' + featured_comment_counter + ' Featured Comments'); It has been my pleasure to collaborate with Collective Architecture on a number of projects over the last seven years or so, and over that time I've been hugely impressed by their unfailing enthusiasm and dedication to the task in hand. Whilst completing numerous multi-million pound regeneration projects in areas including Linwood, Stranraer, Dumfries, Cumbria and Newcastle, Collective Architecture is still grounded in an ethos of nurturing community initiatives such as with the Tayport Community Hub which was recently awarded Big Lottery Funding.


'); }

It all started in 2013 when I was invited to give a lecture at the University of Melbourne on Scotland’s Housing Expo, and a presentation to the Government of Victoria on our ‘Creating Places’ policy on architecture and place. if (status == 'ignore') //disableObjectResizing: true,

removePlugins: 'liststyle,tabletools,contextmenu',

}, { }else{ With 2018 being the Year of Young People, we introduced a fifth category…, Date: 17th March 2018 Location: The Lighthouse, Glasgow This year’s Designing Places Competition took place on St Patrick’s Day, at The Lighthouse, in Glasgow.

} $.ajax( } imageUploadFields: extra_params, $("#arc_comment_" + data.id).hide().removeClass("FeaturedComment BlockedComment"); url: '/ban_close', textarea.interval = setInterval(function() $("#comment_moderation #submit_button").val(modal_data.submit); else if(data.status == '15') else if(status == 'block') window.location.reload(); title: 'Quote Centered', $("#comment_moderation .description").html(modal_data.description); Lessons learned from the Aussie housing challenge. linkShowTargetTab: false, $(".comment_user_1>.Top>.Right>.CommentModerate li .HidingAction,.comment_user_1>.Top>.Right>.CommentModerate li .BlockingAction,.comment_user_1>.Top>.Right>.CommentModerate li a[rel=ignore], .comment_user_1>.Top>.Right>.CommentModerate li .arc_flag_comment").remove(); $.ajax( title: 'Caption', callbacks: else allowedContent: 'p br b i ol ul li strong em center; a[*]{*}(*); img[*]; iframe[*]', Ian Gilzean Chief Architect Scottish Government I. } $(el).ckeditor(function() {}, { title: 'Chat Question', var textarea = this; customConfig : '', var id = arc_pathname($(point).attr('href'), true); "pullquote-right": { window.location.reload(); { { customConfig : '', Patrick Geddes "Think globally act locally". Crown Street was based on a Piers Gough masterplan which reintroduced a traditional street plan into the area. In Edinburgh, the success of new interventions in the old town fabric – similar to the concept of ‘conservative surgery’ promoted by Patrick Geddes in the late 1800s – has brought new life and activity to historic closes. Please read our privacy policy to see how the Scottish Government handles your information. imageUpload: function(image, json) An empty, in for st 30 useless To city centre to the — end- ARCHITEC Norman Da Kbo are of thingtodQ TheAge c. 1980 In H depart. }).blur(function() It now sits comfortably on its site as if it had always been there. toolbarCanCollapse: false Collective aim to go beneath the surface, engaging creatively with communities to get to the core of a project.

}); Uploading/managing projects and press releases } Another project which exemplifies the Geddes approach is the Cowgate Under 5s Centre by Allan Murray Architects. { { { { else if (status == '15') The crane was saved for the local community and now attracts people from all over the world to the riverside. e.preventDefault(); { $(document).on('click', ".arc_view_hidden_comment", function() "pullquote-left": { */ }); var lineCount = Math.ceil(textarea.value.length / (textarea.cols + 20));

Ian Gilzean Chief Architect, Scottish Government . Their imagination knew no bounds; from old doors to old paint to recycled cathedral like windows from old wine bottles!

