While such evidence suggests a common psychological mechanism for multiplicity, it also highlights the influence of the surrounding culture on the perception and subjective experience of multiplicity. got parts? Cache, by Nikolai Kingsley. Text-only version here! However, if you want that commentary... Free Welcome Pack, from the Dissociative Initiative.
Local copy here and here. Originally hosted on tulpa.io, rehosted with permission. Navigating Healthcare and Disclosure (Also, it's now available as an audiobook, as of 8/15/19!).
The Wonderful World of the MidContinuum, by the Vickis. The idea is presented as an alternative to other more conventional views about multiplicity in which it is viewed as a disorder, often brought about by psychological trauma. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
Local copy with transcript here. The 'Hurt Yourself Less' Workbook, by Eleanor Dace, Alison Faulkner, Miranda Frost, Karin Parker, Louise Pembroke, and Andy Smith. It's way more in-depth than my little blog post. (And that some of the stuff at the end is fun too.). How to Write Multi, by LB Lee. For Singlets. The ease of relative anonymity and pseudonymity in web-based media allows the multiple community to meet and discuss issues without fear of direct reprisal. (Note: US-centric, predates the Affordable Care Act.). What to do?
--Em of Plures, in Plurality for Skeptics. Finding a Therapist that Understands Dissociative Disorders, by Polyfrazzlemented. Local copy here. Polychrome Heroics, by Elizabeth Barrette. Mental health professionals' opinions vary on whether or not such a healthy co-operative "group of minds" is possible. ($) Victims No More: The Classic Guide to Men Recovering from Sexual Child Abuse, by Mike Lev. What are inner worlds good for? You guys totally exist, right? In-System Relationships: Fact and Fiction, by Kerry of Plures. Local copy here. ($) Why Does He Do That? Local copy here. Suicide and Self-Harm (Zyfron is on hiatus.) Probably the most common question any plural group ever gets is, "how can I tell I'm multiple?" Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men, by Lundy Bancroft. Many religions recognize shamans, people who claim to communicate with and be possessed by gods or spirits. The SAVE YOURSELF Files: a big zip file dump I've put together of resources for surviving and escaping terrible situations that helped me. Exactly what it says on the tin. Highly recommend buying the big version, but Ms. Bornstein also put a tiny mini-version up for free!
[4] In yet other religions, like voodoo and the orisha religions of Africa, some devotees aim to be possessed by the gods. A selection from got parts? Becoming Median, by Zyfron. You're welcome to pay us to help you out! Trying to commune with the subconscious using a pendulum. Beginner's Guide to Fronting, by fuzzyjayling. They hold themselves to the standard of responsibility that most others do. Death and Multiplicity, by LB Lee. Because Ms. Jaff is sadly deceased, and the organization she created no longer exists, this handbook is out of print, going for $300 on Amazon; I would think Ms. Jaff would prefer her work still get to the people who need it, but if one of her estate would like us to remove this, I will. Also, it's pretty much the only book I've found that deals with the topic of when lost memories surface. This video is intended to give a brief and basic definition on multiplicity for those who might label themselves "healthy multiples," "empowered multiples," "non-disordered multiples," or … Plural and Plural-Positive Businesses: Support your fellow plurals (and allies)! Local copy here. If The Courage to Heal is a general book on sexual violence, Healing Sex is specific: pursuing sexual pleasure and dealing with triggers and emotions.
Plural Pride Symbol: Created by ouregaiya in October 2011 for all kinds of plurals to enjoy, whatever camp you're in. ($) Healing Sex, by Staci Haines. We hope it's helpful! But between psychologists and the general population, multiplicity is more commonly looked at as a mental disorder, either as DID, MPD or DDNOS. There are few reasons for why multiplicity is currently viewed mostly from this perspective. Emphasis is placed on a functional co-relationship with shared responsibility and accountability. The media and mental health industries' portrayals of multiplicity have done a grave disservice to multiples who do not fit that limited profile. (Originally hosted on tulpa.io, rehosted with permission.). If a link is broken, drop LB a line at loonybrain at healthymultiplicity.com! Transitioning While Plural, by Yavari of Plures. [1,2] This means that it is possible to be mentally healthy and a multiple, this is referred to as "healthy multiplicity". Sometimes, system members die, and sometimes, it's good to commemorate that. All text is available under the terms of the. Sensitivity Reading with LB.
