Together, they were under what was an umbrella of embers showering everywhere. Do you love to travel? They even wore gloves, all for protecting themselves from the burning embers soon to follow. Other spectators will watch from "safe" distances, rapidly retreating as necessary. Representing the battle between good and evil, the correfoc is a fiery show taking place after sunset. Barcelona, Spain. From the correfoc to human castles to performances by popular local and international artists, La Merce has much to offer.

They add fountains of fire to the procession, breathing flames from their mouths and noses. Until our first Correfoc in Spain, we didn’t understand the obsession that Spaniards have with all things fire, especially fireworks. The correfoc is a relatively recent addition to Catalan folklore, having really only gained widespread popularity across Catalunya in the 1980s and 1990s. Chance to experience a thrilling tradition—correfoc, Exciting Catalan festival with fire-running, lights & music, Jovial, friendly & lighthearted atmosphere among locals, Representation of the constant battle between good & evil, Small group of 12 people & convenient hotel drop-off, Guided walking tour of a Catalonian village, Roundtrip transportation between Barcelona and Catalonia area via air-conditioned minivan. Founders & Producers of Move to Traveling, We’re Amalia and Eric – a traveling couple who are living a traveling lifestyle. Watch one of Spain's unconventional and exciting time-honored rituals—correfoc (fire-running). If you are pregnant, you should not take part.

Sit back and prepare to see one of the most impressive living traditions in Catalonia.
Some Facts About the Correfoc in Spain The name, ‘Correfoc’, literally means ‘fire run’ in Catalan. People dressed as devils would run among the audience causing trouble and agitating the crowd. Dancing with the devil, known in Catalonia as "Correfoc", during the 2015 Festival Mercé. In Sitges, it is common for a crowd to line a street, while participants run through a tunnel of fireworks. Throughout the centuries this tradition evolved to give modern day correfocs which usually take place after dusk. In the correfoc, a group of individuals will dress as devils and light up fireworks– fixed on devil's pitchforks or strung above the route. Other sp… Spain may have travel restrictions in place due to COVID-19. The procession took its time and at different points along the way, there were uniquely crafted devices that shot off sparklers and firecrackers of all sorts. The spectators that participate dress to protect themselves against small burns and attempt to get as close as possible to the devils, running with the fire. The correfoc firerun is quite a new tradition thought to have originated in 1978 in Barcelona at the annual La Mercè festival. While the embers hurt, the sensation and the mood of the setting was so intoxicating, that you found yourself running to it, only to dart away and then still return as though you couldn’t help yourself. Here, the correfoc begins after dark at the impressive Cathedral in the city center, with the spectacular Porta de l’Infern (Hell’s Gate). This entry was posted in DMC for Spain Blog, Catalonia and tagged in Barcelona, Catalonia, Corporate Events in Spain, corporate incentive trips to spain, Destination Management Company in Spain, dmc barcelona, DMC for Spain, Group Tours to Spain, group travel to spain, Incentive Trips in Spain, Incentives in Spain, Spain, tourism. Institut de Cultura de Barcelona - Servei de Cultura Popular.

Culminating on September 24th each year, the. Whether it was a wheel barrow, bicycle or shopping cart, it was loaded with pyrotechnical explosives. While we still may not run to all things fire as much as the Spaniards do, we now understand better what draws them to it. The highlight of the village's feast is the Carretillada. There was almost something cultish about it, the dress and the music. Back then the Ball de Diables or ‘dance of the devils’ was a popular form of dance or street theatre which represented the forces of good and evil against each other. The correfoc is a form of street entertainment where the public interact with fire and devils. This villa has a private pool, a garden, barbecue facilities, free WiFi and free private parking. If your group is interested in seeing a correfoc, there is no better time or place than in Barcelona during the Festival of La Merce, held each year in late September. It began in the middle of the night, at the top of Denia’s main street of Marques de Campo. 3. Behind them was the marching band, with drummers and other musicians.

La Sagrera Festa Major November 14-24, 2019. The correfoc of today has evolved over centuries. Correos, is the national postal service of Spain, as recognized by the Universal Postal Union. The result is truly spectacular as people run through clouds of smoke and explosions of fireworks to both provoke and avoid the creatures. Si vous n'êtes pas d'accord, merci de refuser cette option si vous le souhaitez. By subscribing you agree to our privacy policy, which you can. Would we do it again? We could not resist it! Contact us today to plan your group’s travels in Barcelona! But when we recently experienced the Correfoc in the Mediterranean town of, It began in the middle of the night, at the top of Denia’s main street of, The name, ‘Correfoc’, literally means ‘fire run’ in, This Correfoc takes place each year, usually on the Tuesday night of the, Many other places in Spain have their own Correfocs as well, especially in. La Mercè 2019 - Correfoc Firerun El Correfoc de la Mercè Event date: Saturday 21 September 2019 Event time: 20:30 - 8.30 pm Event location: Starts at Plaça d'Antoni Maura then down Via Laietana street to end at Plaça d'Antonio López Hashtag: #Mercè18 The Correfoc fire-run is one of the most popular events of La Merce festival and attracts up to 70.000 spectators. This activity is not wheelchair accessible. Correfoc means 'firerun' in Catalan. You must be able to walk on unpaved or uneven terrain. Expedia, Inc. is not responsible for content on external Web sites. Gaudeix la Festa. Some are simple parades using fireworks and effigies of the devil. This involves spectacular human pyramids known as castells which hold a special place in Catalan culture.
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correfoc spain

