Sprite 2 Stage 1 最高の騎士であったが故に、その過ちは重すぎた。. Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. ひとつの時代で無双を誇るまでに到達した武芸の手練。 Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

Lancelot is a Legendary Saber-Saber mutant.

偉大な騎士ランスロット、本来の姿にもっとも近いのがクラス・セイバーとして召喚されたこの状態である。. Once the greatest knight; but, consequentially, his error was too severe. For 4 , see Lancelot. I still do have a small shred of honor left. Having lost his parents as a child, he was raised by the fairy of the lake, Nimue, and thus gained the alias "Knight of the Lake". Gains critical stars. As of Oct. 19th 2018, he currently can be obtained by buying Knights Pack in Shop with 2,000, which also contains Shieldcalibur, and Sir Puggington. For 4★ , see Lancelot (Saber). Stage 2

膨大な魔力は切断面から溢れ、その青い光はまさに湖のようだと称された。. Lancelot (ランスロット, Ransurotto) is a member of the Paulklee Guild and is always seen alongside Arthur. Increases own critical star generation rate for 3 turns. だが壊れやすいのでやはりロボなのかもしれない。, Clad in black armor and sporting red, glow-in-the-dark eyes, you'd think he came out of some robot anime.

1 History 2 Trivia 3 Appearances 4 References "Archive" denotes archive footage.

As he is a just and noble knight, he is truly an ideal Servant. Co created with friend and fellow infiltrator Cardinal, Firebird II was formed and carried out multiple successful operations.Unfortunately, Firebird's career came to an end in October of 2017 when their warehouse was ambushed by an anonymous platoon, leaving half the team dead.

Lancelot is one of the Knights of the Round Table and a hero extolled as the greatest knight. 無毀なる湖光に過負荷を与え、籠められた魔力を漏出。攻撃として転用する。 Sprite 1 As of Oct. 19th 2018, he currently can be obtained by buying Knights Pack in Shop with 2,000, which also contains Shieldcalibur, and Sir Puggington. The blue light of the vast magic energy that overflows from the severed section has been alluded to as like a lake. Region: England Type: Anti-Army

Arondight - Overload. —Lancelotsrc Sir Lancelot, also known as the Leviathan, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. Lancelot is a recurring character on Curse of the Lycans. 幼くして両親を失い、湖の妖精ニミュエにより育てられたことで「湖の騎士」の異名を得る。. 正義を愛し、女性を敬い、邪悪を憎む清廉にして浪漫に溢れた姿は、アーサー王をして「理想の騎士」と評価された。. Sir Lancelot was a Knight of the Round Table. And thus Lancelot is convinced that the most appropriate Class for himself is Berserker.. Role [edit | edit source] Fate/Grand Order [edit | edit source] Camelot/Zero [edit | edit source]. No matter what armament, no matter what kind of weapon, it becomes a pseudo-Noble Phantasm equivalent to D Rank. Berserker(バーサーカー, Bāsākā?)

is the Berserker-class Servant of Kariya Matou during the Fourth Holy Grail War of Fate/Zero.

Stage 2

アロンダイト・オーバーロード。 This article is for 4★ , Lancelot. On the other hand, he draws an absolute line on the Master and Servant relationship, and he never tries to get heavily involved, which may be...infuriating. Stage 3 Lancelot was adept with a mace, so his arms were transformed and his mind was unable to do anything but rage and destroy. Lancelot during his time in Phoenix.

This article is for , Lancelot. Games Movies TV Video. ランク:A 種別:対人宝具 王妃ギネヴィアへの想いに殉ずる生き方もまた、彼の騎士道における必定であった。王への叛逆が速やかに滅びの道に至ったならば、まだしも救いはあっただろう。しかしその武勇が無双であったが故に、事態は最悪の結果をもたらす。.

本来であれば光の斬撃となる魔力をあえて放出せず、対象を斬りつけた際に解放する剣技に寄った宝具。 Increases their damage taken for 5 turns. Curse of the Lycans Wikia.

