ban or forest closure. For a full list of ticketable offences and fine amounts, see: Other changes include an early start to wildfire season, which now officially begins on March 1. In campgrounds, the maximum stay length is 16 consecutive nights; after 16 consecutive nights, you must vacate the campground for a minimum of 24 hours. h�bbd```b``� ��� ��1�d�"Y��HV0;L�����I0yL��\Q`5�`2D���{Z�v��m� �w@��'�J! Please ensure your dog doesn't bark excessively. Use tracer, incendiary ammunition, fireworks or exploding targets in a forested area. Corporations may also face administrative penalties of up to $10,000 per offence per day, for failing to comply with the Act and regulations for less severe industrial based offences.
Constantly running generators is considered excessive noise. Hunting is permitted in wildland parks and in some provincial parks and recreation areas. Agriculture and Forestry has worked on the amendments to the Act and regulations for a number of 3) A portable extinguisher having a rating of not less than 2-A shall be provided and 0 Where it is allowed, riders must stay on designated OHV trails and obey all signs. associated regulations to improve public safety as they relate to preventing human-caused wildfires You must immediately occupy the campsite designated by the permit with your camping accommodation unit (tent, trailer or RV). h�b```g``^�����i� "@1V ��0Ѡ���$Ƹq�6�, L@�L -��`�P�n�l�����0/e�m`�a�7`�f0/�be�y T���}]Fe���Ħ2h=�X����� ����IHs1p��B�����f�,������L��4g�D�� � �!A The use of horses and pack animals is limited to designated areas and, Consumption of liquor is restricted to registered campsites, and to some. influenced by a 2016 spring online survey of Albertans. years. endstream endobj startxref outdoor public education amphitheatres) and outdoor pools or splash pads (e.g. You are not permitted to save campsites for others. Activities that interfere with wildfire control operations, like the use of drones near an incident, are considered a more severe offence and will result in an automatic court appearance.
Forest and Prairie Protection Act Only two of these may be used as sleeping quarters. Picking wild fruits and mushrooms MAY BE permitted IF you have verbal approval from the district conservation officer. The Act came into force on December 9, 2016. Regulations are enforced by conservation officers (peace officers in the Province of Alberta). Non-residents must obtain an Alberta angling license regardless of age. 132 0 obj <> endobj The Act’s regulations were updated to reflect the legislation and have been in force since March 29,
Hunting and carrying or discharging firearms are not permitted in most provincial parks and recreation areas. Camping permits are issued on a first come-first served basis EXCEPT where there is a campsite reservation service. Dressing, hanging and storing big game are not permitted without authorization from a conservation officer.
Liquor may be allowed with special permits when an AGLC liquor license is in place. and protecting Albertans, their communities, natural resources, and infrastructure from wildfire %%EOF The Alberta Fire Code (AFC) 2014 Edition and previous fire codes included Every municipality in Alberta has different regulations regarding the possession and discharge of consumer fireworks. CANADA'S AGE RESTRICTION: You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase fireworks. In group campgrounds, the maximum stay is five consecutive nights. EXCEPTION: if the second accommodation unit is a tent and there is only one motor vehicle registered to the site, there is no additional charge for the tent. The early start helps to address a rise in the number of spring wildfires the province has experienced in recent years. Fireworks, including low hazard fireworks (sometimes referred to as consumer or family fireworks), are regulated by the federal. Campgrounds may be closed if a forest fire situation in the vicinity threatens public safety. Pouring waste water on open ground or in sumpholes dug beneath trailers is prohibited. Mark your camping gear and valuables to deter thieves. Be a good neighbour - help protect others' property. Amendments were also
Limited use of off-highway vehicles (OHV) may be permitted in some Alberta Parks’ sites. Using dead wood lying on the ground (deadfall) for firewood is also prohibited. Camping fees are payable when the permit is issued. Drive cautiously and obey all speed limits. deals with the manufacture, import, sale, and use of all fireworks and pyrotechnical devices utilising explosives. If an accommodation unit is not present, the campsite may be re-assigned. The information that follows is intended as a general guide to some of the regulations under the Provincial Parks Act and a variety of other provincial and federal legislation that apply to recreational activities in provincial parks and recreation areas. ��P=�U� �ؐ!�30M}` m��
CANADA'S AGE RESTRICTION: You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase fireworks. We experience very little serious crime in our parks and with your co-operation, we can keep it that way. The .
