She is a new transfer to the Gotham City Police Department who does things by the book. The series focuses on a younger Bruce Wayne whose brief career as the Batman has barely lasted even three years. In the show he has recently started his career as a masked vigilante. Animation based on the DC Comics superhero Batman. The series finale features the entire Justice League. The Batman The character designs were provided by Jackie Chan Adventures artist Jeff Matsuda; he also directed the ending. Dick Grayson as Robin was also introduced into the show, as the Teen Titans animated series had been cancelled earlier in the year before this season started. Unlike in the comics, the character is a later cast addition rather than a character from the beginning. Dtective Ethan Bennett/Clayface — Bennett was created specifically for the series as one of the three recurring police officers to interact with Batman. After Catwoman stole from him, Hideto Katsu wanted to have his Yakuza Team and his hired ninjas to defeat her the next time she stole from him. Broadcast Run • Dai-Guard • Deadman Wonderland • Demon Slayer • Dimension W • Dr. Stone • Dragon Ball • Dragon Ball GT • Dragon Ball Super • Dragon Ball Z • Dragon Ball Z Kai • Duel Masters • Eureka Seven • Eyeshield 21 • Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes • Fena: Pirate Princess • Fire Force • FLCL • FLCL Alternative • FLCL Progressive • Food Wars! Villains for this particular season were a combination of villains associated with the Justice League members appearing on the show with some of the Batman villains. The episode "Artifacts" included sections set in the year 2027 with the character appearing as Nightwing, based on the superhero the comic-book Grayson became as an adult. 65 (List of Episodes) Mental Block Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Alfred bows when the Batman commands him to obey him... Alfred prepares to stomp on the Batman's hand, The Batman hangs onto the roof with the other hand, The Batman uses the free hand to take Alfred down, Another of the butlers comes to attack the Batman, The Batman throws the butler onto the roof, The Batman can't bring himself to hit Alfred, ...but hypnotized Alfred can hit the Batman, The Batman falls of the roof of the van from Alfred's punch, Alfred looks blankly to see where the Batman fell, Spellbinder begins to levitate surrounded by the hypnotized butlers, Spellbinder prepares himself to handle the Batman, The watch receives the time to activate Spellbinder's hypnotic suggestion, McHugh and the other billionaire come under Spellbinder's hypnotic control, Alfred sees the hypnotized billionaires on TV. Network The fifth and final season was said by producer Alan Burnett to be the show's "The Brave and the Bold season." In this episode, J'onn brings The Batman to a Hall of Justice Watchtower orbiting the Earth where he introduces him to Hawkman, Green Arrow, Flash, and Green Lantern as part of the Justice League of America. Batgirl/Barbara Gordon — Introduced in season 3, the character is based on the Barbara Gordon version of Batgirl from the comic books. In his final appearance, Ethan Bennett, the first Clayface, is redeemed and cured of his condition. Detective Ellen Yin — Yin was created specifically for the show as one of the three recurring police officers to interact with Batman. Animation based on the DC Comics superhero, Batman.The series aired between 2004, and 2008. He is the head of the precinct where Yin and Bennett work and most of the episodes are set. Although the series borrows many elements from previous Batman storylines, it does not follow the continuity set by the comic books, the film series, or Batman: The Animated Series and its DC Animated Universe spin-offs. The fall exposes the officer to her mind-controlling spores, The officer begins to come under Ivy's control, The officer comes fully under Ivy's control, Poison Ivy orders the officer to release her, The officer heeds the command of Poison Ivy, Ivy doses her officer with another set of spores, Batman begins to come under Ivy's control. In the show he has recently started his career as a masked vigilante. Lex employs the villains of Gotham City to help him take down Superman; in the course of the plot, Luthor gets his hands on Poison Ivy and her mind control spores.
Hideto Katsu was the head of a crime family moved from the Orient to Gotham City in order to make a living.
At the same time, another main character to the Batman mythos, Commissioner James Gordon is introduced, along with the Bat-Signal. The series won six Daytime Emmy Awards. Villains for this particular season were a combination of villains associated with the Justice League members appearing on the show with some of the Batman villains. Batgirl and Commissioner Gordon were dropped from the show as main characters, and only appeared rarely as guests or cameos. Season 3 introduced a young Barbara Gordon, who becomes Batgirl and plays a major role along with her father, Commissioner James Gordon. A Direct-To-DVD movie titled The Batman VS Dracula, based on the series, was released on October 18, 2005 and made its television debut on Toonami on October 22, 2005. The story depicts Bruce Wayne as a young man living as a playboy to hide his identity as the Batman; the story later introduces Barbara Gordon as Batgirl and Dick Greyson as Robin. He was thusly raised by the family butler Alfred Pennyworth, harboring a deep seated hatred of crime before using his wealth and influence to become the Batman. The series then returned to the block a year later for another short run from November 11, 2006 to December 23, 2006.
Initially she has misgivings about the Batman, which over the course of the show changes to a grudging respect. While crime in Gotham is at an all time low, new foes emerge and The Batman confronts his rogues gallery for the first time.
Billionaire Bruce Wayne fights crime and evil as the mysterious Batman. Alfred Pennyworth — Based on the comic book character of the same name, he serves the same function, as Wayne's butler, aide-de-camp, and surrogate parent. The episode "Artifacts" included sections set in the year 2027 with the character appearing as "Oracle" based on the current role Barbara Gordon fills in the comics. The Batman is an American animated television series produced by Warner Bros.
Set in 2027, with the main storyline in 3027, it features a wheelchair-using Barbara Gordon as Oracle, Dick Grayson as Nightwing, with both The Batman and the Batmobile resembling the versions in Miller's series. Season 2 introduced more villains: Riddler, Hugo Strange, Rag Doll, Spellbinder, Killer Croc, and Solomon Grundy.
Barbara tries to be The Batman's sidekick, but he refuses to accept the need for a partner until the end of the season.
The Batman lands in the alley where Spellbinder waits, The Batman joins the hypnotized billionaires, The Batman presents the Eye to Spellbinder, Spellbinder begins to put things together as the Batman presents the Eye, The Batman is awakened out of hypnosis by Alfred telling to wake up over the Batwave.
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