He shares the exact ATK values at both minimum and maximum with, He shares the exact HP values at both minimum and maximum with, He shares the exact HP values at minimum with 3★. 正しく高潔な騎士であるため、サーヴァントとしては正に理想的と言える存在だろう。しかし、その一方で主従としては決して深入りしない、常に一線を引いた態度で仕える彼に、苛立つこともあるかもしれない。.

info); Breton: Gwenivar, Cornish: Gwynnever), also often written as Guenevere or Guenever, is the wife and queen of King Arthur in the Arthurian legend.Guinevere has been portrayed as everything from a villainous and opportunistic traitor to a fatally flawed but noble and virtuous lady. The black knight continues to fight, seeking the sole meeting that might appease his agony. April Fool

Now working for Phoenix, Lancelot was granted ownership of a team.

And thus Lancelot is convinced. By complete unification of heart, technique and physique, it is possible to display one's former combat power even while under the influence of any kind of mental restriction. It is then repurposed into an attack. He shares the exact HP values at both minimum and maximum with. Increases own NP generation rate for 1 turn. 地域:イギリス Knight of Owner. Like most Paulklee members, Lancelot is seen wearing a camo jacket with a black shirt underneath, black capris, Twilight tags and combat boots. By being punished, he wished for the king to understand human limitations, but that never came to pass. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search Sign In Don't have an account?

He's kinda OP, so he tends to come out on top in most legends. https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Lancelot?oldid=874187. There are also scars up and down Lancelot's body.

Rank: A Sprite 2 He's popular with the ladies, but he remains humble despite that.

Don't make me laugh. Indeed, Saber is the most fitting Class for Lancelot to be summoned under. This Noble Phantasm is something close to a sword skill, which deliberately refrains from emitting the magic energy that would originally turn into a slash of light, instead releasing it upon cutting at the target. 属性:秩序・狂  性別:男性 That the most appropriate Class for himself is Berserker. Be careful, Senpai! The "Knight of the Lake", admired as the strongest even among the Knights of the Round Table. Wikis. Sprite 3, アーサー王に仕えるも、ギネヴィアと道ならぬ恋に落ちたことで王と袂を分かつことになった。.

Lancelot always wears goggles that shields his eyes. Source: Arthurian Legends 出典:アーサー王伝説 ランスロット本来のクラスである。. This article is for , Lancelot. Isn't he the role model every man should aspire to? Lancelot is an archer knight that is wielding a giant metal bow and arrow. 'FGO' Servant Spotlight Saber Lancelot Analysis, Guide And Tips. ナイト・オブ・オーナー。 Sir Lancelot played a major role in popularizing calypso in North America, and Harry Belafonte has acknowledged him as an inspiration and major influence.


・・・・・・しかしその実態は、隙あらば女性を無意識に口説き、勘違いさせては申し訳なさそうに振って恨みを買う行為を無意識に繰り返す悪人ですよ先輩!!. Rank: A  Type: Anti-Unit I participated in the destruction of Britain! Lancelot himself probably feels more than anyone else that it is an irony for him to be a Saber. For him to surrender himself to his feelings towards Queen Guinevere was an inevitable outcome for his chivalry. あまりにも多くの栄誉に浴しながらも悔恨のうちに果てた騎士の執念、とりわけ王と王妃に向ける決して答の出ない愛憎の念ゆえに、彼は永劫の狂気に囚われ続ける。. An Ability Noble Phantasm that implements the attributes of "one's own Noble Phantasm" to anything he puts his hands on. Alignment: Lawful ・ Insane

https://mutantsgeneticgladiators.fandom.com/wiki/Lancelot?oldid=79948, His name is directly taken from one of the, Given the fact that he wields giant arrows that are very similar to lances, he could be partialy inspired by the, The Platinum version of Lancelot could be a potential reference to.


