Her appearance changes when she is angry to an extreme degree. Also stated by the creator in a blog post, she was going to be named Borlotti, have pointy ears and wear something with her face being the only thing not covered. Panini's Knishmas clothes in Hey Hey It's Knishmas! 10-12 Panini is shown to have a dislike for Gorgonzola because he picks on Chowder.

whenever she greets him. She has a huge crush on Chowder and tries to get closer to him despite him not wanting to become more than friends.

"Chowder Grows Up" Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. When Mung was in Chowder's body, he rejected Panini and she remarked that she may need a new obsession. Real-life Counterpart "Chowder's Girlfriend" Chowder Fan Club is a FANDOM TV Community. pANINI(18.YEARS.OLD) banhmichammuoivung 4 3 Panini Pink Time Force Ranger AdammanZero 4 0 Panini IREEDSTUFF2 85 7 Free-Drawn Panini LegoGuy87 10 3 Family and Children Panchowbies Carossmo 227 59 Chowder y Pannini Minako001 12 2 I love you, Chowder AleCrazy 9 17 .

She is more talented than Chowder in cooking as she managed to make her very own dish successful while still being an apprentice. Ms. Endive (former master)Ambrosia (apprentice) Every meal is a delight at The Chowder Stop! Panini is able to fly by using her ears like helicopter blades, similar to Snoopy from Peanuts. We have the best burger dishes, calamari options, and halibut dishes in town, so treat yourself today! Voice Actor Despite having tall ears, Panini can fit them in small hats. This is ironic because Ceviche does the exact same thing to Panini. :I do:. https://chowder.fandom.com/wiki/Panini?oldid=37089.

Relatives In one episode, Panini thought that she and Chowder had a Bluenana Baby.

Panini (voiced by Lisa Vischer as Junior Asparagus): A girl who has a crush on Chowder, and lets him know this at every opportunity. During this time while she is in her "anger form", she resembles a cat more than a rabbit. She became a great chef under the tutelage of her teacher, Ms. Endive.

Panini is also a good Sniffleball player. She sometimes seems to dislike Gorgonzola due to his constant bullying of Chowder. Chowder (spouse)Panchowbies (children)

Panini opened a bakery and has an apprentice named. Panini also has a dark side, like when she violently forced Chowder to hold her hand and when she almost beat Gazpacho into a pulp though otherwise she is a happy and kind girl who hardly ever gets angry. Apprentice (formerly)Master baker (current) Characteristics Panini knows Chowder is an idiot but blinds herself to think otherwise. Chowder and panini screaming while the giant mixer bowl is flying in the air.

As shown in. The reason for her to have some many children is because of her being part rabbit. Panini is a cute young girl and one of the main characters in the series. Status First Appearance She has green shoes and a polka-dotted hair band that ties her ears. Age Panini is named after a sweet bread pastry and grows up to be a pastry chef. C.H. Also during this time, her outfit resembles Chowder's. Panini Chowder does not return the feelings, and responds with "I'm not your boyfriend!" Chowder and Panini are friends as he does deeply care about her. Panini also has her own theme song played only when she and Chowder are alone. Chowder refers to this as her "Copter mode". Species

Media Panini always obeys Ms. Endive's demands, even if it means hurting Chowder. ...and on display at Puppet Design Studio. We’ll make sure you never leave hungry, and we’re confident that our excellent food and service will keep you coming back.

In one episode, Panini thought that she and Chowder had a Bluenana Baby. He then thought of a concept of Panini being in love with Chowder, since Chowder is not old enough to fall in love with females, according to Greenblatt, this aspect would frustrate Chowder "in a more fun way". She sometimes seems to dislike Gorgonzola due to his constant bullying of Chowder. Occupation Her regular outfit is a yellow dress with light green polka-dots and a light green heart in the middle of the dress. Panini, like many of the characters in the main cast, has broken the fourth wall. She is an apprentice to Ms. Endive. Panini is a pink cabbit (half rabbit & half cat). She has black fur, her irises and nose are fuschia, and her scleras are green. Panini. In Punch Time Explosion XL, she synergies with Hoss Delgado. Affiliations She has her ears tied like pigtails/ponytail and rose colored eyes.

Last Appearance When Panini goes berserk, she turns into a cat with sharp claws such as in. Liliana Mumy (child)Grey DeLisle (adult)

Panini stated she wanted 12 babies while Chowder, if he decided to settle down, would have one. Panini also has a dark side, like when she violently forced Chowder to hold her hand and when she almost beat Gazpacho into a pulp though otherwise she is a happy and kind girl who hardly ever gets angry.

When they marry, they end up with 50 children.

Cat-bear-rabbit hybrid/Weasel

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panini chowder

Flanini trying to give Chowder warmth in The Brain Freeze. Panini is also a good Sniffleball player. Panini is also named after an Italian pressed sandwich. Despite this however they end up marrying anyway in the future. However, the creator dropped the pointy ears idea as he felt it didn't fit with the drawing styles of Chowder, and he wasn't fond with that behavior as he thought he needed to make her more "sweeter and cuter".

Her appearance changes when she is angry to an extreme degree. Also stated by the creator in a blog post, she was going to be named Borlotti, have pointy ears and wear something with her face being the only thing not covered. Panini's Knishmas clothes in Hey Hey It's Knishmas! 10-12 Panini is shown to have a dislike for Gorgonzola because he picks on Chowder.

whenever she greets him. She has a huge crush on Chowder and tries to get closer to him despite him not wanting to become more than friends.