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Please follows rules for responsible OHV use. Camping permit holders are responsible for the actions of all camping party members and any visitors to their campsite. Where waste receptacles are not provided, waste must be carried out of the area for disposal. The sale and use of fireworks is regulated within Strathcona County by three acts of legislation, including the Alberta Fire Code and federal law.
Boats used on any water body must conform with the, Guaranteed check-in time: 4:00 p.m. (same for comfort camping), Check-out time: 2:00 p.m. for camping (12:00 p.m for comfort camping).
Fail to dispose of debris in accordance with the regulations, Operate an off-highway vehicle where it is prohibited by a fire ban or forest closure, Interference with wildfire control operations, The severity of the contravention and adverse effects caused by it, The degree of wilfulness or negligence in the contravention, Whether steps have been taken to prevent the contravention or its reoccurrence. The Calgary Fire Department is the authority in Calgary to approve permits for fireworks, pyrotechnics and movie special effects. If you are an Alberta resident between the ages of 16 and 65, you must obtain an Alberta angling license to fish. Download our regulations brochure. Fireworks. Ticket amounts range from $360 to $1,200 per violation including a 20% victim surcharge under the Victims of Crime Act that is
Agriculture and Forestry has worked on the amendments to t… Wait at least 30 minutes before approaching a firework that did not go off. For the safety of both swimmers and boaters, please obey all signs at boat launches and on lakes. Adult visitors may consume cannabis in public areas where tobacco is permitted. Administrative penalties are determined by the department on a case-by-case basis. bike skills parks), outdoor theatres (e.g. Non-residents must obtain an Alberta angling license regardless of age. Check locations where OHVs are permitted. The camping fee applies to each accommodation unit on a campsite. Available for public use from 7:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. only. endstream endobj 133 0 obj <. Contravention of regulations may result in eviction, a court-imposed fine or a restitution order. Tickets will be issued for easily observable, straightforward non-compliance. Bury fireworks that do not have a base halfway in a container of earth or sand (such as a pail, box or wheelbarrow) unless the label on the firework indicates otherwise. Do not bathe or clean clothing, fish or cooking/eating utensils near water fountains, taps and wells. The Alberta Guide to Sportfishing Regulations has detailed info on season and catch limits. Use of fireworks is prohibited. Fishing. During times of high wildfire hazard the province may now also restrict the use of off-highway vehicles (OHVs). damage. If you use fireworks or pyrotechnics without a permit you will be in violation of the National Fire Code (Alberta Edition) which can result in fines or jail time. The Act’s regulations were updated to reflect the legislation and have been in force since March 29, 2017.
Report vandalism to a conservation officer or police.
Review Committee recommendations from the 2011 Slave Lake wildfires. The Government of Alberta made changes to the Forest and Prairie Protection Act (the Act) and associated regulations to improve public safety as they relate to preventing human-caused wildfires and protecting Albertans, their communities, natural resources, and infrastructure from wildfire damage. 187 0 obj <>stream Check. To report a wildfire, call 310-FIRE (310-3473) toll free from anywhere in Alberta.
available at: One of the key ways that the Government of Alberta is strengthening wildfire legislation is by increasing fines for the most severe wildfire-related violations. Consumer fireworks may only be discharged on private rural properties.
automatically applied to each ticket.
It is illegal to feed wildlife in provincial parks and recreation areas. Tobacco and cannabis smoking and vaping are prohibited within 5 meters of playgrounds, sports or playing fields (e.g. Do not approach, feed or harass wildlife. a) they shall be positioned out of the firing range of aerial fireworks and in a location where there is no dry grass or combustible material on the ground beneath them, and b) fireworks the area shall be thoroughly wet down immediately before the are discharged.
Store your camping gear and valuables securely. Cannabis is not allowed in motorized vehicles (i.e. Equipment & People Permitted on Campsites, Regulations in Alberta's Provincial Parks & Recreation Areas, Alberta Guide to Sportfishing Regulations, specifically designated provincial day use area picnic sites. Check our.
The Act came into force on December 9, 2016. cars, trucks, SUVs and vans). Act.
required to burn during wildfire season. The brochure is also available in other languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog. be prosecuted in the courts and can now be fined up to $100,000 or imprisonment for up to two years. The Government of Alberta made changes to the High-Hazard Display Fireworks Permit (For Professionals) If you are discharging high-hazard fireworks, you need to apply for a High-Hazard Display Fireworks Permit. (the Act) and Liquid and solid waste must be disposed of in receptacles provided. Chisholm wildfire and the many wildfire reviews over the years, including the Fort McMurray wildfire.
No more than six people may occupy a campsite unless they are all members of the same family unit.
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