Start by marking “Freak the Mighty (Freak The Mighty, #1)” as Want to Read: Error rating book. You can think your way out of everything, even pain.”, Grand Canyon Reader Award for Grand Canyon Reader Award for Teen Book 1996 (0), California Young Readers Medal for Middle School/Junior High (1996), Judy Lopez Memorial Award for Children's Literature Nominee (1994), See all 39 questions about Freak the Mighty…, SOLVED. This is a story about an unlikely friendship between two boys who have issues to deal with.
I feel it was kinda rushed in places and was a tad violent for a children's book. The unvanquished truth....", Freak the Mighty (Freak the Mighty #1), Rodman Philbrick. This is a fun book, and the kids love it (I teach junior high and cover this book every year). If you’re looking for a book to read, read one of the most amazing books I have ever read, Freak the Mighty. Our, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. Our class just finished reading Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick. Each boy has their own disability, but their disabilities are what makes each character special and unique. Freak the Mighty is a young adult novel written by Rodman Philbrick and published in 1993.
I think it is a remarkable example of literary workmanship. There are a lot of fun adventures, some great lessons, and some tough issues that the boys go through together, and my students have always seemed to relate to them on some level. Freak the mighty is a very touching story of unlikely friendships in which a kid Kevin who is super smart, adventurous, and kind meets kind of the opposite of that in his friend Maxwell Kane who is tall, clumsy, and "stupid."
Two boys – a slow learner stuck in the body of a teenage giant and a tiny Einstein in leg braces – forge a unique friendship when they pair up to create one formidable human force. As a teacher of reluctant readers (like Max), this posi. “Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. They help each other develop socially, emotionally, and mentally.
Freak the Mighty is a young adult novel written by Rodman Philbrick and published in 1993.
I enjoyed some parts of this book but thought other parts were quite boring.
This book was a fantastic read!
As a special education teacher I struggled listening to parts of this book. Its about this guy named Max who is tall.
Freak is trying to make Max understand that Max has something important to say—and that if Max says it, people will listen.
I would give it 5 out of 5 stars for Freak and Max’s friendship, their different personalities, and the very sad ending.
Max goes on an introspective journey led by his new friend, Kevin. Max goes on an introspective journey led by his new friend, Kevin. The primary characters are friends Maxwell Kane, a large, very slow, but kind-hearted boy, and Kevin Avery, nicknamed "Freak", who is physically handicapped but very intelligent. This is a story about an unlikely friendship between two boys who have issues to deal with.
The Question and Answer section for Freak the Mighty is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.
Instant downloads of all 1372 LitChart PDFs I'd estimate that I've read it aloud to my students some 40 to 50 times now..(two/three times a year for 18 years)...and yet I still find new aspects to savor everytime I immerse myself in the journey that begins with:"I never had a brain until Freak came along and let me borrow his for a while and that's the truth, the w, I teach Junior high (7th/8th grade) literature and this is my first review of a book that I utilize in my classroom. Each boy has their own disability, but their disabilities are what makes each character special and unique. Later in the cafeteria, something even worse happens: when Max gets up to get Freak another helping of American chop suey, he returns to find Freak red in the face and choking. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. The 2 main characters, Max and Kevin a.k.a Freak the Mighty lead amazing unpredictable lives, they went on quests and fought dragons. Max fetches the nurse, who calls an ambulance.
A wonderful story of triumph over imperfection, shame, and loss. I wanted to like it more than I actually did though.
They refer to their combined persona as Freak the Mighty. It was way too obvious. The 2 main characters, Max and Kevin a.k.a Freak the Mighty lead amazing unpredictable lives, they went on quests and fought dragons. Engaging with the smarts of Freak and the evolution of Max and Freak the Mighty.
So glad I did. This is a lovely, offbeat book about the unlikely friendship between two boys who seem to share nothing in common. After dealing with past issues, Max becomes more confident and secure.
“Books are like truth serum-- if you don't read, you can't figure out what's real.”, “Pain is just a state of mind.
Freak the Mighty won state book awards in California, Arizona, Maryland, Nebraska, New York, and Wyoming. Though Max certainly wants to stay in regular classes because that means he gets to stay with Freak, it’s also possible that Max is starting to see the value of being in the regular classroom, especially now that he can read. Then the next day freak asked Max if he can take him to this place and says that he will pay him if he takes him. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of. Through Max we experience all over again the agony of being young and different, and the joy of finding a kindred spirit. For example, I knew Kenny Kane would get parole, I knew he would kidnap max, I knew Kenny was going to end up back in jail, I knew Freak was lying about getting a new/bionic body, and i knew Freak was going to die. I think it is a remarkable example of literary workmanship. The book is very good, the action really ramps up toward the end leading to a sad but satisfying ending. I didn't really enjoy this one it just wasn't interesting or was it something I would usually read ( it was required reading).
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