} linkShowAdvancedTab: false, }, In addition to Rowena and Ian – Judging was provided through Ian Gilzean (Chief Architect) together with Diane and Ashley Mullen, the Council’s Place and Design Officer. Jack Charlton Funny, How To Calculate Your High-3 For Federal Retirement, When Will Star Vs The Forces Of Evil Season 3 Be On Disney Plus, Reasons To Live In Barcelona, History Of Boxing Summary, Florida Gators Basketball Record, Robin And The 7 Hoods Full Movie Online, 7 To The Power Of 3, Bishan Singh Bedi Son, Disney Princess Filter Instagram, Duinrell Holidays, Beverly Adams Measurements, Is Out Of My Mind A True Story, Does Slime Work On Tube Tires, Miami Hurricane Football Radio Network, Kotoko (2011), Piano In The Dark Meaning, Santa's Best Christmas Trees, Dave Mcclelland Nhra, Hoodlums Rayman, Tim Tszyu Mother, Fsu Spear Svg, Mostly Ghostly 3 Trailer, Best Time To Visit Bali Tripadvisor, Ian Paget Hamilton, Frederick, Co Fireworks 2020, Livigno Italy, Wednesday Lottery Numbers Powerball, Cambridge Grade 5 Science Past Papers, Are Fireworks Legal In California 2020, Eastern High School, When Do Fireworks Go On Sale, Invigorating In A Sentence, Nelly Meaning Name, You Had Me, You Lost Me Lyrics, Border-bottom Css, Jha Synergy Express, History Facts For Kids, Work Zr10 19, Clarence Hospital, Dolly Meaning In Film, You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman Chart, Bicycle Thieves Cast, Ins Kalvari 1967, Danny Woodhead House, Title Bout 2, Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Pdf Norton, Lulu Login, Harry Hamlin Son Dimitri, Mhsaa Soccer 2020 Rankings, Vampires Vs The Bronx Zoe Saldana, Patriots Vs Browns 2018, Kirkland Animal Hospital, I'm Going All The Way With The Lord Lyrics, Australia Domestic Cricket T20, Bobbi Kristina Brown Net Worth 2020, Prophecy Movies On Netflix, Ferrari F1 Wallpaper Phone, Ben 10 Accelerate Coloring Pages, 1998 Jets Vs Broncos, Reversing Hsv2, Legacy Of Light Pdf, Danger Million Dollar Baby, Endless Hallelujah Lyrics And Chords, How Did Carole Lombard Die, Monroe Meaning, Pew Charitable Trusts, 2012 Michigan Football, Weather Marin, Rabid Dog Symptoms, Unleash Your Creativity Meaning, Bible Study On Bearing Fruit, Where Was Halloweentown High Filmed, Fla Rádio, Mahr Last Name Origin, Happy Death Day 2u Dual Audio 720p, When Can You Light Fireworks In Utah 2019, Campus Den Midland, Mi, So Awkward Season 1 Episode 1, Beach Symbols Copy And Paste, Dc Legends Of Tomorrow Season 5 Episode 12, Gary Russell Jr Knockouts, Back Office Job In Mumbai, Conner Pronunciation, New Edition Home Again Tour, Ipad Pro Magic Keyboard Compatibility, Saint Highlights, Disney Eyes Filter Instagram, The Great Spirit Prayer, Billy And Mandy's Jacked Up Halloween Watch Online, Synergy And Dysergy Meaning, Can T Go Back Lyrics, " />

ian gilzean architect

title: 'Quote Left', }; resize_enabled: true, }); }, Visiting Lecturer and ESRC Doctoral Candidate, Newcastle University., former Head of Design, Home Group.

}, imageUpload: function(image, json) { The ‘rehabilitation’ of many traditional tenemental areas had already begun slightly earlier, and this was led mainly by local community-based housing associations carrying out redevelopment with ‘grant’ assistance.

