Hosanna' mean to you? Hosanna. These appear to be interpretations of “he who comes in the name of the Lord.” And they agree essentially with Luke’s formulation of the people’s words taken from Psalm 118:26, “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord” ( 19:38 ). A Shift in Meaning & Usage of "Hosanna" Psalm 118:26 hints at why the meaning of “hosanna” changed. See more. Meaning of Hosanna: Deliver Us, Gardener, Variant of Hortensia, Derived from the Female Version of the Roman Clan Name Hortensius, Orchard, Of the Garden . "Hosanna" is the name of one of the songs featured in the 1971 rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar. In the Bible the expression occurs only in accounts of that event.

In similar fashion, John transliterated "Hallelujah" in Revelation 19:1, 3, 4, 6 because it had become an exclamation of praise whereas originally it was a call to praise ("Praise the Lord"). Use your prescient powers to get a perfect score on the Words of the Day from October 26–November 1, 2020! The given name is an uncommon baby name in England and Wales where it has been in use since 2001 and peaked in 2016 when it ranked 2120th.

Learn what the name Hosanna means. Here the word is used as an exclamation of joy when a man sees his beloved. This Greek transliteration of a Hebrew word occurs 6 times in the Gospels as the cry of the people when our Lord entered Jerusalem as the Messiah represented by Zec (9:9), and of "the children" when He cleansed the temple (Matthew 21:9 bis,15; Mark 11:9; John 12:13). [10], In the 1969 Broadway musical 1776 the word is used repeatedly as part of the chorus of the song "Cool, Cool, Considerate Men.". Various other explanations have been suggested. But, while the word is certainly an ejaculation of praise and not one of supplication, the idea of salvation need not be excluded.

Wasting time on gossip and small talks piss you off but also teaches you how to avoid people like this. Our English word “hosanna” comes from a Greek word “hosanna” which comes from a Hebrew phrase hoshiya na. “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? Matthew and Mark conclude the people’s cries with “Hosanna in the highest” (apparently an echo of Psalm 148:1 ), which John omits. (21:9), as did the children later in the temple (v. 15). Joyful Aramaic exclamation of praise, apparently specific to the major Jewish religious festivals (especially Passover and Tabernacles) in which the Egyptian Hallel (Psalms 113-118) was recited. This was a customary form of acclamation at the feast of Tabernacles.

Mark ( 11:9 ) and John ( 12:13 ) do not have “to the Son of David, ” but all three follow the opening cry with, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” (from Psalm 118:26 ). It is said to have been so used in this sense at the joyous Feast of Tabernacles, the 7th day of which came to be called "the Great Hosanna," or "Hosanna Day." Copyright © 2020, Bible Study Tools. “the soundtrack evoked passionate hosannas from some critics”, Subscribe to receive all news to your email or phone: [wysija_form id="1"], PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF PENTECOSTAL THEOLOGY IN POLITICS, ECONOMY AND SOCIAL ISSUES, Practical application of Pentecostal theology in politics, economy and social issues. Matthew and Mark conclude the people's cries with "Hosanna in the highest" (apparently an echo of Psalm 148:1 ), which John omits. Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Hosanna is celebrated on June 18th.

You find that it is really not originally a Greek word after all.

There are two major threats to our nation….

Karl Barth and the Cessation of the Charismata.

The men who wrote the New Testament in Greek did the same thing to a Hebrew word that our English translators did to the Greek word: they just used Greek letters to make the sound of a Hebrew phrase. Hosanna definition is - —used as a cry of acclamation and adoration. 1915. In the Philippines, particularly in Tagalog-speaking provinces, the term Osanahan refers to the procession of the priest from a prayer station (termed kuból or Galilea in some provinces) after the blessing of palms; to the parish church for the liturgy of the Mass of the Sunday of the Lord's Passion. the cry of the multitudes as they thronged in our Lords triumphal procession into Jerusalem.