April Fool

出典:アーサー王伝説 Gains critical stars every turn for 3 turns. 星を出しては星を食べて生きている。大体強いので伝説でも大体勝ってる。女性にも超絶大人気だが、本人は常に謙虚。ああ、これぞまさに全男性の見本と言わざるを得ないのでは? Martial dexterity that reached the point of being boasted as peerless in a given era. Lancelot is a Legendary Saber-Saber mutant. Sprite 3, 王妃グィネヴィアとの不倫の恋がキャメロットを破滅にまで導いた、まさしくアーサー王伝説の負の象徴たる人物。. しかし、ランスロット本人は誰より、セイバーであることを皮肉に考えているだろう。高潔な騎士とは笑わせる。ブリテンの滅びに加担した自分が!

However, Lancelot himself probably feels more than anyone else that it is ironic for him to be a Saber. Despite serving King Arthur, he ended up breaking with the king upon falling into an immoral love with Guinevere. ...But the truth is, he's just an evil man who seduces women without thinking, then later dumps them and pretends to be sorry! Register Start a Wiki. Stage 1 手にしたものに「自分の宝具」として属性を与え扱う宝具能力。どんな武器、どのような兵器であろうともDランク相当の擬似宝具となる。. However, because his valor was peerless, this situation brought about the worst possible outcome. For their betrayal they were cursed by Sarrus IX, and they took strange and grotesque shapes - the shapes of old fae gods. There is no such thing as an eternal ideal; Lancelot himself was the root cause of why the Arthurian legends reached its twilight years. Gender: Male Bestowing an overload to the Unbreakable Lake Light, letting the changed magic energy leak out. But he's not a robot. 心技体の完全な合一により、いかなる精神的制約の影響下にあっても十全の戦闘能力を発揮できる。. 3%, 5%, 3%, 7%, 8%, 10%, 12%, 14%, 16%, 22%. He was one of the first to discover Merlin's magic and was known to be in love with Guinevere. Increases own critical star absorption for 3 turns.

He can both generate and eat up stars.

A handsome, well-mannered, intelligent, and brave knight. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A noble knight?

If his treachery towards the king was promptly met with ruin, he would probably have been saved. He is one of the Servants of Ritsuka Fujimaru of the Grand Orders conflicts of Fate/Grand Order. The tenacity of a knight who fell into the depths of regret despite being bathed by too many honors; especially due to the feelings of love and hate pointed towards the King and Queen that can never reach an answer, he continues to be imprisoned by eternal madness. For 4★ , see Lancelot.

故にランスロットは確信しているのだ。自分に何より相応しいクラスは、バーサーカーである、と。. Great knight Lancelot, it is in this condition - summoned under the Saber Class - that he is the closest to his original form. ランク:A 種別:対軍宝具 Stage 4 For 4 , see Lancelot (Saber). Lancelot is based on a character of the same name from the Arthurian Legend.

礼儀正しく知的で勇猛なイケメン。 属性:秩序・善   性別:男性 Increases own critical star absorption for 3 turns.

The sound he made as he was coming across the mountains was like a great legion of screaming pigs. Still, he breaks down really easily... Maybe he IS a robot…, FGO Servant Spotlight Lancelot Analysis, Guide and Tips. Sprite 1 It has been said that none could compare to his valor and chivalric mentality. Region: England Alignment: Lawful Good Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This article is about the deceased knight, Lancelot, for the episode he is introduced in, see: Lancelot, and for the Shade version of the character, see Lancelot (Shade). Lancelot Victor Edward Pinard (March 24, 1902 – March 12, 2001) was a calypso singer and actor who used the name Sir Lancelot.

Lancelot in his proper Class. Fate/Grand Order Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. Lancelot (Saber) Hits: 3|2|4|5 Knight of the Lake A Charges own NP gauge by 30%. Knight of Owner: A Knight Does Not Die with Empty Hands, https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Lancelot_(Saber)?oldid=903492. Stage 4 Source: Arthurian Legends 黒光りする甲冑と、闇に光る眼光がどう見てもロボだがロボではない。 成人した後はブリテン島に渡り、アーサー王との出会いを経て円卓の騎士に名を連ねる。その武勇と騎士道精神は他に並ぶ者がなかったと言われる。.

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Stage 3 Gender: Male

Lancelot is a recurring character on Curse of the Lycans.