title: 'Quote Left', { function detectOverlapping() minHeight: 200, Updates from the Scottish Government’s Planning and Architecture Division. Also contains Policy Memorandum • The Minister for Local Government and Housing is making a statement to Furthermore, everyone is great fun to work with! { In the past 18 months Planning and Architecture Division has seen a great deal of collaboration with the city… else if (data.status == 'block') $("#temp_append").remove(); As a client, this means that no matter who manages the project, or answers the phone, they are invested in the project’s success and you are guaranteed a proactive response. }, Equally important was the physical development, the houses themselves. args: ['p', 'class', 'figcaption', 'toggle'] //arc_editor_423($(".arc_reply_comment_box .editor").attr('id')); In a city that already has vast low density sprawl, there’s an urgent need for innovative new models of housing in the inner suburbs to ensure access to affordable housing is not just confined to the fringes of the city where land values are lower. This landmark collaborative learning event celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Academy of Urbanism, organised jointly with Architecture and Design Scotland and the University of Dundee, within the Scottish Government’s Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design. "subheading": { }, $("#arc_comment_" + data.id).removeClass("FeaturedComment"); { $("#featured_comment_counter").parent('h2').html('' + featured_comment_counter + ' Featured Comments'); It has been my pleasure to collaborate with Collective Architecture on a number of projects over the last seven years or so, and over that time I've been hugely impressed by their unfailing enthusiasm and dedication to the task in hand. Whilst completing numerous multi-million pound regeneration projects in areas including Linwood, Stranraer, Dumfries, Cumbria and Newcastle, Collective Architecture is still grounded in an ethos of nurturing community initiatives such as with the Tayport Community Hub which was recently awarded Big Lottery Funding.


'); }

It all started in 2013 when I was invited to give a lecture at the University of Melbourne on Scotland’s Housing Expo, and a presentation to the Government of Victoria on our ‘Creating Places’ policy on architecture and place. if (status == 'ignore') //disableObjectResizing: true,

removePlugins: 'liststyle,tabletools,contextmenu',

}, { }else{ With 2018 being the Year of Young People, we introduced a fifth category…, Date: 17th March 2018 Location: The Lighthouse, Glasgow This year’s Designing Places Competition took place on St Patrick’s Day, at The Lighthouse, in Glasgow.

} $.ajax( } imageUploadFields: extra_params, $("#arc_comment_" + data.id).hide().removeClass("FeaturedComment BlockedComment"); url: '/ban_close', textarea.interval = setInterval(function() $("#comment_moderation #submit_button").val(modal_data.submit); else if(data.status == '15') else if(status == 'block') window.location.reload(); title: 'Quote Centered', $("#comment_moderation .description").html(modal_data.description); Lessons learned from the Aussie housing challenge. linkShowTargetTab: false, $(".comment_user_1>.Top>.Right>.CommentModerate li .HidingAction,.comment_user_1>.Top>.Right>.CommentModerate li .BlockingAction,.comment_user_1>.Top>.Right>.CommentModerate li a[rel=ignore], .comment_user_1>.Top>.Right>.CommentModerate li .arc_flag_comment").remove(); $.ajax( title: 'Caption', callbacks: else allowedContent: 'p br b i ol ul li strong em center; a[*]{*}(*); img[*]; iframe[*]', Ian Gilzean Chief Architect Scottish Government I. } $(el).ckeditor(function() {}, { title: 'Chat Question', var textarea = this; customConfig : '', var id = arc_pathname($(point).attr('href'), true); "pullquote-right": { window.location.reload(); { { customConfig : '', Patrick Geddes "Think globally act locally". Crown Street was based on a Piers Gough masterplan which reintroduced a traditional street plan into the area. In Edinburgh, the success of new interventions in the old town fabric – similar to the concept of ‘conservative surgery’ promoted by Patrick Geddes in the late 1800s – has brought new life and activity to historic closes. Please read our privacy policy to see how the Scottish Government handles your information. imageUpload: function(image, json) An empty, in for st 30 useless To city centre to the — end- ARCHITEC Norman Da Kbo are of thingtodQ TheAge c. 1980 In H depart. }).blur(function() It now sits comfortably on its site as if it had always been there. toolbarCanCollapse: false Collective aim to go beneath the surface, engaging creatively with communities to get to the core of a project.

