cute animal facts

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Sometimes they use these dark behaviors to survive and sometimes they do it for what seems like no reason at all. This is part of why the internet exists: to brighten up your day with the miniature versions of full-grown beasties. These 30 cute animals that look like they’re smiling are bound to warm even the stone-cold jaded hearts among us.

They spend their childhood days practicing all their mechanics in order to blossom once they reach adulthood. And no wonder, with 1-2 million species of them, there is no way you could know all of the facts about animals. To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. Our editors are instructed to fact check thoroughly, including finding at least three references for each fact. This process of tapping, chirping, and generally causing a ruckus, is called pipping or piping. That’s the sound of them hitting the dirt, after falling six feet from the birth canal.

If you enjoyed this article, please SHARE with your friends and family! Lauren Novak It turns out there is actually nothing more adorable than baby animals. Husbands hiding things from wives, mothers from children, and generation from generation. Then they attack and kill them. Nor do they lay down. August 20, 2018, 11:30 am. Puffins are monogamous maters and after childbirth—the male will usually stick around to raise the child in tandem with the mother. Thanks for your help! If you are a lactose-intolerant baby elephant, life is really, really, really unpleasant. Macaques are playful animals, but in their youth, they take it to another level. When a flamingo is born it a small gray ball of feathers, like a tropical version of the old ugly duckling story.

Fight boredom with iPhones and iPads here. ), meaning that in almost every instance, the Siamese father must step in and fight their right to live a life aquatic. Well, they actually, quite literally, drink over two tons of milk! The Bored Panda iOS app is live! Additionally, parrots experience a phenomenon common to most species of birds called “imprinting”, whereby new-born parrots latch on to the first moving/living thing they lay eyes on, and accept it as their parent. If any animal is worthy of the description, “basically an actual tank”, it’s these guys. Well… not so much. Meerkat parents essentially form collective clubs, in which the duties of raising and teaching the young are shared amongst the adults. They have been seen throwing around baby sharks like volleyballs or ganging up on other animals and killing them for seemingly no reason. When elephants are still in their baby calf stage, other female elephants in the herd will often babysit them. They are also completely hairless and vulnerable, making them, somehow, even cuter. I tried to get my ex-wife served with divorce papers.

Getting there, but still a ways off. All baby marsupials are born prematurely. Women may see no difference with some of my sex. Many monkey babies are born a different color than their parents. Animal Pictures and Facts Learn all you wanted to know about animals with pictures, videos, facts, news, and more.

And never has it been better for our reputation as a species to not be considered a “great ape”. Check your inbox, and click on the link to activate your account. Though they often give birth to two offspring, the panda mother will focus exclusively on one of her children.

Sometimes animals that look super cute and sweet have a dark secret. Some of these cute little animals on this list are not as nice as they seem. As the most commanding mistress in the French court, she bettered the lives of many and became a beloved figure…. Once bigger, they will stay with their moms by attaching themselves to her back. Much like how human babies babble themselves into oblivious in order to develop their language and communication skills, so too do infant pygmy marmosets. 97% of the animal kingdom does not experience the privilege of a childhood under the care of both mom and dad. But eagles do take it a little far. Baby parrots are all essentially given names at birth. Now I’ve got something to strive for. A baby sea otter is so covered with fluff that it couldn’t drown even if it tried; they float like little furry beach balls. Get the latest inspiring stories via our awesome iOS app! My mom never told me how her best friend died. They are also born with so much fluffy hair that they can’t pull themselves out of the water. Do you question the accuracy of a fact you just read? After birthing their babies and keeping them comfortable in his pouch until they are healthy enough to deal with the salinity of the surrounding water, the male disappears and leaves his seahorses babies to grow up fatherless. It’s a win-win situation. a pebble ? Puppies have only 28 teeth, but as they grow, so do their teeth, and they up with 42 in the mature adulthood. A baby elephant in the process of figuring out what their trunk is, makes for one of life’s greatest little joys. Listening to it babble! Giraffes don’t need any time to walk!

