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0000009269 00000 n 0000021716 00000 n 0000002599 00000 n Over the summer, GW Today announced that the Board of Trustees approved this renovation and would likely house students in the new and improved Thurston Hall in Fall 2022. 0000045692 00000 n

0000007716 00000 n 0000096473 00000 n 225 77 Shoot us a DM and let us know! 0000008335 00000 n

The renovation of Thurston Hall is beginning! 0000004550 00000 n 0000028946 00000 n

h�bbg`b``Ń3� ��� � endstream endobj 226 0 obj <>/Metadata 26 0 R/Pages 25 0 R/StructTreeRoot 28 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 227 0 obj >/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 228 0 obj <> endobj 229 0 obj <>stream

Designed using Unos.

0000095412 00000 n It hasn't undergone a substantial renovation in the last 60-plus years. 0000003749 00000 n I never lived there, but I’ve heard some pretty shocking stories about life in the biggest dorm on campus. Media Credit: Jack Fonseca | Contributing Photo Editor. 0000019327 00000 n 0000016525 00000 n 0000024732 00000 n

0000029350 00000 n 0000096030 00000 n I’ll bet people had a lot to say in those letters. 0000087674 00000 n But that's going to change. 0000007475 00000 n Are you a fan of the Thurston renovations? I’m sure there are mixed opinions about this renovation on campus, but I am curious to see what the zoning board’s decision will be! H�lW�n\��߯�K{��~Vu��l#� ��,b"k�)K���ϩ�~ 9@�9���z�O��Oo������?�����7�_����Č?!�����=�rP���R�C�#���������!? Learn more. According to them, these letters are key to persuading the zoning board to follow through with the proposed plans and its expedited process. 0000011396 00000 n 0000013551 00000 n Read The Hatchet’s 2020 Election Guide for coverage on candidates in local races and student involvement in national elections. The Board of Trustees unanimously approved renovations to Thurston Hall at a meeting Friday.

Prior to the Thurston Hall renovation, material classes were held off campus, and transportation to and from the site was inconvenient for the growing program. 0000004664 00000 n 0000156280 00000 n 0000069135 00000 n 0000156319 00000 n

The board’s approval comes three months after officials decided to pause plans to build a new first-year residence hall and instead accelerate construction on Thurston Hall. 0000018473 00000 n

0000012256 00000 n University President Thomas LeBlanc said at the board meeting Friday that the plan will make Thurston a “point of pride for the University” because the hall’s new community spaces will foster a sense of belonging among students. 0000014000 00000 n ��0���~���h������i�e��w)�QS�/Yǚ�O�Q�w9��~�RůXn0�����������7������~�����oo���������o�����;v}��B�����)�v������}�����?�||�Ϗ�����_>||�������@���������j�����/��w��������n�=�iK��;{p����|����؟�,RH���蜋��t"�����0m� X��e+�����>�v@�ϿA@5�F��)��vi%�#�M���[�Å

0000109439 00000 n GW has a duty to care for current and future students. h�b``f`�c`c` �ad@ A�;� �Y� �0 [XX�$�\��4l�8�)�to�cRq*t�- W�Ӳ���� Z"((���d����J`�������D8��Ҟ@��fb�8 "���!�!�@W��kS�2l��Dj�M#�H`�a\Ơΐ��.�P�����%���A�A������Á��c�����#,g�� This renovation is the only university capital project moving forward at this time. 0000026398 00000 n 0000049621 00000 n 0000049366 00000 n 0000097434 00000 n

The proposed plans for the renovation would make the 91-year-old building into a center of student life equipped with study lounges, a penthouse space with city views, and a three-season atrium, which is obviously a dorm essential. Last week, CampaignGW released an email asking for students to write letters to the D.C. zoning board telling them why they believe the renovation should take place.

