[99] That year, two horror films came out that heralded directions American cinema would take in the next decade, with major consequences for the B movie. Mr Weaving has had the pleasure of playing both an irredeemably bastardous vessel of pure evil and a wise paragon of honour in two of the most successful trilogies of all time, in The Matrix and The Lord Of The Rings, respectively. "The Masculinity of Cult," in, Hunter, I. Q. He is the son of Joan (Tropiano), a writer, and Stanley Tucci, an art teacher. Jon Voight was born on December 29, 1938 in Yonkers, New York, USA as Jonathan Vincent Voight. Newly established commercial stations, operating without the burden of societal legitimacy, focused solely on profitability. Male Actors/Film Stars & Movie Stars (Caricatures) If you use the board, please click on the "LIKE" button. Indeed, the United Artists release Cotton Comes to Harlem (1970), directed by Ossie Davis, is seen as the first significant film of the type. Michael Biehn. Moving flawlessly between artistic mediums, Sheen's acting range is striking.Sheen was born Ramón Antonio Gerard Estevez in Dayton, Ohio, to Mary-Ann (Phelan), an Irish ... Robin McLaurin Williams was born on Saturday, July 21st, 1951, in Chicago, Illinois, a great-great-grandson of Mississippi Governor and Senator, Anselm J. McLaurin. Like many boring actors, he hits his mark, says his line, and goes home, but he doesn’t have the charisma or charm to back it up. (Martin) and Peter J. S. Sturgess. [37], The leading Poverty Row firms began to broaden their scope; in 1947, Monogram established a subsidiary, Allied Artists, to develop and distribute relatively expensive films, mostly from independent producers. [104], In May 1969, the most important exploitation movie of the era premiered at the Cannes Film Festival. As the 50s became the 60s, that was all she had. .cls-2{mix-blend-mode:screen}.cls-3{fill:none;stroke:red;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-width:4px}.cls-4{fill:red}. Its greatest influence, though, derived from its clever subversion of genre clichés and the connection made between its exploitation-style imagery, low-cost, truly independent means of production, and high profitability. These cheaper films (not yet called B movies) allowed the studios to derive maximum value from facilities and contracted staff in between a studio's more important productions, while also breaking in new personnel. Lev (2003), pp. Menu.
The reverberations of Easy Rider could be felt in such pictures, as well as in a host of theatrical exploitation films. AIP was intrigued but balked at giving his collaborator, Dennis Hopper, also a studio alumnus, free directorial rein. This result mirrored the film's scrambling of definitions: Fine Line was a subsidiary of New Line, recently merged into the Time Warner empire—specifically, it was the old exploitation distributor's arthouse division. He has Irish, English, and German ancestry. He attended St. Mark's School of Texas, a prestigious prep school ... Jeffrey Leon Bridges was born on December 4, 1949 in Los Angeles, California, the son of well-known film and TV star Lloyd Bridges and his long-time wife Dorothy Dean Bridges (née Simpson). He was one of five children and the only son. Desser, David (2000). Genre pictures made at very low cost remained the backbone of Poverty Row, with even Republic's and Monogram's budgets rarely climbing over $200,000. (2008). He went on to work with many of France's most ... By transforming into his characters and pulling the audience in, Ed Harris has earned a reputation as one of the most talented actors of our time.Ed Harris was born in Tenafly, New Jersey, to Margaret (Sholl), a travel agent, and Robert Lee Harris, a bookstore worker who also sang professionally.
Clooney ... Matthew Paige Damon was born on October 8, 1970, in Boston, Massachusetts, to Kent Damon, a stockbroker, realtor and tax preparer, and Nancy Carlsson-Paige, an early childhood education professor at Lesley University.
[124] An Easy Rider with conceptual rigor, the movie that most clearly presaged the way in which exploitation content and artistic treatment would be combined in modestly budgeted films of later years was United Artists' biker-themed Electra Glide in Blue (1973), directed by James William Guercio. Melinda Clarke gained a her first true measure of fame in the television series The OC. Eventually they arranged a financing and distribution deal with Columbia, as two more graduates of the Corman/AIP exploitation mill joined the project: Jack Nicholson and cinematographer László Kovács. [80] Within a few decades, Hollywood was dominated by both movies and an exploitation philosophy very much like Levine's.
