavirus among the crew members, according to Ship Mag. The MSC Grandiosa has also reduced capacity, with about 2,500 passengers on board its debut cruise – about 70 percent of normal, pre-pandemic, passenger numbers.
“We are contacting you from the Ministry of Health, as a result of the identification of a CONFIRMED CASE OF COVID-19 aboard the MSC Grandiosa ship that left from Palermo on October 7th and where you were embarked. Your Email NEW TEENS WEB SERIES ‘CABIN 12006’ LAUCNHING EARLY 2020
Ready for a #cruise comeback? There was no semblance of social distancing in the videos shown of the deck party. . Your Name In the following 14 days from the date of the exposure (October 7th 2020) besides remembering you the classic prevention measures: to frequently wash your hands, coughing and sneezing directly on a paper tissue or in your elbow crease, we ask you to monitor your health conditions, in case you experience symptoms, even if they are mild (particularly cough, rhinorrhea/congestion, respiratory distress, muscular pain, anosmia/ageusia/dysgeusia, diarrhea, asthenia you must immediately contact your family doctor or your pediatrician, and report the possible exposure you could have had on the ship.”, The person who sent me this information, who wishes to remain anonymous, explained that the MSC Grandiosa had been on a seven-day cruise which boarded guests in a number of Italian ports, including Genoa, Civitavecchia (Rome), Naples and Palermo. two weeks ago in Europe an MSC cruise … The email in question had been posted by former cruise guests, who indicated that they received the communication from the country’s Ministry of Health. Only through reporting by the Italian press did the public learn this information. Last week, the MSC Gransdiosa sailed on another seven-day itinerary which left Genoa on October 11th and returned to that port yesterday evening.
60 Passengers Infected with COVID-19 on River Cruise Ship, CDC Warns Against Cruise Travel as COVID-19 Cases Surge, or join the discussion on our Facebook page, No-Sail Order: The Cruise Industry is About to Make a Fatal Mistake – and Will Later Regret It. PHOTO: The MSC Cruise ships Grandiosa and Magnifica will be the first to set sail for the line when it returns to the sea. (iStock). Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. As ships begin to resume sailings, things are not quite the same as they once were before the coronavirus pandemic.
Cruise ship MSC Grandiosa set sail from Genoa on Sunday, embarking on a …
Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. Many of these services are offered in collaboration with Chicco® – the leading global baby brand and yet another exclusive MSC Cruises partnership. There is a surge of COVID-19 cases happening in Europe, including Italy, at the moment. Passengers on board the MSC Grandiosa have not been allowed to disembark in Malta over a suspected case of Covid-19 on board, The Malta Independent is informed.
The MSC Grandiosa departed from a port in Genoa in Northern Italy last night.
Following the success of ‘Kelly & Kloe Onboard’, MSC Cruises’ kids web seasons, running for three series and attracting over five million views, the Company is now introducing a brand-new web series targeted at teens. ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISE WORKER MAY FINALLY BE SENT HOME TO PERU AFTER 7 MONTHS OF LIVING IN FLORIDA HOTELS. Passengers queued for health tests before being allowed on board the MSC Grandiosa, which is operating at 70 per cent of its normal capacity of 6,000 passengers. The ship then sailed back to Genoa where it arrived yesterday.
MSC Cruises has resumed its sailings for the first time since suspending operations due to the coronavirus pandemic. Meanwhile, two young guys dreaming of a career onboard a cruise ship come aboard for a unique internship and unintentionally get tangled in the story thanks to an unexpected whirlwind love story. Malta Ship News reported that the ship entered Valetta’s Grand Harbour early Friday morning, a little after 6:00 a.m. and then left port shortly before noon without discharging any passengers.
It is less than clear whether the Ministry of Health identified the people who it sent the emil to through contact tracing or whether the Italian health department simply notified all of the guests who traveled on the ship during the cruise in question. Filming is currently underway onboard MSC Bellissima, with the episodes expected to launch early in 2020. One thing appears certain regarding MSC’s (as well as Costa’s) new protocols is that they apparently do not require the cruise line to publicly disclose that there has been a confirmed positive COVID-19 case during a cruise.
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These elements are just the latest enhancement to MSC Cruises’ award winning* family offering that already includes:
To review which MSC Grandiosa cruises have been canceled, see below: MARCH 14 - SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 CANCELED CRUISES: Guests who have paid in full automatically receive a 125% Future Cruise Credit (sent to guest or travel advisor email on file). MSC Cruises is working in collaboration with London-based immersive agency, The Department, who specialise in creating theatrical and technology-driven productions for a host of global brands and companies to introduce: SPY MISSION – young audiences play a central role in a new, immersive, roaming spy experience, a first for MSC Cruises. Former guests on the MSC Grandiosa received emails (copy available here) this weekend from the Italian Ministry of Health advising them that a case of COVID-19 was confirmed on the cruise ship which left from Palermo on October 7th.
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