6-10 p.m. Friday, Oct. 30-31.
Performing Disney classic scenes from “Beauty and the Beast,” “Little Mermaid,” “Jungle Book,” “Pinocchio” and “Frozen 2”. Avenida de Altares: 6-10 p.m. Oct. 30-31, School of Arts & Culture, Mexican Heritage Plaza, 1700 Alum Rock Ave. San Jose. Terror, wonder and a whole lot of glitter come together as hosts Princess Kochina Rude and Lisa Frankenstein unveil a ghoulish, magical drive-in experience featuring drag artists, aerialists, DJ sets by Rubella Spreads, dancers from the Skyhigh Odditorium Dragonettes, food trucks and more. Drive-ins are such a natural fit for Halloween flicks, and here are a couple of fright-filled examples (shows sell out quickly, so be sure to check the websites for ticket availability). Purchase tickets here. March in the physically-distanced children’s Monster Mash Parade and collect special surprise treats at the end. https://bit.ly/35HNnlh, Gilroy Ostrich Farm Safe Halloween Fun: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Fridays through Mondays through Nov. 2, Gilroy Ostrich Farm and Petting Zoo, 5560 Pacheco Pass Hwy., Gilroy. 9 and 10:30 p.m. Friday-Saturday Oct. 30-31.
9 a.m.-9 p.m. daily through Oct. 30; 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct. 31. Pirates of Emerson Haunted Theme Park Drive Thru: This venerable scare-fest is offering drive-thru frights by reservation Thursday-Sunday from Oct. 2 through Nov. 1 at the Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton. For more information, go to mountainview.gov. at a private park featuring gem mining, photo opportunities, costume contest and pumpkin picking. “You have people all over the country who have been inside because of COVID,” Knight said. 7 p.m. Nov. 2. Free. www.tabardtheatre.org/, Get Morning Report and other email newsletters. www.deadtimedreams.com/home, Winchester Mystery House Hallowe’en Flashlight Tour: Select nights through October, 525 S. Winchester Blvd., San Jose. Embark on a pink flamingo scavenger hunt. Pier 70, 22nd and Illinois Streets, S.F. $10 per car.
Sales this year can begin Friday.
Leading up to the show, the following closures will be in place beginning Friday evening: Get Morning Report and other email newsletters.
Register at cci.org/dogfest. Oakland police say many of the pyrotechnics being fired off in the city are commercial grade, and they’re investigating how the explosives made their way onto city streets. Through Oct. 31. The event will be held in the front parking lot of Traverse Fitness, 1 W. Barrett Ave., Richmond. “Celebrations have been canceled and states are starting to reopen. 24-Nov. 1, Sloat Blvd. The main festival has been cancelled due to COVID. Solano County Fairgrounds, 900 Fairgrounds Drive, Vallejo.
Free admission.
Susan C. Schena, Patch • June 24, 2020. The annual haunted house events that this North Bay company regularly host have been cancelled this year, but they are dead set on making every evening an opportunity for a live haunting experience… at a Santa Rosa car wash! Join a video costume parade, work your way through a video haunted maze and have your cards read. The (g)hosts, portrayed by professional actors, will appear on participants’ screens and share information about each site’s history and hauntings. The spirits of Pleasanton’s past come to life, as Museum on Main presents its annual event virtually in 2020. And this is happening in small rural towns, too, not just big cities.”. Few types of fireworks — only so-called “safe and sane” fireworks that do not fly, move or explode — are legal in California.
934 Brannan St., S.F.
Follow clues on your self-guided hunt to find all the costumed pink flamingos hidden throughout the zoo. www.citycenterbishopranch.com/events, Jinxed Joyride: 5-8 p.m. Oct. 29, The Shops at Tanforan, 1150 El Camino Real, San Bruno. Snacks, beverages, beer, wine and mimosas will be available for purchase on the train. Fort Mason, 2 Marina Blvd., S.F.