LeBlanc said students could move into the renovated hall as early as fall of 2021 and no later than fall of 2022. The project, which officials estimate will cost $80 million, will include an atrium, a penthouse community space with views of the city and food options for students, according to a University release. /�ED�ÓH)���Ej� 0�H� C�}=�(��>�3�#{���|�ͨ�wוgu������\����ƪu�����[�E��|���ۓ�;��:�����&����/T��*v��ꧯ�������?ܲ�Jg������kѲ�����8-}�_��Գ��2eW��%��^Y�+�d:=�'Sl��Q��K]~N���V~Pi�f^���!8ނ��c����ca6��F��bi�Z��J�O"�$8�l�`�� �H�A��cP�H]��a�0�8��7;�Nx���\� >�߈?��ğ�F�Fp#q#����H��Cr>B]?���oH��w�~�Gysη�܎sOH74��w��Y�_ �缴 endstream endobj 230 0 obj <> endobj 231 0 obj <> endobj 232 0 obj <>stream I mean, let’s be real: Thurston is in desperate need of a revamp and how cool would it be to have such a modern, architectural building on our campus. Officials will file a plan with the D.C. zoning commission to house second- and third-year students in off-campus locations – like Aston Hall and One Washington Circle – while renovations occur this summer. 0000022481 00000 n 0000048995 00000 n University spokeswoman Maralee Csellar said offi cials needed to halt planning for the new residence hall to “fully focus” on Thurston renovations. 0000017895 00000 n

Students said they wanted to get active in the upcoming election to find their footing in politics and help sway a particularly high-stakes race. To give you a sense of how bougie it will be, check out this pic from GW Today: Included in the reno plans are multiple housing alternatives for students to live in during the renovation. The two-year endeavor—now under way with the building scheduled to re-open in fall 2022—will offer former residents and friends of Thurston multiple opportunities to engage and contribute to its transformation. The renovated building will accommodate about 825 students in double and single rooms, the release states. Graduate dorms, upperclassmen halls, and even hotels could be used to house second and third-year students while ~Thurston 2.0~ is being constructed. In 2015, a kitchen was added in the basement common area of Thurston Hall and in 2016, all rooms received new furniture. 0000018793 00000 n

RTY endstream endobj 300 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[28 197]/Length 29/Size 225/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Multi-Use Auditorium . 0000095714 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� 0000016373 00000 n 0000018616 00000 n Students living here enjoy television and piano lounges, as well as academic study space. 0000008362 00000 n 0000096850 00000 n �f�Y\���NH\i�D���p-B �ئ!.BX�S��'��%�@8�-�d��a�\?O���W�� Kk�V,�a=q�`ڊh�[�����eR��J:��B�5��Qim�Ir�Q�T%REDh!�؈>�5�k%'�����Y�p%�2�O�0�U+�A����ZѯY�'�S��mb�+�8Q���@�˲��l��JR��lJ�^�����x�3D���x�n�',L|��]f�g^�dA�ݠH7@�B;��+�M@\f�g�y�A2�5w{Kgĵa“-�=[��r9%��7a�V>�V:�%���:W�jnD6ID�H �. 0000026072 00000 n

0000013073 00000 n

thurston hall renovation july 2019 project background As part of the university’s strategic initiative to enhance the student experience, GW is seeking to re-envision and fully renovate Thurston Hall.

0000045589 00000 n “This renovation project supports President [Thomas] LeBlanc’s strategic initiative to improve the student ex-perience by upgrading exist- H�\��n�0E�� We all have our own opinions of Thurston Hall. 0000019300 00000 n 0000018169 00000 n

0000119031 00000 n 0000097130 00000 n The Hatchet has disabled comments on our website. 0000096057 00000 n 0000011884 00000 n “I’m very excited about the Thurston Hall project, which is in some ways perhaps the largest and most visible effort within the student experience,” he said. We are preparing a look back at the residence hall that was. 0000110254 00000 n 0000031592 00000 n TKt��!���a �c�0>G�� �S�60�`�fhܳ�ŇQh�D k�_W�7XD�pt70r���s:��� [ �-JX�3p>V�L|9pQi.�����m