Now, if these aren't some random animal facts, we don't know what is. Baby koalas, known as joeys, are particularly fragile babies. But, if you happen to have a spare 5 minutes right now, it might be worth saying a quick thanks to the universe for making you a person. In this case, “extreme measures” means killing and maiming their brothers and sisters in the nest. I knew that she was going to take it badly, but I had no idea about the insane lengths she would go to just to get revenge and mess with my life. Snails seem pretty harmless, but they actually have razor-sharp teeth that often cut into earthworms. However, puffin babies are just like us in this regard: they almost invariably get the full benefits of two parents growing up. The loudest, deadliest, fastest, largest and most bizarre, are all here in our big animal fact list.

When a baby giraffe is born, they come into the world with a sharp *THUD*. We're asking people to rethink comments that seem similar to others that have been reported or downvoted, By using our services you agree to our use of cookies to improve your visit. Nope. Factinate is a fact website that is dedicated to finding and sharing fun facts about science, history, animals, films, people, and much more. We respect your privacy. They will gather together sticks and rocks to build their dolls and then raise them in reflection to their own parents. After being born, babies are raised cooperatively by the entire group. That’s right, despite the obvious challenges the strategy presents to their babies, giraffes give birth standing up. With an estimated 7.77 million species of animals on the planet, the animal kingdom is an undeniably diverse place. Madame de Pompadour didn't just share King Louis XV's bed, she also shared his power. Eagles are nothing to mess with, so it shouldn’t be any surprise that neither are their chicks. For whatever reason, female fighting fish have an innate hankering for the taste of their own eggs (caviar anyone? Baby humans?

The langur, for instance, is colored black, but their babies are orange. They form emotional bonds through touch and the relationships they build will last long, throughout their youth into their adult life. Who owns this thing????”. My cat's like a Lightning Bolt and everyone knows Lightning Bolt is faster than Usain Bolt.

Madame de Pompadour was the alluring chief mistress of King Louis XV, but few people know her dark history—or the chilling secret shared by her and Louis. Baby elephants try to grow up fast. Don’t get confused—baby rabbits are also called kittens!

The heart of a shrimp is located in its head.

In comes dad to the rescue, who travels far distances in order to soak himself in water and then fly back to allow his babies to drink from his feathers which have coiled up water in them. These little guys spend their entire lives working as a unit. Gorillas can catch human colds and other illnesses. Dolphins seem pretty calm and sweet, but they can be really mean. no surprise here . It’s okay, you can take a second to think.


If they need to survive, they will eat other freshly molted or newborn ladybugs. Given the outrageous amount of growing they’ve got to do, a baby elephant must drink a ton of milk, right? It’s a pretty cool trick of evolution.

Honestly, we can’t tell.”.

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Can you believe that there is anything scary about ladybugs? The earwig is an animal that is all about survival—after all, is there a human on Earth who wouldn’t kill one on sight? Before they even hatch, baby chicks form a communication bond with their mothers by chirping through their eggshells. “Why is there another arm on my face???? Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB.

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Mother nature is surely mystifying and awe-inspiring.

One way their connection is maintained is in the way that they all give birth around the same time as each other, which allows for their cubs to grow up together and form bonds. It only takes about 30 minutes for a baby giraffe to get to stepping and begin honing its long stride. Catherine of Aragon is now infamous as King Henry VIII’s rejected queen—but few people know her even darker history. These babysitters are called “allomothers” and the act proves to be beneficial for the entire herd. Putting your dog in a funny costume? Want to tell us to write facts on a topic? An elderly couple walking down the street holding hands? That’d be like if human babies were designed to be un-kidnap-able, by having the ability to camouflage themselves like chameleons.

