A supposed "real estate operator" wants to destroy Foster's home and capture the world of all of the imaginary friends because he finds them to be nothing more than childish distractions and a waste of time and life, so it's up to Mac, Bloo and their friends to save Foster's home and all of the captured imaginary friends before it's too late. WORLD: They took him away from me and left me here all alone. BLOO: It's an army of zombies! I get manicures and massages all day long. [She was about to leave until the door closes. PURPLE PUPPY: Of course, I know where the castle is. MAC: Why did I agree to sleepover!? ], [The Purple Puppy says Thank you lot of times to the gang, and starts to lick Bloo.]. WORLD: They took him away from me and left me here all alone. HERO: Held against her well. MAC: No wait!
MR. HERRIMAN: And all that time, I was wrong. [As the rug sticker began to remove as they see a spiked chandelier thinking that they about meet their end]. It appears again and helps Timon realize that his true Jazz is with the ones he loves, prompting Denny to take off after Frankie, World, and Mr. Wow. I just wanted to say hi.
Mac (in a sleepover with Bloo at the Home), along with Wilt, Coco, and Eduardo ponder the whereabouts of Frankie, as she hasn't made her tasty French toast breakfast. MR. HERRIMAN: Ms. Frances. WILT: Uh guys. BLOO: Jeez, this is so unfair. MR. HERRIMAN: [calm]That's Ms. Francis' job. MAC: They're like stairs! YOU CAN'T TAKE HER!
And then Eduardo charged toward him and hits the dragon saving Frankie. Denny proposes that they all help Mr. Herriman bursts in, having gotten into the toy box and somehow past the gang's obstacles, and harshly scolds World before preparing to take the gang home and leave World. But it's my job and I have been slacking off lately. Come with me to my home. MR. HERRIMAN: [stops her from talking] Now, where is this toy chest friend? [closes the door, walks to and knocks on another, and wakes up other imaginary friends] Morning, Clambake, Cy, and Jimmy Shoes. FRANKIE: Mac! This becomes the last straw for the colony, prompting Timon to leave to find a better life. ], [Frankie spies a crayon flower and picks one crayon up. ], [Coco begins to smile joyfully and begins to join Mac. That's what he was trying to protect. ], PURPLE PUPPY: Oh, I wouldn't worry about him! FRANKIE: Sorry.
[Eduardo gets chased by the lawn mower. The others yelp in fear. She drew one on it. They float down the river, but are then pulled under by a large glove-covered hand. Not like me. EDUARDO: Aychiwawa! [he starts attacking it] Take this and this and this. CY: [inside of the bedroom] Uh, Frankie... FRANKIE: No worries. Later on, she was tied up to a couch.]. What they need is is a swift and appropriate punishment to determine from future childish outbursts.
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