[12] Prime has been apparently torturing the imp into helping him bring back his "perfect Earth", i.e. Before attacking Superman, he reveals his true form, which is described by Lois Lane as having "height, width, depth, and a couple of other things."

Incomplete What's more, he destroys Superman's worldview of himself.

Sex Mxyzptlk is pronouced: "Mix-Yess-Spit-Lick", His name backwards, Kltpzyxm, is pronounced: "Kill-Tip-Sees-Em".

Alan Moore offered a radically different interpretation of the character in the 1986 Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?, a possible end of the adventures of the Earth-One Superman. A 30th-century descendant of Mxyzptlk appeared in Adventure Comics #310 (July 1963) with similar abilities. As such, Mxy decided he did not have the time to pester Superman, but wanted to give him a hard time anyway. [4], The next time Mxy stopped by, he found that Superman was missing.

Batman Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community.

He then proceeds to make up a name for himself on a giant typewriter (brought into existence from an advertisement on a billboard), choosing "Mxyzptlk" as he figures it will be nearly impossible for Superman to accomplish. After being beaten by an omnipotent Supergirl, who is revealed to be the hand Krona saw, he retreats back to the fifth dimension... only to be banished to a two dimensional prison by his own henchmen, as punishment for "breaking the rules of the game".

This led to Mxyzptlk becoming the king's favorite entertainer, and winning the love of the king's daughter, Gsptlnz. Mister Mxyzptlk He used his abilities to take bets on local sporting events and push the odds in his favor.

Superman managed to defeat him and send him home again. This doesn't mean that a higher class would always beat a lower class character.

However, each one must test the other's hero, so Mxy tests Batman, and vice-versa. By the end of the story, the Phantom Zone, the 5th Dimension and the Bizarro World are all destroyed, and Mister Mxyzptlk, infilled by power endowed by a hideously disfigured wizard who was a denizen in the Phantom Zone, is transformed into an entity not even remotely human.

And so, he became the sad king that one day, the jester Mxyzptlk would come to entertain, and who would be slain by Vndyktvx in an eternal and apparently natural (for five-dimensional beings) cycle. The character appeared in live-action portrayed by Howie Mandel in the 1993 television series Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. In "Emperor Joker", a multipart story throughout the Superman titles, Mxyzptlk has his powers temporarily stolen by the Joker, who then remakes the Earth.

His only apparent vulnerability is that whenever he s… He appears to Luthor, and gave him a lump of "red Kryptonite" which turns Superman into a human. [22] As even Lois forgets that Clark and Superman were the same person, Superman agrees to play Mister Mxyzptlk's game to try and win back the 'right' to see his son again, but although Mister Mxyzptlk attempts to change the rules and ensure his victory, Jonathan is able to fight through his Mister Mxyzptlk-created prison with the aid of unspecified spirits that are revealed to be the New 52 versions of Superman and Lois, culminating in the creation of a new timeline where the essence of the post-Flashpoint Lois and Clark are fused with their pre-Flashpoint selves, so that the history of both worlds can co-exist. 59 lbs He then decided to learn about death and earn the admiration of the world by recreating Superman's battle with Doomsday only with himself fighting the creature (which is an extra spiney version of the real monster whom Mxy calls "Bada-Bing, Bada-Boomsday").

Magic: Mxyzptlk is nigh-omnipotent and can do virtually anything imaginable; he can manipulate anything and everything under him. Mxyztplk often looks for ways to counter the latter weakness, but he always proves gullible enough for Superman to trick him time and time again. Mxyzptlk can disappear and reappear anywhere instantly with a thought. His abilities are only limited by his willpower; for example, if he wanted to turn Superman into dust by snapping his fingers, it would happen. This is because Mxyzptlk was not left to annoy Superman. Healing and Regeneration: Can revert his damage if he`s hurt.

He is trying to prepare Batman and Superman for the upcoming Infinite Crisis (while chronologically taking place before Infinite Crisis, the issue itself came out afterwards). However, Mxyzptlk saves some of the Joker's creations and transfers them into the 'real' world, including Scorch, Gorgeous Gilly, Ignition (he was actually not of the Joker's creation), and the new Bizarro. During this time, his appearance is similar to the more typical "modern" version of the character. The Joker tricks Mxyzptlk into revealing his secret imp name and thus acquires 99% of Mxyzptlk's power, leaving him mostly powerless. Superman and Supergirl tell us that, if he says his name backwards ("kltpzyxm"), he will disappear.