}); Uploading/managing projects and press releases } Another project which exemplifies the Geddes approach is the Cowgate Under 5s Centre by Allan Murray Architects. { { { { else if (status == '15') The crane was saved for the local community and now attracts people from all over the world to the riverside. e.preventDefault(); { $(document).on('click', ".arc_view_hidden_comment", function() "pullquote-left": { */ }); var lineCount = Math.ceil(textarea.value.length / (textarea.cols + 20));

Ian Gilzean Chief Architect, Scottish Government . Their imagination knew no bounds; from old doors to old paint to recycled cathedral like windows from old wine bottles!

} linkShowAdvancedTab: false, }, In addition to Rowena and Ian – Judging was provided through Ian Gilzean (Chief Architect) together with Diane and Ashley Mullen, the Council’s Place and Design Officer.

Jack Charlton Funny, How To Calculate Your High-3 For Federal Retirement, When Will Star Vs The Forces Of Evil Season 3 Be On Disney Plus, Reasons To Live In Barcelona, History Of Boxing Summary, Florida Gators Basketball Record, Robin And The 7 Hoods Full Movie Online, 7 To The Power Of 3, Bishan Singh Bedi Son, Disney Princess Filter Instagram, Duinrell Holidays, Beverly Adams Measurements, Is Out Of My Mind A True Story, Does Slime Work On Tube Tires, Miami Hurricane Football Radio Network, Kotoko (2011), Piano In The Dark Meaning, Santa's Best Christmas Trees, Dave Mcclelland Nhra, Hoodlums Rayman, Tim Tszyu Mother, Fsu Spear Svg, Mostly Ghostly 3 Trailer, Best Time To Visit Bali Tripadvisor, Ian Paget Hamilton, Frederick, Co Fireworks 2020, Livigno Italy, Wednesday Lottery Numbers Powerball, Cambridge Grade 5 Science Past Papers, Are Fireworks Legal In California 2020, Eastern High School, When Do Fireworks Go On Sale, Invigorating In A Sentence, Nelly Meaning Name, You Had Me, You Lost Me Lyrics, Border-bottom Css, Jha Synergy Express, History Facts For Kids, Work Zr10 19, Clarence Hospital, Dolly Meaning In Film, You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman Chart, Bicycle Thieves Cast, Ins Kalvari 1967, Danny Woodhead House, Title Bout 2, Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Pdf Norton, Lulu Login, Harry Hamlin Son Dimitri, Mhsaa Soccer 2020 Rankings, Vampires Vs The Bronx Zoe Saldana, Patriots Vs Browns 2018, Kirkland Animal Hospital, I'm Going All The Way With The Lord Lyrics, Australia Domestic Cricket T20, Bobbi Kristina Brown Net Worth 2020, Prophecy Movies On Netflix, Ferrari F1 Wallpaper Phone, Ben 10 Accelerate Coloring Pages, 1998 Jets Vs Broncos, Reversing Hsv2, Legacy Of Light Pdf, Danger Million Dollar Baby, Endless Hallelujah Lyrics And Chords, How Did Carole Lombard Die, Monroe Meaning, Pew Charitable Trusts, 2012 Michigan Football, Weather Marin, Rabid Dog Symptoms, Unleash Your Creativity Meaning, Bible Study On Bearing Fruit, Where Was Halloweentown High Filmed, Fla Rádio, Mahr Last Name Origin, Happy Death Day 2u Dual Audio 720p, When Can You Light Fireworks In Utah 2019, Campus Den Midland, Mi, So Awkward Season 1 Episode 1, Beach Symbols Copy And Paste, Dc Legends Of Tomorrow Season 5 Episode 12, Gary Russell Jr Knockouts, Back Office Job In Mumbai, Conner Pronunciation, New Edition Home Again Tour, Ipad Pro Magic Keyboard Compatibility, Saint Highlights, Disney Eyes Filter Instagram, The Great Spirit Prayer, Billy And Mandy's Jacked Up Halloween Watch Online, Synergy And Dysergy Meaning, Can T Go Back Lyrics,