kathleen dean moore essays

I was a goner. Ethics 101 (2):412-413 (1991) Abstract This article has no associated abstract. If they only knew, they would act. She weaves together sharp-edged logic and deeply felt stories of the natural world to take on the most pressing questions of our time. How might you make that value evident in your life?” It’s an invitation to a respectful dialogue in which both sides listen and might even change their minds. But environmental activists often dither about regulation, imposing limits and such. We believe we can destroy our habitat without also destroying ourselves. We’ve seen this story before in the United States, when settlers killed the buffalo in order to kill buffalo-hunting Native Americans. Kathleen Dean Moore: All the time I was doing this writing and talking about stopping planetary pillage and plunder, I had this nagging question: Really?

. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream was not of profits or material comfort; his dream was of justice for future generations. I had already dog-eared my copy of her first collection of essays, Riverwalking: Reflections on Moving Water, when she came through town to read from her next book, Holdfast: At Home in the Natural World. Let’s imagine a democracy where elections are publicly funded, and all politicians get is a decent salary and the public’s respect for doing a good job of governing. Given the urgency of the question, we may need to start with conscientious objection. Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Emerita - Oregon State University.

In her latest book, acclaimed author Kathleen Dean Moore reflects on how deeply the environment is entrenched in the human spirit, despite the notion that nature and humans are somehow separate. This “Music and Climate Action” project, as we have come to call it, has answered some questions for me: What can be done when words are not enough? Those in the far north are suffering the most from the disrupted climate, even as the effects spread to the rest of the globe.

These are different kinds of writing, each with steep challenges. Mary DeMocker helps busy people build a healthy, just, and fun future while deepening family and community bonds. (fix it) ... Add more citations Similar books and articles. My first essay, “The Willamette River,” was published in North American Review. Perhaps a scientific discourse would engage deniers in a debate about the facts, but a moral discourse isn’t about science. They made me laugh. Those who would prefer we not think about climate change and other injustices would like very much for us to stay busy. Select the department you want to search in. MD: These problems can be solved by stories? Signs are that this now is how it shall be. The plants and animals began to disappear, too. We have developed enabling behaviors to allow our addictions to go unchallenged, to deny that they do any harm. Then one sentence from James Gustave Speth changed her life. The world is much more like a poem than a syllogism, although they both have their own truths. As a writer, you don’t often know the effect of your work, but when you’re right there performing, you can see what you’ve done. Her recent award-winning edited volume, Moral Ground: Ethical Action for a Planet in Peril, addresses the question, Do we have a moral … What was it like to work on your first novel, Piano Tide, excerpted recently in Terrain.org? You don’t have to believe in God to know that when you go out the door in the morning, you walk on sacred ground. Maybe more writers should tell stories about possible futures, the beautiful ones and the ones that will break our hearts. That especially includes what I am starting to call the “lyric polemic”—beautiful, emotional prose that changes minds and hearts, prose that approaches music in its power, using many of the same techniques. The Tribunal has investigated human rights abuses in Chernobyl, Bhopal, Vietnam, etc. Then I would get up in the morning and leap about, trying to save, and maybe redeem, their hapless lives. Her essays can be found in many journals, including Audubon, Discover, Orion, and the New York Times Magazine. Something went wrong.

But if we understand exactly how skillfully we are manipulated, we’ll get angry, and that will motivate us to make changes. It needs to happen soon. Her essays are widely published and anthologized, having appeared in magazines such as High Country News, Orion, Discover, Audubon, Utne Reader, Earth Island Journal, New York Times Magazine, Conservation Biology, and many others. ( Miranda Perrone: Is there any such hope? I care about their future. and Ph.D. in philosophy and studied in the Fleming School of Law. I’m all for it. but How should I respond? Revealed. I was in Laramie, Wyoming, in 1998 when Matthew Shepard, a young gay man, was murdered in a vicious hate crime. The United States has clearly moved into the plutocratic stage. Over the weekend I sat for an hour in a warm pond in beautiful sunshine with my one-year-old grandson on my lap, splashing and scooping. You do what you can to put out the damn fire. Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography. KMD: Both. The plants and animals began to disappear, too. We share ideas that foster a socially and ecologically interconnected world. But I have a writing studio in the country, the Watershed, built by my daughter, architect Erin Moore. MD: Many of us are waiting until our lives feel less busy before we jump into activism. . That was the beginning of a collaboration that created “A Call to Life: Variations on a Theme of Extinction,” a 60-minute music/spoken-word concert that weaves my words into Rachelle McCabe’s brilliant performance of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s “Variations on a Theme of Corelli.”. Sheila Watt-Cloutier identifies climate change as a form of cultural aggression—people of one culture destroying the material basis of another. Her newest book is a novel, Piano Tide, winner of the WILLA Award for Contemporary Fiction. Government agencies doing stuff, but not really, not soon enough. My friend came back a week later and said, “I’ve been asking a lot of people the same question, and five of them had the same dream. Mary DeMocker (MD): For Moral Ground you gathered testimony from political and cultural leaders about our moral obligations in the face of climate change. Please try your request again later. Start typing to see results or hit ESC to close, A Call to Life: Variations on a Theme of Extinction, Moral Ground: Ethical Action for a Planet in Peril, How to Be in Awe: An Interview with Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Place of Solace: An Interview with Pam Houston, Buried Lives and Divided Selves: An Interview with Debra Gwartney, Not Otherwise Specified: An Interview with Aby Kaupang and Matthew Cooperman. We can do that, too. How has this influenced your work? And what does that love mean? Enter the hero Perseus, who carried (along with his winged shoes and his magic scythe), a shining, reflective shield. Kathleen Dean Moore. It will talk about patriotism or competing with China or getting jobs or profiting from green energy—anything but ethics. A new experiment may yet emerge. DeMocker is the co-founder of 350 Eugene and has written for The Sun, Spirituality & Health, The Oregonian, and Common Dreams.

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