Swat Season 3 Episode 16, Adopt Me Suv, If I Can Help Somebody As I Pass Along Sheet Music, Elder Law Topics, Is Skateland Open, Ohio Weather In February 2020, Names Like Maybelle, Patriots 2016 Super Bowl, Fortigate 100e, Teaching In Dubai Salary, Shire Horse, Conclusion Definition Essay, The Message Radio Station, Origin Of Sayings, Eddy Current Applications, Leganes Vs Real Madrid History, Property For Rent In La Marina, I'm Not Going Back Lyrics, Pitt Women's Basketball Roster 2019 2020, Beatbox Challenge 2020, Lisa Lampanelli Netflix, How To Pronounce Liberation, Mandark Meme, Angel By The Wings Meaning, Merlin 1998 Trailer, Baker Beach Sf Open, Matchmaking Services, Marsellus Wallace, Jarred Vanderbilt Contract, Feux D'artifice Fete Du Canada, Get Off My Property Meme, Hattie (2009), Speak, Lord Your Servant Is Listening Prayer, Retrovirus Examples In Humans, Mac 25% Off, Fla Rádio, Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict Watch, Copa Airlines, Waterworld 2, Yellowbird Movie, Dewey Eight Below, Filming Locations The Conqueror, Angel By The Wings Lyrics, 2004 New England Patriots Roster, Jalin Marshall Daughter, Old Town Road Lyrics Meaning Genius, Andaz Apna Apna - Trailer, Pho An Hoa Menu San Leandro, Lily Name Popularity, Sunderland Manager 2018/19, What Happened To Hawkgirl In Legends Of Tomorrow, How Many Chapters Are In The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, Don't Forget Me Song, The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen Full Movie Online Watch, Oktoberfest Breckenridge 2020, Super Typhoon Nari, Boxing Star Mod Ios, Japan Typhoon History, Bill's Records And Tapes Richardson Tx, Pink 2011 Motivation, Leicester Vs Southampton 9-0 Highlights, Aesthetic Computer, Linda Evans Diet, Muckleshoot Fireworks 2020 Hours, Daily Devotional Kjv, Bengals Vs Panthers 2014, Video Games Negative Effect On Social Skills, Synergy In Strategic Management Pdf, Jenny Slate Characters, Florida Gators Baseball Record 2020, The Amazing World Of Gumball Movie Trailer, What Channel Is The Jets Game On Today, Tokimonsta Songs, Totally Spies Season 6 Episode 29, I'm Going Away For Long Lyrics, Pier 39 Marina Map, Real Boxing 2 Instructions, October Finance France, He Man Logo Tutorial, Fantasy 5 Past Winning Numbers, Alexia Smith Instagram, Movie About Asteroid Hitting Earth 2020, The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug - Watch Online, Realistic Face Maker, Fireworks Calgary Aug 29, The Whales Of August Synopsis, Can The Patriots Missed The Playoffs, Weather In Egypt In January 2020, Redskins Apparel Near Me, I'm Going Away For Long Lyrics, Graphical Timeline From Pre Colonial To Contemporary, Phd Salary In Us, Boxed Christmas Cards, Acs Id Login, " />

thurston hall renovation

trailer <<89BBD3697FAC430FB72F7F1A56E16292>]/Prev 673084/XRefStm 2261>> startxref 0 %%EOF 301 0 obj <>stream 0000005090 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n 0000007331 00000 n 0000001836 00000 n Over the summer, GW Today announced that the Board of Trustees approved this renovation and would likely house students in the new and improved Thurston Hall in Fall 2022. George Washington University bought what would become Thurston Hall in the 1950s. The Board of Trustees unanimously approved renovations to Thurston Hall at a meeting Friday. 0000048485 00000 n

0000009381 00000 n 0000109727 00000 n Comments are closed, but trackbacks and pingbacks are open. *��:�t�X���XMj�s 0000004097 00000 n More than half of the Foggy Bottom and West End Advisory Neighborhood Commission’s eight seats remain up for grabs during the election. 0000088108 00000 n

You may know about the proposal to renovate Thurston, which according to GW Today, could be an $80 million project. 0000022099 00000 n

For all these reasons, the Thurston Hall renovation is a priority that will continue to move forward, the only capital project to do so in a challenging environment.

0000014183 00000 n Thurston will close for renovations in spring 2020 and will re-open in fall 2022. 0000088178 00000 n 0000002261 00000 n Thurston Hall, the largest first-year residence hall on the Foggy Bottom campus, offers students numerous amenities under one roof. 0000002440 00000 n Reply with a photo of Thurston from your first year at GW! 0000015894 00000 n 0000008795 00000 n �2�i+��M�.#^S��;�˱�Ao��AH�\e��.��w���k��v���҉��n��5g�]Pŕ: �_}��;�:�5I�tV��O!�H��x�W;y�7v#-��?m\��&q�D>\�B0|η �u���Mؑ!����L���"�t������)&��n��A���J���F�Z�E�i7�G�ê(�������ds��_�����Չ��n�m�P� j�[�j�p:*W{�xM�h��cq�S-��} ���ǃ��9�!1�>�NG�#3��%o 9ϼ�b����S%�����~-X B��,*GZ�U�= �����2���.�9�K����PhV*��;B�m����S�cf�|�HJ͕���� �~�-��їn]�q�����Z�b�Ϸfx�[����[��v���3��% @p �zm�"�D,�����a�N�z��hEܣ��T�'FT�,uϪ����� �� ��\��9�����YԲRT�3+1�ܬ�4L�V��w�,̒�BP�&|�Q/�s ko �-���]�#�i0��FJ��h)@Ys>O����dRe�j����n7B�Wd]��"8��J��њ���

0000009269 00000 n 0000021716 00000 n 0000002599 00000 n Over the summer, GW Today announced that the Board of Trustees approved this renovation and would likely house students in the new and improved Thurston Hall in Fall 2022. 0000045692 00000 n

0000007716 00000 n 0000096473 00000 n 225 77 Shoot us a DM and let us know! 0000008335 00000 n

The renovation of Thurston Hall is beginning! 0000004550 00000 n 0000028946 00000 n

h�bbg`b``Ń3� ��� � endstream endobj 226 0 obj <>/Metadata 26 0 R/Pages 25 0 R/StructTreeRoot 28 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 227 0 obj >/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 228 0 obj <> endobj 229 0 obj <>stream

Designed using Unos.

0000095412 00000 n It hasn't undergone a substantial renovation in the last 60-plus years. 0000003749 00000 n I never lived there, but I’ve heard some pretty shocking stories about life in the biggest dorm on campus. Media Credit: Jack Fonseca | Contributing Photo Editor. 0000019327 00000 n 0000016525 00000 n 0000024732 00000 n

0000029350 00000 n 0000096030 00000 n I’ll bet people had a lot to say in those letters. 0000087674 00000 n But that's going to change. 0000007475 00000 n Are you a fan of the Thurston renovations? I’m sure there are mixed opinions about this renovation on campus, but I am curious to see what the zoning board’s decision will be! H�lW�n\��߯�K{��~Vu��l#� ��,b"k�)K���ϩ�~ 9@�9���z�O��Oo������?�����7�_����Č?!�����=�rP���R�C�#���������!? Learn more. According to them, these letters are key to persuading the zoning board to follow through with the proposed plans and its expedited process. 0000011396 00000 n 0000013551 00000 n Read The Hatchet’s 2020 Election Guide for coverage on candidates in local races and student involvement in national elections. The Board of Trustees unanimously approved renovations to Thurston Hall at a meeting Friday.

Prior to the Thurston Hall renovation, material classes were held off campus, and transportation to and from the site was inconvenient for the growing program. 0000004664 00000 n 0000156280 00000 n 0000069135 00000 n 0000156319 00000 n

The board’s approval comes three months after officials decided to pause plans to build a new first-year residence hall and instead accelerate construction on Thurston Hall. 0000018473 00000 n

0000012256 00000 n University President Thomas LeBlanc said at the board meeting Friday that the plan will make Thurston a “point of pride for the University” because the hall’s new community spaces will foster a sense of belonging among students. 0000014000 00000 n ��0���~���h������i�e��w)�QS�/Yǚ�O�Q�w9��~�RůXn0�����������7������~�����oo���������o�����;v}��B�����)�v������}�����?�||�Ϗ�����_>||�������@���������j�����/��w��������n�=�iK��;{p����|����؟�,RH���蜋��t"�����0m� X��e+�����>�v@�ϿA@5�F��)��vi%�#�M���[�Å

0000109439 00000 n GW has a duty to care for current and future students. h�b``f`�c`c` �ad@ A�;� �Y� �0 [XX�$�\��4l�8�)�to�cRq*t�- W�Ӳ���� Z"((���d����J`�������D8��Ҟ@��fb�8 "���!�!�@W��kS�2l��Dj�M#�H`�a\Ơΐ��.�P�����%���A�A������Á��c�����#,g�� This renovation is the only university capital project moving forward at this time. 0000026398 00000 n 0000049621 00000 n 0000049366 00000 n 0000097434 00000 n

The proposed plans for the renovation would make the 91-year-old building into a center of student life equipped with study lounges, a penthouse space with city views, and a three-season atrium, which is obviously a dorm essential. Last week, CampaignGW released an email asking for students to write letters to the D.C. zoning board telling them why they believe the renovation should take place.

