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common holly shrub

Plants in this genus have simple, alternate glossy leaves, frequently with a spiny leaf margin. These evergreen hedging plants have leaves with spiked edges that help keep trespassers out of your yard. One of the best shrubs for privacy is the compact boxwood. The ‘Alaska’ holly is especially well-suited plant to growing as a privacy hedge. They are easy to grow wherever you need to add some privacy in your front or back yard.

The dense foliage growth will deter animals and intruders as well as not allowing snooping neighbors to peek through.

[13] Not only do hedge bushes and shrubs protect your privacy, but they also add aesthetic value to any type of garden. The hardy shrub is a drought-resistant plant and can grow in most conditions. These columnar tree-like plants have shiny foliage made up of small dark green leaves. Privacy hedges should consist of fast-growing plants that grow to the height you desire. A species which stands out for its economic importance in Spanish-speaking countries and in Brazil is Ilex paraguariensis or Yerba mate. Leaves of some holly species are used by some cultures to make daily tea. The woody stems are also strong enough to offer protection from strong winds. Leaves of other species, such as gallberry (I. glabra) are bitter and emetic. The flowers are sometimes eaten by the larva of the double-striped pug moth (Gymnoscelis rufifasciata). Holly ( Ilex) – Security and Privacy Hedge American Holly (Common Holly / English Holly) Ilex aquifolium ‘Alaska’. The ‘Red Robin’ cultivar is an evergreen bushy plant that is perfect for creating a colorful hedgerow. Their year-long foliage and beautiful flowers create attractive borders in your yard. Since medieval times the plant has carried a Christian symbolism,[38] as expressed in the traditional Christmas carol "The Holly and the Ivy", in which the holly represents Jesus and the ivy represents the Virgin Mary. Grow Photinia ‘Red Robin’ privacy bushes for their beautiful red foliage. Don't Miss Out! During winter storms, birds often take refuge in hollies, which provide shelter, protection from predators (by the spiny leaves), and food. The easy to grow Laurustinus can create a stunning flowering privacy living fence. At least two species of Ilex have become extinct recently, and many others are barely surviving.[23]. Due to the fast-growing nature, a hedge can quickly grow in just a few seasons. The mountain holly (, Ulloa Ulloa & Jørgensen (1993), (2007a, b), IUCN (2007), RBGE (2007), USDA (2007a, b), "Noxious Weed Control Board (NWCB) - WA State - Weed Detail Page",, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, "Composition and bioactive properties of yerba mate (,, Articles with dead external links from January 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Old English (ca. This holly can adapt to almost any kind of soil and remains fully branched to the ground as it matures. rugosa). This small, compact shrub is ideal as a flowering privacy hedge. White delicate flowers and red berries just add to the visual interest that this privacy shrub offers. Leaves of other species, such as gallberry (I. glabra) are bitter and emetic. In heraldry, holly is used to symbolize truth. Depending on the cultivar, boxwood privacy hedges grow to between 3 and 30 ft. (1 – 9 m) tall. This led to reproductive isolation, an example of ecological speciation.

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