Lamonica was the pastor of Hosanna Church right before it closed two years before in 2003. The word hosanna (Latin osanna, Greek ὡσαννά, hōsanná) is from Hebrew הושיעה־נא, הושיעה נא hôšîʿâ-nā and related to Aramaic אושענא (ʾōshaʿnā) meaning 'save, rescue, savior'. Originated from Hebrew, Offbeat Hosanna mostly bestowed upon both genders, Hosanna means "Save Us or Deliver Us" is mainly used in English. According to Matthew, the crowd that accompanied Jesus that day shouted “Hosanna to the Son of David!” (21:9), as did the children later in the temple (v. 15). ( Matthew 21:9 Matthew 21:15 ; Mark 11:9 Mark 11:10 ; John 12:13 ) The Psalm from which it was taken, the 118th, was one with which they were familiar from being accustomed to recite the 25th and 26th verses at the feast of tabernacles, forming a part of the great hallel. “Hallowmas” vs. “All Saints’ Day”: What’s The Day After Halloween Actually Called? 호산나(Hosanna)는 유대교와 기독교의 전례 용어이다. Mark ( 11:9 ) and John ( 12:13 ) do not have "to the Son of David, " but all three follow the opening cry with, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" The "Hosanna Anthem",[8] based on the phrase Hosanna, is a traditional Moravian Church anthem written by Bishop Christian Gregor of Herrnhut sung on Palm Sunday and the first Sunday of Advent. Also, send me the Evangelical Newsletter and special offers. In him the age-old cry, "Lord, save us, " has become the glad doxology, "Hosanna, " which equals: "Praise God and his Messiah, we are saved.". Hosanna definition, (an exclamation, originally an appeal to God for deliverance, used in praise of God or Christ.) The word hosanna (Latin osanna, Greek ὡσαννά, hōsanná) is from Hebrew הושיעה־נא, הושיעה נא hôšîʿâ-nā and related to Aramaic ܐܘܿܫܲܥܢܵܐ (ʾōshaʿnā) meaning 'save, rescue, savior'.

after securing a commission, breaking a long, dry spell. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Our English word “hosanna” comes from a Greek word “hosanna” which comes from a Hebrew phrase hoshiya na. Question: "What is the meaning of hosanna?" He who was "coming in the name of the Lord" was the king who was bringing salvation from God to the people. They that go before, cry Hosanna, and point to him who comes last and chief. Also, send me the Evangelical Newsletter. As in Revelation 7:10 (compare 19:1), we have the acclamation, "Salvation unto God .... and unto the Lamb," so we might have the cry, "Salvation to the son of David"; and "Hosanna in the Highest," might be the equivalent of "Salvation unto our God!"

Learn how your comment data is processed. And that Hebrew phrase is found one solitary place in the whole Old Testament, Psalm 118:25, where it means, “Save, please!” It is a cry to God for help. 유대교에서는 원래의 히브리어 형태 "호샤나-호사나"(הושענה)로 늘 사용된다. "As respects its force, we must for .... contextual reasons, assume that it had already lost its primary supplicatory sense and become an ejaculation of joy or shout of welcome." 113-118. When Jesus came to Jerusalem for his final presentation of himself to Israel, the expression came readily to the lips of the Passover crowds. A. R. Rahman composed the song "Hosanna" for the 2010 Tamil movie Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa. Joyful Aramaic exclamation of praise, apparently specific to the major Jewish religious festivals (especially Passover and Tabernacles) in which the Egyptian Hallel (Psalms 113-118) was recited. https://www.gotquestions.org/hosanna.html. https://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/hosanna/, [N] indicates this entry was also found in Nave's Topical Bible [E] indicates this entry was also found in Easton's Bible Dictionary [H] indicates this entry was also found in Hitchcock's Bible Names, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hosanna.

. 2 of 2), The Expositor's Bible: Colossians and Philemon, The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven, Volume III (of 3).