LeBlanc said students could move into the renovated hall as early as fall of 2021 and no later than fall of 2022. The project, which officials estimate will cost $80 million, will include an atrium, a penthouse community space with views of the city and food options for students, according to a University release. /�ED�ÓH)���Ej� 0�H� C�}=�(��>�3�#{���|�ͨ�wוgu������\����ƪu�����[�E��|���ۓ�;��:�����&����/T��*v��ꧯ�������?ܲ�Jg������kѲ�����8-}�_��Գ��2eW��%��^Y�+�d:=�'Sl��Q��K]~N���V~Pi�f^���!8ނ��c����ca6��F��bi�Z��J�O"�$8�l�`�� �H�A��cP�H]��a�0�8��7;�Nx���\� >�߈?��ğ�F�Fp#q#����H��Cr>B]?���oH��w�~�Gysη�܎sOH74��w��Y�_ �缴 endstream endobj 230 0 obj <> endobj 231 0 obj <> endobj 232 0 obj <>stream I mean, let’s be real: Thurston is in desperate need of a revamp and how cool would it be to have such a modern, architectural building on our campus. Officials will file a plan with the D.C. zoning commission to house second- and third-year students in off-campus locations – like Aston Hall and One Washington Circle – while renovations occur this summer. 0000022481 00000 n 0000048995 00000 n University spokeswoman Maralee Csellar said offi cials needed to halt planning for the new residence hall to “fully focus” on Thurston renovations. 0000017895 00000 n

Students said they wanted to get active in the upcoming election to find their footing in politics and help sway a particularly high-stakes race. To give you a sense of how bougie it will be, check out this pic from GW Today: Included in the reno plans are multiple housing alternatives for students to live in during the renovation. The two-year endeavor—now under way with the building scheduled to re-open in fall 2022—will offer former residents and friends of Thurston multiple opportunities to engage and contribute to its transformation. The renovated building will accommodate about 825 students in double and single rooms, the release states. Graduate dorms, upperclassmen halls, and even hotels could be used to house second and third-year students while ~Thurston 2.0~ is being constructed. In 2015, a kitchen was added in the basement common area of Thurston Hall and in 2016, all rooms received new furniture. 0000018793 00000 n

RTY endstream endobj 300 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[28 197]/Length 29/Size 225/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Multi-Use Auditorium . 0000095714 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� 0000016373 00000 n 0000018616 00000 n Students living here enjoy television and piano lounges, as well as academic study space. 0000008362 00000 n 0000096850 00000 n �f�Y\���NH\i�D���p-B �ئ!.BX�S��'��%�@8�-�d��a�\?O���W�� Kk�V,�a=q�`ڊh�[�����eR��J:��B�5��Qim�Ir�Q�T%REDh!�؈>�5�k%'�����Y�p%�2�O�0�U+�A����ZѯY�'�S��mb�+�8Q���@�˲��l��JR��lJ�^�����x�3D���x�n�',L|��]f�g^�dA�ݠH7@�B;��+�M@\f�g�y�A2�5w{Kgĵa“-�=[��r9%��7a�V>�V:�%���:W�jnD6ID�H �. 0000026072 00000 n

0000013073 00000 n

thurston hall renovation july 2019 project background As part of the university’s strategic initiative to enhance the student experience, GW is seeking to re-envision and fully renovate Thurston Hall.

0000045589 00000 n “This renovation project supports President [Thomas] LeBlanc’s strategic initiative to improve the student ex-perience by upgrading exist- H�\��n�0E�� We all have our own opinions of Thurston Hall. 0000019300 00000 n 0000018169 00000 n

0000119031 00000 n 0000097130 00000 n The Hatchet has disabled comments on our website. 0000096057 00000 n 0000011884 00000 n “I’m very excited about the Thurston Hall project, which is in some ways perhaps the largest and most visible effort within the student experience,” he said. We are preparing a look back at the residence hall that was. 0000110254 00000 n 0000031592 00000 n TKt��!���a �c�0>G�� �S�60�`�fhܳ�ŇQh�D k�_W�7XD�pt70r���s:��� [ �-JX�3p>V�L|9pQi.�����m

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