It’s probably good that we’re not comparing ourselves directly to them. And we consider ourselves authorities on this matter. Young ones are raised together as if they were in a school, as the pups learn all their skills through this upbringing. Origin:, Bored Panda works better on our iPhone app. Heck, many of us don’t even think about it at all. So, if the world has been getting you down a bit (or even if it hasn’t) let’s take a break from all the chaos and learn some charming facts about our favorite subject in the world: baby animals. Like us on Facebook for more stories like this: Black Mothers Act Out What Might Be The Future Of Their Sons In The US (28 Pics), Guy Built A Bird Feeder That Accepts Bottle Caps For Food, And These Wild Magpies Love It, To Make This Quarantine Halloween Special, This Makeup Artist Is Treating Her 2 Daughters To 31 Days Of Halloween Makeup, 30 Times Male Authors Showed They Barely Know Anything About Women, Cat Owners Explain How Cat Body Language Is Often Misinterpreted By 'Dog People', My 11 Photos Of Brave Women Fighting For Their Rights Against Abortion Ban In Poland, 30 Of The Funniest Internet-Famous Cat Pics Get Illustrated By Tactooncat, 11 Behind-The-Scenes Pics Of Disney's Famous Scenes, 30 Unusual Maps People Shared On This Group That Might Change Your Perspective On Things, 2020 Miss Mexico Contestants Compete In Traditional Outfits And They Are Amazing (32 Pics), Skirts And Heels Are Not Just For Women, This Guy Proves That Perfectly (30 Pics), Australian Firefighters Pose For Their 2021 Charity Calendar To Treat Injured Wildlife From The Recent Fires (18 Pics), I Captured The Beauty Of Ballet From Above (12 Pics), 24 Halloween-Themed And Accidentally Scary Wedding Photos, I’ve Been Drawing Dad Jokes And Puns On My Daughters’ Lunch Bags Every Day For The Past 8 Years, Here Is My Halloween-Themed Collection (19 Pics), 85 Random And Fascinating Facts About Our World You Might Not Have Heard Of, By UberFacts, I Document How People Protest The New Law That Bans Abortion In Poland (40 Pics), I Carve Pumpkins Into Famous Faces (12 Pics), You Can Now Buy A ‘Half Christmas Tree’ If You Hate Decorating The Back And Want To Save Space, 50 Times Car Mechanics Took Pics Of What They Were Dealing With So Others Would Believe Them, White Supremacist Group Makes The #ProudBoys Hashtag A Thing, The Gay Community Hijacks It, Seal Gets Surprised With A Giant Ice Fish Cake On His 31st Birthday, Little Golden Retriever Puppy Becomes A Guide For A Blind Dog (28 Pics), This Person Forces Birds To Gather In Specific Locations To Create An Image By Simply Feeding Them, 50 People Who Took Their Family Photo Recreations To The Next Level (New Pics), 40 Wholesome Pics Of Senior Cats Doing Their Thing, 50 Cats Shamelessly Disrespecting People's Personal Space (New Pics), Mailman Takes Selfies With Every Animal That He Befriends While On His Job (30 Pics), 12-Year-Old Girl Redecorates Family Home In A Week For Just Around $125, And Here Are The Results, Shiba Inu Goes Viral For His Love Of Smiling, Especially After Seeing Food (30 Pics), Dude Keeps Protesting Annoying Everyday Things With Funny Signs (30 New Pics), This Lovely Cat Feels And Acts Like He's Not Any Different From His 'Brothers' (30 Pics), 30 Pics Of Cats That Got Funny Haircuts At The Vet For Surgery, This Pup Was Dressed Up In A Tuxedo To Greet His New Family, Who Decided Not To Show Up, 30 Funny Comics About Parrots, Illustrated By A Bird Owner, New Hugh Jackman Coffee Ad Goes Viral Because It's Hilariously Narrated By His 'Frenemy' Ryan Reynolds, Guy Edits Disney Characters Into His Photos And The Result Looks Like They're Having A Blast (30 Pics), This Woman Creates Beautiful Memorials For Dead Animals She Comes Across And Here Are 25 Of The Most Heartbreaking Ones, Mum Gorilla Who Lost Her Firstborn 1 Year Ago Gets Captured Cradling Her Month-Old Baby, 40 Hilarious Photos Of Cats Being The Biggest Jerks To Dogs, 11 Posts Of Kids Struggling With Distance Learning That Are Both Depressing And Hilarious, Local Authorities Order Anti-Maskers To Dig Graves For COVID-19 Victims In Java, Indonesia.

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