The scene transitions to the other students leaving for the day, while Roger is sitting on a stepladder putting away a trophy he's just finished polishing. Muriel: Oh, it's just the raccoons. Bone: Oh, and Roger? Doug: But...I was framed! He rampages through Doug's stuff.). He and Skeeter toss it between each other. (Episode starts at the house, then cuts inside with Muriel and Eustace watching a movie, following another cut to the kitchen with Courage getting milk with a slice of a pie and putting the milk back in the fridge, where he drinks his milk. Roger: Mr. (The scene transitions to Roger, who is still polishing the giant trophy. Different countries have different styles of cutting beef, like in America there are normally 12 kinds of beef cuts. I hate practical jokes, especially when I wind up on the wrong side of one. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Mr. Bone will never believe me. Doug: *quietly* No, Skeeter. ", (The scene transitions to Doug and Skeeter walking down the hallways.
Ms. Wingo: Boys and girls, please take out your pencils and open your books to page 10 to the second power. Roger: Hey, wait a minute! Correction: it was your permanent record! Bone: Attention, all teachers and pupils! (A hush falls over the class as everyone stares at Doug.). Bone's office. Bone: Okay, Mr. Trophy Stealer. Mayor White walks up to the podium as the fanfare plays in the background.). Now, we must dare to be a Doug. *mock sobbing*. Mr.
(Just as Mr. Doug: I don't know what to do with it, Judy. Doug beckons for his friend to look inside his locker. The series originally ran for four seasons from November 12, 1999 to November 22, 2002. Bone is sorting through piles of papers on his desk while listening to recordings of yodeling in the background. Bone: Finished! Roger: One more trophy? *snickers*, (Mr. Mr. comes up.). Bone: *clears throat* Douglas Yancy Funnie, I am proud to award your honesty by giving you the rest of the school year off. *nervous chuckle*. Mayor White: We have with us today a very personal friend of mine -- who always votes for me -- Assistant Principal Lamar Bone! *points finger* Young man, I want you in my office, PBQ, whatever that stands for. Finished! Roger: He'll lock him up in detention and throw away the key! (The camera focuses on Doug and Skeeter. Give it here! He dared to be honest. The boys dash out of the bathroom just as the school bell rings. I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line.You won't hurt my feelings. It might just be crazy enough to work. Yodel-lay-hee-hoo! Bone opens the bottom drawer of his filing cabinet and begins romping through it before handing Doug a bucket of towels.). Did somebody play a trick on you? Roger: What? This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Elf. ), (Mr. (The scene transitions to the school at night. Bone: Don't even try! This page was last edited on 18 October 2020, at 07:05. You know what I hate? (The monster pulled hard, Courage is almost pulled out and he pulls himself in the window and pulls back. Secretary: I found this note taped to your door. Mr. I guess the only thing worse than being the butt of a practical joke is being the butt -- is being the person who actually did it.
Skeeter: I don't know, but whatever it is, you'd better do it now. Mr. Doug: *nervously* What's wrong, Mr. Skeeter: Yeah, Mr. Doug: Well, what will Bone do to the person who has it? Bone has almost gotten to Doug's locker.). Doug: No.
Reporter: Judge White, you have anything to say to the people?
Skeeter: What are you doing with the evidence, Doug? Doug: See ya. Doug: (voice-over) Dear Journal, Hi. (The scene changes to Ms. Wingo's class.). No problem, Mr. *gives "come hither"* Follow me, Funnie! The camera moves up to Mr. Doug: I didn't know Mr. Doug: Why am I doing this? Mr. Courage the Cowardly Dog is an American animated show about a pink and easily frightened dog named Courage, who was abandoned as a puppy after his parents were forcibly sent to outer space by a crazed veterinarian. Uh, I can explain! Bone shows up wearing lederhosen.). Doug: He'll never believe me. Mr. Bone: *sarcastically* Yeah, sure.
(Doug feels so proud. Bone: You know exactly what's wrong. It's your permanent record! Doug: Huh. Mr. That's what they all say. Courage: Raccoon or not, you're not getting this pie. Mr. Typical Weights and Percent of a Chilled Carcass for the Various Primal Cuts of Beef … Judge White: Doug Funnie, I pronounce you guilty. I wonder if anyone's ever tried telling the truth. Signed, wouldn't you like to know? Courage the Cowardly Dog is an American animated show about a pink and easily frightened dog named Courage, who was abandoned as a puppy after his parents were forcibly sent to outer space by a crazed veterinarian. Bone's trophy appears to point its finger at him. The secretary approaches him, holding a note.). Honest.
