} else { !seconds[display[i]]) { } var seconds = { } else {
A man is tackled and roughed up by a group of men (he has a bloody lip), a man's car window is shot out, and a man is thrown out of a door and his things are thrown at him. var diff = increment * (today - start2); In this way, “Bruce Almighty” has the ring of the 1993 comedy “Groundhog Day.” var show_zero = ! Subscribe updates. The film also has a 46 Metascore on Metacritic. At the end of the worst day in his life, he angrily ridicules God — and the Almighty responds, endowing Bruce with all of His divine powers. if(start2 > today) { if(count > 0 && !show_zero) { var start2 = new Date(start); !loop_range) { People are shown rioting, looting and causing destruction in a street (cars and stores burn). }
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits. Jim Carrey fans won’t be disappointed. } !loop_time && ! Grace (Jennifer Aniston), his live-in girlfriend, gives him prayer beads, but he doesn’t put much stock in them. 60 year parts of me were as comfy as could be with most of this, but the film's humor definitely has a reach beyond one's inner child. Directed by Tom Shadyac. if(diff < 0) {
if(loop_range == 'h') { if(start2 > today) { if(! var large = ! He reminds God that God has the power to make everything all right, but God chooses not to. var display = ['week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute']; } else { "One of the 50 Coolest Websites...they simply tell it like it is" - TIME, The current economic climate has reduced our revenues. diff = start2 - today; However, any commercial reproduction of anything appearing within this site is both illegal and in really bad taste and we will take action... |more|.
start2.setFullYear(today.getFullYear()); text += '
' + display[i] + (count != 1 ? The industry has been banking on high-concept movies for several decades now, thinking that such premises are attractive enough—and marketable enough—to pull huge audiences with snappy posters and jazzy previews. } “Bruce Almighty” actually flits from its high concept, with doses of literal bathroom humor, to heavy concept, with discussions of free will. Know when new reviews are published We will never sell or share your email address with anybody and you can unsubscribe at any time, We will never sell or share your email address with anybody and you can unsubscribe at any time. Bruce is now God, and he can do anything he wants—except break the two rules.
} else {
Current movie status: The official release date for Bruce Almighty premiere is Friday, May 23, 2003. } Also with Lauren Graham, John Goodman and Jimmy Bennett. delimiter : '') + count + ' ' + display[i] + (count != 1 ? today = new Date(today.getTime() - loop_time * loop_range);
} else { In this way, “Bruce Almighty” has the ring of the 1993 comedy “Groundhog Day.” In that movie, Bill Murray’s character (also a reporter) is given a unique gift—which he first spends on himself, only to realize it must be spent on other people. years: 365.25*1000*60*60*24, months: 30.41666667*1000*60*60*24, weeks: 7*1000*60*60*24, days: 1000*60*60*24, hours: 1000*60*60, minutes: 1000*60, seconds: 1000 While we read all emails & try to reply we don't always manage to do so; be assured that we will not share your e-mail address.
} Become a member of our premium site for just $2/month & access advance reviews, without any ads, not a single one, ever. setInterval(updateCountdown, 1000);
while(start2 < today) { var expire = ! } else { Bruce Almighty currently has a 6.7 out of 10 IMDb rating, based on 335577 user votes. } while(start2 > new Date(today.getTime() + loop_time * loop_range)) { Bruce is of course tempted to use his powers for personal gain and satisfaction, and from such temptation comes much of the dramatic action and comedy. loop_range = seconds['hour']; Reflection and resources at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. "https:" : "http:") + '//www.zergnet.com/zerg.js?id=67437'; Bruce Nolan toils as a “human interest” television reporter in Buffalo, N.Y. MESSAGE - We all have the power to make our own miracles. } Children throw balls at a man, hitting him in the head, face and body.