Caring for justice, honoring women, loathing evil - this virtuous figure overflowing with romance was acknowledged as the "ideal knight" by King Arthur. FANDOM. Fate/Grand Order Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community.

Sprite 2 Stage 1 最高の騎士であったが故に、その過ちは重すぎた。. Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. ひとつの時代で無双を誇るまでに到達した武芸の手練。 Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

Lancelot is a Legendary Saber-Saber mutant.

偉大な騎士ランスロット、本来の姿にもっとも近いのがクラス・セイバーとして召喚されたこの状態である。. Once the greatest knight; but, consequentially, his error was too severe. For 4 , see Lancelot. I still do have a small shred of honor left. Having lost his parents as a child, he was raised by the fairy of the lake, Nimue, and thus gained the alias "Knight of the Lake". Gains critical stars. As of Oct. 19th 2018, he currently can be obtained by buying Knights Pack in Shop with 2,000, which also contains Shieldcalibur, and Sir Puggington. For 4★ , see Lancelot (Saber). Stage 2

膨大な魔力は切断面から溢れ、その青い光はまさに湖のようだと称された。. Lancelot (ランスロット, Ransurotto) is a member of the Paulklee Guild and is always seen alongside Arthur. Increases own critical star generation rate for 3 turns. だが壊れやすいのでやはりロボなのかもしれない。, Clad in black armor and sporting red, glow-in-the-dark eyes, you'd think he came out of some robot anime.

1 History 2 Trivia 3 Appearances 4 References "Archive" denotes archive footage.

As he is a just and noble knight, he is truly an ideal Servant. Co created with friend and fellow infiltrator Cardinal, Firebird II was formed and carried out multiple successful operations.Unfortunately, Firebird's career came to an end in October of 2017 when their warehouse was ambushed by an anonymous platoon, leaving half the team dead.

Lancelot is one of the Knights of the Round Table and a hero extolled as the greatest knight. 無毀なる湖光に過負荷を与え、籠められた魔力を漏出。攻撃として転用する。 Sprite 1 As of Oct. 19th 2018, he currently can be obtained by buying Knights Pack in Shop with 2,000, which also contains Shieldcalibur, and Sir Puggington. The blue light of the vast magic energy that overflows from the severed section has been alluded to as like a lake. Region: England Type: Anti-Army

Arondight - Overload. —Lancelotsrc Sir Lancelot, also known as the Leviathan, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. Lancelot is a recurring character on Curse of the Lycans. 幼くして両親を失い、湖の妖精ニミュエにより育てられたことで「湖の騎士」の異名を得る。. 正義を愛し、女性を敬い、邪悪を憎む清廉にして浪漫に溢れた姿は、アーサー王をして「理想の騎士」と評価された。. Sir Lancelot was a Knight of the Round Table. And thus Lancelot is convinced that the most appropriate Class for himself is Berserker.. Role [edit | edit source] Fate/Grand Order [edit | edit source] Camelot/Zero [edit | edit source]. No matter what armament, no matter what kind of weapon, it becomes a pseudo-Noble Phantasm equivalent to D Rank. Berserker(バーサーカー, Bāsākā?)

is the Berserker-class Servant of Kariya Matou during the Fourth Holy Grail War of Fate/Zero.

Stage 2

アロンダイト・オーバーロード。 This article is for 4★ , Lancelot. On the other hand, he draws an absolute line on the Master and Servant relationship, and he never tries to get heavily involved, which may be...infuriating. Stage 3 Lancelot was adept with a mace, so his arms were transformed and his mind was unable to do anything but rage and destroy. Lancelot during his time in Phoenix.

This article is for , Lancelot. Games Movies TV Video. ランク:A 種別:対人宝具 王妃ギネヴィアへの想いに殉ずる生き方もまた、彼の騎士道における必定であった。王への叛逆が速やかに滅びの道に至ったならば、まだしも救いはあっただろう。しかしその武勇が無双であったが故に、事態は最悪の結果をもたらす。.

本来であれば光の斬撃となる魔力をあえて放出せず、対象を斬りつけた際に解放する剣技に寄った宝具。 Increases their damage taken for 5 turns. Curse of the Lycans Wikia.