Eventually, the spell was lifted when Luthor told "Clark Kent" where the red kryptonite had come from, believing that he would not be breaking Mxyzptlk's rule about not letting Superman know the truth if he told Kent and Kent told Superman. After a huge battle, the aliens decide to take Bat-Mite and Mxy back to their planet. Luthor bragged that Mxy gave him the kryptonite, figuring that he can tell Clark and Clark can tell Superman without the "rules" being violated. The confrontation culminates with Mxyzptlk meeting the Supreme Being who turns out to be Mike Carlin, the then-editor of the Superman titles, who promptly brings him back to life. Notably, Mixyezpitellik specifically states his powers are magic-based and thus limited to some degree, as indicated by him being changed by the very nature of the matter-based reality to become more imp-like to fit into its reality structure. In 1959 he was pulled from the Fifth Dimension along with Bat-Mite by the Epsilon Eridanites to help find a hero that would help them defeat the Bortan Empire.

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mister mxyzptlk powers

Mxyzptlk made it through the Crisis on Infinite Earths relatively unchanged, although the unpleasant nature of his pranks and the psychological effects they have on others is played up more, such as when he animated the Daily Planet building heedless of the occupants inside who were being violently thrown around with its movements. [15], After the New 52 Superman died and Pre-52 Superman took his place by the time of the DC Rebirth reboot, a mysterious Clark Kent appeared claiming to be the real one. Mister Mxyzptlk appears in Superman and Batman Generations. [8] The rock was useless to Superman, however, and as Clark Kent he angrily confronts Lex Luthor. [19], This character is or was primarily an enemy of Superman in any of his various incarnations, or members of the Superman Family.


The Superhero Database Classification number, or SHDB Class, is a number that represents the overall 'power' of a character.

But one day he found a book which told him of this world. Fortunately, Mxyzptlk is able to reveal the truth to Superman, who manages to find the power to break the cycle and defeat the Joker. After the fallout of the events of Day of Vengeance (and, while not mentioned, the corruption of the Fifth Dimension as seen in JSA), the removal of magic from the Earth leaves Mxyzptlk nearly powerless, wandering the streets of Metropolis and unable to remember how to pronounce the inverse of his name to return him home. He even appears as a deus ex machina to stop the Kryptonite Kid, who was killing a helpless Superboy, so that he could continue to bedevil Superboy, and later, Superman.

Mxyzptlk retains the services of a version of Bizarro who calls him Greg, and pads the story out by writing & drawing 27 off-beat stories using the DC super-heroes, taking 160 pages. In Action Comics Annual #10 (2007), "Superman's Top 10 Most Wanted" describes Mister Mxyzptlk and provides the pronunciation as mix-yez-pittle-ik, exactly like the 1967 animated series. Real name:

[12] Prime has been apparently torturing the imp into helping him bring back his "perfect Earth", i.e. Before attacking Superman, he reveals his true form, which is described by Lois Lane as having "height, width, depth, and a couple of other things."

Incomplete What's more, he destroys Superman's worldview of himself.

Sex Mxyzptlk is pronouced: "Mix-Yess-Spit-Lick", His name backwards, Kltpzyxm, is pronounced: "Kill-Tip-Sees-Em".

Alan Moore offered a radically different interpretation of the character in the 1986 Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?, a possible end of the adventures of the Earth-One Superman. A 30th-century descendant of Mxyzptlk appeared in Adventure Comics #310 (July 1963) with similar abilities. As such, Mxy decided he did not have the time to pester Superman, but wanted to give him a hard time anyway. [4], The next time Mxy stopped by, he found that Superman was missing.

Batman Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community.

He then proceeds to make up a name for himself on a giant typewriter (brought into existence from an advertisement on a billboard), choosing "Mxyzptlk" as he figures it will be nearly impossible for Superman to accomplish. After being beaten by an omnipotent Supergirl, who is revealed to be the hand Krona saw, he retreats back to the fifth dimension... only to be banished to a two dimensional prison by his own henchmen, as punishment for "breaking the rules of the game".

