To encourage thoughtful and respectful conversations, first and last names will appear with each submission to CBC/Radio-Canada's online communities (except in children and youth-oriented communities). Official Canada Day Opening Ceremonies: Celebrate Canada's 152nd birthday with the official opening ceremony of all the Canada Day events. Canada Day Fireworks: A fireworks show is back on the Halifax-Dartmouth waterfront. Performances for the Halifax and Dartmouth Canada Day celebrations will begin at 7:00 p.m. (subject to change) on the Halifax Regional Municipality’s Youtube page and the HFX Civic Events Facebook page. Take in the free concerts, family events and fireworks on Canada Day in the Halifax area. Enjoy a fun-filled day of live multicultural music and performances.
Explore Nova Scotia – Plan a Staycation . Fuse Festival: Bring your kids to celebrate Canada's diversity through an afternoon of dance with artists from across the city. Local artists will be featured. There are free concerts, family events and fireworks on Canada Day in the Halifax area on Monday, July 1. This year's festival features a shared cultural dance experience across many genres. Ellevator, KALLITECHNIS, The Sorority and Cape Breton's Carmen Townsend are also performing.. Come to see world-class Canadian musicians and a 10 p.m. fireworks display. Halifax Citadel National Historic Site of Canada. Pseudonyms will no longer be permitted. Canada Day Fireworks 2020 Are Still Happening, Depending On Where You Live Your Canada Day fireworks might look a little different this year. Box 500 Station A Toronto, ON Canada, M5W 1E6. Audience Relations, CBC P.O. Free Concert in the Public Gardens: The Halifax Public Gardens has a free Canada Day concert. Comments are welcome while open. Things to on Canada Day in and around Halifax. On July 1, wherever you are in Canada, enjoy Canada Day fireworks in a fun and innovative way. There are free concerts, family events and fireworks on Canada Day in the Halifax area on Monday, July 1. Canadian Armed Forces Parachute Team, The SkyHawks: The Canadian Armed Forces Parachute Team, The SkyHawks, is Canada's only military parachute demonstration team. The Big Sing will be back this year. Celebrate Canada’s 153rd birthday with fun events and activities. It starts with the firing of the noon gun followed by the traditional 21-gun salute and national anthem. It is a priority for CBC to create a website that is accessible to all Canadians including people with visual, hearing, motor and cognitive challenges.
Watch on your mobile device or computer. Pancake breakfasts: Start your Canada Day celebrations with a free pancake breakfast at Alderney Landing on the Dartmouth waterfront or at the Grand Parade in downtown Halifax.
Family Fun Fest: The Family Fun Fest features a variety of interactive activities focused on kids. The augmented reality experience will give you the same visual and sound effects as a real fireworks display! Watch on your mobile device or computer. Mayor Mike Savage and members of Regional Council are inviting residents to join in the first virtual Canada Day celebrations on Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 7pm AST. Joining us for his first East Coast performance is Grammy-nominated A-Trak. At 10 p.m., local time, point your smart phone or tablet to the night sky and a 3-minute show displaying 3D fireworks will begin. Though many events and celebrations have moved online, there are still some in-person events you can take part in Halifax. Official Halifax-Dartmouth Canada Day Events. There will be free entertainment, interactive activities, science experiments, food trucks, face painting and inflatable attractions. Pancake breakfasts: Start your Canada Day celebrations … Comments on this story are moderated according to our Submission Guidelines. Canada Day at the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21: It's an extra special Canada Day at the Museum as it celebrates 20 years. Halifax was selected by Canadian Heritage and CBC to take part in a national virtual Canada Day celebration. Enjoy bands, military performances by the 78th Highlanders, presentations and Canada Day cake served by a 78th Highlanders. There will be the Atlantic Kite Festival and the K9 Hi-Flyers dog agility team. Closed Captioning and Described Video is available for many CBC shows offered on CBC Gem. The fireworks are tugged out in the middle of the Halifax harbour an are set off on a barge Lineup to be announced. We reserve the right to close comments at any time. Click below to see all the Official Canada Day Events! Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21. This tiny library is a huge hit with little readers, 'Pretty special': Pants of basketball Hall of Famer show up in Digby Frenchys, New tool measures intensity of human activities affecting seagrass, CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices. Main Event Concert featuring A-Trak: Atlantic Canada's largest free-concert is being held at Alderney Landing for afternoon and evening shows from many award-winning performers. Virtual Fireworks. Official Canada Day Celebrations HFX Virtual Canada Day. Free admission. Both events are followed by the raising of the Canadian flag and singing of O Canada. Please note that CBC does not endorse the opinions expressed in comments.
Free Concert At Sullivans Pond: Free gazebo concert at Sullivans Pond.
Augmented reality experience for mobile devices (smart phones and tablets only) At 10 pm, local time, point your smart phone or tablet to the night sky and a 3-minute show displaying 3D fireworks will begin. Halifax will be featured as part of the Ottawa national coverage, showcasing our people, city and community. By submitting a comment, you accept that CBC has the right to reproduce and publish that comment in whole or in part, in any manner CBC chooses. On July 1, wherever you are in Canada, enjoy Canada Day fireworks in a fun and innovative way.
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