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fools and regulations


The house will close, everyone will be kicked out, and it shall all be on your head.

BLOO: [hops onto Ed to stop him] Are you crazy?! Intruder!

], [Once again, Eduardo uses the hanging lamp to swing forward and burst through the door and smack the keys out of Mr. Herriman's hands, thus making him forget which key was the correct one.]. Frankie is seen rushing into their room with the bucket of water and quickly puts out the fire with it.]. Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends S06E12 Fools and Regulations. BLOO: Nice job, Coco, there's no way she'll get in-- Where'd she get that?! BLOO: Okay. Ed, you stop Herriman from getting in while Coco and I track down Frankie.

BLOO: Nothing's wrong with me! You need claws to climb this thing! Frankie is a reasonable person. Let him come through the first ordeal, & it will be to him as silver.

BLOO: There, now we can't get in trouble.

BLOO: [doubtfully] Please, that'll be the--, [Bloo and the other imaginary friends peer inside Mac's backpack to see that it is full of video games.].


[Gets on his knees and begs.

FRANKIE: [throwing herself onto the boardgame to quiet it down] What'd I just come up here and say?! Hi Thabo, Yep, there is a qualitative difference between the two.

This episode aired on May 3rd, 2009 on Cartoon Network.. Stop it!

Whether you're looking at private practice, in-house legal or an exciting business support role, you'll find your future here. Bloo obliges by hoping off the wagon and on the floor.]. FRANKIE: Fine. GO BLINKOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! MAC: Yeah, that's where the TV and video game player are, right?

BLOO: We can't make noise looking for dice. [Coco is seen jumping and nestling herself into a pile of leaves. MR. HERRIMAN: [believing Bloo ruined the party] Master Blooregard! FRANKIE: No, it's not okay!

3.Pranks for Nothing. MAC: [confused and nervous] Uh, you are... You are... Part of an orchestra that would like to perform at Foster's?

April Fools' Day has historically been a contentious day on Wikipedia, and the limits on how editors may play jokes and pranks on other users and the encyclopedia have been disputed for some time. BLOO, WILT, COCO, AND EDUARDO: GO BLINKO! Search and apply for thousands of vacancies, or receive email alerts for new roles when they go live. There is something of a tradition developing when it comes to Linklaters’ global corporate head; before David Barnes’ appointment to the top job in 2005, the previous two went on to become the firm’s senior partner.

I've been a perfect angel all day! Guys?

COCO: [frustrated] Co co co cococococo co cococo!

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During one of the attempts to get back inside, Mac tries to kick Bloo into the window only to have Wilt pull him away, causing Mac to scream, "AHH!"

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