Corman (1998), p. 36. [56] At the same time, the realm of the B movie was becoming increasingly fertile territory for experimentation, both serious and outlandish. Described by Paul as "essentially an American-International teenybopper pic with a lot more spit and polish", it was 1973's third-biggest film and, likewise, by far the highest-earning teen-themed movie yet made. As such, they were omitted. Before that, she made her way through some notable B-film sequels, Return of the Living Dead 3 and Return to Two Moon Junction. [103] Soon, Corman was creating nudity-filled sexploitation pictures such as Private Duty Nurses (1971) and Women in Cages (1971). His mother was Irish, from County Longford, while his American-born father is ... Alec Baldwin is the oldest, and best-known, of the four Baldwin brothers in the acting business (the others are Stephen Baldwin, William Baldwin and Daniel Baldwin). Movie Dictionary; Browse .. A-Z By Date By Year By State By Country. "Scariest Movie Ever? McCarthy, Todd, and Charles Flynn, eds. He is best known for his long-running role as Wolverine in the X-Men film ... Dustin Lee Hoffman was born in Los Angeles, California, to Lillian (Gold) and Harry Hoffman, who was a furniture salesman and prop supervisor for Columbia Pictures. The days of six quickies for a nickel were gone, but a continuity of spirit was evident. As the average running time of top-of-the-line films increased, so did that of B pictures. [164] Pulp Fiction (1994), directed by Quentin Tarantino on an $8.5 million budget, became a hugely influential hit by crossing multiple lines, as James Mottram describes: "With its art house narrative structure, B-movie subject matter and Hollywood cast, the film is the axis for three distinct cinematic traditions to intersect. The growth of the cable television industry also helped support the low-budget film industry, as many B movies quickly wound up as "filler" material for 24-hour cable channels or were made expressly for that purpose. Yet his place on this list is a no-brainer, after such a memorable performance in a film held in such high regard. Frasier (1997), pp. The studio was sold off and dissolved as a moviemaking concern by the end of 1980. That she also voiced Futurama’s Planet Express ship is merely the cherry on top of the cake. [152] One of the few successful B studio startups of the decade was Rome-based Empire Pictures, whose first production, Ghoulies, reached theaters in 1985. Superman, released in December 1978, had proved that a studio could spend $55 million on a movie about a children's comic book character and turn a big profit—it was the top box-office hit of 1978. In 1935, Monogram, Mascot, and several smaller studios merged to establish Republic Pictures. He is an actor, known for The Portuguese Falcon (2015), O Fura-Vidas (1999) and Conta-me Como Foi (2007). '"[28], Series films are often unquestioningly consigned to the B movie category, but even here there is ambiguity: at MGM, for example, popular series like the Andy Hardy and the Dr. Kildare–Dr. Films shot on B-level budgets were occasionally marketed as A pictures or emerged as sleeper hits: one of 1943's biggest films was Hitler's Children, an RKO thriller made for a fraction over $200,000. Gandolfini began acting in the New York theater. In other genres, Universal kept its Ma and Pa Kettle series going through 1957, while Allied Artists stuck with the Bowery Boys until 1958. He also bolstered his CV with an impressive array of B-movies, starring as Raiden in the much-maligned original Mortal Kombat, making two fun (if not, it has to be said, particularly ‘good’) Fortress films, and kept busy in trashy pleasures like The Hunted and Mean Guns. Could 'Scooby Doo' Get A DC Live-Action TV Series. [130] Horror continued to attract young, independent American directors. [44], In one sample year, 1947, RKO produced along with several noir programmers and A pictures, two straight B noirs: Desperate and The Devil Thumbs a Ride. [87] Such films were not generally booked as part of movie theaters' regular schedules but rather presented as special events by traveling roadshow promoters (they might also appear as fodder for "grindhouses", which typically had no regular schedule at all). Calculating in the three hundred or so films made annually by the many Poverty Row firms, approximately 75% of Hollywood movies from the decade, more than four thousand pictures, are classifiable as Bs. [110] These films could turn a tidy profit.
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