4. They had a break in on Monday night (16th December) at the Baldwin Bowls club in Hall Green Birmingham. Should any clubs wish to have their handbooks, they may be collected from Brian by prior arrangement. Based on the advice announced we need to avoid all mass gatherings and sporting event as these will no longer be supported by the emergency services. A delayed start is not viable because it is not known when the situation will improve. If Clubs do not ask for their Fees to be repaid the Treasurer will assume that they are willing for them to roll-over to 2021. & formally of Solihull Marsh Lane and The Yew Tree Bowling Club, passed away peacefully on Monday 24th August 2020, at the age of 86 years. The funeral of Neil Smith ( Colebrook BC ) will be held on Monday March 23rd at Robin Hood Crematorium commencing at 10.00am. All BCGBA and BCGLCC Competitions are now suspended until further notice this should include allTue Mar 10th Neil Smith - Colebrook B.C. Previous Competition Results>> cup 2019. cup 2018. 3. With regards to the presentation we will keep this on the table at the moment. The player registrations will be updated when received. Enjoy; Comments & Feedback; If you have any queries / comments or suggestions relating to this site then please do not hesitate to contact the webmaster or league secretary by clicking on … Affiliated to Bowls Leicestershire & Bowls England, HINCKLEY & DISTRICT TRIPLES LEAGUE (H & D TL) - STATEMENT REGARDING CORONAVIRUS. Its popularity has grown such that the Association now accepts membership from clubs in all areas of … It is with great sadness we have to announce that Beth Richardson passed away on 5th August at Worcester Hospital. The committee held a video conference last night and it has been decided that the Heart of England League fixtures for 2020 have now been cancelled. Limit social contact wherever possible and encourage working from home. All Rights Reserved. Cup Draw for the Preliminary Round on 7th April It is with great sadness that we have to announce that Derek Shortley sadly passed away on 1st April 2020. Club Contacts - Full details available by entering your club login code. also included is the news of activities in newport over sixtys league . BCGBA meetings should now be postponed as un-necessary travel should be avoided. Cynthia passed peacefully on Wednesday 30th September at Solihull Marie Curie Hospice with her husband George and daughter Suzanne at her side. MSBL is also played in Puerto Rico and abroad including the Netherlands and Australia.

You can also see a snapshot of the history of the Midland Seniors Indoor. To County Secretaries, Management and Officers, Leagues and Members. If not, please do some research on their websites where you will find the full Statements, advice and guidance. Brian felt that it should be someone younger and Peter Mole accepted the post and felt very honoured to do so. Taking this all into account all leagues should now suspend matches until such time as we are given an all clear to resume competition. I will keep you informed of any developments. For more information, please see our, Coalville and District Bowling Association, Mail to Coalville and District Bowling Association. Neil sadly passed away last week after a couple of years of poor health and will be sadly missed by all members at Colebrook BC and other bowlers that knew him, Neil was a long standing member of the club and served on the committee as well as looking after the green during his time, he was a great clubman.

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over 60s bowls league

Noel Brennan. Following the announcements by the government yesterday, the BCGBA have issued a statement banning all bowls activities for the foreseeable future. Telephone:

All league, cup and merit competitions are cancelled for 2020. It is with deep regret that the Management Committee has made this decision, but it is believed that it is the sensible course of action.

He had been one of the founder members of the Heart of England Bowls League and only our second President since the league started in 1973. The Presidential Rota’s will also carry over to 2021 with the Men’s Senior Merit remaining in Cumbria, Junior Merit in Greater Manchester and Ladies Merit in Greater Manchester. If everything is opened up we will discuss whether we can meet and have a meal.

This league was started in 1985/86 with the purpose of offering friendly competitive bowls, during the daytime, to men aged 60 and over. In all the years of the league, Derek is the first standing officer of the league to pass away while still being in office.

Committee. 2020 NBA FIXTURES. test information for Coalville, Leicestershire, on the official site for Coalville and District Bowling Association Club Contacts - Full details available by entering your club login code. The consensus from those present was for either Brian Parkinson or Peter Mole. Main Page Leagues Admin. The Management Committee wish to thank all clubs for going along with the league and paying their subs. It is with great sadness that Derek Shortley passed away on Wednesday 1st April. President: Brian Curtis                               07801530480, 01530 271964          briancurtis489@gmail.com, Secretary: Peter Chambers                         07905339804, 01509 732600        pchambers7@hotmail.com, League Secretary: Martyn Culver                  01530 411832                               canddthursresults@gmail.com, Competition Secretary: Ken Brooks             07928 799596                               k.r.brooks@hotmail.co.uk, Treasurer: Tricia Johnson                               01455 823411                              tricia.johnson43@btinternet.com, Safeguarding Officer : Betty Gamble           01509 560355                              bet_marie@yahoo.co, Sunday 24th March @10.00am (pay subscriptions), Sunday 5th May @ 10.00am (competition draw), Cookie Notice: This site uses cookies. I am very sorry to have to deliver the sad news of the passing of a much loved life member of the club, Cynthia Taylor. Some of you may already have been following the Statements issued by Bowls England (BE) and Bowls Leicestershire (BL). email: over.60s.sec@aol.co.uk, Fixture Secretary Please stay safe and well and look forward to the 2021 season.