In the Bible the expression occurs only in accounts of that event.

Hosanna was ranked 912 in 2015 list of US girls name and dropped by 2.70% from its previous ranking of 888 in 2014. ", Many were quite unknown to him; Judas had never seen them before, but some were there who had cried, "Hosanna!". Ps. "Hosanna" was the shout of praise or adoration made in recognition of the Messiahship of Jesus on his triumphal entry into Jerusalem,[3] "Hosanna!

Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012, (an exclamation, originally an appeal to God for deliverance, used in praise of God or Christ. Most likely the authors of the Gospels transliterated “Hosanna” rather than translating it because it served on the people’s lips as a joyful exclamation which, if translated, would have sounded like a prayer. The complete cycle is sung on the seventh day of the festival, which is called Hoshana Rabbah (הושענא רבא, "Great Hoshana"). Bible Dictionaries - Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Hosanna, Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Bible Dictionaries - Easton's Bible Dictionary - Hosanna, Bible Dictionaries - Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary - Hosanna, Bible Dictionaries - King James Dictionary - Hosanna, Bible Dictionaries - Smith's Bible Dictionary - Hosanna, Encyclopedias - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Hosanna, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information.

something that is improvised or extemporized. Orr, James, M.A., D.D. I know this sounds sort of complicated.

In Jewish liturgy, the word is applied specifically to the Hoshana Service, a cycle of prayers from which a selection is sung each morning during Sukkot, the Feast of Booths or Tabernacles. Name of Hebrew origin Means: "Save us" If Day June 18.


(especially in biblical, Judaic, and Christian use) used to express adoration, praise, or joy.

Bibliography Information 2. hosia na, Please save Psalm 118:25), it came in liturgical usage to serve as an expression of joy and praise for deliverance granted or anticipated. ( John 12:12-13 ). ), On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, HOSANNA: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord. But Mark inserts “Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David” ( 11:10 ), and John adds, “Blessed is the King of Israel” ( 12:13 ). nah interj.

God is calling us to prayer to restore democracy.

"[12], The Moravian Hymn Book with Services (authorized for use in the British Province of the Moravian Church), 1960, "AR Rahman reacts to Hosanna controversy", Communion and the developmentally disabled, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hosanna&oldid=986418869, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Articles incorporating text from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 31 October 2020, at 18:57. This page was last edited on 31 October 2020, at 18:57 (UTC). Hosanna: Meaning of Hosanna . County Championship Division 2 2019, Typhoon Lawin 2016, Weather In Thailand In October, Mr Destiny Diner Scene, Burnaby Rv Parking Bylaw, Charlotte Devaney Facebook, Easter 2023, Avianca Holdings Website, Decline Of Western Civilization 3 Hamburger, Ariana Greenblatt Birthday, Paul Boyd Cause Of Death, Trevor The Rental Man La Marina, Another Way To Say I Don't Like You, Pembroke History, Cut Bank Movie Ending Explained, How Old Is Adam Henson, Black-tailed Deer Range, The Wind Book For Rifle Shooters: How To Improve Your Accuracy In Mild To Blustery Conditions, Miami Weather In January, Prophecy Movies On Netflix, When Do Fireworks Go On Sale, Charlotte Checkers Logo, Britney Spears Private Show Perfume, Carl Reiner All In The Family, 1290 Wjno Schedule, 5a Schools In Mississippi, Prayers That Activate Angels, 2008 Tennessee Titans Coaching Staff, Wa Premier Salary 2020, Unmasked Singer, His Dark Materials Hbo, Santa's Own Christmas Tree Assembly Instructions, Cannon Run Wrexham, 4 Mysteries Of The Rosary, Anthony Marshall Guitar, Trent Edwards Net Worth, Csgo Spectator Bug, Matchmaking Services, Call In To Listen To Sermon, Work Life How To Love Criticism, Tommy Taylor Artist, Nyambayar Vs Escandon, Louis Vuitton Laptop Bag, Ashi Japanese Name, Logitech Mk850 Keyboard, Cartoon Network App Apk, Peak 2 Peak, Sweet Deals Mobile, Powerpuff Yourself, Clam Chowder Recipe, What To Do At Golden Gate Bridge, Annalisa Meaning, Is F-droid Safe, When Will Star Vs The Forces Of Evil Season 3 Be On Disney Plus, Next In Line Lyrics Tagalog, Golden Name Plate, Oscar De La Hoya Facts, The Prophecy Watch Online, Where Was Fantasy Island Filmed 2020, Banning, California, Things To Do In Zermatt, Marching Towards Meaning In Tamil, Don't Forget Me Song, Carmen Lishman, Ed Edd N Eddy The Mis-edventures Review, Mustache Clipart Transparent, Robot Relationships, Synergy Hook Jobs, Dunne Family Motto, How To Pronounce Liberation, Why Do We Pay Personal Property Tax, Are Fireworks Legal In Washington, Orry-kelly Biography, Alba Botanica Brand, Celebrity Eclipse, Michigan Fan Box, " />

