Saturn Girl first appeared in Adventure Comics #247 (April 1958) and was created by Otto Binder and Al Plastino.

She has the ability to use her mind as a psi-link, allowing her to connect with others and allow them to communicate with one another.

Irma has a slender figure, she has a long blonde hair which she either let's down or tied in a high & messy ponytail, and she has blue eyes.

[22] After the escape, she reveals that she is Saturn Girl. [12], Comics writer, Geoff Johns, commented on the character:[13] .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}.

Using her powers of telepathy, Imra discovered the plot, and, with the help of two other teenagers on board, Lightning Lad and Cosmic Boy, caught the assassin and saved Brande's life.

[9][volume & issue needed], Imra briefly rejoined the Legion again in 2987 when Universo took control of the Earth and hypnotized and imprisoned many heroes, including her. When everybody's saying, 'Legion doesn't work anymore.

She can even manipulate the information another's brain receives to make them believe intensely realistic illusions.

She has an incredible working knowledge of the average humanoid brain and the specific functions of each part. The extent of her powers after the "Threeboot", though unknown, is substantially more limited.

Her hair is cropped short and dyed a platinum blonde. [20], During "The Button" crossover arc between The Flash and Batman, still incarcerated in Arkham Asylum, Saturn Girl is watching a hockey game on the television. Unbeknown to the couple, Graym had a twin who was stolen at birth by Darkseid and transported into the past, where he was transformed into the monster Validus (Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes Annual 3). Her mental powers evolved, allowing her to possess the ability of telekinesis.

The level is set when connecting that Super Power to a character. Huddersfield Vs Manchester United U23, The Great Famine China, Powell Peralta Supreme Deck, Tiktok Verified Emoji Keyboard, 2009 Buffalo Bills Depth Chart, Fhif World Wide Wabbit, Lois Chiles Richard Gilder, Walk Past Tense, Star Ocean: The Second Story, Maldives In September, David Public Records Request, Hard Steel 300k, Weather In Portugal In October In Celsius, Get Off My Property Meme, Firework Shell Sizes, Michael Morpurgo Movies, Real Betis Vs Getafe Prediction, Kapre Vs Tikbalang, Florida Gators Basketball Roster 2011, Monroe Meaning, Cerebral Palsy, Mo Running Virtual, Clark County Fairgrounds Ohio, Michael Morpurgo Awards, Thomas Eichhorst, Um Vs Pittsburgh 2020, Burnaby Rv Parking Bylaw, Grand Slam Fireworks, Time Capsule Video, Leader In Me Habit 1 Video, Choy Sum Image, Ronaldo Puskas Award, Penn State Rb, Bitz Scrabble, Murdoc Niccals Age, Sorum Explained, Jody Song Military, Diane Morgan Asda, Dinosaur Clades, Algonquin Tribe Location, Michael Houston Jmu, Kerala Lottery Result Akshaya, Music Therapy Programs For Seniors, Joy Boutique, Deep Sea Fishing Port Aransas, Leadership And The New Science Quotes, Alan Ball True Blood, Can Pityriasis Rosea Cause Birth Defects, Friend Feminine Gender, Hosea 14:7 Commentary, Benjamin Charles Watson Wikipedia, Westerville Fireworks 2020, Space Coast Today, African Forest Elephant Lifespan, Wygc Radio, Michigan Women's Lacrosse Camp, I Only Have Surprise For You Transcript, San Francisco Botanical Garden Events, So Happy For You, Interspecific Interactions Meaning, November 16th 2020, Like A Good Neighbor Stay Over There Face Mask, Jogyesa Temple Dress Code, Live A Live Wii U, Palm Sunday Scripture 2020, Moonlit Walk, 73 Questions To Ask Your Best Friend, California Air Resource Board Diesel, Super Typhoon Nina Place Affected, What To Say When There's Nothing Left To Say, " />

saturn girl powers

Saturn Girl is the heart and soul of the Legion of Super-Heroes. She could communicate mentally, as well as cast illusions and maintain them indefinitely, including pseudo-tactile contact, while the illusions could display a personality different from her own and she would be aware of all interactions the illusory figure was involved in at all times. Every Super Power has a score (SPS) that is used to calculate the Class.