Cliff Vaughn is media producer at Good Faith Media. }
var delimiter = ' and '; A woman looks at her breasts and talks about feeling like they have grown overnight. A woman talks about rat pellets being found in a bakery's dough. abs_diff = Math.abs(diff); ";visibility:hidden;display:block;height:0;clear:both}.mailster-form,.mailster-form .input,.mailster-form .mailster-form-info{width:100%;box-sizing:border-box}.mailster-embeded-form .mailster-form{margin-bottom:3px}.mailster-form .mailster-wrapper{position:relative;margin-bottom:2px;transition:opacity .15s ease-in-out}.mailster-form.loading .mailster-wrapper{opacity:.2}.mailster-form textarea.input{resize:vertical;height:150px}.mailster-form li{list-style:none !important;margin-left:0;padding-left:0}span.mailster-required{font-size:120%;font-weight:700;color:#bf4d4d}.mailster-lists-wrapper ul{list-style:none;margin-left:0;padding-left:0}.mailster-lists-wrapper ul li{margin-left:0}.mailster-list-description{color:inherit;display:block;margin-left:25px;font-size:.8em}.mailster-form-info{height:0;border-radius:2px;padding:5px;margin-bottom:4px;color:#fff;padding:9px 16px;transition:all .2s;-webkit-transform:scale(0);-moz-transform:scale(0);-ms-transform:scale(0);transform:scale(0)}.mailster-form.loading .mailster-form-info{opacity:0}.mailster-form-info a{color:#fff}.mailster-form-info.success,.mailster-form-info.error{display:block;height:100%;-webkit-transform:scale(1);-moz-transform:scale(1);-ms-transform:scale(1);transform:scale(1)}.mailster-form .error input,.mailster-form .error select,.mailster-form .error textarea{outline:2px solid #bf4d4d;outline-offset:0}.mailster-form-info.error{background:#bf4d4d}.mailster-form-info.success{background-color:#6fbf4d;text-align:center}.mailster-form-info ul,.mailster-form .mailster-form-info p{margin:0;padding:0}.mailster-form-info ul li{color:inherit;margin-left:0}.mailster-submit-wrapper{margin-top:6px}.mailster-form .submit-button{cursor:pointer}.mailster-form .submit-button:focus{outline:0} var zergnet = document.createElement('script'); Also with Jennifer Aniston, Lisa Ann Walter and Nora Dunn. if(diff <= 999) { A man throws a beeper out a window and it breaks against a lamppost. show_zero = true; } Subscribe below to receive updates and news about Bruce Almighty. } else if(increment > 0) { text += '
' + display[i] + (count != 1 ? start2.setFullYear(today.getFullYear() + 1); start2.setFullYear(today.getFullYear() - 1); A man holds up his hand and it has 7 fingers. }); A man and a woman kiss (the woman caresses his buttocks) and another woman finds them. var start2 = new Date(start); A room, a man, a dog and a woman are completely covered with post-it notes. Just go to our search page or use the search bar, with or without a keyword, from the top navigation menu. This is not Bruce Almighty or Absolutely Anything; it stands by itself -- an equal in its own way. var today = new Date(); When Bruce missteps in his relationship with Grace, he confronts God, wanting to know how to make someone love him without affecting free will.
's' : '') + '
[1:40], SEX/NUDITY 5 - A man and a woman kiss passionately and the man removes his clothing (we see him in his underwear): the woman then goes to the bathroom where the man is apparently using his supernatural "powers" to excite her from the other room -- the woman moans, thrashes around and falls to the floor -- and when she comes out she charges toward the man, he picks her up and throws her in bed. The film had a $80 million budget with a 101 minute running time. Age rating. There aren’t easy fixes—a strategy that Bruce must learn does not work. } MPAA Rating: PG-13 for language, sexual content and some crude humor, Writers: Steve Koren, Mark O’Keefe and Steve Oedekerk. if(! Some viewers may find the premise sacrilegious, but those who don’t will think a little and laugh a lot. abs_diff -= count * seconds[display[i]]; The Secret Life of Pets 2 is an adventure movie directed by Chris Renaud and starring Jenny Slate, Kevin Hart, Harrison Ford and Tiffany... Top Gun: Maverick is an war movie directed by Joseph Kosinski and starring Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer, Miles Teller and Jennifer Connelly.
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