1 is now live and *open access* featuring three new articles and a special sectio…, New special section article on Digital Media Platforms in India in Vol. We are currently seeking high-quality submissions for our second peer-reviewed issue, to be published in winter 2015-2016. To learn more, visit our submissions page. Beginning with this week’s issue, Media Industries will feature longer blind peer-reviewed essays that explore a wide range of media industries-related scholarship. For additional information about the Board and Collective, as well as a list of forthcoming essays from Board members, please visit: Facebook: facebook.com/mediaindustriesjournal. 2:
6, No. Articles should be between 5,000 and 7,000 words; word count includes image captions and endnotes, but does not include the bibliography. Authors are encouraged to explore a range of industry-related processes, such as production, distribution, infrastructure, policy, exhibition, and retailing. We are especially interested in contributions that draw attention to global and international perspectives, and use innovative methodologies, imaginative theoretical approaches, and new research directions. Full guidelines can be found on our submission page. We would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that our submission site remains open, and we are accepting manuscripts on a rolling basis. “With Great Power”: Spinning Environmental Worlds and “Green” Production in The Amazing Spider-Man 2’s Marketing, Broadway Is a Two-Way Street: Integrating Hollywood Distribution and Exhibition, Production Perspectives on Audience Engagement: Community Building for Current Affairs Television, Complex not Complicated: Gendered Media Industries in the Wake of #MeToo, Film Schools as Pre-Industry: Fostering Creative Collaboration and Equity in Media Production Programs, Gendered Production Culture in the German Film Industry, Kim Kimble: Race, Gender, and the Celebrity Hairstylist, Re-Distributing Gender in the Global Film Industry: Beyond #MeToo and #MeThree, Book Review: Almost Hollywood, Nearly New Orleans: The Lure of the Local Film Economy, Book Review: Haunted: An Ethnography of the Hollywood and Hong Kong Media Industries, Book Review: Media and Food Industries: The New Politics of Food, Book Review: Technologies of Consumer Labor: A History of Self-Service, te Walvaart, Marleen; Dhoest, Alexander; Van den Bulck, Hilde, Verhoeven, Deb; Coate, Bronwyn; Zemaityte, Vejune. Submissions may explore these industries individually or examine inter-medial relations between industrial sectors. Media Industries is furthermore committed to the exploration of innovative methodologies, imaginative theoretical approaches, and new research directions. Authors are encouraged to explore a range of industry-related processes, such as production, distribution, infrastructure, policy, exhibition, and retailing. Please note that we are still accepting submissions for our Spring 2016 issue. Our Spring 2015 issue was edited by University of California, Santa Barbara. We invite contributions that range across the full spectrum of media industries, including film, television, internet, radio, music, publishing, gaming, advertising, and mobile communications. We would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that we accept submissions on a continuous rolling basis. Media Industries is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that supports critical studies of media industries, institutions, and policies worldwide. We invite contributions that range across the full spectrum of media industries, including film, television, internet, radio, music, publishing, electronic games, advertising, and mobile communications. We invite contributions that range across the full spectrum of media industries, including film, television, internet, radio, music, publishing, electronic games, advertising, and mobile communications. Connor, “Hacking Radio History’s Data: Station Call Signs, Digitized Magazines, and Scaled Entity Search” – Kit Hughes, Eric Hoyt, Derek Long, Kevin Ponto, and Tony Tran, “Cultural Diversity as Brand Management in Cable Television” – Melanie Kohnen, “TV Got Better: Netflix’s Original Programming Strategies and the On-Demand Television Transition” – Chuck Tryon, Reconsidering Media Economics: From Orthodoxies to Heterodoxies – Stuart Cunningham & Terry Flew, Hollywood Creative Accounting: The Success Rate of Major Motion Pictures – Sergio Sparviero, Sponsored Data and Net Neutrality: Exemption and Discrimination in the Mobile Broadband Industry – Danny Kimball, Mobile Production: Spatialized Labor, Location Professionals, and the Expanding Geography of Television Production – Myles McNutt, Cartoon Wasteland: Remediating and Recommodifying Archival Media in Disney’s Epic Mickey – Colleen Montgomery, Media Industries in an Era of Big Audience Data – Timothy Havens, Transnational TV: What Do WE Mean by “Co-Production,” Anymore?
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