This book's use, however, can be limited if there are memory blocks still in the way. (Note: US-centric, only costs a dollar, so the note is technical. Mapping Your System, by Sarah K. Reece. Local copy here in case of link breakage. (NEW!) Serial story-poetry about a multi superhero, Damask, who becomes multi (and develops superpowers) due to telepathic supervillain attack. The Plurality Playbook, by FreyasSpirit and Irenes. and The Power of Naming, by the Vickis. Plurality 101: What is it? (NEW!)
National Self-Harm Network. BIG CAVEAT: Bancroft does not seem to believe in female-on-male abuse; this book is very much for more classical, heterosexual, male-on-female abuse. ($) The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Sourcebook, by Glenn Schiraldi. Local copy here. If this is something you struggle with, this may not be the guide for you.) "So, you tried to kill yourself and you botched it." Here's a start, including dealing with volatile or hostile inner spaces. Plural Etiquette Questionnaire, by Hungry Ghosts. A nice quick explanation of some of the basics of plurality, without going into dissociation or formal diagnoses (which are not necessary to be plural). Beginning Communication, Building Safety and Trust, Small Worlds, Contained Inside: Visualization Guide, Self-Hypnosis for Systems and Altered States and Memory Work, Brief Guide on Ideomotor Questioning with Chevreul's Pendulum, for Systems, In-System Relationships: Fact and Fiction, System Governments and Other Order-Keepers, the Handy-Dandy Loony-Brain Guide to Uncloseting, Finding a Therapist that Understands Dissociative Disorders, Quiet in the Tornado: A Disability Primer, Know Your Rights: A Handbook for Patients with Chronic Illness. D. I. D. you know?, by tigrin, on DeviantArt. Do you want one? This list was last checked/updated on 5/1/2020. A more in-depth primer to making an inner world, and presumes that said world will not be hostile. (Note: if you want more thorough advice, or a sensitivity reader, you have to pay us for that.). ), ($) Quiet in the Tornado: A Disability Primer, by Carrie Dearborn. Social worker Pat McClendon describes "families of selves" in traumatized individuals as groups of ego states which the client experiences as separate persons [1]. A guide to handy, easy tactics to ground yourself and help keep up system communication, internal and out, even if dissociation is high. This book has a whole chapter on coming out, including specifics like significant others, children, co-workers, and knowing your rights under the American with Disabilities Act. Death and Multiplicity, by LB Lee. This page was last modified 11:49, 4 November 2006.
A guide on how. Today Comic, by MysticEden. Not meant for plurals specifically, but Part 3 has a good simple section on getting your financials in order when everything goes to pot--including getting a start on disability, independent living, and such. Have fun getting lost in there! Thinking of coming out as multiple? These essays help. Since the NM Suicide Prevention site seems to be down, I'm uploading a local copy until told to take it down.). Some quick lessons in basic plural manners. Miscellaneous Fun Stuff, "The subjective experience of many conscious selves residing in one brain." How to get an idea who all is in there. Some may have different definitions, but by our standards a healthy multiple is people who share the same body who interact with their family, friends and the public in general on the same level as most people. or "but what if I'm faking?" ($) Hello Cruel World: 101 Alternatives to Suicide for Teens, Freaks, and Other Outlaws., by Kate Bornstein. Intended for cis women, available in audio format and multiple languages. That's it.
After Your Suicide Attempt: Deciding to Live, by Samantha Heames. (We were unable to get permission to do this, on account of the group being dead and the mods having left. Nearly ten years after we put up our first web pages, healthy multiples are still culturally invisible. More theory-based, not the nuts-and-bolts approach of Healing Sex or the Courage to Heal, but it's the best book I've found for men in this situation. Exactly what it sounds like. A few writers have pointed out that this multiplicity or fluidity of self is exemplified in the ease with which Internet users adopt many identities [2].
The Multiple Code, by the Consortium. [3], There is a fair bit of cross-cultural evidence to suggest that a small but persistent fraction of humans everywhere experience themselves as multiple. It helped keep us alive, so it does indeed work! Here, multiplicity is not a dysfunction, but a spiritual experience. lay some ground expectations and etiquette for others, especially non-plurals." Resources that require payment are noted with a dollar sign. A brief, concise comic on the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for DID.
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