Folk Legacy reassigned all copyright interest to James Waters in August, 2012.
It was later included in Francis James Child's anthology, and catalogued as Child ballad number 113.
Dae dae dae da da dae dae... A woman has her child taken away by its father, the great selkie of Sule Skerry which can transform from a seal into a human. Though it be the death of me.' Realizing their chance, they steal the sealskin, demanding the Selkie marry them to get the sealskin back. "The Great Silkie of Sule Skerry" or "The Grey Selkie of Sule Skerry" is a traditional folk song from Shetland and Orkney. Hiding behind rocks to learn if he found a new love, Lorelei sings the song for lovers who were torn apart then left broken-hearted For to woo the Fisher's daughter ", being the MIT Outing Club addition to his typewritten Child Ballads. Pete Seeger included his version of Hikmet's "I Come and Stand at Every Door" on a 1964 concert album, Judy Collins included her version, "Great Selchie of Shule Skerry", on her 1962 album, The Scottish band MacCumba, who mix Brazilian and Celtic traditions with pipes and samba, recorded a version on their 1996 album, The duo Estrange Waters recorded a version of the song on their 2016 EP, This page was last edited on 7 August 2020, at 22:51.
There is also a greatly embellished and expanded version of the ballad called "The Lady Odivere". I will stay and be thy husband In these tales, Selkies are creatures who are able to switch between man and seal at will, putting on a sealskin to turn into the seal, and taking it off to turn into a human. Lorelei hears the cry of lovers that the sea of fate had separated, Selkie puts her hand in his, he knows the gift she gives A man rises up to tell her that he is the father, and that he is a silkie — a changeling that takes the form of a man on the land and a seal in the sea, and that he lives on a remote rocky island called Sule Skerry.
The best known tune today is non-traditional, having been written by Jim Waters in 1954. The pure pentatonic form of it and the beautiful melodic line showed me that it was a very ancient melody that I had set on paper.”[13]. Little ken† I my bairn's father, "The Grey Selkie of Sule Skerry" is the title of the Orcadian texts, about twice in length.
So they've gone to her grandmother's
American folksinger Pete Seeger set the poem I Come and Stand at Every Door by Turkish poet Nâzım Hikmet to Waters's tune for "The Great Silkie" in the early 1950s.
Selkie battled tide and wave just to gaze upon his face Hiding behind rocks to learn if he found a new love.
The woman is fated to marry a gunner who will harpoon the selkie and their son. In these tales, Selkies are … But I cannot go into the ocean I would gladly go and wed ye But my mother had a seal coat [12], The original tune was preserved by Otto Andersson, who heard it sung by John Sinclair on the island of Flotta, Orkney. I would drown beneath the waves, love Who has ever dwelt beside the sea De Selkie (ook wel gespeld als selchie, Iers/Schots-Gaelisch: selchidh, Schots: selkie fowk) is een mythisch wezen uit Schotse, Ierse en Faeröer mythologie. "Ballads and the Supernatural: Spells, Channs, Curses and Enchantments", "When Worlds Collide, by Dave Bainbridge and Troy Donockley", "Supernatural Beings in the Far North: Folklore, Folk Belief, and the Selkie", King Edward the Fourth and a Tanner of Tamworth, The King's Disguise, and Friendship with Robin Hood, The Laily Worm and the Machrel of the Sea, Robin Hood's Birth, Breeding, Valor, and Marriage, The Young Earl of Essex's Victory over the Emperor of Germany,, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2011, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. [6] The selkie makes the same fateful prediction as in the Shetland version, that the woman will marry a gunner, who will shoot both the selkie and their son. "The Great Silkie of Sule Skerry" or "The Grey Selkie of Sule Skerry" is a traditional folk song from Shetland and Orkney. 'Lady, long have I loved you
Let us speak with my grandmother
'I have come in from the ocean Since I'll not be left a widow And she told me that its wearer That I may wed my fair Selkie.' Child was interested only in the texts of the ballads he collected, and Jim explains that the tune was "just the best I could do as a way to get a fine ballad sung". It was later reprinted by Finnish folklorist Otto Andersson, who also collected a traditional ballad tune for it.
An earthly nourris† sits and sings, Although I am not comely.". [citation needed] Over the next two years, he introduced the ballad to the Boston area at a time when "hootenannies" filled the Great Court of MIT on a weekly basis (before recorded folk songs were widely available). If I went along with thee.' Lest ye come along with me.'
Through a window in the dark, there he sits all alone, I've been waiting on the love of my life to find I will stay upon your shoreland Lay his foot upon the sand A synopsis is as follows: A woman, nursing a baby, laments that she does not know the child's father or where he lives.
Heather Dale, however, takes a much more forgiving interpretation, detailing the story of the consentual romance between the Fisher’s Daughter and the Seal Lord.
Would become a fair Selkie.' [11], Here, the Lady Odivere is in peril of being burnt at the stake for adultery by her husband, when she is rescued by San Imravoe, a selchie who is a jarl of high degree in his realm. Selkies zouden volgens de mythe zeehonden zijn, die op het land hun huid af kunnen werpen en zo een menselijke gedaante aan kunnen nemen. 2.
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