Not if I have anything to do with it! Washed up! Washed up! (The scene changes to Doug's imagination. I think it's for you. *reads letter* "I think there is something yodeling in locker #47. Bone has Doug tied to a chair in his office. As they pass by the guidance counselor's office, Doug stops to say hello to someone inside the office. Skeeter finally slips it underneath Doug's shirt as soon as Mr.
Guilty! I'll be right back with more polish. Doug opens his locker and looks up at Mr.
Bone pacing in front of a gathering of students.).
(Roger and his cohorts walk away laughing. He's carrying the bag with the trophy in it.). Patti: Oh-ho!
The scene transitions back to Doug writing in his journal. He goes down the stairs with the binoculars on and falls down the stairs. Bone standing over him, looking none too pleased.). Figure 1. ), Roger: What's the matter, Funnie? Bone looks inside the locker for the trophy, but doesn't find it.). Bone's office. Mr. Dink: Objection, Your Honor. Doug puts the bag with the trophy back on top of the filing cabinet in Mr. *quietly* What am I gonna do? Muriel: It's all right Courage, I'll make another pie in the morning. You look as goofy as Mr. Bone-head! Mr. (He looks around outside and finds a humongous foot print.). Bone suddenly busts in. *opens locker* Ah-ha! I mean, suppose this person was framed.
Bone fingering Doug in a courtroom. Bone's Der Grosser Yodelmeister trophy, when a mysterious hand removes it from the top of the file cabinet. Bone? He sorts through the keys on a ring and unlocks Doug's locker. He starts to climb down the ladder. And I don't like being the hairy ape! The camera shows that Mr. Beebe: Why would anyone wanna steal that dumb trophy? (In Doug's thoughts, Mr. Bone finishes inspecting the locker next to them. (Back in the kitchen, Muriel grabs a pie from the oven and puts it on the window to let the pie cool off.). You know what I hate? Mayor White: We are proud of our Bluffington youth. Who's gonna believe me, anyway? Different Types of Beef Cuts You can enjoy beef roasts, steaks, and ground beef but you will get the real taste only when you cook the right part the right way. News reporter: Bigfoot is on the loose Reward!!! It's me, Doug. How did I know it was your bag? The monster lets go of the pie throwing Courage into the wall splating himself and the wall with the pie.
He runs to the kitchen. Bone puts on the record player and starts yodeling and clicking his heels as the song plays. I always do! It says "Assistant Principal Bone-head". Courage sees the pie moving weirdly. Doug: (voice-over) Dear Journal, Hi. Bone's Der Grosser Yodelmeister trophy, when a mysterious hand removes it from the top of the file cabinet. Mr. Muriel opens the door and Courage and Muriel looks at the garbage scattered across the ground).
), Mr. (Mr.
This is Assistant Principal Lamar Bone. Courage: I hope we make it until tomorrow. *snickers*, (Roger then turns to one side. Bone picks up the bucket and tosses the rags all over Roger. The camera then shows the whole of Judy's bedroom. Mr. ), (Courage points at the kitchen while jumping. (The scene goes back to reality. You're through, Funnie! Bone's trophy.).
Bone: And while you're working, I'm gonna entertain you with the song that won me that award. Mr. ), Roger: Just a final warning, Doug. Bone's office.). Please report to your lockers immediately -- for a surprise inspection!
Mr. He shuts the locker.). Bone on the Case!" (As Roger props his feet upon the desk, his foot depresses the button that activates the loudspeakers.). Heart pulses are heard in the background.). Mr. You plead insanity? Mr. It's over! Mr. I'll find it! Judy is sitting in her director's chair, while Doug is sitting on top of the trunk.). Where is it? (Mr.
Meanwhile, Mr. Bone knew how to yodel. ), (She slides onto the floor and gets into a kneeling position while Porkchop plays a violin. I've never known a criminal before. You must be smelling somebody else. He lets out a big scream when he notices Mr. I've been framed! The round, loin, rib and chuck are the major beef primals and are referred to as the “thick” cuts. He carefully opens it, and the camera moves to show the trophy on the top shelf.). Mr. Judge White: *sighs* I grieve when I think of how this young person's permanent record will be soiled by such a senseless crime. ), Judy: *mock sobbing* Beg for mercy, and tell Mr. See ya. Bone is leaving the storage room with a bottle of polish, he hears Roger's voice over the loudspeakers. The latest issue of Man-O-Steel Man! He grabs the pie to prevent it from going away.).
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