It was hoped that they could have been started up again in July but this seems unlikely now, and as there will be no insurance cover this year, we have regretably followed suit with the rest of the leagues. We will be keeping an eye on the developing situation and if the situation improves may be able to organise some form of programme later in the season.

Teams comprise 8 players only playing 21 shots up. He had been one of the founder members of the Heart of England Bowls League and only our second President since the league started in 1973. 2016 Thursday. Exeter and District The Coalville and District Triples League promotes and administers flat green bowling for bowling clubs in the area. Wednesday 25th March 2020 at 11am is when books and other paperwork can be collected and fees paid (£25 per team which includes 10 handbooks). Please check your Clubhouse and equipment stores in these awkward times, as there seems to be people looking for opportunities to steal what they can whilst there is nobody about. Stolen Equipment from The Baldwin - Hall Green. If anyone within your household has symptoms then the whole family need to isolate for 14 days. It is with sad regrets that I have to tell you that Noel Brennan, Hall Green B.C. President: Brian Curtis 07801530480, 01530 271964 briancurtis489@gmail.com The following are now available to view on the system It is with sad regrets that I have to tell you that Noel Brennan, Hall Green B.C. Celebration, Presidential, International Trials, Inter-County Games, etc. We have been monitoring the situation for sometime and had various alternatives organised, but that has been taken out of our hands now. The Baldwin would be grateful of any information / safe return of this equipment. I know we cannot be present but please just think of Derek and his family at this time. All BCGBA and BCGLCC Competitions are now suspended until further notice this should include all. 1. Any donations should be made to British Legion Poppy Appeal.

Contact in Pubs, Clubs and restaurants to be avoided. 2019 Senior Sides Teams Men’s Over 60s Graeme Spencer Mario Cipola Steve Sullivan Dave Donaldson Barry Brennan Ian Ross Mark Cowan Ray Emerson Geoff Boyd Craig Elliott Phill Godkin Ray Jansen Manager:Pat Clark Women’s Over 60s Marilyn Stephenson Caroline Reilly Susan Howes Anne Miles Veronica Kelly Helen Clough Robyn Thomassen Mary Tragardh Jan Morton Desma […]

It is a mixed triples league and comprises of 3 divisions, matches are played on Thursday evenings. Over 60s League information for Kegworth, Derby, Leicestershire, on the official site for Kegworth Bowls Club © 2016 Durham County Indoor Bowling Association. The book collection meeting on 25th March is obviously also cancelled. All registrations must be in by 31st March 2020. 5th October 2020           Cynthia Taylor – Ye Olde Knowle Bowling Club. 01 392 662 276 With this in mind will all clubs please ensure that their fees are paid and players registered so that we will be able to take swift action. Important Dates: Latest information: Wed Aug 26th . 5. Cynthia passed peacefully on Wednesday 30. Beth was a founder member of Wythall Bowling Club in 1986.

It is a mixed triples league and comprises of 3 divisions, matches are played on Thursday evenings. I am showing a copy of their statement below. Inter- League information on the Inter-Laegue Page You can find a league in your area by clicking on our 'Find a League' page or if want to start a league simply write us at info@msblnational.com. P: (08) 8234 7544 F: (08) 8351 8220 E: reception@bowlssa.com.au The league now provides for mixed gender bowling. Telephone: 01 363 774932 Blank Inter Club 2019-20 Results Sheet File Uploaded: 15 September 2019 15 KB Blank Over 60s 2019-20 Results Sheet File Uploaded: 14 October 2019 15.5 KB Devon County Indoor Bowls Association Bideford Inter- League information on the Inter-Laegue Page. The funeral of Neil Smith ( Colebrook BC ) will be held on Monday March 23rd at Robin Hood Crematorium commencing at 10.00am. Also, as the League is an evening event, the light will not be suitable for bowling any later than the first week in August. She was very competitive on the Green and won many of the Club trophies at different times. Please keep the league sec. We have also taken into consideration that many of our Club Members fall into the designated Vulnerable Group.

