injustice 2 characters ranked

That said, Captain Cold is a cool cat otherwise, with a spiffy jacket and goggles to boot. A-Tier. Who is best? Best Characters: Health. Joker’s damage output isn’t the best, however, so players will need to make good use of his tricky gameplay to get the edge on their opponents. Press J to jump to the feed. Or is TMNT truly worth the 10$ addition?

Despite being one of the game’s faster characters, Cheetah’s speed belies her reliance on a strong throw game. Anyone else. Injustice 2: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best. I think Will Smith played him in Suicide Squad, and I like Will Smith, but I’ve never seen the movie. A lot of people were shocked by the Joker’s design change in Injustice 2. This is a rule he breaks constantly, of course, and it should come as no surprise that he’ll break it again here. Minerva has similar base stats to that of Wonder Woman, as she’s meant to be able to stand her ground against the Amazon warrior, but she doesn’t have near the strength or intensity of her primary opponent. Are they worth the 10$? The leading heros in the group S are Batman and Darkseid. Injustice 2 Tier List: The worst characters RankedBoost has also ranked the worst characters to play as. Catwoman is agile, and her counters are epic, but she just doesn’t have the strength to match up with some of the other fighters in the game. I had fun with Red Hood, Darkseid, and Sub Zero. He also has a seemingly unbreakable tackle that pins opponents to the ground, thus cancelling their attack chains and allowing Cyborg to pummel them with projectiles or his fists. The best of the best! A number of sidekicks have been saddled with the Robin mantle over the years. So those are 2 mains really, there’s still some base characters I haven’t even played, but that’s really cuz I just don’t like the way they look or how they play when I face against them. Darkseid. When isolating the best characters for Defense (DEF) in Injustice 2, it’s important to keep the tier list of base stats in mind. Green Lantern is a beloved DC Comics hero, but he’s a terrible fighter in Injustice 2, unless he plays directly to your overall play style. Captain Cold has some incredible long-range attacks thanks to his cold gun, but he can also do some serious damage at close range. I mean, Hellboy is the best character for an Injustice DLC. Version 1.02.47 | … Cheetah is also a quick warrior, but it comes at the cost of power, and when facing a large opponent like Darkseid or Brainiac, even an impressive combo chain isn’t enough to drastically drop those villain’s health bar. Injustice 2 - Ability Tier List Aquaman Atrocitus Bane Batman Black Adam Black Canary Blue Beetle Brainiac Captain Cold Catwoman Cheetah Archived. Ah, right, it’s because Deadshot is pretty damn good. So read on for my completely biased, unscientific Injustice 2 character rankings! These stats are the base and tournament levels, and can of course be boosted by gear. Harley and fate are the 2 that stick out the most to me, so if any dlc resemble there playstyles I would imagine I would be a big fan, starfire or black manta enchantress is fun n different. For multiplayer scenarios, he’s a slow moving and susceptible character that has issues breaking chains or creating his own.

His overall strength as a character comes from his ability, of course, but he’s also packing impressive health and defense stats, which make him a balanced character and an easy one for beginners to attempt to master. Injustice 2: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best. These are the all injustice 2 characters ranked based on their base stats, Strength, Ability, Defense, and Health. A one-stop shop for all things video games. The character has his own unique moves and combos that make him a verifiably lethal combatant. Bane is without a doubt the most annoying character in Injustice 2. The more you can make the other player second-guess themselves, the better. We’ve compiled a list of the statistically superior fighters, and the statistically challenged ones, to help newcomers and lifelong fans help maneuver choosing from the large character roster. Captain Cold (Leonard Snart) is a new addition to the Injustice universe, and he manages to snag a position in the top statistical tier for the game. Red Hood, Black Manta, or Darkseid are the only others I would spend money on, Sub-zero is very rush down, and more importantly so much fun.

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