meaning of hosanna

Ory recalled the Hosanna Church scandal as “very stressful.”. Constantine promises to raise the cross on the forum in Rome; the victory is won and celebrated with Christian hymns, Hosanna! Salem Media Group. "Entry for 'HOSANNA'".

Hosanna' mean to you? Hosanna. These appear to be interpretations of “he who comes in the name of the Lord.” And they agree essentially with Luke’s formulation of the people’s words taken from Psalm 118:26, “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord” ( 19:38 ). A Shift in Meaning & Usage of "Hosanna" Psalm 118:26 hints at why the meaning of “hosanna” changed. See more. Meaning of Hosanna: Deliver Us, Gardener, Variant of Hortensia, Derived from the Female Version of the Roman Clan Name Hortensius, Orchard, Of the Garden . "Hosanna" is the name of one of the songs featured in the 1971 rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar. In the Bible the expression occurs only in accounts of that event.

In similar fashion, John transliterated "Hallelujah" in Revelation 19:1, 3, 4, 6 because it had become an exclamation of praise whereas originally it was a call to praise ("Praise the Lord"). Use your prescient powers to get a perfect score on the Words of the Day from October 26–November 1, 2020! The given name is an uncommon baby name in England and Wales where it has been in use since 2001 and peaked in 2016 when it ranked 2120th.

Learn what the name Hosanna means. Here the word is used as an exclamation of joy when a man sees his beloved. This Greek transliteration of a Hebrew word occurs 6 times in the Gospels as the cry of the people when our Lord entered Jerusalem as the Messiah represented by Zec (9:9), and of "the children" when He cleansed the temple (Matthew 21:9 bis,15; Mark 11:9; John 12:13). [10], In the 1969 Broadway musical 1776 the word is used repeatedly as part of the chorus of the song "Cool, Cool, Considerate Men.". Various other explanations have been suggested. But, while the word is certainly an ejaculation of praise and not one of supplication, the idea of salvation need not be excluded.

Wasting time on gossip and small talks piss you off but also teaches you how to avoid people like this. Our English word “hosanna” comes from a Greek word “hosanna” which comes from a Hebrew phrase hoshiya na. “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? Matthew and Mark conclude the people’s cries with “Hosanna in the highest” (apparently an echo of Psalm 148:1 ), which John omits. (21:9), as did the children later in the temple (v. 15). Joyful Aramaic exclamation of praise, apparently specific to the major Jewish religious festivals (especially Passover and Tabernacles) in which the Egyptian Hallel (Psalms 113-118) was recited. This was a customary form of acclamation at the feast of Tabernacles.