The Men’s World Club Championships Qualifiers for 2020 will also roll over to 2021 and we will issue further information when we are able to do so. In view of the serious nature of the Coronavirus disease and BE and BL advice and policy decisions, the League’s Management Committee has decided that the League Matches and the Knock-Out Cup/Shield Competitions are cancelled for the 2020 Season. The Coalville and District Triples League promotes and administers flat green bowling for bowling clubs in the area. email: kirton10@kirton10.eclipse.co.uk. Clubs may claim the Entry Fee(s) back from the Leagues Honorary Treasurer, John York, or they may let their Entry Fee roll-over to the 2021 Season.

Match results from teams not arriving as required to produce the complete league table. BOWLSNET.uk - The LIVE Bowling Results Service Main Page Leagues Admin. All Rights Reserved. Telephone: 01 395 515253 To summarise, all International, National, County Championships/Competitions are cancelled for the 2020 Season. Clubs may claim the Entry Fee(s) back from the Leagues Honorary Treasurer, John York, or they may let their Entry Fee roll-over to the 2021 Season. Over 60's Triples Bowls League, President and Chairman BOWLSNET.uk - The LIVE Bowling Results Service Main Page Leagues Admin. The ever consistent League Leaders Castletown A travelled to play North Ramsey A in the Mooragh Park and at the end of the afternoon must have wished that they had taken them on at Crazy Golf rather than Crown Green Bowls as the Northerners won 7-1 inflicting the first defeat of the season on the long time League …

Welcome to the South & West Birmingham Over 60's Results Website . any interested newcomers that may wish to take up the sport and need help are invited use the "contact us" page. 5.

4. They had a break in on Monday night (16th December) at the Baldwin Bowls club in Hall Green Birmingham. Should any clubs wish to have their handbooks, they may be collected from Brian by prior arrangement. Based on the advice announced we need to avoid all mass gatherings and sporting event as these will no longer be supported by the emergency services. A delayed start is not viable because it is not known when the situation will improve. If Clubs do not ask for their Fees to be repaid the Treasurer will assume that they are willing for them to roll-over to 2021. & formally of Solihull Marsh Lane and The Yew Tree Bowling Club, passed away peacefully on Monday 24th August 2020, at the age of 86 years. The funeral of Neil Smith ( Colebrook BC ) will be held on Monday March 23rd at Robin Hood Crematorium commencing at 10.00am. All BCGBA and BCGLCC Competitions are now suspended until further notice this should include allTue Mar 10th Neil Smith - Colebrook B.C. Previous Competition Results>> cup 2019. cup 2018. 3. With regards to the presentation we will keep this on the table at the moment. The player registrations will be updated when received. Enjoy; Comments & Feedback; If you have any queries / comments or suggestions relating to this site then please do not hesitate to contact the webmaster or league secretary by clicking on … Affiliated to Bowls Leicestershire & Bowls England, HINCKLEY & DISTRICT TRIPLES LEAGUE (H & D TL) - STATEMENT REGARDING CORONAVIRUS. Its popularity has grown such that the Association now accepts membership from clubs in all areas of … It is with great sadness we have to announce that Beth Richardson passed away on 5th August at Worcester Hospital. The committee held a video conference last night and it has been decided that the Heart of England League fixtures for 2020 have now been cancelled. Limit social contact wherever possible and encourage working from home. All Rights Reserved. Cup Draw for the Preliminary Round on 7th April It is with great sadness that we have to announce that Derek Shortley sadly passed away on 1st April 2020. Club Contacts - Full details available by entering your club login code. also included is the news of activities in newport over sixtys league . BCGBA meetings should now be postponed as un-necessary travel should be avoided. Cynthia passed peacefully on Wednesday 30th September at Solihull Marie Curie Hospice with her husband George and daughter Suzanne at her side. MSBL is also played in Puerto Rico and abroad including the Netherlands and Australia.

You can also see a snapshot of the history of the Midland Seniors Indoor. To County Secretaries, Management and Officers, Leagues and Members. If not, please do some research on their websites where you will find the full Statements, advice and guidance. Brian felt that it should be someone younger and Peter Mole accepted the post and felt very honoured to do so. Taking this all into account all leagues should now suspend matches until such time as we are given an all clear to resume competition. I will keep you informed of any developments. For more information, please see our, Coalville and District Bowling Association, Mail to Coalville and District Bowling Association. Neil sadly passed away last week after a couple of years of poor health and will be sadly missed by all members at Colebrook BC and other bowlers that knew him, Neil was a long standing member of the club and served on the committee as well as looking after the green during his time, he was a great clubman.

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