The Half Apple item restored only a small fraction of your health points in the Japanese version. Enemy Chart: Hold L + Select and press Rto warp to the next stage. Here is how to find four hidden extra lives in the game's towns: Bloodpool - Make it rain over the big lake. Hold Select and press Rto warp to the next room. You start the game with a number of 2 lives displayed (3 total). Some of the other notable US changes include: *Denotes a change that alters sprite composition in an incompatible way. Thereafter, the residents of the town will replant their crops, but this time, they'll plant wheat. When you go back to the world map, it's simply there. Hidden Extra Lives Below is a list of enemies in the simulation section of the game, and what they do to your town. 3.

This game has debugging material. mode, done on August 4 2007. Speed run of ActRaiser on Professional! The AI seems to have improved in the US version, as they attack much more efficiently. Although, this is somewhat difficult to do. Bat - … Watch Queue Queue. In the original Japanese version, the game is based around your powers being sealed by the demon king "Satan". If there are no more rooms in the sequence, you'll be looped back to the first one. 2.

When an area reaches its maximum population it from the Status of Cities page, it says “MAX” in the US version, while in the Japanese it just says “Slow”. This video is unavailable. You'll only …

None of the other icons were altered. A little message that comes after the game's graphic for the world map: "Kihon pātsu chūsei (machi)" translates to "Basic Parts - Mediaeval (Town)".

This is the only town in the game where this can be done. Watch Queue Queue Fillmore - When you get the Compass, use it here. The name of "God" (JP) was replaced with "The Master" (US). Whereas in the US version, this was only implied due to Nintendo's censorship policies. Therefore, after planting wheat somewhere, cause an earthquake to destroy the corn fields. ActRaiser is a basic-but-fun platformer elevated to a new level by the inclusion of city-building simulation sequences between stages. Planting Wheat: Given that the Maximum Populations were different between versions, this also means that the maximum population level-up triggers for God/The Master have also changed. Northwall Monster Lairs: Additionally in the Japanese version, the type of magic you use, used up different amounts of scrolls depending on which magic spell it was.

SNESReleased in JP: December 16, 1990Released in US: November 1, 1991Released in EU: 1992. This feature was conveniently added to the US version. In the Japanese version, the man who gets lost in the desert in Kasandora is explicitly mentioned as having died and been buried near the main palace.

Once the residents of Bloodpool learn how to plant wheat instead of corn, you can gain an infinite amount of wheat product from them as an offering. Also, you start with only 3 lives in the JP version, instead of 5 in the US!

Red Devil - Destroys a field of crops kill with four hits In order for your powers to return, it's necessary for you help the humans of the land so that they worship you, whereby you gain strength from their piety.

Professional!” mode (US) is called “Special” mode (Japanese). In the Japanese version, your score resets to 0 during Action Mode when you lose a life during the action stages! For example, the "Magic Fire" used only one scroll, but the "Shooting Stars" used two scrolls. Blue Devil - Destroys one house at a time kill with three hits While this is difficult to confirm, the creation/simulation mode monster AI is much stupider in the Japanese Version, where often times they stand around and do nothing, especially after killing 1 of their targets. Developer: Earthquakes target houses randomly in the Japanese version; in the US version, they specifically target only older houses and so can be used to increase the population of your cities by clearing out older (lower occupancy) buildings. This game has a hidden level select. Note that the second stages in any world are linked to the first ones. A debug mode can be activated with the following game enhancer codes: Controller instructions for action scenes: A pair of unused items. Additionally, you cannot immediately take another rice offering in the Japanese version, whereas in the US version the wheat supply is replenished immediately after you take one. This game has hidden development-related text. The American and European versions are significantly easier than the original Japanese version: there are fewer enemy encounters in both the action and simulation portions of the game, and the action sequences have fewer traps and enemies. A debug mode can be activated with the following game enhancer codes: Controller instructions for action scenes: 1. In the Japanese version, you had to press Up + Y to use magic, which sometimes resulted in accidental misfires.