He shares the exact ATK values at both minimum and maximum with, He shares the exact HP values at both minimum and maximum with, He shares the exact HP values at minimum with 3★. 正しく高潔な騎士であるため、サーヴァントとしては正に理想的と言える存在だろう。しかし、その一方で主従としては決して深入りしない、常に一線を引いた態度で仕える彼に、苛立つこともあるかもしれない。.

info); Breton: Gwenivar, Cornish: Gwynnever), also often written as Guenevere or Guenever, is the wife and queen of King Arthur in the Arthurian legend.Guinevere has been portrayed as everything from a villainous and opportunistic traitor to a fatally flawed but noble and virtuous lady. The black knight continues to fight, seeking the sole meeting that might appease his agony. April Fool

Now working for Phoenix, Lancelot was granted ownership of a team.

And thus Lancelot is convinced. By complete unification of heart, technique and physique, it is possible to display one's former combat power even while under the influence of any kind of mental restriction. It is then repurposed into an attack. He shares the exact HP values at both minimum and maximum with. Increases own NP generation rate for 1 turn. 地域:イギリス Knight of Owner. Like most Paulklee members, Lancelot is seen wearing a camo jacket with a black shirt underneath, black capris, Twilight tags and combat boots. By being punished, he wished for the king to understand human limitations, but that never came to pass. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search Sign In Don't have an account?

He's kinda OP, so he tends to come out on top in most legends. https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Lancelot?oldid=874187. There are also scars up and down Lancelot's body.

Rank: A Sprite 2 He's popular with the ladies, but he remains humble despite that.

Don't make me laugh. Indeed, Saber is the most fitting Class for Lancelot to be summoned under. This Noble Phantasm is something close to a sword skill, which deliberately refrains from emitting the magic energy that would originally turn into a slash of light, instead releasing it upon cutting at the target. 属性:秩序・狂  性別:男性 That the most appropriate Class for himself is Berserker. Be careful, Senpai! The "Knight of the Lake", admired as the strongest even among the Knights of the Round Table. Wikis. Sprite 3, アーサー王に仕えるも、ギネヴィアと道ならぬ恋に落ちたことで王と袂を分かつことになった。.

Lancelot always wears goggles that shields his eyes. Source: Arthurian Legends 出典:アーサー王伝説 ランスロット本来のクラスである。. This article is for , Lancelot. Isn't he the role model every man should aspire to? Lancelot is an archer knight that is wielding a giant metal bow and arrow. 'FGO' Servant Spotlight Saber Lancelot Analysis, Guide And Tips. ナイト・オブ・オーナー。 Sir Lancelot played a major role in popularizing calypso in North America, and Harry Belafonte has acknowledged him as an inspiration and major influence.


・・・・・・しかしその実態は、隙あらば女性を無意識に口説き、勘違いさせては申し訳なさそうに振って恨みを買う行為を無意識に繰り返す悪人ですよ先輩!!. Rank: A  Type: Anti-Unit I participated in the destruction of Britain! Lancelot himself probably feels more than anyone else that it is an irony for him to be a Saber. For him to surrender himself to his feelings towards Queen Guinevere was an inevitable outcome for his chivalry. あまりにも多くの栄誉に浴しながらも悔恨のうちに果てた騎士の執念、とりわけ王と王妃に向ける決して答の出ない愛憎の念ゆえに、彼は永劫の狂気に囚われ続ける。. An Ability Noble Phantasm that implements the attributes of "one's own Noble Phantasm" to anything he puts his hands on. Alignment: Lawful ・ Insane

https://mutantsgeneticgladiators.fandom.com/wiki/Lancelot?oldid=79948, His name is directly taken from one of the, Given the fact that he wields giant arrows that are very similar to lances, he could be partialy inspired by the, The Platinum version of Lancelot could be a potential reference to.


