It is hard to replicate by hand what these pneumatic machines can do to a finish. The first step is to thoroughly clean the neck. But even better than that is to use a large, flat piece of hard felt. Use a sanding block, not the flat of your hand. Always remember that with lacquer, less is more (so to speak). As shown in Photo 3, gently rub the steel wool along the neck following the direction of the grain, which is parallel to the strings. Dip the felt in the slurry (or pour some on your surface) and rub in very straight lines. For most glossy necks, 600-grit paper will do the trick (Photo 4).
/* Add your own Mailchimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. The end result is similar but softer than the Chinese or Japanese lacquer. Floors coated with lacquer scratch easily. John LeVan has written five guitar repair books published by Mel Bay.
Sanding through all the grits to 220 grit won’t improve the finish one bit. Over time, dirt and oils build up along the back of the neck and this film causes the finish to become sticky or even break down.
Using sandpaper on a glossy finish. Some of these approaches work, while others can ruin the value of a guitar. You may not get optimum results if you apply lacquer to a previously finished surface.
After you have applied as many coats as you feel necessary, allow the final coat to dry for at least 24 hours. As for the carpet, yes, it is the stuff we walk on. Then mix up a slurry of pumice. Then you can finish off with rottenstone. Rottenstone is finer than pumice. Always remember that with lacquer, less is more (so to speak). Use another clean, damp cloth to wipe down a section of the project after rubbing with the pumice mixture to check your progress.
It is a thinner finish, but that does not affect its durability. Follow this dulling step by buffing the surface with 0000-steel wool. After properly rubbing with pumice, you should have the equivalent of a semi-gloss finish. Lightly wet the surface with some soapy water, then sprinkle on some pumice powder and, using a clean cloth (such as an old T-shirt) wrapped around a sanding block, rub the finish thoroughly. Typically, the new coat will dissolve a bit of the preceding coat, allowing the two coats to mix and even out any over-spray areas. Just get some good, short-nap commercial-grade wool carpet. Satin or matte finishes are very comfortable, but can become somewhat glossy over time. Or if you are too aggressive with an old, distressed finish, you may end up rubbing it off, which will then necessitate refinishing the entire neck. It is my understanding that factories are still using pumice and rottenstone in their cutting sequences to achieve certain sheens (to be more precise it is the "look" of certain sheens that they are using them to achieve). Though not as durable as polyurethane or varnish, shellac proves much easier to repair. We get a variety of sheens in lacquer, such as high-gloss and ultra-matte. Lacquer provides a smooth finish when used alone, but if you sand everything with high-grit abrasives, you get a smoother finish. Add several more thin coats of lacquer. Now the only time we rub anything out is if it was that way when it came in. If you use more aggressive steel wool (000 or 00) you’ll run the risk of rubbing through the protective satin finish. With the staining completed, apply a light coat of lacquer to the entire project. You’re only aiming to remove the glossy surface, not the finish itself, so be gentle and intentional when sanding a neck. Spraying is the traditional method of applying lacquer, but brushable lacquer is an acceptable alternative, although it can be a bit more temperamental than spray lacquer. Get DIY project ideas and easy-to-follow crafts to help you spruce up your space. Avoid the temptation to over-apply the lacquer, as more problems are created by too much than not enough lacquer. Guild X-175 Manhattan Special: The Premier Guitar Review. A more aggressive 400-grit paper will also work, but be cautious.
On, "Sponsored Content" refers to articles, videos, or audio recordings that are produced or curated by an advertiser but that, Guitar Shop 101: Touch-up a String Nut with Super Glue, Guitar Shop 101: Using Super Glue in Guitar Repair, Guitar Shop 101: Happy Little (String) Trees, Guitar Shop 101: How to Repair Delaminated Neck Binding, Guitar Shop 101: How to Shim a Bolt-On Neck, Guitar Shop 101: How to Fix a Misaligned 3-Bolt Neck, Guitar Shop 101: Upgrade Your Tele with an Electrosocket Jack Mount, 3. It is a preferred option for furniture because it sprays on smooth and even. There are numerous advantages to a lacquer finish.
Start your sequence with either 400 or 600 or 800, depending on how much orange peel or pebbliness you need to sand smooth. Like many luthiers, I have my own way of dealing with a sticky neck. Once the neck is clean, you can take an additional step and “scuff the finish.” How you approach this depends on whether the neck has a satin or high-gloss finish. The rottenstone is a much finer abrasive than the pumice and is a perfect complement to the pumice finish.
You must retain a protective barrier on the neck to prevent moisture from entering the wood and potentially warping it. If the wood bowl has very porous end-grain, you may want to coat the bowl first with high-quality shellac before spraying lacquer. To learn more about John’s repair and restoration workshops for players, technicians, and retail employees, visit You can rub this abrasive slurry with a rag. Hooked: Blackberry Smoke's Charlie Starr on ZZ Top's "Nasty Dogs and Funky Kings", 3. The Spruce Crafts uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience.
Lacquer does not suit all wood surfaces.
To remove this glossy buildup, rub the back of the neck with 0000 steel wool. Step 6: Prep your sandpaper. If you have a bolt-on neck and are comfortable with removing it, take it off the body.
You can use a sanding lubricant made from Murphy's Oil Soap diluted with 75 percent water or more. What also helped is that we added a slip additive to the last coat so things would slide and not scratch the finish as easily. Step 5: Tape delicate surfaces. If you choose to use the shellac sealer, sand the project lightly with 400-grit sandpaper to remove any ridges or high spots that may have been left behind. Nitrocellulose lacquer is particularly susceptible to this, especially if you don’t keep the finish clean and don’t wash your hands before you play. I use naphtha for this job (Photo 2).
His best seller, Guitar Setup, Maintenance & Repair, is a hands-on guide with a forward by Bob Taylor.
My favorite brand of sandpaper is Klingspor—it’s very durable and inexpensive—and 3M sandpaper also works great. What is the proper sequence and technique? Begin by first applying a pre-stain conditioner. on it and rub away in nice, long, straight strokes.
Be sure not to skip the pumice step, as rottenstone won't give the same results alone. We’ll also discuss what not to do if you want your neck to feel smooth and slick. Lacquer tends to become yellowed in time. About 25 years ago we started spraying all the final sheens, and the tops held up much better -- no re-calls.
Wipe the project with a tack cloth to remove all dust. Once applied, it also holds polish very well and can be polished for an even better finish. If another coat or any other staining is required, complete those steps before moving on. The truth is, any neck—even one that comes from the factory with a matte satin finish—can eventually develop a sticky feel from hand oils, sweat, and playing grime.
John also authored PG’s Guitar Shop 101 column, hosted several PG DIY videos, and is an authorized warranty technician trainer for Taylor Guitars. Anyway, the brush resembles a shoeshine brush. As with any furniture finish, the time you put into sanding and prepping the surface will pay off with a smooth surface.
Difficult, but not impossible. To monitor your progress, keep touching the back of the neck as you work, and stop rubbing as soon as the finish feels nice and smooth. Hand-rubbing also removes dust nibs (the inevitable dust particles picked up during the finish application) and brush marks and other surface imperfections.
This will dull the finish, but it is a necessary step. Remember, only use 0000 steel wool. First Look: Fender Brent Mason Telecaster, 4. I think that these are available online at Ron Ashbey's website.
Over time, dirt and oils build up along the back of the neck and this film causes the finish to become sticky or even break down. As a final step, apply a thin coat of paste wax and buff the wax to a mirror shine. A clear lacquer can be used on a natural wood surface, or you can employ a shiny colored lacquer to make furniture more noticeable.
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