This led to Mxyzptlk becoming the king's favorite entertainer, and winning the love of the king's daughter, Gsptlnz. Mister Mxyzptlk He used his abilities to take bets on local sporting events and push the odds in his favor.

Superman managed to defeat him and send him home again. This doesn't mean that a higher class would always beat a lower class character.

However, each one must test the other's hero, so Mxy tests Batman, and vice-versa. By the end of the story, the Phantom Zone, the 5th Dimension and the Bizarro World are all destroyed, and Mister Mxyzptlk, infilled by power endowed by a hideously disfigured wizard who was a denizen in the Phantom Zone, is transformed into an entity not even remotely human.

And so, he became the sad king that one day, the jester Mxyzptlk would come to entertain, and who would be slain by Vndyktvx in an eternal and apparently natural (for five-dimensional beings) cycle. The character appeared in live-action portrayed by Howie Mandel in the 1993 television series Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. In "Emperor Joker", a multipart story throughout the Superman titles, Mxyzptlk has his powers temporarily stolen by the Joker, who then remakes the Earth.

His only apparent vulnerability is that whenever he s… He appears to Luthor, and gave him a lump of "red Kryptonite" which turns Superman into a human. [22] As even Lois forgets that Clark and Superman were the same person, Superman agrees to play Mister Mxyzptlk's game to try and win back the 'right' to see his son again, but although Mister Mxyzptlk attempts to change the rules and ensure his victory, Jonathan is able to fight through his Mister Mxyzptlk-created prison with the aid of unspecified spirits that are revealed to be the New 52 versions of Superman and Lois, culminating in the creation of a new timeline where the essence of the post-Flashpoint Lois and Clark are fused with their pre-Flashpoint selves, so that the history of both worlds can co-exist. 59 lbs He then decided to learn about death and earn the admiration of the world by recreating Superman's battle with Doomsday only with himself fighting the creature (which is an extra spiney version of the real monster whom Mxy calls "Bada-Bing, Bada-Boomsday").

Magic: Mxyzptlk is nigh-omnipotent and can do virtually anything imaginable; he can manipulate anything and everything under him. Mxyztplk often looks for ways to counter the latter weakness, but he always proves gullible enough for Superman to trick him time and time again. Mxyzptlk can disappear and reappear anywhere instantly with a thought. His abilities are only limited by his willpower; for example, if he wanted to turn Superman into dust by snapping his fingers, it would happen. This is because Mxyzptlk was not left to annoy Superman. Healing and Regeneration: Can revert his damage if he`s hurt.

He is trying to prepare Batman and Superman for the upcoming Infinite Crisis (while chronologically taking place before Infinite Crisis, the issue itself came out afterwards). However, Mxyzptlk saves some of the Joker's creations and transfers them into the 'real' world, including Scorch, Gorgeous Gilly, Ignition (he was actually not of the Joker's creation), and the new Bizarro. During this time, his appearance is similar to the more typical "modern" version of the character. The Joker tricks Mxyzptlk into revealing his secret imp name and thus acquires 99% of Mxyzptlk's power, leaving him mostly powerless. Superman and Supergirl tell us that, if he says his name backwards ("kltpzyxm"), he will disappear.

Eventually, the spell was lifted when Luthor told "Clark Kent" where the red kryptonite had come from, believing that he would not be breaking Mxyzptlk's rule about not letting Superman know the truth if he told Kent and Kent told Superman. After a huge battle, the aliens decide to take Bat-Mite and Mxy back to their planet. Luthor bragged that Mxy gave him the kryptonite, figuring that he can tell Clark and Clark can tell Superman without the "rules" being violated. The confrontation culminates with Mxyzptlk meeting the Supreme Being who turns out to be Mike Carlin, the then-editor of the Superman titles, who promptly brings him back to life. Notably, Mixyezpitellik specifically states his powers are magic-based and thus limited to some degree, as indicated by him being changed by the very nature of the matter-based reality to become more imp-like to fit into its reality structure. In 1959 he was pulled from the Fifth Dimension along with Bat-Mite by the Epsilon Eridanites to help find a hero that would help them defeat the Bortan Empire.

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