Due to her superior intellect as well as her mental powers, she was one of the four Legionnaires deemed by Universo to be the greatest threat to his plans for the domination of Earth, and was also the first to break free from his mind control. There's too much xenophobia. Imra has always been portrayed as cold, but this latest revamp further exaggerates this personality trait. Strength Level. Irma is a founding member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 30th and 31st centuries under the code name Saturn Girl. [5][6] Distraught over his selfless act of devotion, Imra vowed to do all in her power to bring him back. The ring gives its wearer the ability to fly, the speed and range of which is determined by the wearer's willpower. As a result of the attack, Cosmic Boy was knocked comatose and Psycho destroyed barriers Aven had placed on her powers, increasing them considerably.

She was initially torn between her two fellow founders romantically, after she was left catatonic from shutting down the Composite Man's mind; as her mentor Aven was only able to restore her to an infant-like state, she demanded Garth, and it was only after he told her he needed her that she was restored to normal. [3] They traveled back to the 20th century and gave him a place on the team after he passed their tests. There have been three versions of Imra since her original debut, separated by the events of both the Zero Hour and Infinite Crisis limited series. [15] Dan DiDio of DC Comics has confirmed that the mysterious woman in the DC Universe: Rebirth and Batman issues is indeed Saturn Girl.

The Superhero Database Classification number, or SHDB Class, is a number that represents the overall 'power' of a character. When Lex Luthor and the Legion of Super-Villains were about to kill Superman, Saturn Girl offered to die in his place, although a trick by Superman made Saturn Queen save her. Her mother holds a high position in the UP Council, and was instrumental in forging the current alliance between the UP and the Legion. Saturn Girl (Imra Ardeen) is a fictional superheroine appearing in American DC comic books.

Returning to Winath, she and Garth took over running a Winathian Lightning Ring plantation, which became quite prosperous. In later years, her abilities were portrayed more conservatively; her telepathy was used most often for communication or sensing surface thoughts, while her ability to influence and probe minds was usually limited to minds that had already been weakened in some way, such as by fatigue or a villain's mind control. Her telepathy is considered tenth level by her people, the highest ranking. The level determines the final score, of the Super Power, being used in the calculation.

During the "Five Year Gap", Earth's government became hostile to the Legion, and Garth became incapacitated from the Validus plague which ravaged his native Winath.

Saturn Girl first appeared in Adventure Comics #247 (April 1958) and was created by Otto Binder and Al Plastino.

She has the ability to use her mind as a psi-link, allowing her to connect with others and allow them to communicate with one another.

Irma has a slender figure, she has a long blonde hair which she either let's down or tied in a high & messy ponytail, and she has blue eyes.

[22] After the escape, she reveals that she is Saturn Girl. [12], Comics writer, Geoff Johns, commented on the character:[13] .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}.

Using her powers of telepathy, Imra discovered the plot, and, with the help of two other teenagers on board, Lightning Lad and Cosmic Boy, caught the assassin and saved Brande's life.

[9][volume & issue needed], Imra briefly rejoined the Legion again in 2987 when Universo took control of the Earth and hypnotized and imprisoned many heroes, including her. When everybody's saying, 'Legion doesn't work anymore.

She can even manipulate the information another's brain receives to make them believe intensely realistic illusions.

She has an incredible working knowledge of the average humanoid brain and the specific functions of each part. The extent of her powers after the "Threeboot", though unknown, is substantially more limited.

Her hair is cropped short and dyed a platinum blonde. [20], During "The Button" crossover arc between The Flash and Batman, still incarcerated in Arkham Asylum, Saturn Girl is watching a hockey game on the television. Unbeknown to the couple, Graym had a twin who was stolen at birth by Darkseid and transported into the past, where he was transformed into the monster Validus (Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes Annual 3). Her mental powers evolved, allowing her to possess the ability of telekinesis.

The level is set when connecting that Super Power to a character.

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