cyber seniors canada

As of September 5, 2017 we have launched a brand new website that offers hundreds of resources for students, senior citizens, educators and senior care organizations wishing to participate in, or start a Cyber-Seniors program. 6 years ago; Radio; 8:55; It's a fun documentary showing in Thunder Bay. Practicing cyber safety can go a long way toward protecting your identity and sensitive personal information. It's all about what happens when a group of teens introduce retirement home residents, to the internet. Read More ‘Cyber-Seniors’: Film Review. That’s why it’s never been more important to stay cyber secure. Also for support, companionship, connection, and stimulating the mind. Use the tabs menu on the right to learn about what is available to you or call 1 800 O-Canada (1-800-622-6232). Consider your internet history. Cyber-Seniors Trailer (tap CC for other languages) BUY THE FILM. She and other students were given the opportunity to participate in the Cyber Seniors project that was being jointly run by our high school’s leadership program and Cedarvale Lodge. Our sponsors place featured advertisements of their products and services on our website. Unless you requested it, any message asking you to reset your password or update your account info is likely fake. Also included are Unlimited texts. We call these authentication factors. ... Public Safety Canada and the Home Instead Senior Care® network. Phishing messages often pressure or threaten you to respond quickly. They don’t want to have to deal with dropped calls (something that never happened with landlines). The Koodo Prepaid Plan. Copyright 2019  CompareMyRates Inc. All rights reserved. Best High-Speed Internet Plans & Service Providers, Best Cell Phone Plans for International Travel, Best Unlimited Talk, Text & Data Cell Phone Plans, Compare Best Cell Phone Plans for Seniors in Canada, Unlimited talk for Canada and the United States (for $3 extra). Chat rooms for senior citizens aged 50,60,70 and over. In some cases, a cybercriminal may already know something about you to make the message or phone call sound more legitimate. COVID-19 has showed us how quickly the world can change, but the need to stay cyber safe hasn’t.

Youth are provided with lessons and learning activities to train them to act as digital mentors, and senior citizens gain access to effective technology training and intergenerational communities that keep them socially connected and engaged. *This article was written by Olivia Burns, an 11th grade student at Keswick High School in Ontario, Canada — as well as a trainer in the Cyber Seniors Program. A seller’s guide to staying cyber safe during COVID-19, SMBs’ guide to staying cyber safe during COVID-19, Parents’ guide to staying cyber safe during COVID-19, Seniors’ guide to staying cyber safe during COVID-19, Upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.

There are a variety of programs and services to help you ensure your later years are safe and secure. Instances of cyber criminals masquerading as healthcare organizations or Government of Canada representatives have been increasing — and in many cases, they’re targeting seniors. Programs and Services for Seniors. Chilliwack Healthier Community (CHC), Project Impact Team Members: Sabine Mendez, Karen Stanton, Mike Sikora, Jennifer Hawkins, William Klaassen, Findings of Project Impact Evaluation of Chilliwack Healthier Community, Boost Your Brain Health with Exercise Targeting Both your Body and your Brain, To cultivate intergenerational relationships and support age-friendly communities, To promote social inclusion and community engagement of the elderly, To develop leadership and work-readiness skills amongst young people, To help young people develop career awareness. You will not receive a reply. They can help you find the plan that’s best for you. Although CompareMyRates is dedicated to providing you with the most comprehensive information possible, we may not include every company and product available in the market. Our. It does so through the development and dissemination of resources that enable community organizations to provide tech-training for senior citizens using an intergenerational, youth volunteer model. Download the free Cyber-Seniors Start-Up Manual. Welcome to the ‘Cyber-Seniors Learning Center’. Meet the Cyber-Seniors (tap CC for other languages) WATCH MORE VIDEOS. Through this experience students develop important job skills that enhance opportunities for future employment.

Cyber-Seniors is committed to keeping senior citizens socially connected while remaining safe in their homes. Cyber Seniors is an intergenerational socialization and learning program that recruits students to volunteer at nursing homes and teach seniors how to use the internet. The oldest and most respected senior community getting seniors online together. If you receive a suspicious email, phone call or text (even if it seems like it’s from a familiar company or a friend) here’s what to do: Breathe. Some different types of authentication factors include: Phishing scams are messages or phone calls made to look and sound like they’re from people or companies you’re familiar with. Cyber-Seniors’ mission is to bridge the digital divide and connect generations through technology. Cyber Seniors. Try storing them in a password manager: software that creates, stores and securely encrypts your passwords so only you can access them when you need to. Cyber-Seniors' goal is to bridge the digital divide and connect generations through technology. 6 years ago; Radio; 8:55; It's a fun documentary showing in Thunder Bay. Help Support our Work by Donating × Cyber-Seniors Start-Up Manual. The proportion of seniors in the Canadian population is expected to double by 2025. Are you trying to decide among the best cell phone plans for seniors in Canada? Cyber-Seniors trains students to become technology mentors for older adults and provides them with the opportunity to receive practical experience while earning service hours. Seniors are unique in the way they use cell phones. Cyber-Seniors began as a high-school project in 2009 which inspired an award-winning documentary film that has been broadcast in 40 countries and screened in over 500 communities world-wide. Our journey was full of laughter, triumph, happiness, accomplishment, and memories — it was a truly unforgettable experience. Cyber Seniors. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.

The Cyber-Seniors’ mission is to bridge the digital divide and connect generations through technology. Ontario, Canada. Don’t open any links or attachments you’re unsure of. Download the free Cyber-Seniors Start-Up Manual. Because we were piloting the program in Ontario, we were creating our own Cyber Seniors story as we went along. is an independent platform, not affiliated to any specific service provider or company. Check our links to the best cell phone plans for seniors in Canada. Youth are provided with lessons and learning activities to train them to act as digital mentors, and senior citizens … Tour the Website. It does so through the development and dissemination of resources that enable community organizations to provide tech-training for senior citizens using an intergenerational, youth volunteer model. So that seniors are able to join internet communities creating their own profiles and network of friends. Read More. The options include: You must own a cell phone in order to use this service, since Public Mobile does not sell them. Synopsis. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) uses two or more different ways of verifying that you are who you say you are to add an extra layer of protection for your accounts and devices. Most seniors look for a reliable cell phone that can make and receive texts and calls. It does so through the development and dissemination of resources that enable community organizations to provide tech-training for senior citizens using an intergenerational, youth volunteer model. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. It's all about what happens when a group of teens introduce retirement home residents, to the internet. We can help. This plan by Koodo Mobile, which is on the TELUS network, gives excellent coverage, and is ideal for seniors. For enquiries, please contact us.

The Cyber-Seniors’ mission is to bridge the digital divide and connect generations through technology. The Cyber-Seniors’ mission is to bridge the digital divide and connect generations through technology. Health Canada is proactively conducting research and planning to better understand the needs of Canadian seniors and to ensure that programs and services respond to Canada's demographic aging.

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