$15-$35. $95 per vehicle. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Oct. 24-31. Included are spooky displays and boo-tiful photo stops at “Plaza Haunt,” featuring outdoor displays located throughout Pioneer Park and Civic Center Plaza, available to visit from Oct. 19-Nov. 2. Richmond police have received 1,157 calls so far this month compared with 205 in June 2019. He was there with his friends who also enjoyed fireworks. $49 per vehicle. Oakland Zoo, 977 Golf Links Road, Oakland. The city also unveiled plans for a virtual concert with children’s singer-songwriter Andy Z at 7 p.m. Oct. 30, activity kits for purchase, a Halloween house decorating contest and more.`. 95 min). Throughout the Zoo, find themed haunted houses, such as the “House of Franken-sloth” and “Dracu-sloth Dungeon.” A sloth-mask coloring sheet can be downloaded from the Zoo’s web site.
Free. 4235 Spring Hill Road, Petaluma. Santa Clara Valley Parking Lot, 2520 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara. 7 p.m. Oct. 29. Other activities like exploring a local pumpkin patch, getting lost in a corn maze, planning a virtual costume parade, stocking up on or making your favorite treats, even drive-in, and drive-through horror adventures abound to ensure a fun Halloween season for all.
9 p.m. Oct. 22: “Black Panther.”(PG.13. $22-$28.
Come in costume for photo ops. Marin Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium parking lot, Marin Center, 10 Ave. of the Flags, San Rafael. The last time there was a full moon on Halloween was in 1944, and this year is extra special, with the expected sighting of a rare blue moon.
There are 13 riddles (and hints) that will lead you to locations throughout Concord. Officials are asking people to watch from their homes and to wear face coverings if applicable. The annual Halloween event at the Sausalito museum is set to feature a gourd patch, hay mountain, dance party, arts and crafts activities for younger kids, and more. Guests are encouraged to dress in their best costume and enter this year’s contest. An open-air train ride with trick-or-treating and other activities. Sponsored by the San Mateo County Historical Association. Sleepy Hollow, Oct. 31, Alameda County Fairgrounds, 4501 Pleasanton Ave. https://alamedacountyfair.com/movie-drive-ins/. Classic Pumpkin Patch offers socially-distanced Halloween family fun There are 13 riddles (and hints) that will lead you to locations throughout Concord. www.riverfoxtrain.com/experiences/pumpkin-patch-express/, San Francisco Zoo — Sloth-oween: Ot. Registration suggested.
Free. Tour hosts will be stationed throughout the house to ensure safety and social distancing. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Friday-Sunday; 11 a.m.-4 p.m. on Oct. 31. Ghost hosts will guide your tour of downtown Pleasanton’s most haunted locations. Pre-registration required. 2008. Winners will be announced on Halloween on Instagram and Facebook and receive gift cards to various City Center stores. the booths included original art, textiles, jewelry, ceramics, toys, home decor and more. S.F. Guests can buy food at the cafés, now with mobile food ordering and outdoor seating. 111 min.) Guests of all ages are encouraged to dress in their Halloween costumes, with proper face masks still required. Dance to spooky music, explore an outdoor jack-o’-lantern exhibition, meet animals up close and see them enjoy Halloween-themed enrichment treats. Uncover spooky findings during the evening event, culminating with a howl at the moon on Halloween night. Tickets go on sale Oct. 9. www.oaklandzoo.org/programs-and-events/boo-at-the-zoo. Hundreds more people have been calling authorities to complain about the noise, which begins with a few pops in the afternoon, followed by louder bangs around dusk and then big blasts that carry on well into the early morning. GET BREAKING NEWS IN YOUR BROWSER. $15.95-$18.95. 135 min.) $40. Free. There will not be any live actors this year, but rooms at the popular San Leandro attraction are interactive with audio storylines and staff present to enforce social distancing and use of face coverings. https://bit.ly/34nFjXn, Once Upon a Midnight Dreary: Through Oct. 31. Oct. 29-31, City Center Bishop Ranch, 6000 Bollinger Canyon Road, San Ramon. The city had 2,733 complaints as of Monday, a 72% increase from the 1,588 it received through the first 22 days of June last year. Spend a frightening evening with Dave Haaz-Baroque and his bizarre creatures. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. 6:45 p.m. Oct. 29: “Ghostbusters.” (PG. eastbayspca.org. www.riverfoxtrain.com/experiences/pumpkin-patch-express/. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Included with zoo admission. Evan Webeck covers high-school sports on the field and beyond — and a little bit of everything else — for the Bay Area News Group.
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