Watch villagers dressed up as devils dancing to the sounds of drums and traditional music while the town transforms into a hub of light and fireworks. Dancing to the sound of a rhythmic drum group, they set off their fireworks among crowds of spectators. It quickly lit up to explode into a shower of fiery particles that went flying out over the crowds close by. What are the Festival Activities Centres? The diables, horned and dressed in red cloaks, chase spectators with pitchforks spraying out sparks. ... (or clothes that will melt to your skin!). Oh, and some very creative, quality craftsmanship of welding. The arrival of summer coincides with the celebration of customary open-air festivals and one of the most fascinating components is the correfoc. Perfect! Thank you! What is a correfoc? With 63,000 employees and 5.4 billion pieces of mail sent each year, Correos is one of … Gran Via 59, 8º Dcha | 28013 Madrid | Spain | +34 91 521 59 66 |, © 2018 Hispanorama tours & incentives | Legal Notice | Privacy Policy. Until our first Correfoc in Spain, we didn’t understand the obsession that Spaniards have with all things fire, especially fireworks. To add even more to this incredible ambience, drum troupes pound away from beginning to end. It’s helpful to wear clothing that protects your skin and close-toed shoes. In Catalonia and other regions of Spain, fire plays a powerful symbolic role in many traditional celebrations. Your email address will not be published. Drums began to beat and everyone’s attention went to a group of people who were peculiarly dressed. Locals know to wear appropriate clothing and even protective eyewear to avoid any burns from the sparks of the correfoc. ", Grup del Correfoc del Follet i la Fantasma de Sant Feliu de Codines, Federació de Dimonis i Diables del País Valencià, Senyors del foc, Castelló d'Empúries, Catalunya, Pàgina oficial de la Federació de Diables i Dimonis de Catalunya, Fiestas of International Tourist Interest of Spain, Fiestas of National Tourist Interest of Spain, Valencian Community motorcycle Grand Prix,, Articles needing additional references from September 2020, All articles needing additional references, Articles with Catalan-language sources (ca), Articles with dead external links from August 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 5 September 2020, at 10:04. UNESCO Cultural Heritage in Andalusia: El Torcal and the Dolmen, Underground music: The Nerja Caves Festival, Carnival in Spain: The fiesta of the year. Every year, the carretillada is a bit different, because the 'colla' (group) does not give up novelties that are added each year to add to the spectacle. Then rising with the beating of the drums, came a chorus of clarinet-like notes, sounding magically Medieval and ancient. This video that we created from our experience of our first Carrefoc in Spain, shows how it’s not just the element of fire that works this magic. Listen as your local guide explains the participants' roles and special clothes featured in performances, how they light sparklers and firecrackers, as well as the details behind this unique ceremony strongly connected to the history of the town. The practice is believed to have emerged as a spontaneous interaction between spectators and participants in the … They are the ‘Dimonis Polopins’ and were completely covered in black and red, from their heavy boots, long fireman pants and jackets, to hoods over their heads that have red horns on them. That was a time when traditional and popular culture was being revived and a group of cultural activists, along with some members of the Comediants wanted to organise a fire show. La Mercè festival features one of the largest and most spectacular correfocs in Barcelona, usually occupying the length of the Via Laietana near the Gothic Quarter.
Together, they were under what was an umbrella of embers showering everywhere. Do you love to travel? They even wore gloves, all for protecting themselves from the burning embers soon to follow. Other spectators will watch from "safe" distances, rapidly retreating as necessary. Representing the battle between good and evil, the correfoc is a fiery show taking place after sunset. Barcelona, Spain. From the correfoc to human castles to performances by popular local and international artists, La Merce has much to offer.