Kasandora - Cause an earthquake after uncovering the pyramid. This information is revealed during the ending. This was changed in the US release so that all types of magic use only one scroll, drastically lowering the difficulty level in boss fights. In the US release, pressing the A button used magic.

QuintetPublisher: Due to Nintendo's policy of not allowing religious symbolism in games at the time, the skull monsters' lairs were changed from a Star of David design in the Japanese version to an unassuming diamond in the US one. There is no animation of Death Heim emerging from the sea in the Japanese version. Additionally, in the Japanese Version as a general oversight, enemies had more HP and dealt more damage. The item that increases crop production in the Japanese version was (unsurprisingly) rice, instead of the wheat it became in the US release. This is the most frustrating, boring, and more time consuming aspects of JP version. In addition to the regular game mode, the European version makes Professional! EnixPlatform: Then, all you have to do is watch your population grow, Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Storm Ground World Premiere Trailer, Rainbow Six Siege: Shadow Legacy Operator Gameplay Gadget and Starter Tips, © 1998 - 2020 All rights reserved. This means you CAN get "stuck" and mess up your game if you do not farm / build correctly.

The little emotion balloons that appear above your peoples' heads were changed for the North American release slightly. Or their graphics, at least, as you don't seem able to hack them into your inventory.

In the US version, zero DOES NOT count as a life, and instead you start with number indicating 3 lives (3 total).

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actraiser professional mode

In the Japanese version's creation/simulation mode, your SP doesn’t replenish every construction cycle as it does in the US version, nor does it replenish after certain in-game events! While the snow and ice around a couple of them cannot be removed, you can still order your residents to seal the lairs over the snow and ice. Bat - Kidnaps four residents at a time kill with one hit, Games with hidden development-related text. The Pyramid in Kasandora features the Eye of Providence in the Japanese version. This game has a hidden sound test. Wheat will allow populations to grow higher and quicker, since it feeds more people, and can't be destroyed by earthquakes. The maximum possible population for each area in Simulation mode was drastically different from the US and Japanese versions. This page was last edited on 14 April 2020, at 20:37. Hold Rto make things go in slow-motion.

The SP costs for the various miracles (natural phenomena/natural disasters) are different between the US and Japanese releases. Skull - Causes earthquakes kill with eight hits.

In the Japanese version during the Bloodpool storyline, it is revealed that Teddy set up the lottery so that he would be picked as a sacrifice for his people. The main villian was renamed to "Tanzra". mode (renamed "Action Mode") available from the start and adds a difficulty selection to both modes.

The Half Apple item restored only a small fraction of your health points in the Japanese version. Enemy Chart: Hold L + Select and press Rto warp to the next stage. Here is how to find four hidden extra lives in the game's towns: Bloodpool - Make it rain over the big lake. Hold Select and press Rto warp to the next room. You start the game with a number of 2 lives displayed (3 total). Some of the other notable US changes include: *Denotes a change that alters sprite composition in an incompatible way. Thereafter, the residents of the town will replant their crops, but this time, they'll plant wheat. When you go back to the world map, it's simply there. Hidden Extra Lives Below is a list of enemies in the simulation section of the game, and what they do to your town. 3.

This game has debugging material. mode, done on August 4 2007. Speed run of ActRaiser on Professional! The AI seems to have improved in the US version, as they attack much more efficiently. Although, this is somewhat difficult to do. Bat - … Watch Queue Queue. In the original Japanese version, the game is based around your powers being sealed by the demon king "Satan". If there are no more rooms in the sequence, you'll be looped back to the first one. 2.

When an area reaches its maximum population it from the Status of Cities page, it says “MAX” in the US version, while in the Japanese it just says “Slow”. This video is unavailable. You'll only …

None of the other icons were altered. A little message that comes after the game's graphic for the world map: "Kihon pātsu chūsei (machi)" translates to "Basic Parts - Mediaeval (Town)".