Mark ( 11:9 ) and John ( 12:13 ) do not have “to the Son of David, ” but all three follow the opening cry with, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” (from Psalm 118:26 ). It is said to have been so used in this sense at the joyous Feast of Tabernacles, the 7th day of which came to be called "the Great Hosanna," or "Hosanna Day." Copyright © 2020, Bible Study Tools. “the soundtrack evoked passionate hosannas from some critics”, Subscribe to receive all news to your email or phone: [wysija_form id="1"], PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF PENTECOSTAL THEOLOGY IN POLITICS, ECONOMY AND SOCIAL ISSUES, Practical application of Pentecostal theology in politics, economy and social issues. Matthew and Mark conclude the people's cries with "Hosanna in the highest" (apparently an echo of Psalm 148:1 ), which John omits. Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Hosanna is celebrated on June 18th.

You find that it is really not originally a Greek word after all.

There are two major threats to our nation….

Karl Barth and the Cessation of the Charismata.

The men who wrote the New Testament in Greek did the same thing to a Hebrew word that our English translators did to the Greek word: they just used Greek letters to make the sound of a Hebrew phrase. Hosanna definition is - —used as a cry of acclamation and adoration. 1915. In the Philippines, particularly in Tagalog-speaking provinces, the term Osanahan refers to the procession of the priest from a prayer station (termed kuból or Galilea in some provinces) after the blessing of palms; to the parish church for the liturgy of the Mass of the Sunday of the Lord's Passion. the cry of the multitudes as they thronged in our Lords triumphal procession into Jerusalem.

Lamonica was the pastor of Hosanna Church right before it closed two years before in 2003. The word hosanna (Latin osanna, Greek ὡσαννά, hōsanná) is from Hebrew הושיעה־נא, הושיעה נא hôšîʿâ-nā and related to Aramaic אושענא (ʾōshaʿnā) meaning 'save, rescue, savior'. Originated from Hebrew, Offbeat Hosanna mostly bestowed upon both genders, Hosanna means "Save Us or Deliver Us" is mainly used in English. According to Matthew, the crowd that accompanied Jesus that day shouted “Hosanna to the Son of David!” (21:9), as did the children later in the temple (v. 15). ( Matthew 21:9 Matthew 21:15 ; Mark 11:9 Mark 11:10 ; John 12:13 ) The Psalm from which it was taken, the 118th, was one with which they were familiar from being accustomed to recite the 25th and 26th verses at the feast of tabernacles, forming a part of the great hallel. “Hallowmas” vs. “All Saints’ Day”: What’s The Day After Halloween Actually Called? 호산나(Hosanna)는 유대교와 기독교의 전례 용어이다. Mark ( 11:9 ) and John ( 12:13 ) do not have "to the Son of David, " but all three follow the opening cry with, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" The "Hosanna Anthem",[8] based on the phrase Hosanna, is a traditional Moravian Church anthem written by Bishop Christian Gregor of Herrnhut sung on Palm Sunday and the first Sunday of Advent. Also, send me the Evangelical Newsletter and special offers. In him the age-old cry, "Lord, save us, " has become the glad doxology, "Hosanna, " which equals: "Praise God and his Messiah, we are saved.". Hosanna definition, (an exclamation, originally an appeal to God for deliverance, used in praise of God or Christ.) The word hosanna (Latin osanna, Greek ὡσαννά, hōsanná) is from Hebrew הושיעה־נא, הושיעה נא hôšîʿâ-nā and related to Aramaic ܐܘܿܫܲܥܢܵܐ (ʾōshaʿnā) meaning 'save, rescue, savior'.

after securing a commission, breaking a long, dry spell. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Our English word “hosanna” comes from a Greek word “hosanna” which comes from a Hebrew phrase hoshiya na. Question: "What is the meaning of hosanna?" He who was "coming in the name of the Lord" was the king who was bringing salvation from God to the people. They that go before, cry Hosanna, and point to him who comes last and chief. Also, send me the Evangelical Newsletter. As in Revelation 7:10 (compare 19:1), we have the acclamation, "Salvation unto God .... and unto the Lamb," so we might have the cry, "Salvation to the son of David"; and "Hosanna in the Highest," might be the equivalent of "Salvation unto our God!"