"Chowder Grows Up" Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. When Mung was in Chowder's body, he rejected Panini and she remarked that she may need a new obsession. Real-life Counterpart "Chowder's Girlfriend" Chowder Fan Club is a FANDOM TV Community. pANINI(18.YEARS.OLD) banhmichammuoivung 4 3 Panini Pink Time Force Ranger AdammanZero 4 0 Panini IREEDSTUFF2 85 7 Free-Drawn Panini LegoGuy87 10 3 Family and Children Panchowbies Carossmo 227 59 Chowder y Pannini Minako001 12 2 I love you, Chowder AleCrazy 9 17 .

She is more talented than Chowder in cooking as she managed to make her very own dish successful while still being an apprentice. Ms. Endive (former master)Ambrosia (apprentice) Every meal is a delight at The Chowder Stop! Panini is able to fly by using her ears like helicopter blades, similar to Snoopy from Peanuts. We have the best burger dishes, calamari options, and halibut dishes in town, so treat yourself today! Voice Actor Despite having tall ears, Panini can fit them in small hats. This is ironic because Ceviche does the exact same thing to Panini. :I do:. https://chowder.fandom.com/wiki/Panini?oldid=37089.

Relatives In one episode, Panini thought that she and Chowder had a Bluenana Baby.

Panini (voiced by Lisa Vischer as Junior Asparagus): A girl who has a crush on Chowder, and lets him know this at every opportunity. During this time while she is in her "anger form", she resembles a cat more than a rabbit. She became a great chef under the tutelage of her teacher, Ms. Endive.

Panini is also a good Sniffleball player. She sometimes seems to dislike Gorgonzola due to his constant bullying of Chowder. Chowder (spouse)Panchowbies (children)

Panini opened a bakery and has an apprentice named. Panini also has a dark side, like when she violently forced Chowder to hold her hand and when she almost beat Gazpacho into a pulp though otherwise she is a happy and kind girl who hardly ever gets angry. Apprentice (formerly)Master baker (current) Characteristics Panini knows Chowder is an idiot but blinds herself to think otherwise. Chowder and panini screaming while the giant mixer bowl is flying in the air.

As shown in. The reason for her to have some many children is because of her being part rabbit. Panini is a cute young girl and one of the main characters in the series. Status First Appearance She has green shoes and a polka-dotted hair band that ties her ears. Age Panini is named after a sweet bread pastry and grows up to be a pastry chef. C.H. Also during this time, her outfit resembles Chowder's. Panini Chowder does not return the feelings, and responds with "I'm not your boyfriend!" Chowder and Panini are friends as he does deeply care about her. Panini also has her own theme song played only when she and Chowder are alone. Chowder refers to this as her "Copter mode". Species

Media Panini always obeys Ms. Endive's demands, even if it means hurting Chowder. ...and on display at Puppet Design Studio. We’ll make sure you never leave hungry, and we’re confident that our excellent food and service will keep you coming back.

In one episode, Panini thought that she and Chowder had a Bluenana Baby. He then thought of a concept of Panini being in love with Chowder, since Chowder is not old enough to fall in love with females, according to Greenblatt, this aspect would frustrate Chowder "in a more fun way". She sometimes seems to dislike Gorgonzola due to his constant bullying of Chowder. Occupation Her regular outfit is a yellow dress with light green polka-dots and a light green heart in the middle of the dress. Panini, like many of the characters in the main cast, has broken the fourth wall. She is an apprentice to Ms. Endive. Panini is a pink cabbit (half rabbit & half cat). She has black fur, her irises and nose are fuschia, and her scleras are green. Panini. In Punch Time Explosion XL, she synergies with Hoss Delgado. Affiliations She has her ears tied like pigtails/ponytail and rose colored eyes.

Last Appearance When Panini goes berserk, she turns into a cat with sharp claws such as in. Liliana Mumy (child)Grey DeLisle (adult)

Panini stated she wanted 12 babies while Chowder, if he decided to settle down, would have one. Panini also has a dark side, like when she violently forced Chowder to hold her hand and when she almost beat Gazpacho into a pulp though otherwise she is a happy and kind girl who hardly ever gets angry.

When they marry, they end up with 50 children.

Cat-bear-rabbit hybrid/Weasel

Smoked Whitefish Chowder, Anthony Provenzano The Irishman, South Australia Vs Western Australia Live Streaming, Fireworks Canada Day Montreal, Disney Princess Filter On Tiktok, 1983 Penn State Football Roster, Mike Birbiglia Podcast, Round Off Error Definition Computer Science, Fireworks Canada Day Montreal, How To Marry A Millionaire Quotes, Darby O'gill Disney Plus, Dexter's Laboratory Dollhouse Drama, Melbourne Cup Winner 2005, Port Of Vancouver News, Global Fest Calgary 2020, Championship Predictions Net, Where Was Storm Boy Filmed, Green Card Lottery 2021, Camping Croatia, Puberty For Girls, Michigan Softball Shirt, Media Convergence In Journalism, Mark Pierson, John Beck Oregon, Who Sang Love Is All, Working Man Blues Grateful Dead, American Idol Cast, Essay About Video Games, Justin Watson Injury, Calum Best Net Worth 2020, Tyson Fury Vs Wilder 3 Full Fight, Jenmam Meaning In Tamil, Holy Ghost Montana Of 300, Typhoon 2014 Philippines List, Palm Sunday 2020, Fusarium Wilt Organic Treatment, Events Labor Day Weekend 2019, Count Me Out معنی, Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy Streaming Service, Caf Du Soleil, Crisis On Infinite Earths: Part 5, Clifton Webb House, Direct Across 110th Street, Synergy Strength, Tim Tszyu Next Fight, Diana Kaarina Age, Casual Development Officer Cricket Nsw,