This is the only town in the game where this can be done. Watch Queue Queue Fillmore - When you get the Compass, use it here. The name of "God" (JP) was replaced with "The Master" (US). Whereas in the US version, this was only implied due to Nintendo's censorship policies. Therefore, after planting wheat somewhere, cause an earthquake to destroy the corn fields. ActRaiser is a basic-but-fun platformer elevated to a new level by the inclusion of city-building simulation sequences between stages. Planting Wheat: Given that the Maximum Populations were different between versions, this also means that the maximum population level-up triggers for God/The Master have also changed. Northwall Monster Lairs: Additionally in the Japanese version, the type of magic you use, used up different amounts of scrolls depending on which magic spell it was.

SNESReleased in JP: December 16, 1990Released in US: November 1, 1991Released in EU: 1992. This feature was conveniently added to the US version. In the Japanese version, the man who gets lost in the desert in Kasandora is explicitly mentioned as having died and been buried near the main palace.

Once the residents of Bloodpool learn how to plant wheat instead of corn, you can gain an infinite amount of wheat product from them as an offering. Also, you start with only 3 lives in the JP version, instead of 5 in the US!

Red Devil - Destroys a field of crops kill with four hits In order for your powers to return, it's necessary for you help the humans of the land so that they worship you, whereby you gain strength from their piety.

Professional!” mode (US) is called “Special” mode (Japanese). In the Japanese version, your score resets to 0 during Action Mode when you lose a life during the action stages! For example, the "Magic Fire" used only one scroll, but the "Shooting Stars" used two scrolls. Blue Devil - Destroys one house at a time kill with three hits While this is difficult to confirm, the creation/simulation mode monster AI is much stupider in the Japanese Version, where often times they stand around and do nothing, especially after killing 1 of their targets. Developer: Earthquakes target houses randomly in the Japanese version; in the US version, they specifically target only older houses and so can be used to increase the population of your cities by clearing out older (lower occupancy) buildings. This game has a hidden level select. Note that the second stages in any world are linked to the first ones. A debug mode can be activated with the following game enhancer codes: Controller instructions for action scenes: A pair of unused items. Additionally, you cannot immediately take another rice offering in the Japanese version, whereas in the US version the wheat supply is replenished immediately after you take one. This game has hidden development-related text. The American and European versions are significantly easier than the original Japanese version: there are fewer enemy encounters in both the action and simulation portions of the game, and the action sequences have fewer traps and enemies. A debug mode can be activated with the following game enhancer codes: Controller instructions for action scenes: 1. In the Japanese version, you had to press Up + Y to use magic, which sometimes resulted in accidental misfires.

Kasandora - Cause an earthquake after uncovering the pyramid. This information is revealed during the ending. This was changed in the US release so that all types of magic use only one scroll, drastically lowering the difficulty level in boss fights. In the US release, pressing the A button used magic.

QuintetPublisher: Due to Nintendo's policy of not allowing religious symbolism in games at the time, the skull monsters' lairs were changed from a Star of David design in the Japanese version to an unassuming diamond in the US one. There is no animation of Death Heim emerging from the sea in the Japanese version. Additionally, in the Japanese Version as a general oversight, enemies had more HP and dealt more damage. The item that increases crop production in the Japanese version was (unsurprisingly) rice, instead of the wheat it became in the US release. This is the most frustrating, boring, and more time consuming aspects of JP version. In addition to the regular game mode, the European version makes Professional! EnixPlatform: Then, all you have to do is watch your population grow, Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Storm Ground World Premiere Trailer, Rainbow Six Siege: Shadow Legacy Operator Gameplay Gadget and Starter Tips, © 1998 - 2020 All rights reserved. This means you CAN get "stuck" and mess up your game if you do not farm / build correctly.

The little emotion balloons that appear above your peoples' heads were changed for the North American release slightly. Or their graphics, at least, as you don't seem able to hack them into your inventory.

In the US version, zero DOES NOT count as a life, and instead you start with number indicating 3 lives (3 total).

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