Learn how your comment data is processed. And that Hebrew phrase is found one solitary place in the whole Old Testament, Psalm 118:25, where it means, “Save, please!” It is a cry to God for help. 유대교에서는 원래의 히브리어 형태 "호샤나-호사나"(הושענה)로 늘 사용된다. "As respects its force, we must for .... contextual reasons, assume that it had already lost its primary supplicatory sense and become an ejaculation of joy or shout of welcome." 113-118. When Jesus came to Jerusalem for his final presentation of himself to Israel, the expression came readily to the lips of the Passover crowds. A. R. Rahman composed the song "Hosanna" for the 2010 Tamil movie Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa. Joyful Aramaic exclamation of praise, apparently specific to the major Jewish religious festivals (especially Passover and Tabernacles) in which the Egyptian Hallel (Psalms 113-118) was recited. https://www.gotquestions.org/hosanna.html. https://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/hosanna/, [N] indicates this entry was also found in Nave's Topical Bible [E] indicates this entry was also found in Easton's Bible Dictionary [H] indicates this entry was also found in Hitchcock's Bible Names, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hosanna.

. 2 of 2), The Expositor's Bible: Colossians and Philemon, The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven, Volume III (of 3).

In the Bible the expression occurs only in accounts of that event.

Hosanna was ranked 912 in 2015 list of US girls name and dropped by 2.70% from its previous ranking of 888 in 2014. ", Many were quite unknown to him; Judas had never seen them before, but some were there who had cried, "Hosanna!". Ps. "Hosanna" was the shout of praise or adoration made in recognition of the Messiahship of Jesus on his triumphal entry into Jerusalem,[3] "Hosanna!

Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012, (an exclamation, originally an appeal to God for deliverance, used in praise of God or Christ. Most likely the authors of the Gospels transliterated “Hosanna” rather than translating it because it served on the people’s lips as a joyful exclamation which, if translated, would have sounded like a prayer. The complete cycle is sung on the seventh day of the festival, which is called Hoshana Rabbah (הושענא רבא, "Great Hoshana"). Bible Dictionaries - Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Hosanna, Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Bible Dictionaries - Easton's Bible Dictionary - Hosanna, Bible Dictionaries - Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary - Hosanna, Bible Dictionaries - King James Dictionary - Hosanna, Bible Dictionaries - Smith's Bible Dictionary - Hosanna, Encyclopedias - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Hosanna, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information.

something that is improvised or extemporized. Orr, James, M.A., D.D. I know this sounds sort of complicated.

In Jewish liturgy, the word is applied specifically to the Hoshana Service, a cycle of prayers from which a selection is sung each morning during Sukkot, the Feast of Booths or Tabernacles. Name of Hebrew origin Means: "Save us" If Day June 18.


(especially in biblical, Judaic, and Christian use) used to express adoration, praise, or joy.

Bibliography Information 2. hosia na, Please save Psalm 118:25), it came in liturgical usage to serve as an expression of joy and praise for deliverance granted or anticipated. ( John 12:12-13 ). ), On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, HOSANNA: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord. But Mark inserts “Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David” ( 11:10 ), and John adds, “Blessed is the King of Israel” ( 12:13 ). nah interj.

God is calling us to prayer to restore democracy.

"[12], The Moravian Hymn Book with Services (authorized for use in the British Province of the Moravian Church), 1960, "AR Rahman reacts to Hosanna controversy", Communion and the developmentally disabled, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hosanna&oldid=986418869, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Articles incorporating text from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 31 October 2020, at 18:57. This page was last edited on 31 October 2020, at 18:57 (UTC). Hosanna: Meaning of Hosanna .

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