They add fountains of fire to the procession, breathing flames from their mouths and noses. Until our first Correfoc in Spain, we didn’t understand the obsession that Spaniards have with all things fire, especially fireworks. The correfoc is a relatively recent addition to Catalan folklore, having really only gained widespread popularity across Catalunya in the 1980s and 1990s. Chance to experience a thrilling tradition—correfoc, Exciting Catalan festival with fire-running, lights & music, Jovial, friendly & lighthearted atmosphere among locals, Representation of the constant battle between good & evil, Small group of 12 people & convenient hotel drop-off, Guided walking tour of a Catalonian village, Roundtrip transportation between Barcelona and Catalonia area via air-conditioned minivan. Founders & Producers of Move to Traveling, We’re Amalia and Eric – a traveling couple who are living a traveling lifestyle. Watch one of Spain's unconventional and exciting time-honored rituals—correfoc (fire-running). If you are pregnant, you should not take part.

Sit back and prepare to see one of the most impressive living traditions in Catalonia.
Some Facts About the Correfoc in Spain The name, ‘Correfoc’, literally means ‘fire run’ in Catalan. People dressed as devils would run among the audience causing trouble and agitating the crowd. Dancing with the devil, known in Catalonia as "Correfoc", during the 2015 Festival Mercé. In Sitges, it is common for a crowd to line a street, while participants run through a tunnel of fireworks. Throughout the centuries this tradition evolved to give modern day correfocs which usually take place after dusk. In the correfoc, a group of individuals will dress as devils and light up fireworks– fixed on devil's pitchforks or strung above the route. Other sp… Spain may have travel restrictions in place due to COVID-19. The procession took its time and at different points along the way, there were uniquely crafted devices that shot off sparklers and firecrackers of all sorts. The spectators that participate dress to protect themselves against small burns and attempt to get as close as possible to the devils, running with the fire. The correfoc firerun is quite a new tradition thought to have originated in 1978 in Barcelona at the annual La Mercè festival. While the embers hurt, the sensation and the mood of the setting was so intoxicating, that you found yourself running to it, only to dart away and then still return as though you couldn’t help yourself. Here, the correfoc begins after dark at the impressive Cathedral in the city center, with the spectacular Porta de l’Infern (Hell’s Gate). This entry was posted in DMC for Spain Blog, Catalonia and tagged in Barcelona, Catalonia, Corporate Events in Spain, corporate incentive trips to spain, Destination Management Company in Spain, dmc barcelona, DMC for Spain, Group Tours to Spain, group travel to spain, Incentive Trips in Spain, Incentives in Spain, Spain, tourism. Institut de Cultura de Barcelona - Servei de Cultura Popular.

Culminating on September 24th each year, the. Whether it was a wheel barrow, bicycle or shopping cart, it was loaded with pyrotechnical explosives. While we still may not run to all things fire as much as the Spaniards do, we now understand better what draws them to it. The highlight of the village's feast is the Carretillada. There was almost something cultish about it, the dress and the music. Back then the Ball de Diables or ‘dance of the devils’ was a popular form of dance or street theatre which represented the forces of good and evil against each other. The correfoc is a form of street entertainment where the public interact with fire and devils. This villa has a private pool, a garden, barbecue facilities, free WiFi and free private parking. If your group is interested in seeing a correfoc, there is no better time or place than in Barcelona during the Festival of La Merce, held each year in late September. It began in the middle of the night, at the top of Denia’s main street of Marques de Campo. 3. Behind them was the marching band, with drummers and other musicians.

La Sagrera Festa Major November 14-24, 2019. The correfoc of today has evolved over centuries. Correos, is the national postal service of Spain, as recognized by the Universal Postal Union. The result is truly spectacular as people run through clouds of smoke and explosions of fireworks to both provoke and avoid the creatures. Si vous n'êtes pas d'accord, merci de refuser cette option si vous le souhaitez. By subscribing you agree to our privacy policy, which you can. Would we do it again? We could not resist it! Contact us today to plan your group’s travels in Barcelona! But when we recently experienced the Correfoc in the Mediterranean town of, It began in the middle of the night, at the top of Denia’s main street of, The name, ‘Correfoc’, literally means ‘fire run’ in, This Correfoc takes place each year, usually on the Tuesday night of the, Many other places in Spain have their own Correfocs as well, especially in. La Mercè 2019 - Correfoc Firerun El Correfoc de la Mercè Event date: Saturday 21 September 2019 Event time: 20:30 - 8.30 pm Event location: Starts at Plaça d'Antoni Maura then down Via Laietana street to end at Plaça d'Antonio López Hashtag: #Mercè18 The Correfoc fire-run is one of the most popular events of La Merce festival and attracts up to 70.000 spectators. This activity is not wheelchair accessible. Correfoc means 'firerun' in Catalan. You must be able to walk on unpaved or uneven terrain. Expedia, Inc. is not responsible for content on external Web sites. Gaudeix la Festa. Some are simple parades using fireworks and effigies of the devil. This involves spectacular human pyramids known as castells which hold a special place in Catalan culture.

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