April Fool

出典:アーサー王伝説 Gains critical stars every turn for 3 turns. 星を出しては星を食べて生きている。大体強いので伝説でも大体勝ってる。女性にも超絶大人気だが、本人は常に謙虚。ああ、これぞまさに全男性の見本と言わざるを得ないのでは? Martial dexterity that reached the point of being boasted as peerless in a given era. Lancelot is a Legendary Saber-Saber mutant. Sprite 3, 王妃グィネヴィアとの不倫の恋がキャメロットを破滅にまで導いた、まさしくアーサー王伝説の負の象徴たる人物。. しかし、ランスロット本人は誰より、セイバーであることを皮肉に考えているだろう。高潔な騎士とは笑わせる。ブリテンの滅びに加担した自分が!

However, Lancelot himself probably feels more than anyone else that it is ironic for him to be a Saber. Despite serving King Arthur, he ended up breaking with the king upon falling into an immoral love with Guinevere. ...But the truth is, he's just an evil man who seduces women without thinking, then later dumps them and pretends to be sorry! Register Start a Wiki. Stage 1 手にしたものに「自分の宝具」として属性を与え扱う宝具能力。どんな武器、どのような兵器であろうともDランク相当の擬似宝具となる。. However, because his valor was peerless, this situation brought about the worst possible outcome. For their betrayal they were cursed by Sarrus IX, and they took strange and grotesque shapes - the shapes of old fae gods. There is no such thing as an eternal ideal; Lancelot himself was the root cause of why the Arthurian legends reached its twilight years. Gender: Male Bestowing an overload to the Unbreakable Lake Light, letting the changed magic energy leak out. But he's not a robot. 心技体の完全な合一により、いかなる精神的制約の影響下にあっても十全の戦闘能力を発揮できる。. 3%, 5%, 3%, 7%, 8%, 10%, 12%, 14%, 16%, 22%. He was one of the first to discover Merlin's magic and was known to be in love with Guinevere. Increases own critical star absorption for 3 turns.

He can both generate and eat up stars.

A handsome, well-mannered, intelligent, and brave knight. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A noble knight?

If his treachery towards the king was promptly met with ruin, he would probably have been saved. He is one of the Servants of Ritsuka Fujimaru of the Grand Orders conflicts of Fate/Grand Order. The tenacity of a knight who fell into the depths of regret despite being bathed by too many honors; especially due to the feelings of love and hate pointed towards the King and Queen that can never reach an answer, he continues to be imprisoned by eternal madness. For 4★ , see Lancelot.

故にランスロットは確信しているのだ。自分に何より相応しいクラスは、バーサーカーである、と。. Great knight Lancelot, it is in this condition - summoned under the Saber Class - that he is the closest to his original form. ランク:A 種別:対軍宝具 Stage 4 For 4 , see Lancelot (Saber). Lancelot is based on a character of the same name from the Arthurian Legend.

礼儀正しく知的で勇猛なイケメン。 属性:秩序・善   性別:男性 Increases own critical star absorption for 3 turns.

The sound he made as he was coming across the mountains was like a great legion of screaming pigs. Still, he breaks down really easily... Maybe he IS a robot…, FGO Servant Spotlight Lancelot Analysis, Guide and Tips. Sprite 1 It has been said that none could compare to his valor and chivalric mentality. Region: England Alignment: Lawful Good Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This article is about the deceased knight, Lancelot, for the episode he is introduced in, see: Lancelot, and for the Shade version of the character, see Lancelot (Shade). Lancelot Victor Edward Pinard (March 24, 1902 – March 12, 2001) was a calypso singer and actor who used the name Sir Lancelot.

Lancelot in his proper Class. Fate/Grand Order Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. Lancelot (Saber) Hits: 3|2|4|5 Knight of the Lake A Charges own NP gauge by 30%. Knight of Owner: A Knight Does Not Die with Empty Hands, https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Lancelot_(Saber)?oldid=903492. Stage 4 Source: Arthurian Legends 黒光りする甲冑と、闇に光る眼光がどう見てもロボだがロボではない。 成人した後はブリテン島に渡り、アーサー王との出会いを経て円卓の騎士に名を連ねる。その武勇と騎士道精神は他に並ぶ者がなかったと言われる。.

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