lions gate bridge webcam

These bridge lanes are fed by both the Taylor Way / Marine Drive intersection and the Park Royal shopping center traffic so they are especially busy and hard to turn into, especially if it is during the weekly afternoon/early evening rush hour (4 – 7 pm) as there will only be one lane open on the bridge (see Lions Gate Bridge Web Cam #1 for the red/green light indicators). The entrance to Park Royal shopping centre lies just beyond the bottom of the picture. There are now three WEST VANCOUVER TRAFFIC web cams and one NORTH VANCOUVER TRAFFIC web cam. The Lions Gate Bridge, opened in 1938, officially known as the First Narrows Bridge, is a suspension bridge that crosses the first narrows of Burrard Inlet and connects the City of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada The right hand side lanes are the ones leading from the North Shore to downtown Vancouver.

Got a news tip or story? If you see TWO green lights, then we have the bridge in our advantage. The bridge is monitored 24 hours a day for problems and there are tow trucks situated at each end of the Lions Gate Bridge for emergencies (trust us, you don’t want to stall on the bridge at any time, so please make sure you don’t’ run out of gas in times of extreme traffic jams). If the traffic lanes on the right hand side of this cam are lined with cars, you can count on a long wait (30+ minutes) until you get onto the bridge deck. Click for more information, B.C. Yes, it is a lot of volume, but if you use this cam to your advantage, you can help plan your trip to downtown Vancouver. Motorists are encourage to check all four of these Lions Gate Bridge web cams to plan their trips which, as from the beginning, we have been campaigning for and supporting. If you see cars lined up on the left hand side of the cam, then this shows that there is a line-up from the North Vancouver bridge entrance – however you have to follow the lanes back into the photo to see the start of “the loop” which can still mean a very long wait if traffic backs up along this road.

The bridge is monitored 24 hours a day for problems and there are tow trucks situated at each end of the Lions Gate Bridge for emergencies (trust us, you don’t want to stall on the bridge at any time, so please make sure you dont’ run out of gas in times of extreme traffic jams). We were the first to bring you live coverage of the Lions Gate Bridge when it was under construction for two years and even partnered with the Province of British Columbia and the Ministry of Transportation and Highways to ensure that the cam was live during this construction. North Shore Traffic Cam #3 is located in West Vancouver and points East towards the bridge from the intersection of Taylor Way and Marine Drive – the lanes are the actual approach to the Lions Gate Bridge on ramp located at the end (top of pic). Please see the descriptions below each cam for a complete description of the traffic flow onto the bridge. - or call 604-926-9293 anytime, Turner Media Canada LtdSuite 200 – 100 Park RoyalWest Vancouver, BC V7T1A2604-926-9293, Powered by Turner News Media - © All rights reserved.

If you see only ONE green light, and two red “X” marks, then be prepared to wait as everyone is trying to get into one lane to go to downtown Vancouver. We are happy to bring you this feed courtesy of Drive BC and in cooperation with both our and community websites. Real Estate  |  News  |  Events  |  Podcasts  |  Magazine  |  Live Here  |  Visit Here  |  Contact Us, Real Estate  |  News  |  Events  |  Podcasts  |  Magazine. This cam shows the traffic traveling both northbound (on the right) and southbound (left) on Taylor Way towards the bridge from the British Properties.

North Shore Traffic Cam #1 is the main Lions Gate Bridge camera that indicates traffic patterns coming to and from downtown Vancouver. Check Cam #2 for the North Vancouver bridge on ramp as a possible alternative.

If you see cars lined up on the left hand side of the cam, then this shows that there is a line-up from the North Vancouver bridge entrance – however you have to follow the lanes back into the photo to see the start of “the loop” which can still mean a very long wait if traffic backs up along this road. Want to join us online?

Please see the descriptions below each cam for a complete description of the traffic flow onto the bridge. Since 1998, North and West Ltd. brought you the only Lions Gate Bridge / North Shore Traffic web cam in existence.

North Shore Traffic Cam #3 is located in West Vancouver and points East towards the bridge from the intersection of Taylor Way and Marine Drive – the lanes are the actual approach to the Lions Gate Bridge on ramp located at the end (top of pic). Lions Gate Traffic; BC Ferries Webcams; Other Webcam Links ; FAQ; Feedback; Terms & Conditions; Related Links; DriveBC; Weather Warnings; Seasonal Load Restrictions; Inland Ferries Schedules .

Yes, it is a lot of volume, but if you use this cam to your advantage, you can help plan your trip to downtown Vancouver.

North Shore Traffic Cam #4 is located in West Vancouver and points North from the intersection of Taylor Way and Marine Drive – the approach to the Lions Gate Bridge and the entrance to Park Royal shopping centre.

Lions Gate Bridge Advanced Traveller Information System : The map on the left displays current traffic back-ups approaching downtown Vancouver from Taylor Way, Marine Drive, Lions Gate Bridge, and the Stanley Park causeway. For select highways not located through mountain passes and/or high snowfall areas, tire and chain requirements end March 31. There are now three WEST VANCOUVER TRAFFIC web cams and one NORTH VANCOUVER TRAFFIC web cam. If you see only ONE green light, and two red “X” marks, then be prepared to wait as everyone is trying to get into one lane to go to downtown Vancouver. Lower Mainland - Hwy 99 (Lions Gate Bridge/Marine Drive) North End 1 North end of Lions Gate Bridge, looking south. Traffic moving through the right hand side lanes are coming off of the Lions Gate Bridge from downtown and going into West Vancouver – cars proceeding straigh through on the right are entering North Vancouver. If you see TWO green lights, then we have the bridge in our advantage.

However, you cannot see that intersection or, what locals commonly refer to it as, “the loop” which is long and winds its way onto the overpass of Marine Drive and bridge deck. Check Cam #2 for the North Vancouver bridge on ramp as a possible alternative.

If the traffic lanes on the right hand side of this cam are lined with cars, you can count on a long wait (30+ minutes) until you get onto the bridge deck. Attention motorists:

We were the first to bring you live coverage of the Lions Gate Bridge when it was under construction in 2000-2001 and even partnered with the Province of British Columbia and the Ministry of Transportation and Highways to ensure that the cam was live during this construction.

These lanes are the lanes you feed into after turning left from the southbound lanes on Lions Gate Bridge cam #4. We reserve the right to restrict travel at any time of the year depending on road conditions. If the traffic lanes on the left hand side of this cam are plugged, you can count on a long wait (30+ minutes) until you get through the Taylor Way / Marine Drive intersection, especially if it is during the weekly afternoon/early evening rush hour (4 – 7 pm) as there will only be one lane open on the bridge (see Lions Gate Bridge Web Cam #1 for the red/green light indicators).

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